26 resultados para X-LINKED INHERITANCE


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This paper examines the conditions allowing the formation of aeropolitan areas as large industrial areas with a high concentration of commercial activities in the proximity of selected airports. We assume that firms deliver their production by plane and land competition takes place among service operators, firms and farmers. Service operators supply facilities that firms can absorb. Our framework identifies a unique land equilibrium characterized by the spatial sequence Airport - Industrial park - Rural area (A-I-R). Aerotropolis-type configurations are associated with the level of transport costs and the degree of intensity of facilities. Keywords: aerotropolis; facilities; bid-rent function. JEL Classification Numbers: L29; L90; R14.


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La finalitat d'aquest treball és treballar la història altmedieval de Catalunya a partir de la història local d'un poble concret: Sant Quirze de Besora.


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Aquest treball de final de carrera vol fer un estudi comparatiu entre el llenguatge XQuery del W3C i el llenguatge X-Query de Tamino, amb una valoració de les possibilitats que ofereix aquest sistema nadiu en el treball amb XML amb relació al llenguatge de consultes sobre XML definit pel W3C.


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Many multivariate methods that are apparently distinct can be linked by introducing oneor more parameters in their definition. Methods that can be linked in this way arecorrespondence analysis, unweighted or weighted logratio analysis (the latter alsoknown as "spectral mapping"), nonsymmetric correspondence analysis, principalcomponent analysis (with and without logarithmic transformation of the data) andmultidimensional scaling. In this presentation I will show how several of thesemethods, which are frequently used in compositional data analysis, may be linkedthrough parametrizations such as power transformations, linear transformations andconvex linear combinations. Since the methods of interest here all lead to visual mapsof data, a "movie" can be made where where the linking parameter is allowed to vary insmall steps: the results are recalculated "frame by frame" and one can see the smoothchange from one method to another. Several of these "movies" will be shown, giving adeeper insight into the similarities and differences between these methods


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Fins a la darreria del segle VIII, el complex episcopal gironí se situava fora murs, al voltant de l'esglésiamartirial de Sant Feliu; a principis del segle IX, el complex es desdoblà amb la consagració d'una segona església episcopal, Santa Maria, dins murs, raó per la qual la seu fou coneguda, al llarg d'aquella centúria, amb la doble advocació de Santa Maria i Sant Feliu. Al llarg del segle X, s'afermà la preeminència de Santa Maria fins al punt que, en l'últim terç del segle. Sant Feliu ja no és esmentada com a seu episcopal, encara que hi continuà vinculada com a una església dependent, sense personalitat ni administració pròpia. Des de final del segle, el procés s'accelerà amb la construcció d'una nova església catedral a Santa Maria, que complementà l'aixecament d'un nou complex episcopal dins murs, en gran part culminat a mitjan segle XI i format per xenodoquium, catedral, palau episcopal i conjunt canonical, a banda de noves residències de canonges i altres clergues en el seu entorn. Aquests fets significaren la consolidació de Santa Maria com a seu única, però també la profunda remodelació urbanística d'un sector significatiu de la ciutat, prop d'un 20% del total, expressió del nou domini del bisbe i dels clergues sobre la 'seva ciutat'


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Aquest projecte es basa, en el disseny i construcció d’una aplicació directa de l’holografia de microones. Està compost per el disseny d’un sistema el qual és capaç de mesurar la potència que arriba a un sistema d’antenes receptores al travessar un obstacle i posteriorment, mitjançant una sèrie de passos que caracteritzen l’holografia, el que permet és, recuperar una imatge virtual de l’obstacle en qüestió el qual s’ha volgut holografiar. Aquest sistema s’ha elaborat mitjançant un motor rotatori i posteriorment lineal per fer l’escaneig de potència. Primerament el que s’ha dut a terme és una simulació de com el sistema es comportaria en un entorn ideal i posteriorment, s’ha dut a la realitat amb un sistema el qual ens ha permès fer una comparació amb els resultats obtinguts en la simulació. Finalment es mostren els resultats sobre la seva viabilitat.


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The subject of this project is about “Energy Dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence ” (EDXRF).This technique can be used for a tremendous variety of elemental analysis applications.It provides one of the simplest, most accurate and most economic analytical methods for thedetermination of the chemical composition of many types of materials.The purposes of this project are:- To give some basic information about Energy Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence.- To perform qualitative and quantitative analysis of different samples (water-dissolutions,powders, oils,..) in order to define the sensitivity and detection limits of the equipment.- To make a comprehensive and easy-to-use manual of the ‘ARL QUANT’X EnergyDispersive X-Ray Fluorescence’ apparatus


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We study the social, demographic and economic origins of social security. The data for the U.S. and for a cross section of countries suggest that urbanization and industrialization are associated with the rise of social insurance. We describe an OLG model in which demographics, technology, and social security are linked together in a political economy equilibrium. In the model economy, there are two locations (sectors), the farm (agricultural) and the city (industrial) and the decision to migrate from rural to urban locations is endogenous and linked to productivity differences between the two locations and survival probabilities. Farmers rely on land inheritance for their old age and do not support a pay-as-you-go social security system. With structural change, people migrate to the city, the land loses its importance and support for social security arises. We show that a calibrated version of this economy, where social security taxes are determined by majority voting, is consistent with the historical transformation in the United States.


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Møller-Plesset (MP2) and Becke-3-Lee-Yang-Parr (B3LYP) calculations have been used to compare the geometrical parameters, hydrogen-bonding properties, vibrational frequencies and relative energies for several X- and X+ hydrogen peroxide complexes. The geometries and interaction energies were corrected for the basis set superposition error (BSSE) in all the complexes (1-5), using the full counterpoise method, yielding small BSSE values for the 6-311 + G(3df,2p) basis set used. The interaction energies calculated ranged from medium to strong hydrogen-bonding systems (1-3) and strong electrostatic interactions (4 and 5). The molecular interactions have been characterized using the atoms in molecules theory (AIM), and by the analysis of the vibrational frequencies. The minima on the BSSE-counterpoise corrected potential-energy surface (PES) have been determined as described by S. Simón, M. Duran, and J. J. Dannenberg, and the results were compared with the uncorrected PES


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Our new simple method for calculating accurate Franck-Condon factors including nondiagonal (i.e., mode-mode) anharmonic coupling is used to simulate the C2H4+X2B 3u←C2H4X̃1 Ag band in the photoelectron spectrum. An improved vibrational basis set truncation algorithm, which permits very efficient computations, is employed. Because the torsional mode is highly anharmonic it is separated from the other modes and treated exactly. All other modes are treated through the second-order perturbation theory. The perturbation-theory corrections are significant and lead to a good agreement with experiment, although the separability assumption for torsion causes the C2 D4 results to be not as good as those for C2 H4. A variational formulation to overcome this circumstance, and deal with large anharmonicities in general, is suggested


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Eating disorders (EDs) are complex psychiatric diseases that include anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa, and have higher than 50% heritability. Previous studies have found association of BDNF and NTRK2 to ED, while animal models suggest that other neurotrophin genes might also be involved in eating behavior. We have performed a family-based association study with 151 TagSNPs covering 10 neurotrophin signaling genes: NGFB, BDNF, NTRK1, NGFR/p75, NTF4/5, NTRK2, NTF3, NTRK3, CNTF and CNTFR in 371 ED trios of Spanish, French and German origin. Besides several nominal associations, we found a strong significant association after correcting for multiple testing (P = 1.04 × 10−4) between ED and rs7180942, located in the NTRK3 gene, which followed an overdominant model of inheritance. Interestingly, HapMap unrelated individuals carrying the rs7180942 risk genotypes for ED showed higher levels of expression of NTRK3 in lymphoblastoid cell lines. Furthermore, higher expression of the orthologous murine Ntrk3 gene was also detected in the hypothalamus of the anx/anx mouse model of anorexia. Finally, variants in NGFB gene appear to modify the risk conferred by the NTRK3 rs7180942 risk genotypes (P = 4.0 × 10−5) showing a synergistic epistatic interaction. The reported data, in addition to the previous reported findings for BDNF and NTRK2, point neurotrophin signaling genes as key regulators of eating behavior and their altered cross-regulation as susceptibility factors for EDs.