115 resultados para algebraic decoding


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Computer simulations of the dynamics of a colloidal particle suspended in a fluid confined by an interface show that the asymptotic decay of the velocity correlation functions is algebraic. The exponents of the long-time tails depend on the direction of motion of the particle relative to the surface, as well as on the specific nature of the boundary conditions. In particular, we find that for the angular velocity correlation function, the decay in the presence of a slip surface is faster than the one corresponding to a stick one. An intuitive picture is introduced to explain the various long-time tails, and the simulations are compared with theoretical expressions where available.


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Let $X$ be a smooth complex algebraic variety. Morgan showed that the rational homotopy type of $X$ is a formal consequence of the differential graded algebra defined by the first term $E_{1}(X,W)$ of its weight spectral sequence. In the present work, we generalize this result to arbitrary nilpotent complex algebraic varieties (possibly singular and/or non-compact) and to algebraic morphisms between them. In particular, our results generalize the formality theorem of Deligne, Griffiths, Morgan and Sullivan for morphisms of compact Kähler varieties, filling a gap in Morgan"s theory concerning functoriality over the rationals. As an application, we study the Hopf invariant of certain algebraic morphisms using intersection theory.


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An algebraic decay rate is derived which bounds the time required for velocities to equilibrate in a spatially homogeneous flow-through model representing the continuum limit of a gas of particles interacting through slightly inelastic collisions. This rate is obtained by reformulating the dynamical problem as the gradient flow of a convex energy on an infinite-dimensional manifold. An abstract theory is developed for gradient flows in length spaces, which shows how degenerate convexity (or even non-convexity) | if uniformly controlled | will quantify contractivity (limit expansivity) of the flow.


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Planar polynomial vector fields which admit invariant algebraic curves, Darboux integrating factors or Darboux first integrals are of special interest. In the present paper we solve the inverse problem for invariant algebraic curves with a given multiplicity and for integrating factors, under generic assumptions regarding the (multiple) invariant algebraic curves involved. In particular we prove, in this generic scenario, that the existence of a Darboux integrating factor implies Darboux integrability. Furthermore we construct examples where the genericity assumption does not hold and indicate that the situation is different for these.


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We present in this article several possibilities to approach the height of an algebraic curve defined over a number field : as an intersection number via the Arakelov theory, as a limit point of the heights of its algebraic points and, finally, using the minimal degree of Belyi functions.


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We prove a double commutant theorem for hereditary subalgebras of a large class of C*-algebras, partially resolving a problem posed by Pedersen[8]. Double commutant theorems originated with von Neumann, whose seminal result evolved into an entire field now called von Neumann algebra theory. Voiculescu proved a C*-algebraic double commutant theorem for separable subalgebras of the Calkin algebra. We prove a similar result for hereditary subalgebras which holds for arbitrary corona C*-algebras. (It is not clear how generally Voiculescu's double commutant theorem holds.)


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La "Phoronomia", primer libro de mecánica escrito tras los "Principia", es representativo del proceso de transición que transformó la dinámica a principios del XVIII y que concluye con la "Mecánica" de Euler (1736). Está escrita en estilo geométrico y algebraico, y mezcla los conceptos y métodos de Leibniz y Newton de forma idiosincrásica. En esta obra se encuentra por primera vez la segunda ley de Newton escrita en la forma en que hoy la conocemos, así como un intento de construcción de la estática y la dinámica de sólidos y fluidos basado en reglas generales diferenciales.


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Recently there has been a great deal of work on noncommutative algebraic cryptography. This involves the use of noncommutative algebraic objects as the platforms for encryption systems. Most of this work, such as the Anshel-Anshel-Goldfeld scheme, the Ko-Lee scheme and the Baumslag-Fine-Xu Modular group scheme use nonabelian groups as the basic algebraic object. Some of these encryption methods have been successful and some have been broken. It has been suggested that at this point further pure group theoretic research, with an eye towards cryptographic applications, is necessary.In the present study we attempt to extend the class of noncommutative algebraic objects to be used in cryptography. In particular we explore several different methods to use a formal power series ring R && x1; :::; xn && in noncommuting variables x1; :::; xn as a base to develop cryptosystems. Although R can be any ring we have in mind formal power series rings over the rationals Q. We use in particular a result of Magnus that a finitely generated free group F has a faithful representation in a quotient of the formal power series ring in noncommuting variables.


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Discriminating groups were introduced by G.Baumslag, A.Myasnikov and V.Remeslennikov as an outgrowth of their theory of algebraic geometry over groups. However they have taken on a life of their own and have been an object of a considerable amount of study. In this paper we survey the large array results concerning the class of discriminating groups that have been developed over the past decade.


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The following paper presents an overview of the Ph.D Thesis1 presented in [1], which compiles all the research done during the period of time between 2004-2007. In that dissertation the relay-assisted transmission with half-duplex relays is analyzed from different points of view. This study is motivated by the necessity of finding innovative solutions to cope with the requirements of next generation wireless services, and with current radio technology. The use of relayed communications represents a change of paradigm of conventional communications, and requires the definition and evaluation of protocols to be applied to single or multiple-user relay communication. With the two fold goal of enhancing spectral efficiency and homogenize service in cellular communications, system design is investigated at physical (type of transmissions of the relay, decoding mode, ..) and upper layers (resource allocation, dynamic link control).


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Severini and Mansour introduced in [4]square polygons, as graphical representations of square permutations, that is, permutations such that all entries are records (left or right, minimum or maximum), and they obtained a nice formula for their number. In this paper we give a recursive construction for this class of permutations, that allows to simplify the derivation of their formula and to enumerate the subclass of square permutations with a simple record polygon. We also show that the generating function of these permutations with respect to the number of records of each type is algebraic, answering a question of Wilf in a particular case.


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We propose a generalization of the reduction of Poisson manifolds by distributions introduced by Marsden and Ratiu. Our proposal overcomes some of the restrictions of the original procedure, and makes the reduced Poisson structure effectively dependent on the distribution. Different applications are discussed, as well as the algebraic interpretation of the procedure and its formulation in terms of Dirac structures.


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JPEG2000 és el nou estàndard de compressió d’imatges impulsat pel Joint Photographics Experts Group, el qual defineix un protocol eficient per la transmissió interactiva d’imatges, anomenat JPIP. El Group on Interactive Coding of Images (GICI) té una implementació d’aquest protocol, CADI. En aquest projecte es realitza l’implementació del client d’aquest protocol en un dispositiu mòbil. Per això s’ha realitzat un estudi de les plataformes mòbils que hi ha actualment en el mercat. Finalment s’han proposat millores, en el descodificador, per reduir el temps de computació i la carrega de memòria.


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Projecte de recerca elaborat a partir d’una estada a la Universitat d'Aberdeen, Irlanda, entre abril i maig del 2007. Un dels objectius de la topologia algebraica és la de classificar espais topològics i aplicacions continues mitjançant estructures algebraiques associades a ells. És a dir, mitjançant diferents maneres d'associar un objecte algebraic a un espai, es pretén reflectir el màxim de la seva estructura topològica. D'altra banda, donat un grup G, se li pot associar un espai topològic BG anomenat l'espai classificador del grup que és l'espai que classifica els G-fibrats vectorials. El programa d'estudiar el tipus d'homotopia d'espais i aplicacions contínues ha donat molts fruits quan els espais que s'estudien són espais classificadors (en particular, grups finits i grups de Lie). En particular, a causa del fet que moltes propietats algebraiques del grup queden reflectides en l'espai classificador, aquest tipus d'espais juguen un paper molt important en la interelació entre l'àlgebra i la topologia. Per exemple, els treballs de Dwyer, Zabrodsky i Mislin identifiquen les aplicacions contínues entre espais classificadors d'un p-grup i un grup qualsevol amb els morfismes entre grups llevat conjugació. L’objectiu d’aquest projecte és el de descriure les aplicacions contínues entre p-completats d’espais classificadors a partir d’informació algebraica referent a l’estructura de p-subgrups de cadascun d’ells.


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The trace of a square matrix can be defined by a universal property which, appropriately generalized yields the concept of "trace of an endofunctor of a small category". We review the basic definitions of this general concept and give a new construction, the "pretrace category", which allows us to obtain the trace of an endofunctor of a small category as the set of connected components of its pretrace. We show that this pretrace construction determines a finite-product preserving endofunctor of the category of small categories, and we deduce from this that the trace inherits any finite-product algebraic structure that the original category may have. We apply our results to several examples from Representation Theory obtaining a new (indirect) proof of the fact that two finite dimensional linear representations of a finite group are isomorphic if and only if they have the same character.