50 resultados para agenda setting
In this paper we match the static disequilibrium unemployment model without frictions in the labor market and monopolistic competition with an infinite horizon model of growth. We compare the wages set at the firm, sector and national (centralized) levels, their unemployment rates and growth of the economic variables, for the Cobb-Douglas production function, in order to see under wich conditions the inverse U hypothesis between unemployment and centralization of wage bargain is confirmed. We also analyze, in the three wage setting systems, the effect of an increase in the monopoly power on employment and growth.
Amb l'aprovació del programa de Tampere el 1999 la Unió Europea (UE) va començar a articular una política d'immigració cap a l'exterior, sent prioritaris els països veïns d'Europa oriental en l'establiment de l'agenda en qüestions migratòries. El contingut d'aquesta agenda inclou normes aprovades bilateralment entre la Unió i els països veïns, normes que emanen de règims internacionals i fins i tot normes pròpies del patrimoni de la Unió. Aquest Working Paper analitza sintèticament l'agenda en matèria d'immigració entre la UE i els països veïns d'Europa oriental en funció del tipus de normes que es disposen a adoptar. Per això, s'han d'observar tres subsectors de la política d'immigració (immigració irregular, immigració regular i asil) per a cada un dels tres països de l'àrea amb els que la cooperació ha estat més intensa (Rússia, Ucraïna i Moldàvia). Prova d'això és l'entrada en vigor de sengles acords de readmissió i facilitació de visats entre la UE i aquests països. L'objectiu d'aquest article és elaborar un retrat matisat de l'agenda d'immigració més ambiciosa que la UE ha dissenyat cap a l'exterior.
Seminar proceedings about the Seminar “Companies in Confict Situations”, organized by ICIP, with the aim of reflecting on the causes, the dynamics and the consequences of the participation of companies in armed conflicts. Over thirty international experts will be participating in the conferences to analyze the role and responsibilities of companies in connection with the international arms market (especially regarding small arms, light weapons and conventional weapons), the provision of military and security services, and the exploitation of, and trade in, natural resources.
En el proyecto se desarrolla una agenda comercial multiplataforma con HTML5 y PhoneGap.
L'objectiu principal d'aquest projecte ha estat aprofundir en la construcció de programari, abordant totes les etapes d'un projecte de construcció de programari des de la perspectiva de l'enginyeria del software (anàlisi, disseny, implementació i proves) i utilitzant el paradigma de programació Orientada a l'Objecte mitjançant l'ús de la tecnologia J2EE, conjuntament amb bastions de programari de gran importància en el mon real i per tant, en l'àmbit de desenvolupament de programari i tecnològic actuals.
Para muchos tipos de investigación en ciencias sociales existe la necesidad deobtener información sobre la opinión pública. Internet puede ayudar a satisfacer esta necesidad porque es una fuente de información fácilmente accesible. Este trabajo pretende establecer una metodología de análisis completa y coherente y para ellodesarrolla un análisis de las herramientas, métodos y teorías utilizadas en el análisis de la opinión pública en Internet. Ya que la idea de opinión pública en que me baso sefundamenta en la organización temática de la misma, analizo las teorías clásicas de laagenda-setting y de la tematización. Sin embargo, la característica complejidad de lasociedad actual y la fragmentación de la agenda pública hacen necesario estudiar elnuevo sistema comunicativo desde perspectivas menos deterministas. La teoría de redes complejas permite analizar los fenómenos de emergencia temática y autoorganización desde una perspectiva más amplia que tiene en cuenta los numerosos factores que determinan el funcionamiento del sistema comunicativo actual
Desarrollo de una aplicación de gestión de pacientes y citas para fisioterapeutas.
We offer complete characterizations of the equilibrium outcomesof two prominent agenda voting institutions that are widely used in the democraticworld: the amendment, also known as the Anglo-American procedure,and the successive, or equivalently the Euro-Latin procedure. Our axiomaticapproach provides a proper understanding of these voting institutions, and allowscomparisons between them, and with other voting procedures.
The origins of electoral systems have received scant attention in the literature. Looking at the history of electoral rules in the advanced world in the last century, this paper shows that the existing wide variation in electoral rules across nations can be traced to the strategic decisions that the current ruling parties, anticipating the coordinating consequences of different electoral regimes, make to maximize their representation according to the following conditions. On the one hand, as long as the electoral arena does not change substantially and the current electoral regime serves the ruling parties well, the latter have no incentives to modify the electoral regime. On the other hand, as soon as the electoral arena changes (due to the entry of new voters or a change in their preferences), the ruling parties will entertain changing the electoral system, depending on two main conditions: the emergence of new parties and the coordinating capacities of the old ruling parties. Accordingly, if the new parties are strong, the old parties shift from plurality/majority rules to proportional representation (PR) only if the latter are locked into a 'non-Duvergerian' equilibrium; i.e. if no old party enjoys a dominant position (the case of most small European states)--conversely, they do not if a Duvergerian equilibrium exists (the case of Great Britain). Similarly, whenever the new entrants are weak, a non-PR system is maintained, regardless of the structure of the old party system (the case of the USA). The paper discusses as well the role of trade and ethnic and religious heterogeneity in the adoption of PR rules.
In Spain both accounting practice and accounting research have been strongly influenced by accounting practices developed in the Englishspeaking world. This paper:1) Summarizes a seminal English paper, the 'Corporate Report', that identified the potential for accounting reports to serve a wide range of users.2) Identifies the ways in which English language accounting conceptual frameworks have paid lip service to a range of user needs, but in practice have excluded users other than investors and creditors.3) Argues that for Spain the ideas put forward in the Corporate Report have a particular relevance, and might usefully form the basis for a new research agenda.
The present paper makes progress in explaining the role of capital for inflation and output dynamics. We followWoodford (2003, Ch. 5) in assuming Calvo pricing combined with a convex capital adjustment cost at the firm level. Our main result is that capital accumulation affects inflation dynamics primarily through its impact on the marginal cost. This mechanism is much simpler than the one implied by the analysis in Woodford's text. The reason is that his analysis suffers from a conceptual mistake, as we show. The latter obscures the economic mechanism through which capital affects inflation and output dynamics in the Calvo model, as discussed in Woodford (2004).
A prolonged confrontation between Yahoo! Inc. and French anti-racismactivists who ask for the removal of Nazi items from auction sitesas well as restricted access to neo-Nazis sites is analyzed. We presentthe case and its development up to the decision of Yahoo! Inc. to removethe items from yahoo.com following a French court s verdict against thefirm. Using a business ethics approach, we distinguish the legal,technical, philosophical and managerial issues involved in the case andtheir management by Yahoo! We conclude on the difficulty of governingrelations with society from corporate and legal affairs departments atthe headquarters level, and on the clash of two visions over theregulation of social freedom.
We propose a model in which economic relations and institutions in advancedand less developed economies differ as these societies have access to different amounts of information. This lack of information makes it hard to give the right incentives to managers and entrepreneurs. We argue that differences in the amount of information arise because of the differences in the scale of activities in rich and poor economies; namely, there is too little repetition of similar activities in pooreconomies, thus insufficient information to set the appropriate standards for firm performance. Our model predicts a number of institutional and structural transformations as the economy accumulates capital and information.