24 resultados para query
Una importante empresa, Indra, vino a nosotros para que desarrollaramos un cuadro de mando operativo para una de sus secciones.
In a number of programs for gene structure prediction in higher eukaryotic genomic sequences, exon prediction is decoupled from gene assembly: a large pool of candidate exons is predicted and scored from features located in the query DNA sequence, and candidate genes are assembled from such a pool as sequences of nonoverlapping frame-compatible exons. Genes are scored as a function of the scores of the assembled exons, and the highest scoring candidate gene is assumed to be the most likely gene encoded by the query DNA sequence. Considering additive gene scoring functions, currently available algorithms to determine such a highest scoring candidate gene run in time proportional to the square of the number of predicted exons. Here, we present an algorithm whose running time grows only linearly with the size of the set of predicted exons. Polynomial algorithms rely on the fact that, while scanning the set of predicted exons, the highest scoring gene ending in a given exon can be obtained by appending the exon to the highest scoring among the highest scoring genes ending at each compatible preceding exon. The algorithm here relies on the simple fact that such highest scoring gene can be stored and updated. This requires scanning the set of predicted exons simultaneously by increasing acceptor and donor position. On the other hand, the algorithm described here does not assume an underlying gene structure model. Indeed, the definition of valid gene structures is externally defined in the so-called Gene Model. The Gene Model specifies simply which gene features are allowed immediately upstream which other gene features in valid gene structures. This allows for great flexibility in formulating the gene identification problem. In particular it allows for multiple-gene two-strand predictions and for considering gene features other than coding exons (such as promoter elements) in valid gene structures.
El conocimiento del lenguaje de interrogación es una herramienta imprescindible para la recuperación de información. En este artículo se ofrece una gramática formal (sintaxis y semántica) para ese tipo de lenguaje. Esta gramática nos permite, por un lado, conocer el lenguaje de interrogación desde un plano sistemático y conceptual y, por otro lado, nos permite obtener ciertos beneficios prácticos de tipo sintáctico y de tipo semántico relacionados con los procesos de recuperación de información.
La pregunta inicial d’aquesta investigació rau en si el patrimoni proper és un recurs que facilita l’aprenentatge de les ciències socials als nens i nenes. Per tal de donar resposta a aquesta qüestió, s’ha estudiat la relació entre el patrimoni local i l’interès que genera. Per realitzar-ho, es van concretar uns ítems que han estat analitzats a partir d’un estudi de casos. Els participants d’aquesta investigació han estat un grup d’alumnes d’Educació Primària, els quals van realitzar una proposta didàctica on s’utilitzava el patrimoni proper com a eix vertebrador. També, han participat en aquesta investigació mestres d’escoles de Sant Celoni, els quals han expressat les vivències viscudes amb els seus alumnes en activitats que impliquen el patrimoni local. Finalment, s’ha analitzat la informació aportada per tots els participants i s’ha arribat a unes conclusions.
This paper highlights the role of non-functional information when reusing from a component library. We describe a method for selecting appropriate implementations of Ada packages taking non-functional constraints into account; these constraints model the context of reuse. Constraints take the form of queries using an interface description language called NoFun, which is also used to state non-functional information in Ada packages; query results are trees of implementations, following the import relationships between components. We define two different situations when reusing components, depending whether we take the library being searched as closed or extendible. The resulting tree of implementations can be manipulated by the user to solve ambiguities, to state default behaviours, and by the like. As part of the proposal, we face the problem of computing from code the non-functional information that determines the selection process.
L'objectiu del projecte és el desenvolupament d'una aplicació d'escriptori que permeti a l'estudiant la consulta offline de les darreres novetats disponibles a les aules del campus UOC. Es tracta d'automatitzar el procés de consulta i descàrrega local de dades per tal de poder consultar-les posteriorment fora de línia.
Article About the Authors Metrics Comments Related Content Abstract Introduction Functionality Implementation Discussion Acknowledgments Author Contributions References Reader Comments (0) Figures Abstract Despite of the variety of available Web services registries specially aimed at Life Sciences, their scope is usually restricted to a limited set of well-defined types of services. While dedicated registries are generally tied to a particular format, general-purpose ones are more adherent to standards and usually rely on Web Service Definition Language (WSDL). Although WSDL is quite flexible to support common Web services types, its lack of semantic expressiveness led to various initiatives to describe Web services via ontology languages. Nevertheless, WSDL 2.0 descriptions gained a standard representation based on Web Ontology Language (OWL). BioSWR is a novel Web services registry that provides standard Resource Description Framework (RDF) based Web services descriptions along with the traditional WSDL based ones. The registry provides Web-based interface for Web services registration, querying and annotation, and is also accessible programmatically via Representational State Transfer (REST) API or using a SPARQL Protocol and RDF Query Language. BioSWR server is located at http://inb.bsc.es/BioSWR/and its code is available at https://sourceforge.net/projects/bioswr/under the LGPL license.
El uso de las TIC se ha masificado dentro del ámbito del turismo convirtiéndose en herramienta fundamental y un aliado para llegar a conquistar turistas para los diferentes destinos que se promocionan a través de aplicaciones moviles o de website.Cada vez más las entidades turísticas o las empresas recurren a las tecnologías de la información, en particular Internet, como medio para promocionar sus productos y servicios turísticos. Estas nuevas tecnologías han cambiado el concepto de vida de personas en cuanto a la consulta de precio y rapidez de información de los diferentes servicios turísticos.En Valledupar se debe: aprovechar la tendencia mundial al rescate de los valores auténticos, el medio ambiente y las comunidades indígenas a través de diferentes modalidades de turismo: Ecoturismo, etnoturismo, agroturismo, cultural, religioso, compras, aventura, salud, deportivo, ciudad capital. Se debe ampliar el conocimiento del territorio municipal y de los valores autóctonos. Mediante uso de software libre y de código abierto se pueden crear soluciones para fortalecer la promoción del sector turístico de la ciudad de Valledupar.
Disseny i implementació d’aplicació web destinada a consulta d’informació urbana en els municipis de Mallorca. Localització de punts d’interès. Implementació pilot en el municipi de Santa Eugènia, Mallorca