33 resultados para Wildlife management -- Economic aspects -- Sri Lanka.
A group of teachers and students of the Geography Unit of the University of Girona conducted a field trip in a part of Northern Morocco, which once belonged to the Spanish Protectorate. The visit took place between 24th and 30th April 2000. Some teachers of the University of Tetouan accompanied the group and offered comprehensive geographical explanations of the area, including physical, social and economic aspects
In order to successfully deploy multicast services in QoS-aware networks, pricing architectures must take into account the particular characteristics of multicast sessions. With this objective, we propose a charging scheme for QoS multicast services, assuming that the unicast cost of each interconnecting link is determined and that such cost is expressed in terms of quality of service (QoS) parameters. Our scheme allows determining the cost distribution of a multicast session along a cost distribution tree (CDT), and basing such distribution in those pre-existing unicast cost functions. The paper discusses in detail the main characteristics of the problem in a realistic interdomain scenario and how the proposed scheme would contribute to its solution
This paper presents a new charging scheme for cost distribution along a point-to-multipoint connection when destination nodes are responsible for the cost. The scheme focus on QoS considerations and a complete range of choices is presented. These choices go from a safe scheme for the network operator to a fair scheme to the customer. The in-between cases are also covered. Specific and general problems, like the incidence of users disconnecting dynamically is also discussed. The aim of this scheme is to encourage the users to disperse the resource demand instead of having a large number of direct connections to the source of the data, which would result in a higher than necessary bandwidth use from the source. This would benefit the overall performance of the network. The implementation of this task must balance between the necessity to offer a competitive service and the risk of not recovering such service cost for the network operator. Throughout this paper reference to multicast charging is made without making any reference to any specific category of service. The proposed scheme is also evaluated with the criteria set proposed in the European ATM charging project CANCAN
We propose a charging scheme for cost distribution along a multicast tree when cost is the responsibility of the receivers. This scheme focuses on QoS considerations and it does not depend on any specific type of service. The scheme has been designed to be used as a bridge between unicast and multicast services, solving the problem of charging multicast services by means of unicast charging and existing QoS routing mechanisms. We also include a numerical comparison and discussions of the case of non-numerical or relative QoS and on the application to some service examples in order to give a better understanding of the proposal
Estudi que analitza la incidència que la Universitat de Girona ha tingut, durant els quinze anys que han transcorregut des de la seva creació, a la ciutat de Girona i les comarques gironines des d’un punt de vista urbanístic, cultural, social i econòmic
This paper proposes a detailed measurement of the agricultural development of the island of Majorca from the late sixteenth century to the midnineteenth century, with an emphasis on the products which made up the bulk of the island’s agricultural production. The authors have organized most of the existing databases in the island’s archives and have also incorporated quantitative and qualitative material from their own research and that of other colleagues. Due to their quality and regularity, the data are among the richest known for pre-industrial Europe. These sources lead to some conclusions which link with recent debates in European economic history concerning the calculation of economic growth in economies for periods before statistics were kept. The text presents a methodological analysis covering almost 80 per cent of agricultural production of the island of Majorca and leaves conclusions to be supplemented by further studies of the manufacturing and service sectors
En el presente trabajo se simula la introducción de diferentes métodos de reparto del agua en la agricultura, y se aplican a una zona de regadío del valle central del Ebro. En concreto, se han escogido tres métodos diferentes de asignación con el fin de comparar su eficiencia económica. Además del actual sistema proporcional y el sistema de mercado, se simulará la introducción de la regla de reparto uniforme, desarrollada en la teoría de la elección social. Los resultados permiten concluir que aunque el mercado de agua conduzca a mejores resultados globales en todos los casos, la regla uniforme puede resultar una alternativa interesante cuando las dotaciones de agua se encuentran en el intervalo habitual, mientras que en situaciones de escasez severa de agua, el mercado presenta una ventaja más clara con respecto a cualquier otro sistema de asignación. Asimismo, los resultados demuestran que los niveles superiores de heterogeneidad entre los usuarios y altos precios administrativos del agua representan situaciones más ventajosas para la aplicación de la regla de asignación uniforme en comparación con el actual sistema proporcional
Aquest article, a través de l’anàlisi de l’impacte que la Fundació Gala – Salvador Dalí té sobre l’economia del seu entorn, vol contribuir a fer palès com la importància d’una institució d’aquest tipus per a la comunitat on està inserida traspassa els aspectes purament culturals. La FundacióGala – Salvador Dalí, en addició al seu important paper formatiu i educatiu i a la seva aportació a la conservació i manteniment del patrimoni cultural, també arrossega turisme cultural. Això es tradueix en l’atracció de despesa i la generació de riquesa dins del seu àmbit territorial, que fa que la Fundació compleixi una funció dinamitzadora per a l’economia del seu entorn. La quantificació d’aquest impacte és necessària per posar en context la veritable magnitud i importància d’una institució com la Fundació Gala – Salvador Dalí
By studying documents that define the species, as management experiences in Spain and the rest of the world, we have designed a new management plan. This Plan incorporates guidelines for cooperation and networking, as the newest techniques and technologies in the field of wildlife management. During this project, has highlighted the need for a protocol to monitor the effects caused by the animals, in order to define and optimize the actions and resources to use.
El Informe Stern, realizado a instancias del Gobierno Británico, se ha convertido en el documento paradigmático de la economía del cambio climático. No solo proporciona una estimación de los costes del cambio climático, sino que resulta ser una aportación fundamental a la evaluación de los datos existentes y al fomento de un mayor conocimiento de los aspectos económicos del cambio climático. El informe tiene una perspectiva internacional, por cuanto el cambio climático es un problema mundial, tanto en sus causas como en sus consecuencias. La adopción de medidas colectivas a nivel internacional es crucial para conseguir una respuesta eficaz, eficiente y equitativa. Así, se insta a la comunidad internacional a actuar con fuerza y de forma inmediata en la toma de decisiones que permitan reducir las emisiones (de CO2) para que los efectos del cambio climático no comiencen a ser irremediables. De hecho, la principal conclusión del informe es que los beneficios de la adopción de medidas prontas y firmes sobre el cambio climático superarán con creces los costes
Síntesi dels primers resultats del Projecte Ager Tarraconensis i de les aportacions al simposi, de les quals s’extreuen reflexions i coneixements nous sobre el tema de l’estudi entorn del conjunt de l’espai de la ciutat romana, del paisatge, tractat com un sistema. Les aportacions se centren en la varietat de les primeres estratègies de control romà del territori, de les tipologies i evolució dels establiments, dels aspectes econòmics i de la dinàmica del poblament. Tot plegat fa referència molt especialment al territori de Tarraco, per bé que es fan nombroses comparacions amb altres territoris de l’àrea catalana i saguntina i també d’altres províncies romanes. Tarraco es va perfilant com una ciutat amb un territorium molt productiu, no sols en agricultura, sinó també en indústries, producció tèxtil, explotacions de recursos minerals com les pedreres i el ferro, i amb un comerç molt actiu que la devia convertir en un port important de la Mediterrània occidental romana. La jerarquia dels hàbitats rurals també s’està demostrant més complexa gràcies al coneixement de noves aglomeracions. L’evolució posterior al període romà també ha entrat en discussió, especialment pel que fa a l’època islàmica, sobre la qual es discuteix si el camp va quedar poblat o despoblat, tema que resol en sentit positiu el diagrama pol·línic realitzat dins del marc del projecte.
In this paper we present the results of a research about the relationship betwen the social economic characteristics of the students and their academiec achievement at university level. The sample was formed with students of business administration from the business schools of Girona and Sabadell. The results show that the students can be classified in three social economic categories: low middle and high. They also show that the academic achieveent can not be associated to any dermined category. This can be explained by the fact that the educational system has alread done a selection in previous levels of studies
Estudi sobre l'estructura socioeconòmica del Bisbat de Girona amb la finalitat de dibuixar les àrees funcionals que estructures aquest espai, i poder endegar, a la llarga una reforma dels actuals límits de l'arxiprestat
The aim of this study was to devise a method for computing a composite indicator that measures the regional degree of exposure to external knowledge sources. On the basis of this indicator, we propose a typology of regions according to their potential capacity to access extra-local items of knowledge, which might help them to recombine complementary elements of such an asset to produce a higher number of new ideas. Building on various research streams that have been relatively independent to date, we summarize a non-exhaustive instrumental list of recent studies that motivates our approach and the construction of our complex indicator, which can be used to appraise the extent to which each region is in an optimal position to access external innovative resources.
Discussions about the culture-economy articulation have occurred largely within theconfines of economic geography. In addition, much attention has been diverted intocaricaturized discussions over the demise of political economy or the invalidity ofculturalist arguments. Moving the argument from the inquiry on the ¿nature¿ of theeconomy itself to the transformation of the role of culture and economy inunderstanding the production of the urban form from an urban political economy (UPE)this paper focuses on how the challenges posed by the cultural turn have enabled urbanpolitical economy to participate constructively in interdisciplinary efforts to reorientpolitical economy in the direction of a critical cultural political economy.