25 resultados para fragmentação de habitats
The first comprehensive study of the marine algal flora of Namibia including descriptions and illustrations of most species is presented. The main objective of this work is to report a flora that, until now, has scarcely been studied. The work compiles all the available information on the marine benthic flora of Namibia and provides new data about it composition and biogeography, as well as detailed descriptions and remarks of most of its species. The samples on which this study is based were collected between 1986 and 1989 in the eulittoral and the upper sublittoral zones of the north half of the Namibian coast. According to the present data, the marine benthic flora of Namibia comprises 196 taxa (147 Rhodophyceae, 20 Phaeophyceae, 15 Ulvophyceae, 6 Cladophorophyceae and 8 Bryopsidophyceae), 21 of which has not been recorded from this coasts. This temperate flora is mainly characterized by a low number of species, a low proportion of Phaeophyceae and a high degree of endemism. Concerning the species number, the flora is quite poor due to both the scarce availability of colonizable substratum and the low diversity of habitats. On the other hand, the low proportion of Phaeophyceae is the reason for which the R/P and (R+C)/P ratios take disproportionately high values and so they are not useful in this geographical area. As regards the degree of endemism, the marine benthic flora of Namibia includes quite a high number of taxa endemic to southern Africa (55 taxa; 28.1% of the flora); 25 of these 55 taxa (12.8% of the flora) are endemic to the biogeographic Benguela Marine Province and only Acrosorium cincinnatum is endemic to the Namibian coasts.
Les caractéristiques avançades de Delphinium L. subgèn. Delphinium (taxons anuals) son comparades amb les del subgèn. Delphinastrum (DC.) Wang i del subgèn. Oligophyllon Dimitrova (taxons perennes). La morfología floral mostra un intercanvi de funcions entre els petals laterals i els petals superiors i restructura de la inflorescencia de molts taxons anuals afavoreix un augment de les taxes de geitonogàmia-autogàmia. L'evolució dels cariotips és basada en una disminució de la longitud total dels cromosomes i en un increment del grau d'asimetria; el nombre cromosómic roman constant per a totes les especies anuals (2n = 16). Leficàcia de la dispersió de les especies anuals és mes gran que no pas la de les especies perennes, per causa d'un increment en la producció de granes i per l'augment de la flotabilitat, tant a l'aire com a l'aigua. D'altres caractéristiques adaptatives avançades son l'adquisició de noves defenses químiques i l'aparició d'un nou tipus embriogènic. Els nínxols ecologies del subgèn. Delphinium corresponen a habitats oberts i alterats, en comparado amb els habitats estables i relativament tancats dels subgéneros Delphinastrum i Oligophyllon. Es presenta una hipótesi global de les tendencies évolutives observades en anuals vs. perennes en connexió amb consideracions biogeogràfiques, així corn un resum taxonomic final.
nd items. Once maps are drawn up they are digitized and put into a GIS and finally subjected to quality control. Table 4 shows the most important habitats (according to polygon number and area covered) and the least represented habitats in the sheets drawn so far. Sheets can be obtained through internet (www.gencat.net/mediamb/pn.htm).
The relevancy of parasites as potential indicators of environmental quality has been increasing over the last years, mostly due to the variety of ways in which they respond to anthropogenic pollution. The use of fish parasites as bioindicators of heavy metal pollution in aquatic ecosystems has been widely studied. However, little information concerning terrestrial habitats is presently available. In fact, in the last two decades several studies have been performed worldwide in different habitats and/or conditions (theoretically both in polluted and unpolluted terrestrialecosystems, but mainly in aquatic ecosystems) in order to investigate heavy metal pollution using parasitological models. Different groups of vertebrates (mainly fish, mammals and birds) and several parasitological models have been tested involving acanthocephalans mostly, but also cestodes and nematodes. It is not the aim of this chapter to do a complete revision of the availabledata concerning this subject. Instead, we emphasize some general aspects and compile a mini-review of the work performed in this field by our research group. The results obtained until now allow confirming several parasitic models as promising bioindicator systems to evaluate environmental cadmium and mainly lead pollution in terrestrial non-urban habitats, as it was already demonstrated for aquatic ecosystems. The present knowledge also allows confirming that parasites can reveal environmental impact. Environmental parasitology is an interdisciplinary field, which needs simultaneous expertise from toxicology, environmental chemistry and parasitology. Furthermore, environmental parasitology should be taken into account in order to increase the efficiency of environmental monitoring programs.
The relevancy of parasites as potential indicators of environmental quality has been increasing over the last years, mostly due to the variety of ways in which they respond to anthropogenic pollution. The use of fish parasites as bioindicators of heavy metal pollution in aquatic ecosystems has been widely studied. However, little information concerning terrestrial habitats is presently available. In fact, in the last two decades several studies have been performed worldwide in different habitats and/or conditions (theoretically both in polluted and unpolluted terrestrialecosystems, but mainly in aquatic ecosystems) in order to investigate heavy metal pollution using parasitological models. Different groups of vertebrates (mainly fish, mammals and birds) and several parasitological models have been tested involving acanthocephalans mostly, but also cestodes and nematodes. It is not the aim of this chapter to do a complete revision of the availabledata concerning this subject. Instead, we emphasize some general aspects and compile a mini-review of the work performed in this field by our research group. The results obtained until now allow confirming several parasitic models as promising bioindicator systems to evaluate environmental cadmium and mainly lead pollution in terrestrial non-urban habitats, as it was already demonstrated for aquatic ecosystems. The present knowledge also allows confirming that parasites can reveal environmental impact. Environmental parasitology is an interdisciplinary field, which needs simultaneous expertise from toxicology, environmental chemistry and parasitology. Furthermore, environmental parasitology should be taken into account in order to increase the efficiency of environmental monitoring programs.
Different components of global change can have interacting effects on biodiversity and this may influence our ability to detect the specific consequences of climate change through biodiversity indicators. Here, we analyze whether climate change indicators can be affected by land use dynamics that are not directly determined by climate change. To this aim, we analyzed three community-level indicators of climate change impacts that are based on the optimal thermal environment and averagelatitude of the distribution of bird species present at local communities. We used multiple regression models to relate the variation in climate change indicators to: i) environmental temperature; and ii) three landscape gradients reflecting important current land use change processes (land abandonment, fire impacts and urbanization), all of them having forest areas at their positive extremes. We found that, with few exceptions, landscape gradients determined the figures of climate change indicators as strongly as temperature. Bird communities in forest habitats had colder-dwelling bird species with more northerndistributions than farmland, burnt or urban areas. Our results show that land use changes can reverse, hide or exacerbate our perception of climate change impacts when measured through community-level climate change indicators. We stress the need of an explicit incorporation of the interactions between climate change and land use dynamics to understand what are current climate change indicators indicating and be able to isolate real climate change impacts
Multi-decadal increase in shell removal by tourists, a process that may accelerate degradation of natural habitats, was quantified via two series of monthly surveys, conducted thirty years apart (1978-1981 and 2008-2010) in one small embayment on the Mediterranean coast of Spain. Over the last three decades, the local tourist arrivals have increased almost three-fold (2.74), while the area has remained unaffected by urban encroachment and commercial fisheries. Concomitantly, abundance of mollusk shells along the shoreline decreased almost three-fold (2.62) and displayed a tight inverse correlation with tourist arrivals. A four-fold increase in tourist arrivals observed globally over the last 30 years has likely induced a comparable worldwide acceleration in shell removal from marine shorelines and exerted multiple negative (but currently unquantifiable) habitat changes that may include increased beach erosion, changes in carbon and calcium cycles, and decline in diversity and abundance of organisms dependent on shell availability.
El terme municipal de Calonge està envoltat de nombroses muntanyes per totes bandesmenys per la zona del pla, on limita amb la badia de Palamós. Moltes de les urbanitzacionsdel municipi estan ubicades a la zona muntanyosa i amb una orografia complicada. Unad’aquestes urbanitzacions és el Vescomtat de Cabanyes.En tenir un territori gran i amb nuclis habitats tant repartits, fa que la xarxa d’aigua potablesigui molt extensa. La necessitat de separar per sectors és obligada. A més, l’entorngeogràfic de Calonge envoltat de muntanyes i on amb pocs metres els desnivells són moltbruscos, condiciona tècnicament l’abastament. Per aquest motiu, es tracta d’un abastamentdividit en pisos de pressió per tal de mantenir l’estabilitat de pressions a la xarxa.L’abastament de la urbanització de Cabanyes és una mostra clara d’aquesta tipologia. El projecte es basa en l’estudi dels diversos problemes d’aquesta xarxa per tal d’aconseguir millorar el seu rendimenti l’eficiència energètica dels equips de bombament, garantint en tot moment la bona qualitat del servei als usuaris
We annually monitored the abundance and size structure of herbivorous sea urchin populations (Paracentrotus lividus and Arbacia lixula) inside and outside a marine reserve in the Northwestern Mediterranean on two distinct habitats (boulders and vertical walls) over a period of 20 years, with the aim of analyzing changes at different temporal scales in relation to biotic and abiotic drivers. P. lividus exhibited significant variability in density over time on boulder bottoms but not on vertical walls, and temporal trends were not significantly different between the protection levels. Differences in densities were caused primarily by variance in recruitment, which was less pronounced inside the MPA and was correlated with adult density, indicating density-dependent recruitment under high predation pressure, as well as some positive feedback mechanisms that may facilitate higher urchin abundances despite higher predator abundance. Populations within the reserve were less variable in abundance and did not exhibit the hyper-abundances observed outside the reserve, suggesting that predation effects maybe more subtle than simply lowering the numbers of urchins in reserves. A. lixula densities were an order of magnitude lower than P. lividus densities and varied within sites and over time on boulder bottoms but did not differ between protection levels. In December 2008, an exceptionally violent storm reduced sea urchin densities drastically (by 50% to 80%) on boulder substrates, resulting in the lowest values observed over the entire study period, which remained at that level for at least two years (up to the present). Our results also showed great variability in the biological and physical processes acting at different temporal scales. This study highlights the need for appropriate temporal scales for studies to fully understand ecosystem functioning, the concepts of which are fundamental to successful conservation and management.
Tot i que la creixent amenaça de les plantes exòtiques invasores en els espais naturals és un fet evident, aquest problema és gairebé desconegut a la Vall d'Alinyà. Es van estudiar set punts de mostreig associats a quatre tipologies d'hàbitat per esbrinar la distribució de les plantes invasores en la Vall d'Alinyà, així com canvis recents en la seva composició, abundància i en el rang de distribució a partir de fonts bibliogràfiques. Es va desenvolupar un índex per quantificar la problemàtica de les invasions de flora exòtica en els diferents hàbitats estudiats. Els focus d'invasió van resultar estar associats a zones pertorbades, nuclis de població i baixes altituds. El canvi climàtic i els canvis en els usos del sòl podrien estar jugant un paper essencial en l'aparició de noves plantes invasores i en l'increment tant de l'abundància com de la cota altitudinal dels nivells més grans d'invasió. Tot i que la problemàtica associada a les plantes invasores en la Vall d'Alinyà és generalment baixa, algunes espècies com Senecio inaequidens representen una amenaça per a l'espai, motiu pel qual es proposa un pla de gestió per a la flora invasora.