81 resultados para Yangtze River Delta
An Apicomplexan Perkinsus species has been found parasitizing the clam Ruditapes philippinarum (= Tapes semidecussatus) collected on the Mediterranean coast in the region of the Ebro Delta (Tarragona, Spain). Light and transmission electron microscopy were used to study different stages of this parasite during zoosporulation induced by incubation in thioglycollate medium and seawater. During incubation the trophozoites began zoosporulation, which originated prezoosporangia and zoosporangia at different developmental stages. Successive cytokinesis and nucleokinesis gave rise to prezoospores, which became elongate and differentiated in biflagellated zoospores. The latter presented large mitochondria and an apical complex formed by a conoid, polar ring, micronemes, rhophtries and subpellicular microtubules. The zoosporangium wall showed some typical lamosomes and a discharge tube developed in early phases of incubation. Ultrastructural data were compared with the only four species of the genus Perkinsus previously described. The morphological data, the host and the geographic proximity suggest that the species located on the Mediterranean coast was Perkinsus atlanticus.
We analysed and compared the diet of Audouin´s gulls Larus audouinii between their two largest breeding sites in the world: the Ebro Delta and the Chafarinas Islands (western Mediterranean). These two localities showed marked differences in the features of the commercial fishing fleet: in the Ebro Delta area a large fishing fleet produced large amounts of discards, while in the Chafarinas the fleet discarded smaller amounts of fish and marine invertebrates, due to the smaller number of vessels. It is also likely that the percentage of discards from total catches is also lower around the Chafarinas than at the Ebro Delta. We distinguished two types of fishing to compare diet compositions: diurnal (only trawling activity) and diurnal and nocturnal (trawling and purse-seine activity, respectively). We also differentiated regurgitates from young nestlings (up to 20 days old) and from older nestlings or adult birds. At the two localities, fish was the main food of Audouin´s gulls, with epipelagic prey (mainly clupeoids) being more important when both diurnal and nocturnal fisheries were operating. This confirms that epipelagic prey either caught actively by the gulls or linked to fisheries was particularly important in the feeding habits of Audouin´s gulls. Nevertheless, differences between the two colonies appear mainly when only trawlers operated: while at the Ebro Delta gulls showed higher consumption of benthic-mesopelagic prey (probably linked to a higher trawler discard availability), gulls from the Chafarinas Islands consumed higher biomass of epipelagic prey probably caught actively at night. When both fleets operated around the two colonies, the average biomass of prey in a regurgitate of younger chicks was significantly higher at the Ebro Delta than at Chafarinas, and the opposite trend was recorded for older nestlings and adults. Niche width was broader in Chafarinas than in the Ebro Delta for both age classes and for any fishing fleet schedule, suggesting again that the exploitation of discards was higher at the Ebro Delta than at the Chafarinas, where gulls showed a more varied diet. Despite the fact that availability of discards was probably higher at the Ebro Delta than at Chafarinas, the per capita availability was not so different at both localities due to the increasing seabird community population at the Ebro Delta, which ca. doubled that at Chafarinas in the last decade.
En aquesta important comunicació al Simposi de Jerez de la Frontera que ell mateix havia organitzat, el Dr. Maluquer assenyalava amb proves arqueologiques la presencia del comer~ fenici a Catalunya. De fet, era la primera vegada que es parlava de la presencia fenícia a Catalunya amb dades concretes, i d'aquí la importancia cabdal d'aquesta comunicació per a la historia de la recerca arqueologica. Cal tenir en compte que la presencia fenícia a les costes catalanes és silenciada per les fonts escrites, contrariament al que succeeix amb la presencia rOdia o focea posem per cas, de manera que es pot dir que la descoberta de l'element fenici va ser una descoberta exclusivament arqueologica, i que va causar la natural sorpresa al Dr. Maluquer, el seu descobridor.
Gammarus aequicauda and Sphaeroma hookeri are the most abundant macroinvertebrates on Ruppia cirrhosa (1275 and 1290 individuals.m-2) and Potamogeton pectinatus (140 and 680 individuals. m-2) in Tancada lagoon, a Mediterranean coastal lagoon in the Ebro Delta (NE Spain). Consumption and assimilation efficiencies were calculated from bell jar experiments. Gammarus grazing effects are higher than Sphaeroma on both Ruppia cirrhosa and Potamogeton pectinatus. Green Ruppia leaves lost 0.3 mg per mg Gammarus per day, while Potamogeton leaves lost 0.2 mg per mg Gammarus per day. Decomposing Ruppia leaves lost 0.35-0.54 mg per mg Gammarus per day. Losses of weight by both Ruppia and Potamogeton due to Sphaeroma feeding were less than half those by Gammarus. Assimilation efficiencies are higher for Gammarus (44-78% feeding on Ruppia 2% feeding on Potamogeton) than for Sphaeroma (26-48%) feeding on Ruppia). These assimilation efficiencies were higher than those reported by other authors working at higher latitudes perhaps because of the higher temperature under which the experiments were carried out.
Coastal lagoons where salinity varies within a wide range during the year are colonized by euryhaline macrophytes which can develop extensive beds. Seasonal changes in biomass of Ruppia cirrhosa and Potamogeton pectinatus were studied in Tancada Lagoon (Ebro Delta, NE Spain) in order to reveal the environmental factors controlling their population development. Ruppia cirrhosa occupy a larger area of the lagoon than Potarnogeton pectinatus. Their maximum above ground biomasses are also different (495 g m-2 and 351 g m-2 ash free dry weight, respectively). Below ground biomass of Ruppia cirrhosa is between 9 and 53 % of the above ground biomass, while it is 3-40 % for Potamogeton pectinatus. Chlorophyll a contents show fluctuations similar to biomass. Low salinity and high turbidity caused by freshwater inflows favour Potamogeton expansion, while Ruppia development is favoured by high salinity and transparent water.
The decomposition process of Ruppia cirrhosa was studied in a Mediterranean coastal lagoon in the Delta of the River Ebro (NE Spain). Leaves and shoots of Ruppia were enclosed in 1 mm-mesh and 100 pm-mesh litter bags to ascertain the effect of detritivores, macroinvertebrates, and bacteria and fungi, respectively. Changes in biomass and carbon, and, nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations in the detritus were studied at the sediment-water interface and in the sediment. Significant differences in biomass decay were observed between the two bag types. Significant differences in decomposition were observed between the two experimental conditions studied using 100 pm-mesh bags. These differences were not significant when using the 1 mm-mesh bags. The carbon content in the detritus remained constant during the decomposition process. The percentage of nitrogen increased progressively from an initial 2.4 % to 3 %. The percentage of phosphorus decreased rapidly during the first two days of decomposition from an initial 0.26 % to 0.17 %. This loss is greater in the sediment than in the water column or at the sediment-water interface. From these results we deduce that the activity of microorganisms seems to be more important in the sediment than in the water-sediment interface, and that grazing by macroinvertebrates has less importance in the sediment than in the water column.
Durante el siglo XIX se ejecutan en Catalunya proyectos de grandes regadíos en las tierras con mejores aptitudes para ello, como son las de la Depresión Central leridana, las del delta del Ebro o las del Bajo Llobregat. La excepción será la llanura del Ampurdán, concretamente, su mitad norte. No obstante, la profusión de intentos es elevada, aunque ninguno dará resultados prácticos hasta los años 60 del siglo XX. Esto ha reforzado su desconocimiento y, mediante el artículo, se quiere paliar este déficit. En primer lugar, se repasan algunos de los viajeros y eruditos que, entre los siglos XVII y XIX, facilitaron datos sobre los riegos existentes y algunas propuestas para mejorarlos. A continuación se analizarán los tres intentos más significativos para ampliarlos durante la segunda mitad del XIX. Se abordarán sus objetivos, sus peculiaridades, sus promotores, los discursos que los justificaron y los motivos de su fracaso
Gammarus aequicauda and Sphaeroma hookeri are the most abundant macroinvertebrates on Ruppia cirrhosa (1275 and 1290 individuals.m-2) and Potamogeton pectinatus (140 and 680 individuals. m-2) in Tancada lagoon, a Mediterranean coastal lagoon in the Ebro Delta (NE Spain). Consumption and assimilation efficiencies were calculated from bell jar experiments. Gammarus grazing effects are higher than Sphaeroma on both Ruppia cirrhosa and Potamogeton pectinatus. Green Ruppia leaves lost 0.3 mg per mg Gammarus per day, while Potamogeton leaves lost 0.2 mg per mg Gammarus per day. Decomposing Ruppia leaves lost 0.35-0.54 mg per mg Gammarus per day. Losses of weight by both Ruppia and Potamogeton due to Sphaeroma feeding were less than half those by Gammarus. Assimilation efficiencies are higher for Gammarus (44-78% feeding on Ruppia 2% feeding on Potamogeton) than for Sphaeroma (26-48%) feeding on Ruppia). These assimilation efficiencies were higher than those reported by other authors working at higher latitudes perhaps because of the higher temperature under which the experiments were carried out.
The decomposition process of Ruppia cirrhosa was studied in a Mediterranean coastal lagoon in the Delta of the River Ebro (NE Spain). Leaves and shoots of Ruppia were enclosed in 1 mm-mesh and 100 pm-mesh litter bags to ascertain the effect of detritivores, macroinvertebrates, and bacteria and fungi, respectively. Changes in biomass and carbon, and, nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations in the detritus were studied at the sediment-water interface and in the sediment. Significant differences in biomass decay were observed between the two bag types. Significant differences in decomposition were observed between the two experimental conditions studied using 100 pm-mesh bags. These differences were not significant when using the 1 mm-mesh bags. The carbon content in the detritus remained constant during the decomposition process. The percentage of nitrogen increased progressively from an initial 2.4 % to 3 %. The percentage of phosphorus decreased rapidly during the first two days of decomposition from an initial 0.26 % to 0.17 %. This loss is greater in the sediment than in the water column or at the sediment-water interface. From these results we deduce that the activity of microorganisms seems to be more important in the sediment than in the water-sediment interface, and that grazing by macroinvertebrates has less importance in the sediment than in the water column.
The effect of dissolved nutrients on growth, nutrient content and uptake rates of Chaetomorpha linum in a Mediterranean coastal lagoon (Tancada, Ebro delta, NE Spain) was studied in laboratory experiments. Water was enriched with distinct forms of nitrogen, such as nitrate or ammonium and phosphorus. Enrichment with N, P or with both nutrients resulted in a significant increase in the tissue content of these nutrients. N-enrichment was followed by an increase in chlorophyll content after 4 days of treatment, although the difference was only significant when nitrate was added without P. P-enrichment had no significant effect on chlorophyll content. In all the treatments an increase in biomass was obseved after 10 days. This increase was higher in the N+P treatments. In all the treatments the uptake rate was significantly higher when nutrients were added than in control jars. The uptake rate of N, as ammonium, and P were significantly higher when they were added alone while that of N as nitrate was higher in the N+P treatment. In the P-enriched cultures, the final P-content of macroalgal tissues was ten-fold that of the initial tissue concentrations, thereby indicating luxury P-uptake. Moreover, at the end of the incubation the N:P ratio increased to 80, showing that P rather than N was the limiting factor for C. linum in the Tancada lagoon. The relatively high availability of N is related to the N inputs from rice fields that surround the lagoon and to P binding in sediments.
The epiphytic macroinvertebrate communities associated with the Common Reed, Phragmites australis (Cav.) Trin. ex Steudel, were examined seasonally from summer 2004 to spring 2005 in eleven coastal lagoons of the Llobregat Delta (NE Spain) following the method proposed by Kornijów & Kairesalo (1994). The aims of the study were to: 1) characterise and quantify changes in epiphytic macroinvertebrate communities along environmental gradients; 2) assess the contribution of elements of the epiphytic compartment to structuring the community; 3) define the optima and tolerances of selected epiphytic macroinvertebrate taxa for the most relevant ecological factors responsible for assemblage composition; and 4) identify possible epiphytic species assemblages that would allow a lagoon"s typology to be established, as well as their representative indicator species. Communities showed statistically significant seasonal variation, with two faunal peaks: one in summer, with high chironomid densities, and the other in winter, with high naidid densities. These peaks showed a clear response to the influence of environmental factors. Salinity explained the highest percentage of total variance (36%), while trophic variables (nutrients, phytoplanktonic chlorophyll-a, and total organic carbon) and epiphyton biomass (19.2 and 4% of total variance explained, respectively) were secondary. Three different epiphytic macroinvertebrate species assemblages could be defined. These assemblages were directly linked to conductivity conditions, which determined the rate of survival of certain taxa, and to the existence of a direct connection with the sea, which permitted the establishment of 'brackish-water' species. In spite of the existence of these species assemblages, the species composition and biomass of epiphytic macroinvertebrates and epiphyton differed substantially between lagoons; both elements were subject to changes in the environment, which finally determined the site-to-site variation in the density and composition of the macroinvertebrate population
A mediados del siglo XIX con la construcción del Canal de la Derecha del Ebro se expande el cultivo del arroz al hemidelta derecho y no llega hasta el 1912 al hemidelta izquierdo cuando se inauguró el Canal de la Izquierda. En este momento el delta del Ebro llegó a ser la segunda zona estatal de producción de arroz, por detrás de la tradicional zona valenciana. La fuerza que tomó este cultivo, por ser el que se adaptaba mejor a las condiciones deltaicas fue mejorado mucho después con la mecanización y la investigación química a nivel de insecticidas, herbicidas y fertilizantes que sobre el 1970 dio un empujón a la economía i a la producción de este cultivo (Ribas,1991). Hoy en día el cultivo del arroz al Delta del Ebro es la actividad predominante, ocupando aproximadamente el 80 % de la superficie agraria útil (Bartual, 1992). Las variedades de arroz cultivadas han ido variando en los últimos años, mediante una gradual renovación de las más antiguas, en función de las mejores características. Las nuevas variedades ofrecen mejores rendimientos, una mayor resistencia a plagas y enfermedades, altura más baja (mayor resistencia al “encamado”), mejor calidad de grano o bien una mayor producción (Franquet et al., 2004). La evolución de las variedades cultivadas al delta durante estos últimos 20 años es lo que pretende dar a conocer este artículo, ya que más de 70 variedades han sido cultivadas en el Delta del Ebro y la información sobre este tema es casi inexistente.
Se ha realizado un estudio sobre los efectos de la temperatura en el crecimiento de O. vulgaris en tanque en tierra, con el fin de trasladar esta información a un posible futuro cultivo de esta especie en la bahía dels Alfacs. Se incide en los efectos que las temperaturas extremas tienen sobre las tasas de ingestión relativa, el crecimiento absoluto y relativo y la supervivencia. Los resultados indican como rango óptimo de alimentación y crecimiento el comprendido entre 15-24ºC.
Les zones humides han sofert durant anys les velles concepcions de gestió de l'aigua, promovent la seva dessecació fins els anys 60. Com a resposta han sorgit un seguit de directives europees i lleis estatals i autonòmiques per intentar recuperar i restaurar aquests hàbitats amenaçats.