27 resultados para Tongue, Thomas H., 1844-1903.
Quan faltava poc més de tres mesos per al seu 85è aniversari, ha mort, el 12 de setembre de 1988, a Olot, on havia nascut el 23 de desembre de 1903, el Dr. Miquel de Garganta i Fàbrega, historiador de la Botànica i membre d'una coneguda familia d'intellectuals de la Garrotxa.
Objective: The purpose of this study was to investigate the incidence of squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) of the anterior two thirds of the tongue in a population living in central and southern Portugal, all treated at Instituto Português de Oncologia de Lisboa, Francisco Gentil (IPOLFG). Study Design: This study was a retrospective review of all patients who had a histopathological diagnosis of SCC of the anterior two thirds of the tongue and had been treated in the Head and Neck Surgery Unit at the IPOLFG (Lisbon, Portugal), between 1st January 2001 and 31st December 2009. The risk factors evaluated were: gender; age; alcohol consumption; tobacco use; prosthesis use and the carcinoma site. Results: Of the 424 cases analysed, 71% were men. Mean age of occurrence was in 5th decade for males and the 6th decade for females, and the border of the tongue was the most common location. Alcohol consumption and tobacco had a lower impact in women, being the most common aetiological factors in the male population. No significant association was observed between patients and the use of a prosthesis. Conclusions: In spite of the consumption of aohol and tobacco starting to decline in certain parts of the world, our findings showed both factors still have a significant impact in male population. Further research should be done to determine aetiological factors in females.
The aim of the study was to determine whether there is any relationship between the presence of removable dentures and squamous cell carcinoma of the anterior two thirds of the tongue in a Portuguese population. A retrospective cross-sectional study was conducted on patients with a biopsy-proven diagnosis of squamous cell carcinoma of the tongue, who were seen and treated at the Department of Head and Neck Surgery of the Portuguese Institute of Oncology 'Francisco Gentil', Lisbon, Portugal, during a 3-year period. Several factors were examined: gender, use of removable dentures, age, location of the lesion, and alcohol and tobacco consumption. One hundred and six cases were selected from the initial 151 cases, with a male:female ratio of 3:1 and the lateral borders being the most commonly affected site. The prevalence in both genders was between the sixth and seventh decade of life. Men were more likely to consume alcohol and tobacco than women, and no relationship was observed between denture use and presence of carcinoma of the tongue. In light of the data obtained, it may be considered that female use of a denture plays an important role, but it cannot be identified as a remarkable etiologic factor.
There has been an increase in the incidence of carcinoma of the tongue, particularly among alcohol and tobacco non-users. However, the number of studies that would allow a better understanding of etiological factors and clinical features, particularly in the Portuguese population, is very limited. This study was based on patients with squamous cell carcinoma of the anterior two thirds of the tongue that were treated at the Department of Head and Neck Surgery of the ¿Instituto Portugues de Oncologia de Lisboa - Francisco Gentil" IPOLFG) in Lisbon, Portugal, between January 1, 2001 and December 31, 2009. The patients were divided in alcohol and tobacco users and non-users in order to evaluate the differences between these 2 groups based on gender, age, tumor location, denture use, and tumor size, metastasis and stage. Of the 354 cases, 208 were users and 146 were non-users. The main location in both groups was the lateral border of the tongue. Denture use showed no significant effect in both study groups. It was possible to conclude that patients who did not drink or smoke were older and presented with smaller tumor size, lower incidence of ganglion metastasis and lower tumor stage compared with alcohol and tobacco users.
Harinera La Montserrat, S.A, a company involved in the manufacturing and trading of cereals and flour, was founded in Girona in 1898 by José Ensesa y Cía., Sociedad en Comandita. With the objective to determine how the product activity of this business was structured, we have studied in detail the operations that were carried out over the agricultural year 1903-1904. We have focused on three main aspects. Firstly, the purchasing of wheat (origin, transportation, prices); secondly, the production of flour (using internal and external wheat, profits); and thirdly, its distribution (customers, destination). Finally, we have analyzed the profit and loos account for this period in order to find out if this business was profitable
Aquest text fa referència a una pintura a l’oli dedicada a sant Josep Oriol, conservada a l’església parroquial de la Pobla de Segur. Arran d’una anàlisi iconogràfica atenta de l’obra, dedicada a un sant beatificat a Barcelona el juny del 1807, un fet que comportà nombroses representacions de la mà dels artistes més notables, apunta la possibilitat, que pogués ser obra de Bonaventura Planella (1772-1844).
The recently developed semiclassical variational Wigner-Kirkwood (VWK) approach is applied to finite nuclei using external potentials and self-consistent mean fields derived from Skyrme inter-actions and from relativistic mean field theory. VWK consist s of the Thomas-Fermi part plus a pure, perturbative h 2 correction. In external potentials, VWK passes through the average of the quantal values of the accumulated level density and total en energy as a function of the Fermi energy. However, there is a problem of overbinding when the energy per particle is displayed as a function of the particle number. The situation is analyzed comparing spherical and deformed harmonic oscillator potentials. In the self-consistent case, we show for Skyrme forces that VWK binding energies are very close to those obtained from extended Thomas-Fermi functionals of h 4 order, pointing to the rapid convergence of the VWK theory. This satisfying result, however, does not cure the overbinding problem, i.e., the semiclassical energies show more binding than they should. This feature is more pronounced in the case of Skyrme forces than with the relativistic mean field approach. However, even in the latter case the shell correction energy for e.g.208 Pb turns out to be only ∼ −6 MeV what is about a factor two or three off the generally accepted value. As an adhoc remedy, increasing the kinetic energy by 2.5%, leads to shell correction energies well acceptable throughout the periodic table. The general importance of the present studies for other finite Fermi systems, self-bound or in external potentials, is pointed out.
This paper presents the first estimates of Spanish infrastructure stock and investment for the period 1845-1935. Several sources and techniques have been used in the estimation, and the new series are reasonably reliable to the standards of historical statistics. Two distinct periods may be distinguished in the series: the years before 1895 (characterized by the prominence of railroads) and the period 1895-1935 (when most investment was addressed to other assets). The new series allow a preliminary comparison of the Spanish infrastructure endowment with that of the most advanced countries, showing a gradual process of convergence before 1936.
As the frontispiece of Book One of Evelyn Waugh’s Brideshead Revisited, the phrase ‘Et in Arcadia ego’ announces the author’s intention of making the classical Arcadian theme a key reference in a text that speaks of nostalgia for a joyful past in times marked by sadness and pain. However, an interpretation may be approached from several directions even within the classical tradition. Thus, without ignoring philological or artistic aspects of the topic, this article focuses on a close study of the author’s most original message: the notion that a youthful Arcadian experience confers on young men and women a ‘residue of happiness’ able to sustain their future development and assist them in dealing with the challenges of personal tragedy.
Although Thomas Mann’s novel The Magic Mountain has been the object of innumerable studies, this paper suggests that so far none of these has given truly close attention to the significance of the classical references in this novel with regard to the search for a true humanism. This is probably owing to the generally held belief that the influence of the classical tradition is relatively inconsequential in relation to the ample conjunction of philosophical ideas on which the novel is based. This article takes a differing view and, through a close analysis and comment of the explicit and implicit classical notions in the text, concludes that these ideas are also a valuable key to a greater comprehension of the ideological design of the main character, Hans Castorp, and to a certain degree they also help to continue to reflect on the most enigmatic and controversial episode of the novel: the young protagonist’s descent to the plain from the magical mountain (Zauberberg) in order to take part in the great tragedy of World War I, alien as is any war to the prevalent but ultimately futile desire that love (Liebe) should in the end prevail in the life of humans.
[esp]Se describe el accionar del literato catalán Ricardo Monner Sans, establecido en Buenos Aires en la última década del siglo XIX, que entre 1903 y 1927 contribuyó mensualmente su"Crónica Argentina" a la Revista Comercial Ibero-Americana MERCURIO de Barcelona. Los temas principales abordados en este artículo tratan las impresiones de Monner Sans acerca de las posibilidades económicas y mercantiles entre el país receptor y Cataluña, en especial a partir de la Primera Guerra Mundial.