53 resultados para workplace mobbing


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The purpose of this paper is to describe the collaboration between librarians and scholars, from a virtual university, in order to facilitate collaborative learning on how to manage information resources. The personal information behaviour of e-learning students when managing information resources for academic, professional and daily life purposes was studied from 24 semi-structured face-to-face interviews. The results of the content analysis of the interview' transcriptions, highlighted that in the workplace and daily life contexts, competent information behaviour is always linked to a proactive attitude, that is to say, that participants seek for information without some extrinsic reward or avoiding punishment. In the academic context, it was observed a low level of information literacy and it seems to be related with a prevalent uninvolved attitude.


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En una empresa alimentària, hi havia la necessitat de millorar una part del procés de cocció del pernil cuit. El pernil, un cop està envasat i posat en gàbies, està a punt de ser cuit. La forma de coure’l és posar-lo en una banyera a uns 60 graus de temperatura i a mesura d’anarli introduïnt vapor, escalfen l’aigua i couen el producte. Un cop cuit s’ha de refredar abans de posar en cambres frigorífiques. La manera que ho feien, era de transportar les gàbies pesants d’una banyera freda a una altra i així anaven refredant el producte.Era objecte d’aquest projecte, optimitzar aquest procés. És pretén, per tant, dissenyar un nou tanc on tot sigui més senzill i es realitzin el menor nombre de tasques, que es millorin parts, com laseguretat, els riscos laborals, els costos de manteniment i la qualitat de producte, així com la flexibilitat del sistema.Aquest projecte inclou, la selecció de tots els mecanismes actuadors, preactivadors, de control.. Distribuïr-los en tot el tanc a fi de tenir un control i seguretats total. Inclou també el disseny d’un programa automatitzat, on es s’ha seleccionat la CPU que millor ens ha convingut i l’elecció també d’un sistema de control visual i tàctil, com és l’Scada, així com la seva programació. També inclou, tots els connexionats elèctrics


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Lack of physical activity can cause health problems and diminish organizational productivity. We conducted a 12-months long field experiment in a financial services company to study the effects of slow-moving treadmills outfitted for office work on employee productivity and health. 43 sedentary volunteers were assigned randomly to two groups to receive treadmill workstations 7 months apart. Employees could opt at will for standard chair-desk arrangement. Biometric measurements were taken quarterly and weekly online performance surveys were administered to study participants and to more than 200 non-participants and their supervisors.In this study we explore three questions concerning the effects of the introduction of treadmills in the workplace. (1) Does it improve overall physical activity? (2) Does it improve health measures? (3) Does it improve performance? The answers are as follows. (1) Yes (net effect of almost half an hour a day). (2) Yes (small gains, one minor decline). (3) No and yes (initial decline followed by increase to recover to initial level within one year) – based on weekly employee self reports.


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Background: Previous studies have shown that immigrant workers face relatively worse working and employment conditions, as well as lower rates of sickness absence than native-born workers. This study aims to assess rates of sickness presenteeism in a sample of Spanish-born and foreign-born workers according to different characteristics. Methods: A cross-sectional survey was conducted amongst a convenience sample of workers (Spanish-born and foreign-born), living in four Spanish cities: Barcelona, Huelva, Madrid and Valencia (2008-2009). Sickness presenteeism information was collected through two items in the questionnaire ("Have you had health problems in the last year?" and "Have you ever had to miss work for any health problem?") and was defined as worker who had a health problem (answered yes, first item) and had not missed work (answered no, second item). For the analysis, the sample of 2,059 workers (1,617 foreign-born) who answered yes to health problems was included. After descriptives, logistic regressions were used to establish the association between origin country and sickness presenteeism (adjusted odds ratios aOR; 95% confidence interval 95%CI). Analyses were stratified per time spent in Spain among foreign-born workers. Results: All of the results refer to the comparison between foreign-born and Spanish-born workers as a whole, and in some categories relating to personal and occupational conditions. Foreign-born workers were more likely to report sickness presenteeism compared with their Spanish-born counterparts, especially those living in Spain for under 2 years [Prevalence: 42% in Spanish-born and 56.3% in Foreign-born; aOR 1.77 95%CI 1.24-2.53]. In case of foreign-born workers (with time in Spain < 2 years), men [aOR 2.31 95%CI 1.40-3.80], those with university studies [aOR 3.01 95%CI 1.04-8.69], temporary contracts [aOR 2.26 95%CI 1.29-3.98] and salaries between 751-1,200€ per month [aOR 1.74 95% CI 1.04-2.92] were more likely to report sickness presenteeism. Also, recent immigrants with good self-perceived health and good mental health were more likely to report presenteeism than Spanish-born workers with the same good health indicators. Conclusions: Immigrant workers report more sickness presenteeism than their Spanish-born counterparts. These results could be related to precarious work and employment conditions of immigrants. Immigrant workers should benefit from the same standards of social security, and of health and safety in the workplace that are enjoyed by Spanish workers.


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Backgroud: Household service work has been largely absent from occupational health studies. We examine the occupational hazards and health effects identified by immigrant women household service workers. Methods: Exploratory, descriptive study of 46 documented and undocumented immigrant women in household services in Spain, using a phenomenological approach. Data were collected between September 2006 and May 2007 through focus groups and semi-structured individual interviews. Data were separated for analysis by documentation status and sorted using a mixed-generation process. In a second phase of analysis, data on psychosocial hazards were organized using the Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire as a guide. Results: Informants reported a number of environmental, ergonomic and psychosocial hazards and corresponding health effects. Psychosocial hazards were especially strongly present in data. Data on reported hazards were similar by documentation status and varied by several emerging categories: whether participants were primarily cleaners or carers and whether they lived in or outside of the homes of their employers. Documentation status was relevant in terms of empowerment and bargaining, but did not appear to influence work tasks or exposure to hazards directly. Conclusions:Female immigrant household service workers are exposed to a variety of health hazards that could be acted upon by improved legislation, enforcement, and preventive workplace measures, which are discussed.


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In this article we analyze the reasons, within the context of Spanish industrial relations, for trade union members’ active participation in their regional union. The case of Spain is particularly interesting as the unions’ main activity, collective bargaining, is a public good. The text, based on research involving a representative survey of members of a regional branch of the “Workers” Commissions” (Comisiones Obreras) trade union, provides empirical evidence that the union presence in the workplace has a significant influence on members’ propensity for activism. By contrast, the alternative hypothesis based on instrumental reasons appears of little relevance in the Spanish industrial relations context.


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Contact theory and threat group theory offer contradictory hypotheses regarding the effect of contact with immigrants. Despite recent efforts to test the validity of both approaches, we still lack a definitive conclusion. This article integrates both approaches and tests the effect of contact towards immigrants and how this changes when different contexts are considered. Mainly, we investigate the effect of the economic environment and the immigrant group size on modifying attitudes toward immigration. The hypotheses, which are tested in Catalonia, show that contact with immigrants reduce negative attitudes towards immigration, especially friendship and family contact. However, mixed results are reported regarding the effect of economic environment and immigrant group size. Whereas the former modifies positively the effect of workplace contact, the latter has no effect. Findings have implications for the impact of context when dealing with the impact of contact on attitudes towards immigration.


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This paper shows that models where preferences of individuals dependnot only on their allocations, but also on the well-being of otherpersons, can produce both large and testable effects. We study theallocation of workers with heterogeneous productivities to firms. Weshow that even small deviations from purely selfish preferences leadsto widespread workplace skill segregation. That is, workers ofdifferent abilities tend to work in di¤erent firms, as long as theycare somewhat more about the utilities of workers who are close .


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Verso Software, es una empresa que desarrolla un conjunto de herramientas PRL (Prevención de Riesgos Laborales). Éste es un proyecto sobre una de estas herramientas: SabentisAudit. SabentisAudit es una aplicación que optimiza les tareas fundamentalmente documentales para hacer una Auditoria de Prevención de Riscos Laborales en los centros de trabajo de una empresa. También genera de forma automatizada el informe final de auditoría.


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En las últimas décadas ha incrementado considerablemente el contacto y la heterogeneidad de lenguas, culturas e identidades. La movilidad humana se ha convertido en una de las características estructurales de nuestras sociedades (Bauman, 1998) y la pluralización de las formas de vida (Berger y Luckman, 1997) en una de sus más destacadas consecuencias. El estudio que presentamos tiene el objetivo de explorar la función de la lengua en relación a la construcción narrativa de la identidad. Para ello se presentan diez historias de vida según la adaptación de la entrevista elaborada por Dan P. McAdams (2006). El análisis de los datos empíricos se ha realizado mediante el programa informático Atlas.ti (Muñoz, 2005). Se concluye que básicamente la lengua ejerce, en los sujetos entrevistados, tres funciones que responden a tres necesidades. Por un lado está la lengua familiar, identitaria o materna. Por otro, la lengua de intercomunicación sociolaboral que permite la comunicación en el trabajo o en los distintos escenarios socioculturales y, finalmente, la lengua de interconexión global, actualmente el inglés, presente en Internet y en los escenarios internacionales


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S'hi fa una diagnosi aprofundida de la situació sociolingüí­stica catalana actual centrada en els usos lingüí­stics dels joves i el seu ecosistema de determinació. Alhora s'hi proposen mesures concretes de política lingüística en diversos camps, importants per a fer possible l'extensió de l'ús del català  en aquest segment generacional.


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Commuting consists in the fact that an important fraction of workers in developed countries do not reside close to their workplaces but at long distances from them, so they have to travel to their jobs and then back home daily. Although most workers hold a job in the same municipality where they live or in a neighbouring one, an important fraction of workers face long daily trips to get to their workplace and then back home.Even if we divide Catalonia (Spain) in small aggregations of municipalities, trying to make them as close to local labour markets as possible, we will find out that some of them have a positive commuting balance, attracting many workers from other areas and providing local jobs for almost all their resident workers. On the other side, other zones seem to be mostly residential, so an important fraction of their resident workers hold jobs in different local labour markets. Which variables influence an area¿s role as an attraction pole or a residential zone? In previous papers (Artís et al, 1998a, 2000; Romaní, 1999) we have brought out the main individual variables that influence commuting by analysing a sample of Catalan workers and their commuting decisions. In this paper we perform an analysis of the territorial variables that influence commuting, using data for aggregate commuting flows in Catalonia from the 1991 and 1996 Spanish Population Censuses.These variables influence commuting in two different ways: a zone with a dense, welldeveloped economical structure will have a high density of jobs. Work demand cannot be fulfilled with resident workers, so it spills over local boundaries. On the other side, this economical activity has a series of side-effects like pollution, congestion or high land prices which make these areas less desirable to live in. Workers who can afford it may prefer to live in less populated, less congested zones, where they can find cheaper land, larger homes and a better quality of life. The penalty of this decision is an increased commuting time. Our aim in this paper is to highlight the influence of local economical structure and amenities endowment in the workplace-residence location decision. A place-to-place logit commuting models is estimated for 1991 and 1996 in order to find the economical and amenities variables with higher influence in commuting decisions. From these models, we can outline a first approximation to the evolution of these variables in the 1986-1996 period. Data have been obtained from aggregate flow travel-matrix from the 1986, 1991 and 1996 Spanish Population Censuses


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Commuting consists in the fact that an important fraction of workers in developed countries do not reside close to their workplaces but at long distances from them, so they have to travel to their jobs and then back home daily. Although most workers hold a job in the same municipality where they live or in a neighbouring one, an important fraction of workers face long daily trips to get to their workplace and then back home.Even if we divide Catalonia (Spain) in small aggregations of municipalities, trying to make them as close to local labour markets as possible, we will find out that some of them have a positive commuting balance, attracting many workers from other areas and providing local jobs for almost all their resident workers. On the other side, other zones seem to be mostly residential, so an important fraction of their resident workers hold jobs in different local labour markets. Which variables influence an area¿s role as an attraction pole or a residential zone? In previous papers (Artís et al, 1998a, 2000; Romaní, 1999) we have brought out the main individual variables that influence commuting by analysing a sample of Catalan workers and their commuting decisions. In this paper we perform an analysis of the territorial variables that influence commuting, using data for aggregate commuting flows in Catalonia from the 1991 and 1996 Spanish Population Censuses.These variables influence commuting in two different ways: a zone with a dense, welldeveloped economical structure will have a high density of jobs. Work demand cannot be fulfilled with resident workers, so it spills over local boundaries. On the other side, this economical activity has a series of side-effects like pollution, congestion or high land prices which make these areas less desirable to live in. Workers who can afford it may prefer to live in less populated, less congested zones, where they can find cheaper land, larger homes and a better quality of life. The penalty of this decision is an increased commuting time. Our aim in this paper is to highlight the influence of local economical structure and amenities endowment in the workplace-residence location decision. A place-to-place logit commuting models is estimated for 1991 and 1996 in order to find the economical and amenities variables with higher influence in commuting decisions. From these models, we can outline a first approximation to the evolution of these variables in the 1986-1996 period. Data have been obtained from aggregate flow travel-matrix from the 1986, 1991 and 1996 Spanish Population Censuses


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A medida que va transcurriendo nuestra vida, nos vamos encontrando con situaciones en la vida personal y laboral en las que, muchas veces no sabemos qué hacer y también se van dando situaciones difíciles unas detrás de otras que llega un momento que nos podemos sentir de muchas formas. Por ejemplo: podemos sentir ira o miedo por no saber afrontar determinadas situaciones, o podemos sentir confianza en que vamos a poder resolver todas ellas.En las empresas, como en la vida privada, las personas, tienen emociones, tanto positivas como negativas, que tarde o temprano se ponen de manifiesto. La proporción y la intensidad de estas emociones, influirán de manera determinante en la creación de personalidades únicas, dando lugar a diez emociones positivas y diez emociones negativas.El agitado ritmo de vida ha contribuido al desarrollo de problemas psíquicos relacionados con el trabajo y que suponen una combinación de las emociones negativas.


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S'hi fa una diagnosi aprofundida de la situació sociolingüí­stica catalana actual centrada en els usos lingüí­stics dels joves i el seu ecosistema de determinació. Alhora s'hi proposen mesures concretes de política lingüística en diversos camps, importants per a fer possible l'extensió de l'ús del català  en aquest segment generacional.