18 resultados para real estate business
The demographic shift underway in Southern Europe requires a revision of some of thefundamental principles of the traditional welfare state. We analyze the evolution of several aspects of welfare and social expenditure over the last two decades. We find that in the context of the present demographic changes and real estate boom current social and pension policy leads to a new distribution of benefits and burdens which is highly intergenerationally unequal. We argue for a revised definition of public policy based on Musgrave's proposition as a possible rule for an intergenerationally fair distribution.
“The liquidity crisis of the Spanish banks is largely due to the lack of confidence of foreign investors and, therefore, the changes that occur in the legislation should not affect the credibility, stability, legal certainty, predictability that markets expect”.Sergio Nasarre (2011)In the current situation of economic crisis, many people have found they can no longer pay back the mortgage loans that were granted to them in order to purchase a dwelling. It is for this reason that, in light of the economic, political and social problems this poses, our paper studies the state of the Spanish real-estate system and of foreclosure, paying special attention to the solution that has been proposed recently as the best option for debtors that cannot make their mort-gage payments: non-recourse mortgaging. We analyze this proposal from legal and economic perspectives in order to fully understand the effects that this change could imply. At the same time, this paper will also examine several alternatives we believe would ameliorate the situation of mortgage-holders, among them legal reforms, mortgage insurance, and non-recourse mortgaging itself.
[spa]Con la internacionalización del mercado inmobiliario de las ciudades, originariamente local, se han generado nuevos flujos de capital que han reforzado a nivel mundial el segundo circuito. Barcelona, por lo menos desde 1992 no ha sido ajena a ello. Los últimos capitales llegados proceden de antiguos países socialistas, especialmente de la República Popular de China y de Rusia, con estrategias distintas de localización, más concentradas las chinas. Las consecuencias de estas nuevas apropiaciones del espacio urbano se sienten en la restricción del acceso al mercado de la vivienda por parte de los ciudadanos y en la formación de una Chinatown de modelo europeo.