70 resultados para geometric morphometry


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Consider a Riemannian manifold equipped with an infinitesimal isometry. For this setup, a unified treatment is provided, solely in the language of Riemannian geometry, of techniques in reduction, linearization, and stability of relative equilibria. In particular, for mechanical control systems, an explicit characterization is given for the manner in which reduction by an infinitesimal isometry, and linearization along a controlled trajectory "commute." As part of the development, relationships are derived between the Jacobi equation of geodesic variation and concepts from reduction theory, such as the curvature of the mechanical connection and the effective potential. As an application of our techniques, fiber and base stability of relative equilibria are studied. The paper also serves as a tutorial of Riemannian geometric methods applicable in the intersection of mechanics and control theory.


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Suppose a genus two handlebody is removed from a 3-manifold M and then a single meridian of the handlebody is restored. The result is a knot or link complement in M and it is natural to ask whether geometric properties of the link complement say something about the meridian that was restored. Here we consider what the relation must be between two not necessarily disjoint meridians so that restoring each of them gives a trivial knot or a split link.


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We prove the non-emptiness of the core of an NTU game satisfying a condition of payoff-dependent balancedness, based on transfer rate mappings. We also define a new equilibrium condition on transfer rates and we prove the existence of core payoff vectors satisfying this condition. The additional requirement of transfer rate equilibrium refines the core concept and allows the selection of specific core payoff vectors. Lastly, the class of parametrized cooperative games is introduced. This new setting and its associated equilibrium-core solution extend the usual cooperative game framework and core solution to situations depending on an exogenous environment. A non-emptiness result for the equilibrium-core is also provided in the context of a parametrized cooperative game. Our proofs borrow mathematical tools and geometric constructions from general equilibrium theory with non convexities. Applications to extant results taken from game theory and economic theory are given.


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In the asymptotic expansion of the hyperbolic specification of the colored Jones polynomial of torus knots, we identify different geometric contributions, in particular Chern-Simons invariant and Reidemeister torsion.


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We first recall the construction of the Chow motive modelling intersection cohomology of a proper surface X and study its fundamental properties. Using Voevodsky's category of effective geometrical motives, we then study the motive of the exceptional divisor D in a non-singular blow-up of X. If all geometric irreducible components of D are of genus zero, then Voevodsky's formalism allows us to construct certain one-extensions of Chow motives, as canonical subquotients of the motive with compact support of the smooth part of X. Specializing to Hilbert-Blumenthal surfaces, we recover a motivic interpretation of a recent construction of A. Caspar.


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This note contains some remarks about the homologies that can be associated to a foliation which is invariant and uniformly expanded by a diffeomorphism. We construct a family of 'dynamical' closed currents supported on the foliation which help us relate the geometric volume growth of the leaves under the diffeomorphism with the map induced on homology in the case when these currents have nonzero homology.


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In this paper, we develop numerical algorithms that use small requirements of storage and operations for the computation of invariant tori in Hamiltonian systems (exact symplectic maps and Hamiltonian vector fields). The algorithms are based on the parameterization method and follow closely the proof of the KAM theorem given in [LGJV05] and [FLS07]. They essentially consist in solving a functional equation satisfied by the invariant tori by using a Newton method. Using some geometric identities, it is possible to perform a Newton step using little storage and few operations. In this paper we focus on the numerical issues of the algorithms (speed, storage and stability) and we refer to the mentioned papers for the rigorous results. We show how to compute efficiently both maximal invariant tori and whiskered tori, together with the associated invariant stable and unstable manifolds of whiskered tori. Moreover, we present fast algorithms for the iteration of the quasi-periodic cocycles and the computation of the invariant bundles, which is a preliminary step for the computation of invariant whiskered tori. Since quasi-periodic cocycles appear in other contexts, this section may be of independent interest. The numerical methods presented here allow to compute in a unified way primary and secondary invariant KAM tori. Secondary tori are invariant tori which can be contracted to a periodic orbit. We present some preliminary results that ensure that the methods are indeed implementable and fast. We postpone to a future paper optimized implementations and results on the breakdown of invariant tori.


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Satellite remote sensing imagery is used for forestry, conservation and environmental applications, but insufficient spatial resolution, and, in particular, unavailability of images at the precise timing required for a given application, often prevent achieving a fully operational stage. Airborne remote sensing has the advantage of custom-tuned sensors, resolution and timing, but its price prevents using it as a routine technique for the mentioned fields. Some Unmanned Aerial Vehicles might provide a “third way” solution as low-cost techniques for acquiring remotely sensed information, under close control of the end-user, albeit at the expense of lower quality instrumentation and instability. This report evaluates a light remote sensing system based on a remotely-controlled mini-UAV (ATMOS-3) equipped with a color infra-red camera (VEGCAM-1) designed and operated by CATUAV. We conducted a testing mission over a Mediterranean landscape dominated by an evergreen woodland of Aleppo pine (Pinus halepensis) and (Holm) oak (Quercus ilex) in the Montseny National Park (Catalonia, NE Spain). We took advantage of state-of-the-art ortho-rectified digital aerial imagery (acquired by the Institut Cartogràfic de Catalunya over the area during the previous year) and used it as quality reference. In particular, we paid attention to: 1) Operationality of flight and image acquisition according to a previously defined plan; 2) Radiometric and geometric quality of the images; and 3) Operational use of the images in the context of applications. We conclude that the system has achieved an operational stage regarding flight activities, although with meteorological limits set by wind speed and turbulence. Appropriate landing areas can be sometimes limiting also, but the system is able to land on small and relatively rough terrains such as patches of grassland or short matorral, and we have operated the UAV as far as 7 km from the control unit. Radiometric quality is sufficient for interactive analysis, but probably insufficient for automated processing. A forthcoming camera is supposed to greatly improve radiometric quality and consistency. Conventional GPS positioning through time synchronization provides coarse orientation of the images, with no roll information.


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Treball de recerca realitzat per un alumne d'ensenyament secundari i guardonat amb un Premi CIRIT per fomentar l'esperit cientí­fic del Jovent l'any 2009. El treball que es presenta és un estudi sobre la mida i la forma del crani en diferents espècies d'homínids. El treball es va realitzar a la Facultat de Biologia de la Universitat de Barcelona, a la Unitat d Antropologia. L'estudi de la mida es va realitzar a partir de mesures craniomètriques utilitzades en antropologia física clàssica. L'estudi de la forma es va realitzar aplicant una tècnica novedosa en aquest camp, la morfometria geomètrica. Es van estudiar 52 cranis de 12 espècies diferents d'homínids des dels més antics, els Australopithecus, fins formes modernes d'Homo sapiens. L'estudi de les diferents espècies d'homínids va servir de base per intentar classificar uns individus trobats a Europa, al jaciment de Dmanisi. Aquests individus es troben immersos en una gran debat en quant a la seva assignació taxonòmica ja que són les restes més antigues trobades al continent europeu (1,8 milions d'anys). Els resultats de l'estudi indiquen que els individus de Dmanisi es troben entre les formes africanes i asiàtiques, podriem parlar doncs d'una espècie de transició.


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In the present paper, we study the geometric discrepancy with respect to families of rotated rectangles. The well-known extremal cases are the axis-parallel rectangles (logarithmic discrepancy) and rectangles rotated in all possible directions (polynomial discrepancy). We study several intermediate situations: lacunary sequences of directions, lacunary sets of finite order, and sets with small Minkowski dimension. In each of these cases, extensions of a lemma due to Davenport allow us to construct appropriate rotations of the integer lattice which yield small discrepancy.


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In this article, we present a new approach of Nekhoroshev theory for a generic unperturbed Hamiltonian which completely avoids small divisors problems. The proof is an extension of a method introduced by P. Lochak which combines averaging along periodic orbits with simultaneous Diophantine approximation and uses geometric arguments designed by the second author to handle generic integrable Hamiltonians. This method allows to deal with generic non-analytic Hamiltonians and to obtain new results of generic stability around linearly stable tori.


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Durante los cuatro años de disfrute de la beca (2006 – 2009) se ha consolidado una base de datos de medidas osteológicas del esqueleto apendicular de numerosas especies del O. Carnivora. Concretamente, se han medido 364 individuos de 126 especies. Los ejemplares pertenecían a las colecciones del Phyletisches Museum (Jena, Alemania), el Museum für Naturkunde (Berlín, Alemania), el Museu de Ciències Naturals de la Ciutadella (Barcelona, España), el Múseum National d'Histoire Naturelle (París, Francia), y el Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales (Madrid, España). Asimismo, con estos datos se han estado preparando tres artículos sobre la morfología de ciertos elementos del esqueleto apendicular en carnívoros, dos de los cuales se encuentran actualmente en estado de revisión para su publicación científica. Dos de ellos, "Scapula, habitat and locomotion in Carnivora" y "Size and shape in the carnivore scapula", relacionan la morfología escapular con factores como el tamaño del animal, el tipo de locomoción que presenta y el hábitat en el que se encuentra; el primero mediante metodología multivariante (análisis funcional) y el segundo bajo las nuevas técnicas de morfometría geométrica. El tercer artículo, "Scaling and mechanics in the carnivore calcaneus: A comparison of natural and artificial selection", evalúa el efecto de diferentes tipos de selección, natural frente a artificial, sobre la morfología del calcáneo y su influencia en la biomecánica de este hueso. Finalmente, también se ha desarrollado un estudio experimental sobre la búsqueda de estabilidad durante la locomoción arbórea, cuyos resultados han dado lugar al artículo "The search for stability on narrow supports: An experimental study in cats and dogs", que también se halla bajo revisión actualmente.


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Aquest document ens acosta als sistemes d'informació geogràfica donant-nos una definició de què fan, descrivint què són els objectes geogràfics (entitats amb informació geomètrica i temàtica) i tractant de la problemàtica de la seva representació. També ens mostra els passos que cal fer en un sistema d'informació geogràfica, des de la introducció de les dades fins a la presentació dels resultats, passant per la consulta i l'anàlisi.


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Aquest treball analitza un tipus de metàfores particulars en les llengües catalana i anglesa. En concret, les metàfores orientacionals o metàfores que es basen en analogies amb la distribució espacial i geomètrica, tant del cos humà com del món que ens envolta.


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R from http://www.r-project.org/ is ‘GNU S’ – a language and environment for statistical computingand graphics. The environment in which many classical and modern statistical techniques havebeen implemented, but many are supplied as packages. There are 8 standard packages and many moreare available through the cran family of Internet sites http://cran.r-project.org .We started to develop a library of functions in R to support the analysis of mixtures and our goal isa MixeR package for compositional data analysis that provides support foroperations on compositions: perturbation and power multiplication, subcomposition with or withoutresiduals, centering of the data, computing Aitchison’s, Euclidean, Bhattacharyya distances,compositional Kullback-Leibler divergence etc.graphical presentation of compositions in ternary diagrams and tetrahedrons with additional features:barycenter, geometric mean of the data set, the percentiles lines, marking and coloring ofsubsets of the data set, theirs geometric means, notation of individual data in the set . . .dealing with zeros and missing values in compositional data sets with R procedures for simpleand multiplicative replacement strategy,the time series analysis of compositional data.We’ll present the current status of MixeR development and illustrate its use on selected data sets