49 resultados para Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire


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The paper focuses on taking advantage of large amounts of data that are systematically stored in plants (by means of SCADA systems), but not exploited enough in order to achieve supervisory goals (fault detection, diagnosis and reconfiguration). The methodology of case base reasoning (CBR) is proposed to perform supervisory tasks in industrial processes by re-using the stored data. The goal is to take advantage of experiences, registered in a suitable structure as cam, avoiding the tedious task of knowledge acquisition and representation needed by other reasoning techniques as expert systems. An outlook of CBR terminology and basic concepts are presented. The adaptation of CBR in performing expert supervisory tasks, taking into account the particularities and difficulties derived from dynamic systems, is discussed. A special interest is focused in proposing a general case definition suitable for supervisory tasks. Finally, this structure and the whole methodology is tested in a application example for monitoring a real drier chamber


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La carencia de unmodelo bien definido de representaciónde la informaciónen la web ha traído consigoproblemas de cara a diversosaspectos relacionados con suprocesamiento. Para intentarsolucionarlos, el W3C, organismoencargado de guiar la evoluciónde la web, ha propuestosu transformación hacia unanueva web denominada websemántica. En este trabajo sepresentan las posibilidades queofrece este nuevo escenario, asícomo las dificultades para suconsecución, prestando especialatención a las ontologías,herramientas de representacióndel conocimiento fundamentalespara la web semántica. Porúltimo, se analiza el papel delprofesional de la biblioteconomíay documentación en estenuevo entorno.


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We analyze a model of conflict with endogenous choice of effort, wheresubsets of the contenders may force the resolution to be sequential:First the alliance fights it out with the rest and in case they win later they fight it out among themselves. For three-player games, wefind that it will not be in the interest of any two of them to form analliance. We obtain this result under two different scenarios:equidistant preferences with varying relative strengths, and vicinityof preferences with equal distribution of power. We conclude that thecommonly made assumption of super-additive coalitional worth is suspect.


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Introducció Aquest treball, aborda l'atenció domiciliaria a les persones amb dependència des de la perspectiva de la teràpia ocupacional a la comarca d’Osona. Conèixer aquesta tipologia de persones i la seva problemàtica, ha de servir per adaptar les infraestructures d’aquests serveis a fi de donar millor resposta a les seves necessitats. Objectiu Descriure la tipologia d'usuaris que es deriven al servei de Teràpia Ocupacional Domiciliària a la comarca d'Osona Metodologia S'ha realitzat un estudi descriptiu preliminar d'una mostra (n=65) de usuaris de la base de dades del Banc D'ajudes Tècniques (BAT Osona) del Consell Comarcal d'Osona. En aquest estudi s'han analitzat les variables de sexe, edat, nivell funcional, diagnòstic, situació familiar, agents derivadors, motius de derivació i problemàtica principal detectada. Resultats S'indica un perfil femení de la mostra (72,09%), amb una mitjana d'edat de 74,41 anys. A nivell funcional, la mitjana de puntuació ha estat de 65 punts en l'Ìndex de Barthel, en persones amb patologia osteoarticular en el 18,60% dels casos. La situació familiar situa un perfil compartit de persones que viuen en família (41,86%) o soles (39,53%). En les derivacions al servei, el 58,13% dels casos es fa des dels Ajuntaments i per dificultats en el quarto de bany (46,51%). La problemàtica més detectada en aquests domicilis és la dificultat per l'accés a la banyera (67,40%). Conclusió Aquests resultats ens indiquen una clara tipologia de persones que s’han d’atendre i unes problemàtiques en la seva vivenda que provoquen serioses dificultats de desenvolupament funciona. Es precís, en futures investigacions acotar encara més aquets perfils i problemàtiques a fi de precisar les estratègies d’intervenció i optimitzar millor aquest tipus de recursos.


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[eng] ISO standard 9001 is one of a set of management tools that libraries have adopted in recent years. This article focuses on libraries in higher education institutions that have received ISO certification of their quality management systems (ISO standard 9001:2000). We examine their reasons for seeking certification and the advantages and difficulties they have encountered in applying this ISO standard. Finally, we consider the future prospects of ISO standard 9001 in university libraries.


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[eng] ISO standard 9001 is one of a set of management tools that libraries have adopted in recent years. This article focuses on libraries in higher education institutions that have received ISO certification of their quality management systems (ISO standard 9001:2000). We examine their reasons for seeking certification and the advantages and difficulties they have encountered in applying this ISO standard. Finally, we consider the future prospects of ISO standard 9001 in university libraries.


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[eng] ISO standard 9001 is one of a set of management tools that libraries have adopted in recent years. This article focuses on libraries in higher education institutions that have received ISO certification of their quality management systems (ISO standard 9001:2000). We examine their reasons for seeking certification and the advantages and difficulties they have encountered in applying this ISO standard. Finally, we consider the future prospects of ISO standard 9001 in university libraries.


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The author proposes a comparative study in the frame of a macroarea formed by the south European countries. He points out the characteristics and difficulties of the liberal state establishment in the Mediterranean countries. At the same time he underlines the new importance of the intellectuals roll as one of the main consequences of that crisis.


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The author proposes a comparative study in the frame of a macroarea formed by the south European countries. He points out the characteristics and difficulties of the liberal state establishment in the Mediterranean countries. At the same time he underlines the new importance of the intellectuals roll as one of the main consequences of that crisis.


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Introducció: Les persones ostomitzades presenten una sèrie de canvis de tipus fisiològic, psicològic i social, els quals els obliga a adaptar-se a la seva vida diària. Per adaptar-se a aquesta nova situació utilitzen una sèrie d'estratègies d'afrontament, sent l'acceptació el producte final. Per a que les estratègies adoptades siguin les més efectives, han de rebre una educació sanitària adequada.Contràriament, l'escassetat d'educació sanitària o l'educació sanitària inadequada que reben aquests pacients és un problema real que ens trobem en l'actualitat.Objectiu: Conèixer si l'educació sanitària rebuda pels pacients ostomitzats, té influencia en la seva adaptació a la nova situació produïda per l'ostomia digestiva.Metodologia: Estudi qualitatiu fenomenològic, on les dades es recolliran a través d'entrevistessemiestructurades a pacients amb ostomia digestiva, els quals van rebre l'alta hospitalària fa almenys 2 mesos. Les entrevistes seran gravades, transcrites i analitzades, utilitzant en aquest últim pas la triangulació d'investigadors. La mostra serà de tipus intencional, la seleccionaré a l'Hospital Universitàri de Bellvitge entre els pacients que acudeixen a la consulta de la infermera estomaterapeuta, i el seu tamany estarà definit per la saturació teòrica. L'estudi estarà reglat en tot moment pel dret a la intimitat, incloent en aquest l'anonimat i la confidencialitat, i el dret a la lliure decisió.Consideracions finals: Inclou una explicació argumentada sobre els meus punts febles i forts del treball, una reflexió sobre la satisfacció amb les competències que he adquirit i finalment una autoavaluació dels resultats del meu aprenentatge.


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Treball en què que s'analitza la traducció del castellà al català en l'àmbit oral col·loquial a partir d'un exemple real pràctic (una pel·lícula) per tal de determinar els problemes més comuns d'aquest tipus de traducció i de quina manera s’hi ha d’enfrontar el traductor per aconseguir un producte final satisfactori.


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Aquest projecte ha estat impulsat per l’Observatori de la Divulgació de la Ciència (ODC) de la UAB i dut a terme a l’Institut de Ciència i Tecnologia Ambientals (ICTA). Està emmarcat dins el marc del nou Programa Europeu Horizon 2020 i més específicament dels conceptes establerts per la RRI. L’objectiu d’aquest projecte és analitzar la comunicació científica que duu a terme l’ICTA cap a al societat i conèixer la filosofia, els incentius i la motivació de l’ICTA i els seus investigadors per donar a conèixer la seva recerca a la ciutadania. L’anàlisi de la comunicació de l’ICTA consta d’un anàlisi del contingut de la pàgina web del centre de recerca, una entrevista feta a la directora de l’institut i un qüestionari realitzat a 14 investigadors Les formes de comunicació que més utilitzen són els articles científics en revistes dirigides a públic acadèmic. Respecte la comunicació no acadèmica, s’ha pogut observar que la majoria dels investigadors, tot i la manca de facilitats realitzaven activitats per interès personal, molts cops però, no comuniquen la seva recerca, principalment perquè tenen altres tasques de docència, de recerca i gestió per atendre. Hi ha una minoria que es refereix a la comunicació científica com un “estil essencialment vocacional”. Per tal d’impulsar i promoure una estratègia contínua i efectiva de comunicació científica cal definir un pla de comunicació a nivell institucional que contribueixi a millorar les capacitats divulgatives, comunicatives i educatives de l’ICTA per tal d’ajudar a les persones que hi fan recerca a apropar la seva tasca a la societat a la que pertanyen.


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Changes in the informal caregiver life styles, relations and alterations of mental health. Justification.The increase of the population aged 65 years and older in developed countries is generating a proportional increasing of the dependency caused by chronic pathologies. The care of these persons is being carried out by relatives, informal carers, leading to some alterations in diverse areas, among them mental alterations, as a consequence of taking care. Objectives. To develop a profile of the informal carers and to correlate the caregiver burden with the carers disorders. To detect risk factors to allow carrying out premature nursing interventions to diminish the disorders in the informal carers. Design. An observational and cross-sectional study is made in primary care health services area of the city of Girona. Methodology. Random sample of carer of dependent people at their home , assigned to the program of domiciliary attention (ATDOM) of the educational basic areas of health (ABS). A sample size of 269 persons, with a level of precision of 9% was needed. Questionnaire ICUB 97, the test of Barthel, the Philadelphia Geriatric Center scale, and a questionnaire are used as instruments that includes demographic and social variables, and mental and physical carers disorders.Results. A total of 80 participants were interviewed. The most common problems as consequence of taking care were the backache, to feel more tired, to feel impotent and to have less free time. Correlation between the level of dependence of the patient with the number of problems perceived by the caretaker does not exist. Since they are informal carers they eat frequently outside the habitual schedule, took place an increase or loss of weight, experienced more disorders in sexual life and an increasing lack of interest in surroundings. A 33% of the informal carers are being treated for problems related to the mental health.Conclusion. The fact of being informal carer carries important consequences in their health, the lifestyles and the social relations. These can be attenuated if the nursing interventions are able to consider to the well-taken care of subject, and its surroundings in an holistic way. The professionals of infirmary of mental health must contribute to their knowledge and abilities contributing to make an assessment, a diagnosis and an intervention paying special attention to psycho-social aspects mentioned


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Changes in the informal caregiver life styles, relations and alterations of mental health. Justification.The increase of the population aged 65 years and older in developed countries is generating a proportional increasing of the dependency caused by chronic pathologies. The care of these persons is being carried out by relatives, informal carers, leading to some alterations in diverse areas, among them mental alterations, as a consequence of taking care. Objectives. To develop a profile of the informal carers and to correlate the caregiver burden with the carers disorders. To detect risk factors to allow carrying out premature nursing interventions to diminish the disorders in the informal carers. Design. An observational and cross-sectional study is made in primary care health services area of the city of Girona. Methodology. Random sample of carer of dependent people at their home , assigned to the program of domiciliary attention (ATDOM) of the educational basic areas of health (ABS). A sample size of 269 persons, with a level of precision of 9% was needed. Questionnaire ICUB 97, the test of Barthel, the Philadelphia Geriatric Center scale, and a questionnaire are used as instruments that includes demographic and social variables, and mental and physical carers disorders.Results. A total of 80 participants were interviewed. The most common problems as consequence of taking care were the backache, to feel more tired, to feel impotent and to have less free time. Correlation between the level of dependence of the patient with the number of problems perceived by the caretaker does not exist. Since they are informal carers they eat frequently outside the habitual schedule, took place an increase or loss of weight, experienced more disorders in sexual life and an increasing lack of interest in surroundings. A 33% of the informal carers are being treated for problems related to the mental health.Conclusion. The fact of being informal carer carries important consequences in their health, the lifestyles and the social relations. These can be attenuated if the nursing interventions are able to consider to the well-taken care of subject, and its surroundings in an holistic way. The professionals of infirmary of mental health must contribute to their knowledge and abilities contributing to make an assessment, a diagnosis and an intervention paying special attention to psycho-social aspects mentioned


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Tourists do not follow random behavior in heritage cities, but they are consciously or unconsciously guided by socially constructed itineraries. This article studies the shaping of these itineraries in a heritage city (Girona), using the direct observation methodology during the visit (following the tourists from a prudent distance and gathering all the information about their visits) and the conventional questionnaire at the end of the visit. It also establishes which the sociodemographic, environmental and informative factors are that explain this behavior. The simultaneous use of the observation method and a questionnaire was found to be a useful technique for analyzing tourists' behavior and the factors that explain this behavior