51 resultados para bowel habit
Extensive field and experimental evidence in a variety of environments show that behavior depends on a reference point. This paper provides an axiomatic characterization of this dependence. We proceed by imposing gradually more structure on both choice correspondences and preference relations, requiring increasingly higher levels of rationality, and freeing the decision-maker from certain types of inconsistencies. The appropriate degree of behavioral structure will depend on the phenomenon that is to be modeled. Lastly, we provide two applications of our work: one to model the status-quo bias, and another to model addictive behavior.
L’evolució que ha experimentat la societat, les grans ciutats, la industrialització i molts altres factors han modificat l’estil de vida de les persones accentuant-ne, irremediablement, el sedentarisme i l’abstinència de realitzar exercici físic. La pràctica esportiva i/o d’exercici físic realitzada sota les condicions recomanades pels professionals, és beneficiosa per millorar el nivell de salut o mantenir-lo en tot el possible, ja que provoca modificacions beneficioses sobre el metabolisme, el sistema cardiovascular i l’aparell locomotor. Lamentablement, l’hàbit de realitzar exercici físic no és comú en totes les persones, ja sigui per l’estil de vida que genera incompatibilitats d’horaris amb la feina, fills i familiars o bé per mandra o desgana d’haver d’aprofitar aquelles estones de temps lliure per dedicar-los al culte del cos i de la salut. Els efectes negatius que suposa una modalitat de vida sedentària per a la salut són notablement elevats, amb la qual cosa, cal buscar sistemes per augmentar l’ interès de la població per la pràctica de l’esport i l’activitat física. La creació d’aquest projecte neix de la idea d’unir el fet d’enginyar un mètode per incrementar l’interès de les persones per l’exercici físic amb els avenços tecnològics que s’han realitzat aquesta última dècada relacionats amb el desenvolupament web i multimèdia. A grans trets, la idea general d’aquest projecte es basa en el cas d’un gimnàs real i en actiu, amb necessitat de crear un portal web que serveixi alhora de pàgina web informativa i d’eina de gestió acadèmica del centre proporcionant certes funcionalitats als clients tot presentant-los una nova modalitat de realitzar exercici físic dirigit: realitzar-lo des de casa. Per desenvolupar tot el sistema informàtic que ho durà a terme, després de realitzar una recerca, anàlisi i elecció de les eines mitjançant les quals poder-ho realitzar, s’ha optat per crear l’entorn web mitjançant els llenguatges HTML i PHP en combinació amb els fulls d’estil CSS. Pel que fa a l’entorn de desenvolupament, s’ha utilitzat Notepad++ i com a entorn de proves, WAMP Server. Per últim, pel que fa a la transmissió del contingut multimèdia (vídeos de les sessions d’activitats) s’ha utilitzat Flash Media Interactive Server en combinació de Flash Media Live Encoder per codificar-ne el contingut. L’usuari final, des de qualsevol punt del planeta, podrà realitzar (sempre i quan disposi del temps i el material necessari i una connexió a Internet) en temps real i en directe les classes dirigides que es realitzen al centre. Tanmateix, també s’ha desenvolupat una botiga virtual on qualsevol persona podrà comprar-hi, entre d’altres coses relacionades amb la pràctica de l’exercici físic, tot el material necessari per realitzar qualsevol de les activitats que s’imparteixen al gimnàs i ho rebrà còmodament a casa. Aprofitar unes circumstàncies econòmiques adverses per generar una nova manera de captar clients proporcionant-los una alternativa econòmica, diferent, nova i original d’anar al gimnàs. Temps de crisis, temps d’oportunitats. Aquesta és la moralitat que pretén donar aquest projecte.
BACKGROUND: Few studies have evaluated the influence of colectomy on antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody (ANCA) positivity in ulcerative colitis (UC). In small series of patients it has been suggested that ANCA positivity in UC might be predictive for development of pouchitis after colectomy. AIMS: To assess the prevalence of ANCA in UC patients treated by colectomy and a Brooke's ileostomy (UC-BI) or ileal pouch anal anastomosis (UC-IPAA), and the relation between the presence of ANCA, the type of surgery, and the presence of pouchitis. SUBJECTS: 63 UC patients treated by colectomy (32 with UC-BI and 31 with UC-IPAA), 54 UC, and 24 controls. METHODS: Samples were obtained at least two years after colectomy. ANCA were detected by indirect immunofluorescent assay. RESULTS: There were no differences between patients with (36.3%) or without pouchitis (35.0%) and between patients with UC (55%), UC-BI (40.6%), and UC-IPAA (35.4%). However, ANCA prevalence significantly decreases in the whole group of operated patients (38.0%) compared with non-operated UC (p = 0.044). CONCLUSIONS: The prevalence of ANCA in operated patients was significantly lower than in non-operated UC, suggesting that it might be related either to the presence of inflamed or diseased tissue. ANCA persistence is not related to the surgical procedure and it should not be used as a marker for predicting the development of pouchitis.
Background In addition to its anticoagulant properties, heparin has anti-inflammatory effects, the molecular and mechanistic bases of which are incompletely defined. AIMS The current studies were designed to test the hypothesis that heparin abrogates the expression or function of leucocyte-endothelial adherence molecules which are fundamental to the acute inflammatory response. Methods The effects of heparin on tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNF-¿) induced leucocyte rolling, adhesion, and migration as well as vascular permeability were assessed in rat mesenteric venules using intravital microscopy. Expression of adhesion molecules was quantitated using a double radiolabelled monoclonal antibody (mAb) binding technique in vivo (P-selectin, intercellular cell adhesion molecule type 1 (ICAM-1), and vascular cell adhesion molecule 1 (VCAM-1)) or flow cytometry (CD11a, CD11b, and L-selectin). Ex vivo binding of heparin to neutrophils was assessed by flow cytometry. RESULTS TNF-alpha induced a significant increase in leucocyte rolling, adhesion, and migration, and vascular permeability, coincident with a significant increase in expression of P-selectin, ICAM-1, and VCAM-1. Ex vivo assessment of blood neutrophils showed significant upregulation of CD11a and CD11b and significant downregulation of L-selectin within five hours of TNF-¿ administration. Heparin pretreatment significantly attenuated leucocyte rolling, adhesion, and migration but did not affect expression of cell adhesion molecules or vascular permeability elicited by TNF-¿ administration. Binding of heparin was significantly increased on blood neutrophils obtained five hours after TNF-¿ administration. Preincubation with an anti-CD11b mAb but not with an anti-CD11a or anti-L-selectin antibody significantly diminished heparin binding ex vivo.
BACKGROUND A previous study showed that the glucocorticoid dexamethasone, at doses of 100 ¿g/kg and above, inhibited leucocyte adhesion to rat mesenteric postcapillary venules activated with interleukin 1ß (IL-1ß), as assessed by videomicroscopy. AIMS To identify whether the adhesion molecule, intercellular adhesion molecule 1 (ICAM-1), or the chemokine KC could be targeted by the steroid to mediate its antiadhesive effect. METHODS Rat mesenteries were treated with IL-1ß (20 ng intraperitoneally) and the extent of leucocyte adhesion measured at two and four hours using intravital microscopy. Rats were treated with dexamethasone, and passively immunised against ICAM-1 or KC. Endogenous expression of these two mediators was validated by immunohistochemistry, ELISA, and the injection of specific radiolabelled antibodies. RESULTS Dexamethasone greatly reduced IL-1ß induced leucocyte adhesion, endothelial expression of ICAM-1 in the postcapillary venule, and release of the mast cell derived chemokine KC. Injection of specific antibodies to the latter mediators was also extremely effective in downregulating (>80%) IL-1ß induced leucocyte adhesion. CONCLUSIONS Induction by IL-1ß of endogenous ICAM-1 and KC contributes to leucocyte adhesion to inflamed mesenteric vessels. Without excluding other possible mediators, these data clearly show that dexamethasone interferes with ICAM-1 expression and KC release from mast cells, resulting in suppression of leucocyte accumulation in the bowel wall, which is a prominent feature of several gastrointestinal pathologies.
The developments in enteral feeding for Crohn's disease in the past decade are critically reviewed. The advent of amino acid based chemically defined elemental diets signalled the end of 'total bowel rest' in the management of these patients. Subsequently, controlled clinical trials showed that elemental diets were as effective as corticosteroids in inducing clinical remission in patients with acute exacerbations of Crohn's disease. The later use of peptide based elemental diets, in Crohn's disease produced somewhat conflicting results. The initial uncontrolled studies suggest that polymeric whole protein diets might also be effective in the management of acute exacerbations of the disease, casting in turn doubts concerning the role of dietary antigens in the pathogenesis of Crohn's disease. Results of controlled studies comparing the use of elemental and polymeric diets as primary therapy in Crohn's disease have, however, also produced conflicting results. The results of one recent controlled trial in which
Aquest treball pretén analitzar la importància de la lectura a l’escola tot posant èmfasi en el fet de llegir per plaer. Partint d’una base teòrica que ho fonamenti s’ha realitzat i analitzat una experiència innovadora: un bibliopati. Durant quatre sessions la biblioteca ha tret una part dels seus materials a fora el pati, de manera que han sigut els llibres qui han anat a buscar els alumnes i no al revés. Aquesta activitat, totalment voluntària, pretenia fomentar l’hàbit lector i donar a conèixer el potencial que té la biblioteca escolar.
Un estudi permet identificar nous gens relacionats amb la regulació dels nivells de serotonina, el neurotransmissor sobre el qual actua el tabac
BACKGROUND/OBJECTIVES: A smoking law was passed by the Spanish Parliament in December 2005 and was enforced by 1 January 2006. The law bans smoking in all indoor workplaces but only in some hospitality venues, because owners are allowed to establish a smoking zone (venues>100 m2) or to allow smoking without restrictions (venues<100 m2). The objective of the study is to assess the impact of the Spanish smoking law on exposure to secondhand smoke (SHS) in enclosed workplaces, including hospitality venues. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The study design is a before-and-after evaluation. We studied workplaces and hospitality venues from eight different regions of Spain. We took repeated samples of vapor-phase nicotine concentration in 398 premises, including private offices (162), public administration offices (90), university premises (43), bars and restaurants (79), and discotheques and pubs (24). RESULTS: In the follow-up period, SHS levels were markedly reduced in indoor offices. The median decrease in nicotine concentration ranged from 60.0% in public premises to 97.4% in private areas. Nicotine concentrations were also markedly reduced in bars and restaurants that became smoke-free (96.7%) and in the no-smoking zones of venues with separate spaces for smokers (88.9%). We found no significant changes in smoking zones or in premises allowing smoking, including discotheques and pubs. CONCLUSIONS: Overall, this study shows the positive impact of the law on reducing SHS in indoor workplaces. However, SHS was substantially reduced only in bars and restaurants that became smoke-free. Most hospitality workers continue to be exposed to very high levels of SHS. Therefore, a 100% smoke-free policy for all hospitality venues is required.
Un estudi permet identificar nous gens relacionats amb la regulació dels nivells de serotonina, el neurotransmissor sobre el qual actua el tabac
Objectives. A study is made of the dental implications of oral cancer, with a view to avoiding the complications that appear once oncological treatment is started. Patients and Methods. The study comprised a total of 22 patients diagnosed with oral cancer according to clinical and histological criteria in the Service of Maxillofacial Surgery (Dental Clinic of the University of Barcelona, Spain) during the period 1996-2005, and posteriorly treated in different hospital centers in Barcelona. Results. Of the 22 patients diagnosed with oral cancer in our Service, the present study finally analyzed the 12 subjects who reported for the dental controls. As regards the remaining 10 patients, 5 had died and 5 could not be located; these subjects were thus excluded from the analysis. All of the smokers had abandoned the habit. The most common tumor location was the lateral margin of the tongue. None of the patients visited the dentist regularly before the diagnosis of oral cancer. T1N0M0 was the most common tumor stage. Surgery was carried out in 50% of the cases, while 8.4% of the patients received radiotherapy and 41.6% underwent surgery with postoperative radiotherapy. In turn, 66.6% of the patients reported treatment sequelae such as dysgeusia, xerostomia or speech difficulties, and one patient suffered osteoradionecrosis. Forty-one percent of the patients did not undergo regular dental controls after cancer treatment. As regards oral and dental health, 16.6% presented caries, and 50% had active periodontal disease. Conclusions. Protocols are available for preventing the complications of oral cancer treatment, and thus for improving patient quality of life. However, important shortcomings in the application of such protocols on the part of the public health authorities make it difficult to reach these objectives
Objectives. A study is made of the dental implications of oral cancer, with a view to avoiding the complications that appear once oncological treatment is started. Patients and Methods. The study comprised a total of 22 patients diagnosed with oral cancer according to clinical and histological criteria in the Service of Maxillofacial Surgery (Dental Clinic of the University of Barcelona, Spain) during the period 1996-2005, and posteriorly treated in different hospital centers in Barcelona. Results. Of the 22 patients diagnosed with oral cancer in our Service, the present study finally analyzed the 12 subjects who reported for the dental controls. As regards the remaining 10 patients, 5 had died and 5 could not be located; these subjects were thus excluded from the analysis. All of the smokers had abandoned the habit. The most common tumor location was the lateral margin of the tongue. None of the patients visited the dentist regularly before the diagnosis of oral cancer. T1N0M0 was the most common tumor stage. Surgery was carried out in 50% of the cases, while 8.4% of the patients received radiotherapy and 41.6% underwent surgery with postoperative radiotherapy. In turn, 66.6% of the patients reported treatment sequelae such as dysgeusia, xerostomia or speech difficulties, and one patient suffered osteoradionecrosis. Forty-one percent of the patients did not undergo regular dental controls after cancer treatment. As regards oral and dental health, 16.6% presented caries, and 50% had active periodontal disease. Conclusions. Protocols are available for preventing the complications of oral cancer treatment, and thus for improving patient quality of life. However, important shortcomings in the application of such protocols on the part of the public health authorities make it difficult to reach these objectives