41 resultados para styles parentaux


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In this article, the objective is to demonstrate the effects of different decision styles on strategic decisions and likewise, on an organization. The technique that was presented in the study is based on the transformation of linguistic variables to numerical value intervals. In this model, the study benefits from fuzzy logic methodology and fuzzy numbers. This fuzzy methodology approach allows us to examine the relations between decision making styles and strategic management processes when there is uncertainty. The purpose is to provide results to companies that may help them to exercise the most appropriate decision making style for its different strategic management processes. The study is leaving more research topics for further studies that may be applied to other decision making areas within the strategic management process.


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El presente estudio aborda la relación entre los estilos comunicativos de los estudiantes universitarios, su vinculación en la universidad y el nivel de adaptación psicosocial. Se analizan distintos estilos comunicativos en relación con el grado de vinculación universitaria y su influencia sobre el nivel de ansiedad, distimia, consumo de alcohol y dependencia de sustancias. Los datos han sido obtenidos mediante cuestionario administrado a una muestra representativa de 529 estudiantes universitarios. Los resultados indican la existencia de diferencias de género con respecto a algunos patrones comunicativos pero no en relación con la vinculación universitaria. Se constata también una relación estadísticamente significativa, aunque no muy elevada, entre los estilos comunicativos y la capacidad de los estudiantes para vincularse en el contexto universitario. Tanto los estilos comunicativos como la vinculación universitaria contribuyen a la explicación de la sintomatología afectiva, pero sólo los estilos comunicativos polémico y amigable contribuyen a la explicación del consumo de sustancias


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En el procés ofensiu de la majoria d’equips de futbol, es pot distingir una tendència a jugar en base a dos estils de joc. Un estil basat en un joc en curt, per tal de poder mantenir la possessió de la pilota, i estar durant més temps atacant la porteria contraria. I un altre estil que prefereix buscar la profunditat en les seves accions, anant d’una forma més directe cap a la porteria rival. En aquest treball es pretén analitzar quin dels dos estils és millor perquè un equip encadeni un total de 6 accions, tenint com a referència en l’inici de la jugada al porter. Per tal d’aconseguir-ho s’analitzaran els 24 partits de la fase de grups de l’Eurocopa 2012 a través d’una metodologia pròpia, que ens permetrà saber a través de quines situacions rep la pilota el porter abans de posar la pilota en joc, i a través de quines accions, l’equip no és capaç d’assolir el nombre d’encadenaments marcat.


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L’estudi que es presenta a continuació té l’objectiu de comprendre quina és la realitat ociosa de les persones de 50 a 70 anys als municipis de Malla (Catalunya, Espanya) i de San Juan la Laguna (Sololá, Guatemala) des de la perspectiva humanista en termes de concepció i pràctica, i veure quina és la influència i la força que prenen les característiques de la societat en la qual es desenvolupa. Per tal de dur-ho a terme, primerament s’ha realitzat un procés d’aproximació respecte el concepte de l’oci, i una recerca concreta vers l’oci humanista. A partir d’aquí, s’ha fet l’estudi amb una mostra formada per deu persones del municipi de Malla i deu membres de San Juan la Laguna que es troben entre els 50 i 70 anys, i amb unes condicions econòmiques i uns estils de vida diferents. Per tal de realitzar la recerca i l’anàlisi de l’oci humanista en els contexts de Malla i San Juan la Laguna s’ha emprat una metodologia qualitativa, i s’ha utilitzat l’instrument corresponent a l’entrevista. Aquesta ha estat elaborada prenent com a marc de referència la metodologia de la Grounded Theory (Glaser y Strauss, 1967). El projecte també compte amb una vessant d’etnografia. Els resultats que s’han obtingut demostren que hi ha una presència significativa de l’oci humanista en els contexts analitzats, però que en el cas de San Juan la Laguna aquest esdevé un element en construcció.


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Melodic motifs form essential building blocks in Indian Classical music. The motifs, or key phrases, providestrong cues to the identity of the underlying raga in both Hindustani and Carnatic styles of Indian music. Automatic identification and clustering of similar motifs is relevant in this context. The inherent variations in various instances of a characteristic phrase in a bandish (composition)performance make it challenging to identify similar phrases in a performance. A nyas svara (long note)marks the ending of these phrases. The proposed method does segmentation of phrases through identification ofnyas and computes similarity with the reference characteristic phrase.


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The Social Politics of Fatherhood in Spain and France: A Comparative Analysis of Parental Leave and Shared Residence The article provides a comparative analysis of policy developments on leaves for fathers and joint custody in Spain and France in the last decade. These two types of measures have been selected because they are both widely recognised as main instruments to promote new fathering styles and consequently more gender equality in the European Union. While the rhetoric of choice has been developed in both countries in relation to maternal employment and childcare, with better results in France than in Spain, it remains to be seen to what extent choice will also be extended to fathers. Keywords: Fatherhood. Family. Comparative social policy. Parental leave. Joint custody.


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Changes in the informal caregiver life styles, relations and alterations of mental health. Justification.The increase of the population aged 65 years and older in developed countries is generating a proportional increasing of the dependency caused by chronic pathologies. The care of these persons is being carried out by relatives, informal carers, leading to some alterations in diverse areas, among them mental alterations, as a consequence of taking care. Objectives. To develop a profile of the informal carers and to correlate the caregiver burden with the carers disorders. To detect risk factors to allow carrying out premature nursing interventions to diminish the disorders in the informal carers. Design. An observational and cross-sectional study is made in primary care health services area of the city of Girona. Methodology. Random sample of carer of dependent people at their home , assigned to the program of domiciliary attention (ATDOM) of the educational basic areas of health (ABS). A sample size of 269 persons, with a level of precision of 9% was needed. Questionnaire ICUB 97, the test of Barthel, the Philadelphia Geriatric Center scale, and a questionnaire are used as instruments that includes demographic and social variables, and mental and physical carers disorders.Results. A total of 80 participants were interviewed. The most common problems as consequence of taking care were the backache, to feel more tired, to feel impotent and to have less free time. Correlation between the level of dependence of the patient with the number of problems perceived by the caretaker does not exist. Since they are informal carers they eat frequently outside the habitual schedule, took place an increase or loss of weight, experienced more disorders in sexual life and an increasing lack of interest in surroundings. A 33% of the informal carers are being treated for problems related to the mental health.Conclusion. The fact of being informal carer carries important consequences in their health, the lifestyles and the social relations. These can be attenuated if the nursing interventions are able to consider to the well-taken care of subject, and its surroundings in an holistic way. The professionals of infirmary of mental health must contribute to their knowledge and abilities contributing to make an assessment, a diagnosis and an intervention paying special attention to psycho-social aspects mentioned


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Changes in the informal caregiver life styles, relations and alterations of mental health. Justification.The increase of the population aged 65 years and older in developed countries is generating a proportional increasing of the dependency caused by chronic pathologies. The care of these persons is being carried out by relatives, informal carers, leading to some alterations in diverse areas, among them mental alterations, as a consequence of taking care. Objectives. To develop a profile of the informal carers and to correlate the caregiver burden with the carers disorders. To detect risk factors to allow carrying out premature nursing interventions to diminish the disorders in the informal carers. Design. An observational and cross-sectional study is made in primary care health services area of the city of Girona. Methodology. Random sample of carer of dependent people at their home , assigned to the program of domiciliary attention (ATDOM) of the educational basic areas of health (ABS). A sample size of 269 persons, with a level of precision of 9% was needed. Questionnaire ICUB 97, the test of Barthel, the Philadelphia Geriatric Center scale, and a questionnaire are used as instruments that includes demographic and social variables, and mental and physical carers disorders.Results. A total of 80 participants were interviewed. The most common problems as consequence of taking care were the backache, to feel more tired, to feel impotent and to have less free time. Correlation between the level of dependence of the patient with the number of problems perceived by the caretaker does not exist. Since they are informal carers they eat frequently outside the habitual schedule, took place an increase or loss of weight, experienced more disorders in sexual life and an increasing lack of interest in surroundings. A 33% of the informal carers are being treated for problems related to the mental health.Conclusion. The fact of being informal carer carries important consequences in their health, the lifestyles and the social relations. These can be attenuated if the nursing interventions are able to consider to the well-taken care of subject, and its surroundings in an holistic way. The professionals of infirmary of mental health must contribute to their knowledge and abilities contributing to make an assessment, a diagnosis and an intervention paying special attention to psycho-social aspects mentioned


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El artículo se propone mostrar cómo el estudio de los poemas y canciones de Boris Vian sólo cobra sentido mediante un análisis de conjunto. Tras la aparente dispersión de temas y estilos, bajo la apariencia superficial, cómica y en ocasiones incluso grotesca y banal de sus poemas y canciones, se oculta una unidad y una coherencia profundas y minuciosamente calculadas. Para expresarla Vian huye de las limitaciones de la lógica heredada de Aristóteles y opta por utilizar la técnica del collage, yuxtaponiendo una pluralidad de situaciones y acciones en las que lo real se entremezcla con lo imaginario, cuyo resultado final es la representación de una realidad única, indivisible y a la vez relativa y singular en función de cada individuo, en la que los aparentes antagonismos se revelan como elementos complementarios en el proceso de individualización y conocimiento del «yo» interior.


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The impact of personality and job characteristics on parental rearing styles was compared in 353 employees. Hypotheses concerning the relationships between personality and job variables were formulated in accordance with findings in past research and the Belsky’s model (1984). Structural equation nested models showed that Aggression-hostility, Sociability and job Demand were predictive of Rejection and Emotional Warmth parenting styles, providing support for some of the hypothesized relationships. The findings suggest a well-balanced association of personality variables with both parenting styles: Aggression-Hostility was positively related to Rejection and negatively to Emotional Warmth, whereas Sociability was positively related to Emotional Warmth and negatively related to Rejection. Personality dimensions explained a higher amount of variance in observed parenting styles. However, a model that considered both, personality and job dimensions as antecedent variables of parenting was the best representation of observed data, as both systems play a role in the prediction of parenting behavior.


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Este artículo presenta una reflexión teórica y empírica sobre la dialéctica entre modernidad y tradición, en relación con las nuevas pautas culturales desarrolladas en la sociedad de consumo. El acceso mayoritario al consumo no supone, en ningún caso, una práctica de carácter igualitario, sino que las diferentes disposiciones culturales y económicas definen diferencias importantes en este acceso, tanto en calidad como en cantidad. Estas diferencias permiten la consolidación de estilos de vida diferentes y distintivos que constituyen la base de las nuevas desigualdades sociales.


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La irrupció dels mitjans digitals està generant en les famílies amb adolescents noves formes d'estar junts i de relacionar-se amb l'exterior, que són viscuts sovint amb ansietat per part dels pares. Per estudiar les normes que tant els pares com els seus fills estan generant per regular-les, i com aquestes regulacions es relacionen amb la reproducció de l'avantatge i el desavantatge generalitzat, es proposa superar l'orientació restringida dels riscos i oportunitats i fixar-se en canvi en la manera comles cultures i identitats familiars generen equilibris particulars en les tensions normatives del treball, el consum i l'autenticitat. Mitjançant una recerca empírica qualitativa amb 23 famílies de dos centres d'educació secundària de l'àrea metropolitana de Barcelona, es constata que enlloc de buscar com normes o estils parentals concrets es relacionen amb diferents posicions socials, és preferible analitzar com les diferents cultures i identitats familiars regulen l'adquisició d'autonomia per part dels fills. Aspectes com la familiaritat i reflexivitat vers la tecnologia, l'establiment de rutines i horaris familiars o els contextos relacionals esdevenen així claus per entendre la reproducció de l'avantatge generalitzat. Aquests elements permeten contextualitzar dinàmicament la complexa combinació de les regulacions implícites i explícites en el procés de maduració dels fills.


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Ageing is a heterogeneous subject being been able to distinguish profiles in function of sex, age, economic situation, cultural levels, habitat, family structure, health, etc. The objectives of this article are to identify forms of life to age in the rural environment and to concretize intervention proposals to increase active and participatory ways of life. 7 in-depth interviews to experts, 21 to older people, 5 to professionals and two focal groups of professionals and significant social agents were performed to collect data. Results identify 4 styles of aging: an opportunity for the change; a natural phase of the life; a moment to compensate and; a moment of abandonment. Conclusions summarize intervention proposals to increase active and participatory ways of ageing in different contexts to help professionals responsible for the services of older people care


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Study of the changes in health habits of 105 cancer patients’ relatives and close friends after the diagnosis. The aim is to try to verify whether the knowledge of the disease has got some impact in the modification of their life styles. The emotional alterations influence in this change of behaviour has been analysed futhermore. An interview of own creation and HADS (Anxiety Hospital and Depression Scale of Zigmond and Snaith, 1983) instrument, in a Spanish and a Catalan version, were used with this aim. The results show that 21.1% of the participants presented positive changes in their health habits after the diagnosis of the relative or close friend and 11.5% showed negative changes. In relation to the role of the emotions, averages of anxiety (14,33; d.t.=4,98) and depressive (10,17; d.t.=4,93) symptoms were higher in those subjects who made negative changes than in those who did not make any change (9,32; d.t.=5,37 and 6,33; d.t.=4,64). In addition, the youngest participants, with more depressive symptoms and who visit the subject more often, are those who become more assets modifying health habits. The results suggest that emotional alterations, mainly depressive symptoms, are associated with negative change and, therefore, it would be suitable to lend some type of attention to these alterations in the population studied with the purpose of improving their present and future health


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The aim of this study is to measure the psychometric properties of a Catalan translation of the Approaches and Study Skills Inventory for Students (ASSIST), and to analyse the different learning styles used by university students, considering the influence of gender and type of studies. The instrument was administered to 834 students at the University of Girona. The results showed that most students interviewed had a deep approach to learning, although the analysis by gender showed that females tended to use a more strategic approach, while males used a deep approach predominantly. As to whether the type of studies influenced learning styles, a prevalence of deep approach was found among Science and Technology students, while a more strategic approach was found among Humanities and Education students