18 resultados para Zapata, Emiliano, 1879-1919
Prof. Dr. Antonio Prevosti was born on the 15th of February, 1919, at Barcelona where he grew up and lived with his wife Maria Monclús and his family until his death. Between the years 1939 and 1942 he registered at the University of Barcelona and finished his studies there with the"University Degree in Natural Science" obtaining the extraordinary award of his promotion. Immediately afterwards he started his research about the growth rate of Barcelona school children from two very different social groups at the Anthropology Laboratory of the University of Barcelona. The obtained results were published in his Doctoral Thesis (1948). Further investigations on quantitative traits in human populations improved his knowledge of statistical analyses and provided the basis for a scholarship from the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs to work at the Institute of Statistical and Demographical Sciences in Rome directed by Prof. C. Gini.
Una revisión de los datos arqueológicos actualmente conocidos en relación a la antigua Tarraco nos permite plantear nuevas hipótesis de trabajo, que apuntan a la posibilidad de que la primera fortificación romana corresponda al período de la Segunda Guerra Púnica, debiéndose a los hermanos Escipiones o a Escipión el Africano. Asimismo, creemos que existen suficientes datos para plantear una posible implantación urbanística ex novo situada entre el praesidium militar y el oppidum indígena, en el tercer cuarto del siglo II a. de J.C., que podría haber sido fundada por Escipión Emiliano. Por ello, la frase pliniana Tarraco Scipionum opus alcanza nuevas dimensiones no valoradas hasta la fecha.