29 resultados para TRISOMY-21 FETUSES


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La secuencia cronoestratigráfica del poblado de la Primera Edad del Hierro del Alto de la Cruz (Cortes de Navarra) constituye un punto de referencia básico para la estructuración del poblamiento en el valle medio del Ebro. Se analiza el tipo constructivo de la fase más antigua del mismo y, en especial, un conjunto de estructuras de combustión documentadas en la H.88/21.


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En el presente trabajo se comenta la línea jurisprudencial iniciada por el Auto de la Sala Especial de Conflictos de Competencia del Tribunal Supremo de 27 de diciembre de 2001, por la que se atribuye al orden civil la competencia para enjuiciar las demandas dirigidas conjuntamente contra la Administraciónpública y su aseguradora de responsabilidad extracontractual, reabriendo la polémica que parecía zanjada tras la triple reforma legislativa de 1998 y 1999, que afirmó la competencia exclusiva de la jurisdicción contencioso-administrativa para conocer de los pleitos de responsabilidad patrimonial de la Administración.


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En aquest treball es comenta la línia jurisprudencial iniciada per la Interlocutòria de la Sala Especial de Conflictes de Competència del Tribunal Suprem de 27 de desembre de 2001, per la qual s¿atribueix a l'orde civil la competència per jutjar les demandes dirigides conjuntament contra l'Administració pública i la seva asseguradora de responsabilitat extracontractual, reobrint la polèmica que semblava tancada després de la triple reforma legislativa de 1998 i 1999, que afirmà la competència exclusiva de la jurisdicció contenciosa administrativa per conèixer dels plets de responsabilitat patrimonial de l'Administració.


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Es presenta un cas d’intervenció en educació per la sostenibilitat en un centre de preescolar d’Estelí ( Nicaragua) que es duu a terme creant una Agenda 21 Escolar. El marc teòric de la investigació es recolza en l’educació per la sostenibilitat i el marc metodològic es recolza en el model d’ Agenda 21 Escolar de Barcelona, adaptant-ho a la realitat del país i del centre de preescolar concret. Els resultats destaquen: una millora de la qualitat ambiental , una promoció de nous hàbits més sensibilitzats cap al medi ambient, una millora de la participació de la comunitat educativa i una bona cohesió de l’equip docent a partir del procés de creació de l’A21 E. Seguint com a model l’ A21 E de BCN i un cop fetes les adaptacions corresponents i creades les activitats dinamitzadores l’aplicació de la A21 E en preescolars d’ Estelí és una intervenció en educació per la sostenibilitat satisfactòria .


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En aquest treball es presenta una edició crítica del col·loqui sobre la proclamació del rei Ferran VI. També s'explica la relació dels col·loquis i el teatre breu, temes, llocs de representació, destinatari final i la funció dels seus creadors i recitadors anomenats col·loquiers. A més, s'explica el context sociopolític en què es varen concebre i unes pinzellades sobre el seu autor i la seua producció literària en català.


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Transformació d´ una explotació mitjançant la plantació de fruiters, la instal•lació d´una infraestructura de reg i la construcció de una nau-magatzem. A l´ actualitat, la finca es dedica al cultiu de extensius. Es situa a la partida de les Unilles, que pertany al terme municipal d´ Albelda (Osca). La finca ocupa una superfície total de 21 ha, de les quals 8,6 ha es dedicaran a la implantació de perer y 10,3 ha a la de poma, a la resta de la superfície s´ hi faran els camins de la finca i la nau magatzem.


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La STS, 1a, 21.11.2008, objeto de este comentario, plantea a un tiempo la responsabilidad del consumidor, vendedor, fabricante y Administración pública por los daños materiales causados por la explosión de un producto altamente inflamable que había sido vendido a un particular para la desinfección de su vivienda.


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Scrapie is a transmissible spongiform encephalopathy with a wide PrPres dissemination in many non-neural tissues and with high levels of transmissibility within susceptible populations. Mechanisms of transmission are incompletely understood. It is generally assumed that it is horizontally transmitted by direct contact between animals or indirectly through the environment, where scrapie can remain infectious for years. In contrast, in utero vertical transmission has never been demonstrated and has rarely been studied. Recently, the use of the protein misfolding cyclic amplification technique (PMCA) has allowed prion detection in various tissues and excretions in which PrPres levels have been undetectable by traditional assays. The main goal of this study was to detect PrPres in fetal tissues and the amniotic fluid from natural scrapie infected ewes using the PMCA technique. Six fetuses from three infected pregnant ewes in an advanced clinical stage of the disease were included in the study. From each fetus, amniotic fluid, brain, spleen, ileo-cecal valve and retropharyngeal lymph node samples were collected and analyzed using Western blotting and PMCA. Although all samples were negative using Western blotting, PrPres was detected after in vitro amplification. Our results represent the first time the biochemical detection of prions in fetal tissues, suggesting that the in utero transmission of scrapie in natural infected sheep might be possible.


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miR-21 is the most commonly over-expressed microRNA (miRNA) in cancer and a proven oncogene. Hsa-miR-21 is located on chromosome 17q23.2, immediately downstream of the vacuole membrane protein-1 (VMP1) gene, also known as TMEM49. VMP1 transcripts initiate ∼130 kb upstream of miR-21, are spliced, and polyadenylated only a few hundred base pairs upstream of the miR-21 hairpin. On the other hand, primary miR-21 transcripts (pri-miR-21) originate within the last introns of VMP1, but bypass VMP1 polyadenylation signals to include the miR-21 hairpin. Here, we report that VMP1 transcripts can also bypass these polyadenylation signals to include miR-21, thus providing a novel and independently regulated source of miR-21, termed VMP1–miR-21. Northern blotting, gene-specific RT-PCR, RNA pull-down and DNA branching assays support that VMP1–miR-21 is expressed at significant levels in a number of cancer cell lines and that it is processed by the Microprocessor complex to produce mature miR-21. VMP1 and pri-miR-21 are induced by common stimuli, such as phorbol-12-myristate-13-acetate (PMA) and androgens, but show differential responses to some stimuli such as epigenetic modifying agents. Collectively, these results indicate that miR-21 is a unique miRNA capable of being regulated by alternative polyadenylation and two independent gene promoters.


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Implant fracture is an infrequent cause of implant failure. The present study evaluates 21 fractured implants, with an analysis of patient age and sex, the type, length and diameter of the implant, positioning in the dental arch, the type of prosthetic rehabilitation involved, the number of abutments and pontics, the presence or absence of distal extensions or cantilevers, and loading time to fracture. Implant fracture was more common in males than in females (15:4), and the mean patient age was 56.9 years. Most cases (n = 19) corresponded to implant-supported fixed prostheses - 16 with cantilevers of different lengths- while only two fractured implants were supporting overdentures instead of fixed prostheses. The great majority of fractured implants (80.9%) were located in the molar and premolar regions, and most fractured within 3-4 years after loading. It is important to know and apply the measures required to prevent implant fracture, and to seek the best individualized solution for each case - though complete implant removal is usually the treatment of choice


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Suzanne Davit, nacida Ludonneau, ha sido durante muchos años un elemento importante y muy apreciado en los medios científicos y artísticos barceloneses. Trajo de París una valiosa preparación técnica, que le hizo gran servicio al quedar viuda y dedicarse con intensidad a la pintura.


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Objective: To describe the clinical and radiological characteristics, and surgical findings of traumatic bone cysts. Study Design: A retrospective observational study was made of 21 traumatic bone cysts. The diagnosis was based on the anamnesis, clinical examination, and complementary tests. Panoramic and periapical X-rays were obtained in all cases, together with computed tomography as decided by the surgeon. A descriptive statistical analysis was made of the study variables using the SPSS v12.0 for Windows. Results: There was a clear female predominance (14:7). The mean age was 26.5 years (range 8-45 years). The cysts in all cases constituted casual findings during routine radiological exploration. In those cases where computed tomographic images were available, preservation of the vestibular and lingual cortical layers was observed. Five of the 21 patients (23.8%) reported a clear antecedent of traumatism in the affected zone. All the lesions were subjected to surgery, and the cavities were found to be vacant in 90.5% of the cases. In only two patients were vascular contents seen within the cavity. Two of the patients presented postoperative paresthesia of the inferior dental nerve that subsided within two weeks. The 19 patients in whom adequate postoperative follow-up proved possible all showed complete bone healing. Conclusions: Traumatic bone cysts were a casual finding. During the surgery, most cases showed to be vacant cavity without an ephitelial lining. Careful curettage of the lesion favors progressive bone regeneration, offering a good prognosis and an almost negligible relapse rate. Other treatment options only would be justified in cases of relapse.