310 resultados para 220790 Física nuclear experimental bajas energías
In the present chapter some prototype gas and gas-surface processes occurring within the hypersonic flow layer surrounding spacecrafts at planetary entry are discussed. The discussion is based on microscopic dynamical calculations of the detailed cross sections and rate coefficients performed using classical mechanics treatments for atoms, molecules and surfaces. Such treatment allows the evaluation of the efficiency of thermal processes (both at equilibrium and nonequilibrium distributions) based on state-to-state and state specific calculations properly averaged over the population of the initial states. The dependence of the efficiency of the considered processes on the initial partitioning of energy among the various degrees of freedom is discussed.
Ground-based gamma-ray astronomy has had a major breakthrough with the impressive results obtained using systems of imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes. Ground-based gamma-ray astronomy has a huge potential in astrophysics, particle physics and cosmology. CTA is an international initiative to build the next generation instrument, with a factor of 5-10 improvement in sensitivity in the 100 GeV-10 TeV range and the extension to energies well below 100 GeV and above 100 TeV. CTA will consist of two arrays (one in the north, one in the south) for full sky coverage and will be operated as open observatory. The design of CTA is based on currently available technology. This document reports on the status and presents the major design concepts of CTA.
Ground-based gamma-ray astronomy has had a major breakthrough with the impressive results obtained using systems of imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes. Ground-based gamma-ray astronomy has a huge potential in astrophysics, particle physics and cosmology. CTA is an international initiative to build the next generation instrument, with a factor of 5-10 improvement in sensitivity in the 100 GeV-10 TeV range and the extension to energies well below 100 GeV and above 100 TeV. CTA will consist of two arrays (one in the north, one in the south) for full sky coverage and will be operated as open observatory. The design of CTA is based on currently available technology. This document reports on the status and presents the major design concepts of CTA.
Ground-based gamma-ray astronomy has had a major breakthrough with the impressive results obtained using systems of imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes. Ground-based gamma-ray astronomy has a huge potential in astrophysics, particle physics and cosmology. CTA is an international initiative to build the next generation instrument, with a factor of 5-10 improvement in sensitivity in the 100 GeV-10 TeV range and the extension to energies well below 100 GeV and above 100 TeV. CTA will consist of two arrays (one in the north, one in the south) for full sky coverage and will be operated as open observatory. The design of CTA is based on currently available technology. This document reports on the status and presents the major design concepts of CTA.
A dual model with a nonlinear proton Regge trajectory in the missing mass (M_X^2) channel is constructed. A background based on a direct-channel exotic trajectory, developed and applied earlier for the inclusive electron-proton cross section description in the nucleon resonance region, is used. The parameters of the model are determined from the extrapolations to earlier experiments. Predictions for the low-mass (2 < M_X^2 < 8GeV^2) diffraction dissociation cross sections at the LHC energies are given.
We show how the familiar phenomenological way of combining the Q2 (photon virtuality) and t (squared momentum transfer) dependences of the scattering amplitude in Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering (DVCS) [1, 2] and Vector Meson Production (VMP) [2] processes can be understood in an off-mass-shell generalization of dual amplitudes with Mandelstam analyticity [3]. By comparing different approaches, we managed also to constrain the numerical values of the free parameters.
Una vez comprobado el problema medioambiental existente en nuestro planeta en cuanto a emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero (GEI) y con el objetivo de reducir dichas emisiones, se están desarrollando nuevos métodos y materiales sintéticos para la captura de CO2, entre otros. Este proyecto pretende estudiar una tecnología de captura de CO2, centrándose en el estudio postcombustión basado en materiales sólidos compuestos por sílice impregnados del grupo amino. El método experimental utilizado ha consistido en realizar las síntesis por duplicado de tres materiales diferentes basados en un soporte de sílices impregnadas con aminas diferentes: 3‐aminopropiltrimetoxisilano (APTMS), N‐3‐(trimetoxisil)propil)etano‐1,2‐ diamina) (AEAPTMS) y Polietilenimina (PEI). Estos materiales han sido caracterizados mediante las técnicas experimentales: Análisis de área superficial BET, pH, Análisis Termogravimétrico, Análisis Elemental y Microscopia Electrónica de Barrido (MEB). El estudio para evaluar la captura de CO2, se ha realizado mediante la Balanza de Suspensión Magnética en condiciones de presión atmosférica y bajas temperaturas (45‐105ºC). Con un 10 vol. % CO2 en N2 a 45ºC para la absorción CO2 y a 105ºC para la desorción. La capacidad de captura de CO2 para los materiales estudiados se sitúa entorno a un 3%, que difiere considerablemente de los estudios publicados en la bibliografía. En contrapartida el comportamiento de los materiales sometidos al proceso de captura de CO2 es constante, ya que perdura a lo largo de los ciclos, y reversible debido a la práctica totalidad de absorción y desorción de masa en este proceso.
An analytic method to evaluate nuclear contributions to electrical properties of polyatomic molecules is presented. Such contributions control changes induced by an electric field on equilibrium geometry (nuclear relaxation contribution) and vibrational motion (vibrational contribution) of a molecular system. Expressions to compute the nuclear contributions have been derived from a power series expansion of the potential energy. These contributions to the electrical properties are given in terms of energy derivatives with respect to normal coordinates, electric field intensity or both. Only one calculation of such derivatives at the field-free equilibrium geometry is required. To show the useful efficiency of the analytical evaluation of electrical properties (the so-called AEEP method), results for calculations on water and pyridine at the SCF/TZ2P and the MP2/TZ2P levels of theory are reported. The results obtained are compared with previous theoretical calculations and with experimental values
Electrical property derivative expressions are presented for the nuclear relaxation contribution to static and dynamic (infinite frequency approximation) nonlinear optical properties. For CF4 and SF6, as opposed to HF and CH4, a term that is quadratic in the vibrational anharmonicity (and not previously evaluated for any molecule) makes an important contribution to the static second vibrational hyperpolarizability of CF4 and SF6. A comparison between calculated and experimental values for the difference between the (anisotropic) Kerr effect and electric field induced second-harmonic generation shows that, at the Hartree-Fock level, the nuclear relaxation/infinite frequency approximation gives the correct trend (in the series CH4, CF4, SF6) but is of the order of 50% too small
Treball de recerca realitzat per alumnes d’ensenyament secundari i guardonat amb un Premi CIRIT per fomentar l'esperit científic del Jovent l’any 2010. L’objectiu inicial ha estat l'anàlisi mitjançant una càmera de vídeo d'un moviment parabòlic real, un salt de longitud, per intentar combinar física i esport. Però, com quasi sempre quan un investiga de forma rigorosa i atenta, es va obrir una porta, un nou objectiu. La comparació entre salts d'un amateur i uns professionals ens va permetre descobrir la tècnica dels saltadors, que d'altra banda complicava el moviment. El descobriment que amb una petita implementació tècnica podíem millorar la marca de salt va reorientar el treball i li va donar la vessant esportiva desitjada. S’ha seguit una metodologia d'observació i anàlisi experimental i d'aplicació del coneixement fent servir una tècnica, encara que no nova, poc utilitzada en treballs d'aquests nivells, el tractament de vídeos com a sensors cinemàtics. A través del processament fotograma a fotograma amb el software MultiLab s'han pogut identificar les variables involucrades en l'optimització del salt; s'han comparat les evolucions en els diferents salts i s'ha après d'aquest anàlisi per aplicar-ho a la millora. No cal oblidar una primera recerca documental, incloses les entrevistes a professionals.
The difficulties arising in the calculation of the nuclear curvature energy are analyzed in detail, especially with reference to relativistic models. It is underlined that the implicit dependence on curvature of the quantal wave functions is directly accessible only in a semiclassical framework. It is shown that also in the relativistic models quantal and semiclassical calculations of the curvature energy are in good agreement.
Thomas-Fermi theory is developed to evaluate nuclear matrix elements averaged on the energy shell, on the basis of independent particle Hamiltonians. One- and two-body matrix elements are compared with the quantal results, and it is demonstrated that the semiclassical matrix elements, as function of energy, well pass through the average of the scattered quantum values. For the one-body matrix elements it is shown how the Thomas-Fermi approach can be projected on good parity and also on good angular momentum. For the two-body case, the pairing matrix elements are considered explicitly.
The existence of a liquid-gas phase transition for hot nuclear systems at subsaturation densities is a well-established prediction of finite-temperature nuclear many-body theory. In this paper, we discuss for the first time the properties of such a phase transition for homogeneous nuclear matter within the self-consistent Green's function approach. We find a substantial decrease of the critical temperature with respect to the Brueckner-Hartree-Fock approximation. Even within the same approximation, the use of two different realistic nucleon-nucleon interactions gives rise to large differences in the properties of the critical point.
The real part of the optical potential for heavy ion elastic scattering is obtained by double folding of the nuclear densities with a density-dependent nucleon-nucleon effective interaction which was successful in describing the binding, size, and nucleon separation energies in spherical nuclei. A simple analytical form is found to differ from the resulting potential considerably less than 1% all through the important region. This analytical potential is used so that only few points of the folding need to be computed. With an imaginary part of the Woods-Saxon type, this potential predicts the elastic scattering angular distribution in very good agreement with experimental data, and little renormalization (unity in most cases) is needed.