31 resultados para Underground nests
This paper develops an approach to rank testing that nests all existing rank tests andsimplifies their asymptotics. The approach is based on the fact that implicit in every ranktest there are estimators of the null spaces of the matrix in question. The approach yieldsmany new insights about the behavior of rank testing statistics under the null as well as localand global alternatives in both the standard and the cointegration setting. The approach alsosuggests many new rank tests based on alternative estimates of the null spaces as well as thenew fixed-b theory. A brief Monte Carlo study illustrates the results.
El análisis antracológico, dendrológico y tafonómico de tres estructuras pastoriles de época moderna del yacimiento de Pleta de l’Estall Serrer (valle delMadriu, Andorra) situado a 1.980mde altitud, nosmuestra una presencia casi absoluta del pino tipo negro y la presencia puntual de taxones arbustivos como las ericáceas. Se trata de especies típicas en un bosque subalpino de pino negro. La presencia casi absoluta del pino, nos ha permitido observar diferentes alteraciones de la madera que nos han proporcionado una gran información sobre el uso de la madera, sobre todo las alteraciones por microorganismos. Hemos podido distinguir varios tipos de alteraciones causadas tanto por insectos xilófagos e hifas de hongos. Además, hemos identificado algunos individuos de termitas subterráneas tanto vivas como carbonizadas. Las primeras son termitas que atacan la madera arqueológica durante los procesos postdeposicionales y las termitas carbonizadas seguramente fueron la causa del deterioro de las estructuras y su posterior destrucción a través de su incendio.
We analyze the process of informational exchange through complex networks by measuring network efficiencies. Aiming to study nonclustered systems, we propose a modification of this measure on the local level. We apply this method to an extension of the class of small worlds that includes declustered networks and show that they are locally quite efficient, although their clustering coefficient is practically zero. Unweighted systems with small-world and scale-free topologies are shown to be both globally and locally efficient. Our method is also applied to characterize weighted networks. In particular we examine the properties of underground transportation systems of Madrid and Barcelona and reinterpret the results obtained for the Boston subway network.
En aquest projecte fem un estudi de diferents mètodes per a la segmentació i extracció de línies de mapes de metro com a suport per a daltònics. Hem aplicat dos mètodes amb intervenció de l’usuari i cinc mètodes automàtics on fem servir K-means per a la segmentació de color i Hough per a l’extracció de línies. Dels mètodes amb intervenció obtenim millors resultats amb un mètode d’assignació aproximada del color, i entre els autoàatics tenim com a millor una solució ad-hoc sense paràmetres aplicada sobre l’espai RGB. D’acord amb els resultats experimentals, aquests mètodes ens permeten fer una bona segmentació i extracció de les línies de metro.
Este texto ahonda en las geografías políticas, sociales y familiares de Aurèlia Pijoan, la primera mujer que, médico de profesión, ha accedido a un cargo de representación municipal en Lleida. Casada con Luis Pérez García-Lago –secretario general del PSUC y la UGT en la Lleida de los años trenta y posteriormente máximo responsable del partido en el exilio mejicano-, continuó su compromiso a través de la Unión de Mujeres Españolas de México de la que llegó a convertirse en secretaria general. El artículo pretende, a la vez que reflexionar sobre el diálogo que se establece entre recuerdo y olvido, hacer visible la historia de los sin historia a partir de un centro de gravedad concreto, puesto que los itinerarios personales y familiares de Aurèlia Pijoan permiten recorrer las diversas caras del universo represivo franquista: exilio,clandestinidad y prisión.
Se presentan diversas cuestiones de la relación entre los modelos helénicos de las colonias de Emporion y Rhode y las costumbres indígenas evidenciadas en los yacimientos ibéricos de su entorno. Los cultos de Artemis y Apolo como dioses protectores de la emporía arcaica de los foceos, el urbanismo de Rhode en el siglo III a.C., los cultos emporitanos, la interpretación del yacimiento de Pontós, la mezcla de cultos griegos y celtas en Ullastret y Pontós y un cálato excepcional en un campo de silos al pie de S. Julià, se estudian como evidencias de esta relación. En el siglo II a.C., Roma implantará un nuevo orden político y económico del que Emporion será la gran beneficiada.
En un mateix niu un ocell pot incubar ous d'altres espècies sense saber-ho. El cargolet de Nova Guinea ensenya un cant als seus perquè el facin servir com a contrasenya en néixer
Pygmy hunter-gatherers from Central Africa have shared a network of socioeconomic interactions with non-Pygmy Bantu speakers since agropastoral lifestyle spread across sub-Saharan Africa. Ethnographic studies have reported that their diets differ in consumption of both animal proteins and starch grains. Hunted meat and gathered plant foods, especially underground storage organs (USOs), are dietary staples for pygmies. However, scarce information exists about forager-farmer interaction and the agricultural products used by pygmies. Since the effects of dietary preferences on teeth in modern and past pygmies remain unknown, we explored dietary history through quantitative analysis of buccal microwear on cheek teeth in well-documented Baka pygmies. We then determined if microwear patterns differ among other Pygmy groups (Aka, Mbuti, and Babongo) and between Bantu-speaking farmer and pastoralist populations from past centuries. The buccal dental microwear patterns of Pygmy hunter-gatherers and non-Pygmy Bantu pastoralists show lower scratch densities, indicative of diets more intensively based on nonabrasive foodstuffs, compared with Bantu farmers, who consume larger amounts of grit from stoneground foods. The Baka pygmies showed microwear patterns similar to those of ancient Aka and Mbuti, suggesting that the mechanical properties of their preferred diets have not significantly changed through time. In contrast, Babongo pygmies showed scratch densities and lengths similar to those of the farmers, consistent with sociocultural contacts and genetic factors. Our findings support that buccal microwear patterns predict dietary habits independent of ecological conditions and reflect the abrasive properties of preferred or fallback foods such as USOs, which may have contributed to the dietary specializations of ancient human populations.
The Ebro Delta holds a large seabird community, including a common tern (Sterna hirundo) local population of 3,085 pairs in 2000 which breeds scattered in several colonies. At El Canalot colony, 1,178 (1999) and 1,156 pairs (2000) of this species bred distributed in 32 and 38 sub-colonies respectively. These sub-colonies varied in size from 1 to 223 pairs and were placed near the main breeding colonies of yellow-legged gulls (Larus cachinnans) and Audouin´s gulls (L. audouinii), which are potential egg-predators of terns. We studied egg predation during 1999 (6 sub-colonies) and 2000 (27 sub-colonies). Overall, we found that 10.6% of the nests in 1999 and 16.7% in 2000 suffered partial or total egg predation, being total in 81.1% of the predatory events. Predation was significantly higher in small sub-colonies (< 11 pairs): 49.4% in 1999 and 75.5% in 2000. Only attacks from yellow-legged gulls were observed, and defence behaviour of terns was significantly more frequent against this gull species (40.5 hours of observation), suggesting that in most cases the egg predation recorded was due to this species. Probability of egg predation was significantly and negatively correlated with distance to the nearest yellow-legged gull sub-colony, although this relationship was no more significant after adjustment for sub-colony size. On the other hand, distance to the nearest Audouin´s gull sub-colony did not show any effect. Our results suggest that the impact of large gulls (at least yellow-legged gulls) upon smaller seabirds breeding in the area might be important, especially when they are breeding in small sub-colonies. Further studies are needed to analyse the general impact of large gulls upon the breeding populations of other colonial bird species in the area.
Międzyrzecz Fortified Front, were Natura 2000 site PLH080003 Nietoperek is situated, was built by the Germans in the 1930s and during the World War II. It is composed of above ground bunkers connected by underground tunnels of ca. 32 km total length. Nietoperek is the eighth largest bats hibernation site in EU. Monthly censuses were carried out from October to April during three consecutive winter seasons (2011/12 – 2013/14) in area covering ca. 30% of the undergrounds. The aims of the study were: (1) to describe changes in numbers of each species in the course of hibernation season, (2) to suggest deadlines for counting particular bat species to obtain maximal numbers and (3) to describe negative impact of tourism on hibernating bats. The results will be useful for restriction of winter tourism in Nietoperek. The total number of bats observed during the study was 37869 individuals of 9 species. Because of difficulties in distinguishing without handling M. mystacinus and M. brandtii were treated as one group. M. myotis constituted from 53% (first season) to 64% (last season) of all hibernating bats. The maximal numbers of individuals were observed in November (first two seasons) and in December (third season). M. daubentonii constituted from 27% (first season) to 21% (last season) and M. nattereri from 10% (first season) to 11% (second season) of all bats. During the three seasons the maximal numbers of M. daubentonii and M. nattereri were observed in November and December respectively. B. barbastellus and P. auritus constituted from 4% (first season) to 2% (last season) of the multi species colony. The maximal numbers of B. barbastellus were observed in January and P. auritus in January (first and second seasons) and in December (third season). Results indicated that the best period for counting maximal numbers of M. myotis and M. daubentonii is November, for M. nattereri is December and for B. barbastellus and P. auritus is January. The study undertaken in the part visited by tourists in winter (total length of 900 m) proved negative effect caused by human disturbance with 23% decline of total bat numbers.
Tooth wear in primates is caused by aging and ecological factors. However, comparative data that would allow us to delineate the contribution of each of these factors are lacking. Here, we contrast age-dependent molar tooth wear by scoring percent of dentine exposure (PDE) in two wild African primate populations from Gabonese forest and Kenyan savanna habitats. We found that forest-dwelling mandrills exhibited significantly higher PDE with age than savanna yellow baboons. Mandrills mainly feed on large tough food items, such as hard-shell fruits, and inhabit an ecosystem with a high presence of mineral quartz. By contrast, baboons consume large amounts of exogenous grit that adheres to underground storage organs but the proportion of quartz in the soils where baboons live is low. Our results support the hypothesis that not only age but also physical food properties and soil composition, particularly quartz richness, are factors that significantly impact tooth wear. We further propose that the accelerated dental wear in mandrills resulting in flatter molars with old age may represent an adaptation to process hard food items present in their environment.
Data about breeding populations of birds in the Antarctica are rare and fragmented. Thus, information about the status of the breeding populations of Antarctic birds is crucial given the current scenario of climate change, which is particularly acute in Antarctica. This paper presents new information about the populations of the Antarctic tern Sterna vittata, the kelp gull Larus dominicanus, the southern giant petrel Macronectes giganteus, the Antarctic skua Catharacta antarctica lonnbergi, the chinstrap penguin Pygoscelis antarctica and the gentoo penguin Pygoscelis papua on Byers Peninsula (Livingston Island, South Shetland Islands). We used line transects counts to estimate both densities and numbers of nests of the different species. We estimate that there are 398.96 birds km-2 of southern giant petrels (2793 individuals), 62.4 birds km-2 of Antarctic tern (3746 individuals) and 269.1 birds km-2 of kelp gull (1884 individuals). Furthermore, we found 15 nests of Antarctic skua in 25 km2, from which we can estimate that 6091 birds must breed on Byers Peninsula. We also censused two colonies of gentoo penguins (3000 and 1200 pairs) and 50 pairs of chinstrap. Compared to previous estimates, gentoo penguins seem to have increased whereas chinstrap penguin have decreased. Finally, the populations of Antarctic tern, southern giant petrel and kelp gull have stabilized or slightly increased.
Trophic ecology and movements are critical issues for understanding the role of marine predators in food webs and for facing the challenges of their conservation. Seabird foraging ecology has been increasingly studied, but small elusive species, such as those forming the"little shearwater" complex, remain poorly known. We present the first study on the movements and feeding ecology of the Barolo shearwater Puffinus baroli baroli in a colony from the Azores archipelago (NE Atlantic), combining global location-sensing units, stable isotope analyses of feathers (δ13C and δ15N), stomach flushings and data from maximum depth gauges. During the chick-rearing period, parents visited their nests most nights, foraged mainly south of the colony and fed at lower trophic levels than during the non-breeding period. Squid was the most diverse prey (6 families and at least 10 different taxa), but species composition varied considerably between years. Two squid families, Onychoteuthidae and Argonautidae, and the fish family Phycidae accounted for 82.3% of ingested prey by number. On average, maximum dive depths per foraging trip reached 14.8 m (range: 7.9 to 23.1 m). After the breeding period, birds dispersed offshore in all directions and up to 2500 km from the breeding colony, and fed at higher trophic levels. Overall, our results indicate that the Barolo shearwater is a non-migratory shearwater feeding at the lowest trophic level among Macaronesian seabirds, showing both diurnal and nocturnal activity and feeding deeper in the water column, principally on small schooling squid and fish. These traits contrast with those of 3 other Azorean Procellariiformes (Cory"s shearwater Calonectris diomedea, the Madeiran storm-petrel Oceanodroma castro and Monteiro"s storm-petrel O. monteiroi), indicating ecological segregation within the Azorean seabird community.
This paper wants to show a solution for mobility in public transport. Nowadays, the high number of mobile devices with wireless geolocation and Internet data connection has become commonly used tools, as well as partial solutions to facilitate public transport focused on one means of transport (Bus, Underground ...). We collect information from public transport (means of transport, routes, schedules, fare information ...) and adapt it to different users (residents, visitors, public service staff ...). MoveOnApp is the solution adapting its user interface: finding nearby stops, planning a route, knowing schedules or real time service (connecting to the available services), or showing the route of the line. The system could incorporate new cities and regions, or new means of transport with updating service; at first we offered information of public transport from Palma (Majorca Island, Spain): moveOn Palma.