106 resultados para What-if Analysis
In this paper a contest game with heterogeneous players is analyzed in which heterogeneity could be the consequence of past discrimination. Based on the normative perception of the heterogeneity there are two policy options to tackle this heterogeneity: either it is ignored and the contestants are treated equally, or affirmative action is implemented which compensates discriminated players. The consequences of these two policy options are analyzed for a simple two-person contest game and it is shown that the frequently criticized trade-off between affirmative action and total effort does not exist: Instead, affirmative action fosters effort incentives. A generalization to the n-person case and to a case with a partially informed contest designer yields the same result if the participation level is similar under each policy.
Capital taxation is currently under debate, basically due to problems of administrative control and proper assessment of the levied assets. We analyze both problems focusing on a capital tax, the annual wealth tax (WT), which is only applied in five OECD countries, being Spain one of them. We concentrate our analysis on top 1% adult population, which permits us to describe the evolution of wealth concentration in Spain along 1983-2001. On average top 1% holds about 18% of total wealth, which rises to 19% when tax incompliance and under-assessment is corrected for housing, the main asset. The evolution suggests wealth concentration has risen. Regarding WT, we analyze whether it helps to reduce wealth inequality or, on the contrary, it reinforces vertical inequity (due to especial concessions) and horizontal inequity (due to the de iure and to de facto different treatment of assets). We analyze in detail housing and equity shares. By means of a time series analysis, we relate the reported values with reasonable price indicators and proxies of the propensity to save. We infer net tax compliance is extremely low, which includes both what we commonly understand by (gross) tax compliance and the degree of under-assessment due to fiscal legislation (for housing). That is especially true for housing, whose level of net tax compliance is well below 50%. Hence, we corroborate the difficulties in taxing capital, and so cast doubts on the current role of the WT in Spain in reducing wealth inequality.
En un treball recent s’ha descrit l’amplificació del gen del factor de transcripció FoxG1, homòleg de l'oncogen víric aviar Qin, en mostres de meduloblastoma, un tipus de tumor cerebral que representa el 20% dels tumors cerebrals infantils malignes (Adesina et al.¸2007). El tumor cerebral més freqüent i agressiu en l’adult és el glioma, especialment la seva forma més maligna: el glioblastoma multiforme (glioma de grau IV segons la classificació de l'OMS). En aquest treball hem estudiat l'expressió proteica del factor de transcripció FoxG1, homòleg de l'oncogen víric aviar Qin, en mostres de glioma. Vam analitzar 15 mostres de glioma, detectant FoxG1 en 9 d’elles, i amb diferents nivells d’expressió. Intentant aprofundir en el coneixement de la funció i la regulació de FoxG1, vam estudiar si FoxG1 podia ser fosforilat. Vam detectar, tant per assaig cinasa com per espectrometria de masses, que FoxG1 és un substracte directe de la cinasa Akt, el principal efector de la via de PI3K (phosphoinositide 3-kinase). En la línia cel•lular de glioblastoma U373MG, vam observar que Akt endogen fosforila FoxG1 en un pèptid situat a l’extrem C-terminal del domini forkhead. Aquesta fosforilació és contrarestada per un inhibidor farmacològic de PI3K. Al contrari del que passa en FoxO on la fosforilació per Akt inhibeix l’activitat de FoxO promovent la seva exportació del nucli, la fosforilació de FoxG1 per Akt no promou cap canvi en la seva localització subcel•lular, i FoxG1 es manté nuclear. Actualment estem estudiant els efectes biològics de la fosforilació de FoxG1 per Akt.
En primer lloc els objectius que s’estableixen en aquest estudi són: Valorar la importància de la melodia, dels accents i la musicalitat del text en les cançons traduïdes analitzades. Plantejar la necessitat de la traducció de cançons infantils. Analitzar les traduccions existents de l’anglès al català del repertori de cançons infantils que es canten a les corals infantils. Relacionar poesia infantil i cançó. Visualitzar l’ús de la cançó infantil per a l’ensenyament dels infants, tant pel que fa a la transmissió de valors com per a l’ensenyament de llengües. La metodologia utilitzada fa referència a dos aspectes. El mètode qualitatiu amb la lectura d’articles i la bibliografia seleccionada i el mètode quantitatiu amb l’anàlisi de tres entrevistes i vint-i-una enquestes a responsables de corals infantils. En aquest estudi ofereixo l’estat de la qüestió sobre la traducció de cançons, amb especial atenció a la traducció de cançons per ser cantades. Després s’aborda la traducció de cançons infantils per ser cantades, per acabar especificant el tema d’aquest treball d’investigació en concret: la traducció de cançons infantils per ser cantades, amb l’estudi de traduccions de l’anglès al català de cançons cantades per corals infantils de Catalunya, i se n’ubica el context: el moviment coral infantil a Catalunya. Per a la confecció d’aquest estudi s’ha fet un recull de vint-i-set cançons traduïdes (anglès-català) que canten les corals infantils de Catalunya aplegades en el Secretariat de Corals Infantils de Catalunya (SCIC). Se n’ha seleccionat les cançons traduïdes de l’anglès al català, incloent-hi la partitura, la lletra original i la traducció. Aquest recull permet establir un lligam entre la traducció, la música i la pedagogia musical a Catalunya, els tres eixos principals d’aquest treball. D’aquestes cançons se n’han analitzat tres seguint els criteris establerts per autors com Peter Low, per la seva àmplia experiència en la traducció de música vocal. Els criteris són referents al ritme, rima, cantabilitat, naturalitat i sentit. Per tal de fer aquest estudi es van portar a terme tres entrevistes a traductors de cançons infantils: Enriqueta Anglada, Maria Martorell i Josep Vigo. Per valorar l’ús de cançons traduïdes dins del moviment coral infantil en l’actualitat i de manera més global, el treball inclou una enquesta, adreçada a directors de cors infantils, resposta per 21 cors. Aquestes enquestes palesen els canvis produïts amb el temps respecte a la necessitat de traduir cançons, ja que actualment la traducció no és tant important tot i que es continua valorant la seva importància, sobretot per afavorir la comprensió del que es canta. Però alhora es referma el desig de cantar en l’idioma original (especialment en el cas de l’anglès), quan aquest idioma l’entén qui dirigeix o interpreta la cançó, quan aquest fet es veu com a repte, o quan es prioritza la relació original entre música i text.
Treball de recerca realitzat per un alumne d'ensenyament secundari i guardonat amb un Premi CIRIT per fomentar l'esperit científic del Jovent l'any 2009. En aquest treball es vol trobar un vincle entre les cultures més influents al llarg de la història d’Àsia i Europa, prenent com a element bàsic les seves llengües: el xinès, l’anglès i el llatí. Ara bé, la comparació lingüística entre elles només té veritable interès si es cerca allò comú sobretot semàntica i sintàcticament, posat que d'entrada, visual i fonèticament, qualsevol profà pot observar-ne prou diferències. Aquestes característiques comunes, doncs, tenen valor independentment del temps i l'espai, ja que el que hi ha en joc aquí és, en el fons, el llenguatge verbal com a nervi del fet de ser humà. Els continguts s'estructuren mitjançant l'ús d'un mètode inductiu com a regla d’anàlisi comparativa; no es pot, tanmateix, prescindir d'una introducció teòrica de lingüística, absolutament necessària per a un estudi comparatiu de gramàtica. Una vegada conclòs el treball, es veu que els conceptes que totes tres expressen són comuns i el canvi, quan es dóna, afecta la forma i està relacionat amb les regles de la lògica: aquests casos, doncs, no fan sinó confirmar la tesi, ja que esperar una equivalència total seria no només ingenu, sinó gens natural ni realista. L'anhel del traductor és arribar a expressar, precisament, aquest univers.
The effectiveness of R&D subsidies can vary substantially depending on their characteristics. Specifically, the amount and intensity of such subsidies are crucial issues in the design of public schemes supporting private R&D. Public agencies determine the intensities of R&D subsidies for firms in line with their eligibility criteria, although assessing the effects of R&D projects accurately is far from straightforward. The main aim of this paper is to examine whether there is an optimal intensity for R&D subsidies through an analysis of their impact on private R&D effort. We examine the decisions of a public agency to grant subsidies taking into account not only the characteristics of the firms but also, as few previous studies have done to date, those of the R&D projects. In determining the optimal subsidy we use both parametric and nonparametric techniques. The results show a non-linear relationship between the percentage of subsidy received and the firms’ R&D effort. These results have implications for technology policy, particularly for the design of R&D subsidies that ensure enhanced effectiveness.
Some historians have argued that 1996 marked a ‘second transition’ for Spain because of the return to power of the political right in Madrid and that the relationship and eventual pact between the Partido Popular (PP) and Convergència i Unió (CiU) meant that the state could finally escape the ghosts of its Francoist past. For this research, face-to-face interviews were conducted with Catalan Members of Parliament who served under either José María Aznar or Jordi Pujol in Madrid or Barcelona. Drawing upon both interviews and other evidence, including the analysis of election results and the 1996 Hotel Majestic Agreement, the research seeks to provide a better understanding of the previous relationships between the PP and CiU and their leaders in order to understand what lessons might be learnt that would contribute to anticipating and explaining possible future negotiations between the two parties. This is attempted by first examining the potential costs and benefits of political pacts between centre (Madrid) and periphery (Barcelona). Secondly, due to many interviewees making reference to Salvador Espriu’s work La Pell de Brau, the three routes of Espriu’s Catalan nationalism are put into the context of the political pacts. Finally, the likelihood of future agreements between PP and CiU are hypothesized, not only how those agreements may (or may not) come about, but also, what might the result of those negotiations be. Ultimately, it is concluded that the benefits of the Hotel Majestic Agreement outweighed the costs, thus leaving the door open for future negotiations, even if some of those interviewed disagreed.
We investigate the determinants of teamwork and workers cooperation within the firm. Up to now the literature has almost exclusively focused on workers incentives as the main determinants for workers cooperation. We take a broader look at the firm's organizational design and analyze the impact that different aspects of it might have on cooperation. In particular, we consider the way in which the degree of decentralization of decisions and the use of complementary HRM practices (what we call the .rm.s vertical organizational design) can affect workers'collaboration with each other. We test the model's predictions on a unique dataset on Spanish small and medium size firms containing a rich set of variables that allows us to use sensible proxies for workers cooperation. We find that the decentralization of labor decisions (and to a less extent that of task planning) has a positive impact on workers cooperation. Likewise, cooperation is positively correlated to many of the HRM practices that seem to favor workers'interaction the most. We also confirm the previous finding that collaborative efforts respond positively to pay incentives, and particularly, to group or company incentives.
The 51st ERSA Conference held in Barcelona in 2011 was one of the largest ever. Here, by examining the characteristics of the conference, this paper identifies the main trends in Regional Science at a moment in which the discipline is renewing its efforts to provide responses in a complex, globalised world in which cities and regions are acquiring greater and greater importance. This paper follows in the tradition of a long list of studies that have examined the nature of the field of Regional Science and draws on a broad array of sources of information: the delegates’ demographic details, the conference program itself, a satisfaction survey conducted among delegates, a quality survey addressed to those chairing the sessions and, finally, a bibliometric database including each author signing a paper presented at the conference. With this information we describe the ERSA delegates: their relative youthfulness; the areas in which women are taking on a more important role; the countries and regions of the world that have the most dominant profile in Regional Science today; the thematic areas that are being driven by professionals as opposed to academics; the relevance of regional economic growth and innovation as trending topics in the field; the growing frequency of co-authorship and, consequently, of scientific collaboration; and, finally, and perhaps most importantly, the continuous enhancement of the quality of the work being undertaken in the discipline. Indeed, following on from this description, the results of the regression analysis conducted show that for ERSA delegates what matters most is quality, and this must be the direction that future conferences should move toward. Ultimately, therefore, ERSA conferences are comprehensive, all-embracing occasions, representing an ideal opportunity for regional scientists to present their work to each other and to network.
A social choice function may or may not satisfy a desirable property depending on its domain of definition. For the same reason, different conditions may be equivalent for functions defined on some domains, while different in other cases. Understanding the role of domains is therefore a crucial issue in mechanism design. We illustrate this point by analyzing the role of different conditions that are always related, but not always equivalent to strategy-proofness. We define two very natural conditions that are necessary for strategy-proofness: monotonicity and reshuffling invariance. We remark that they are not always sufficient. Then, we identify a domain condition, called intertwinedness, that ensures the equivalence between our two conditions and that of strategy-proofness. We prove that some important domains are intertwined: those of single-peaked preferences, both with public and private goods, and also those arising in simple models of house allocation. We prove that other necessary conditions for strategy-proofness also become equivalent to ours when applied to functions defined on intertwined domains, even if they are not equivalent in general. We also study the relationship between our domain restrictions and others that appear in the literature, proving that we are indeed introducing a novel proposal.
El TFC consisteix en l'anàlisi i disseny d'un sistema que permeti administrar les regles d'una organització. Les regles de negoci són importants per a les empreses, ja que descriuen com aquestes realitzen les seves activitats. En aquest TFC es proposa un sistema que permetrà gestionar les esmentades regles.
Aquest treball pretén esbrinar fins a quin punt se segueixen els criteris teòrics establerts pels autors catalans del Renaixement en la literatura catalana de ficció del segle XVI. Per examinar l'adequació als models proposats pels humanistes he triat una obra anònima de caràcter paròdic escrita en forma d'epístoles entre dos llauradors de l'Horta de València, Les estil·lades y amoroses lletres trameses per Berthomeu Sirlot a la sua senyora, y per ella a ell. El procediment de treball consistirà a analitzar com els teòrics del Renaixement de l'àrea catalanoparlant van interpretar i assimilar en la seva obra alguns dels conceptes més importants de les poètiques i les retòriques dels clàssics grecs i llatins (els principis d'imitació, decòrum, harmonia i ordre), en aquest cas Aristòtil i Horaci, i si l'autor anònim de Les estil·lades y amoroses lletres els va tenir en compte a l'hora de compondre la seva obra. A la vegada, en tractar-se d'una paròdia satírica amb clara voluntat humorística, aquesta anàlisi també pot donar compte de quina opinió tenien els intel·lectuals catalans del Renaixement sobre la ficció i l'humor.
In an earlier investigation (Burger et al., 2000) five sediment cores near the RodriguesTriple Junction in the Indian Ocean were studied applying classical statistical methods(fuzzy c-means clustering, linear mixing model, principal component analysis) for theextraction of endmembers and evaluating the spatial and temporal variation ofgeochemical signals. Three main factors of sedimentation were expected by the marinegeologists: a volcano-genetic, a hydro-hydrothermal and an ultra-basic factor. Thedisplay of fuzzy membership values and/or factor scores versus depth providedconsistent results for two factors only; the ultra-basic component could not beidentified. The reason for this may be that only traditional statistical methods wereapplied, i.e. the untransformed components were used and the cosine-theta coefficient assimilarity measure.During the last decade considerable progress in compositional data analysis was madeand many case studies were published using new tools for exploratory analysis of thesedata. Therefore it makes sense to check if the application of suitable data transformations,reduction of the D-part simplex to two or three factors and visualinterpretation of the factor scores would lead to a revision of earlier results and toanswers to open questions . In this paper we follow the lines of a paper of R. Tolosana-Delgado et al. (2005) starting with a problem-oriented interpretation of the biplotscattergram, extracting compositional factors, ilr-transformation of the components andvisualization of the factor scores in a spatial context: The compositional factors will beplotted versus depth (time) of the core samples in order to facilitate the identification ofthe expected sources of the sedimentary process.Kew words: compositional data analysis, biplot, deep sea sediments
The adjustment of the teaching learning contents in Physical Education, requires of a rigorous analysis that permits to adjust them to the maximum with the educational needs of the student body. It has been approached an investigation study in the one which have intervened pupils, boys and girls, of two different populations, Girona and Madrid in order to prove and analyse the motor and mental components of the student body in the real situation of the game. The hypothesis that we have treated are:if it exists differences between the boys and girls of the educational levels studied in the motor and mental solution in the sports initiation, additionally, the differences that they can exist between the courses and what distance is verified between the study ages to approach a physical activity that implies an initial step to the hour of teaching the collective sports in the classes of Physical education. They have been employed three measure instruments: the first permits to analyse the mental solution without need of practice employing situation photographs of the real game with those which the pupils must choose to who to happen; the second is a pass test that permits to prove the technical dominance to use in a collective sport and the third is a real game situation that permits to put in manifesto the relationship between the mental behaviour and the motor of the pupil. This real game situation is ‘the game of ten pass’ (Blázquez,1986; Torres,1993). The results demonstrate that it do not exist differences between the two sexes in the study ages. In the case of the technical execution level, there is a considerable increase with the age and it is slightly greater in the kids that in the girls. In the case of the real game, we find ourselves with a great variability in the results and we cannot conclude that there are relative differences to the sex in none of the three courses. Respect at participation level during the game is confirmed that the pupils that more participate are not the pupils than more balls lose, what permits to guarantee the idea of the fact that it is convenient to use the real game practice as direct learning element. Finally, there is no a high correlation between the execution level measured in the test of technical execution and the decision execution during the game
This analysis was stimulated by the real data analysis problem of householdexpenditure data. The full dataset contains expenditure data for a sample of 1224 households. The expenditure is broken down at 2 hierarchical levels: 9 major levels (e.g. housing, food, utilities etc.) and 92 minor levels. There are also 5 factors and 5 covariates at the household level. Not surprisingly, there are a small number of zeros at the major level, but many zeros at the minor level. The question is how best to model the zeros. Clearly, models that tryto add a small amount to the zero terms are not appropriate in general as at least some of the zeros are clearly structural, e.g. alcohol/tobacco for households that are teetotal. The key question then is how to build suitable conditional models. For example, is the sub-composition of spendingexcluding alcohol/tobacco similar for teetotal and non-teetotal households?In other words, we are looking for sub-compositional independence. Also, what determines whether a household is teetotal? Can we assume that it is independent of the composition? In general, whether teetotal will clearly depend on the household level variables, so we need to be able to model this dependence. The other tricky question is that with zeros on more than onecomponent, we need to be able to model dependence and independence of zeros on the different components. Lastly, while some zeros are structural, others may not be, for example, for expenditure on durables, it may be chance as to whether a particular household spends money on durableswithin the sample period. This would clearly be distinguishable if we had longitudinal data, but may still be distinguishable by looking at the distribution, on the assumption that random zeros will usually be for situations where any non-zero expenditure is not small.While this analysis is based on around economic data, the ideas carry over tomany other situations, including geological data, where minerals may be missing for structural reasons (similar to alcohol), or missing because they occur only in random regions which may be missed in a sample (similar to the durables)