35 resultados para Stereophonic receivers


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The problem of jointly estimating the number, the identities, and the data of active users in a time-varying multiuser environment was examined in a companion paper (IEEE Trans. Information Theory, vol. 53, no. 9, September 2007), at whose core was the use of the theory of finite random sets on countable spaces. Here we extend that theory to encompass the more general problem of estimating unknown continuous parameters of the active-user signals. This problem is solved here by applying the theory of random finite sets constructed on hybrid spaces. We doso deriving Bayesian recursions that describe the evolution withtime of a posteriori densities of the unknown parameters and data.Unlike in the above cited paper, wherein one could evaluate theexact multiuser set posterior density, here the continuous-parameter Bayesian recursions do not admit closed-form expressions. To circumvent this difficulty, we develop numerical approximationsfor the receivers that are based on Sequential Monte Carlo (SMC)methods (“particle filtering”). Simulation results, referring to acode-divisin multiple-access (CDMA) system, are presented toillustrate the theory.


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This paper studies the fundamental operational limits of a class of Gaussian multicast channels with an interference setting. In particular, the paper considers two base stations multicasting separate messages to distinct sets of users. In the presence of channel state information at the transmitters and at the respective receivers, the capacity region of the Gaussian multicast channel with interference is characterized to within one bit. At the crux of this result is an extension to the multicast channel with interference of the Han-Kobayashi or the Chong-Motani-Garg achievable region for the interference channel.


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This paper aims at illustrating some applications of Finite Random Set (FRS) theory to the design and analysis of wireless communication receivers, and at pointing out similarities and differences between this scenario and that pertaining to multi-target tracking, where the use of FRS has been traditionally advocated. Two case studies are considered, l.e., multiuser detection in a dynamic environment, and multicarrier (OFDM) transmission on a frequency-selective channel. Detector designand performance evaluation are discussed, along with the advantages of importing FRS-based estimation techniques to the context of wireless communications.


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A systolic array to implement lattice-reduction-aided lineardetection is proposed for a MIMO receiver. The lattice reductionalgorithm and the ensuing linear detections are operated in the same array, which can be hardware-efficient. All-swap lattice reduction algorithm (ASLR) is considered for the systolic design.ASLR is a variant of the LLL algorithm, which processes all lattice basis vectors within one iteration. Lattice-reduction-aided linear detection based on ASLR and LLL algorithms have very similarbit-error-rate performance, while ASLR is more time efficient inthe systolic array, especially for systems with a large number ofantennas.


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In multiuser detection, the set of users active at any time may be unknown to the receiver. In these conditions, optimum reception consists of detecting simultaneously the set of activeusers and their data, problem that can be solved exactly by applying random-set theory (RST) and Bayesian recursions (BR). However, implementation of optimum receivers may be limited by their complexity, which grows exponentially with the number of potential users. In this paper we examine three strategies leading to reduced-complexity receivers.In particular, we show how a simple approximation of BRs enables the use of Sphere Detection (SD) algorithm, whichexhibits satisfactory performance with limited complexity.


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The remarkable growth of older population has moved long term care to the front ranks of the social policy agenda. Understanding the factors that determine the type and amount of formal care is important for predicting use in the future and developing long-term policy. In this context we jointly analyze the choice of care (formal, informal, both together or none) as well as the number of hours of care received. Given that the number of hours of care is not independent of the type of care received, we estimate, for the first time in this area of research, a sample selection model with the particularity that the first step is a multinomial logit model. With regard to the debate about complementarity or substitutability between formal and informal care, our results indicate that formal care acts as a reinforcement of the family care in certain cases: for very old care receivers, in those cases in which the individual has multiple disabilities, when many care hours are provided, and in case of mental illness and/or dementia. There exist substantial differences in long term care addressed to younger and older dependent people and dependent women are in risk of becoming more vulnerable to the shortage of informal caregivers in the future. Finally, we have documented that there are great disparities in the availability of public social care across regions.


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This paper extends the theory of network competition betweentelecommunications operators by allowing receivers to derive a surplusfrom receiving calls (call externality) and to affect the volume ofcommunications by hanging up (receiver sovereignty). We investigate theextent to which receiver charges can lead to an internalization of thecalling externality. When the receiver charge and the termination(access) charge are both regulated, there exists an e±cient equilibrium.Effciency requires a termination discount. When reception charges aremarket determined, it is optimal for each operator to set the prices foremission and reception at their off-net costs. For an appropriately chosentermination charge, the symmetric equilibrium is again effcient. Lastly,we show that network-based price discrimination creates strong incentivesfor connectivity breakdowns, even between equal networks.


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We use a two-person 3-stage game to investigate whether people chooseto punish or reward another player by sacrificing money to increase or decrease the other person's payoff. One player sends a message indicating an intended play, which is either favorable or unfavorable to the other player in the game. After the message, the sender and the receiver play a simultaneous 2x2 game. A deceptive message may be made, in an effort to induce the receiver to make a play favorable to the sender. Our focus is on whether receivers' rates of monetary sacrifice depend on the process and the perceived sender's intention,as is suggested by the literature on deception and proceduralsatisfaction. Models such as Rabin (1993), Sen (1997), and Charnessand Rabin (1999) also permit rates of sacrifice to be sensitive to the sender's perceived intention, while outcome-based models such as Fehr and Schmidt (1999) and Bolton and Ockenfels (1997) predict otherwise. We find that deception substantially increases the punishment rate as a response to an action that is unfavorable to the receiver. We also find that a small but significant percentage of subjects choose to reward a favorable action choice made by the sender.


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[ANGLÈS] This project introduces GNSS-SDR, an open source Global Navigation Satellite System software-defined receiver. The lack of reconfigurability of current commercial-of-the-shelf receivers and the advent of new radionavigation signals and systems make software receivers an appealing approach to design new architectures and signal processing algorithms. With the aim of exploring the full potential of this forthcoming scenario with a plurality of new signal structures and frequency bands available for positioning, this paper describes the software architecture design and provides details about its implementation, targeting a multiband, multisystem GNSS receiver. The result is a testbed for GNSS signal processing that allows any kind of customization, including interchangeability of signal sources, signal processing algorithms, interoperability with other systems, output formats, and the offering of interfaces to all the intermediate signals, parameters and variables. The source code release under the GNU General Public License (GPL) secures practical usability, inspection, and continuous improvement by the research community, allowing the discussion based on tangible code and the analysis of results obtained with real signals. The source code is complemented by a development ecosystem, consisting of a website (http://gnss-sdr.org), as well as a revision control system, instructions for users and developers, and communication tools. The project shows in detail the design of the initial blocks of the Signal Processing Plane of the receiver: signal conditioner, the acquisition block and the receiver channel, the project also extends the functionality of the acquisition and tracking modules of the GNSS-SDR receiver to track the new Galileo E1 signals available. Each section provides a theoretical analysis, implementation details of each block and subsequent testing to confirm the calculations with both synthetically generated signals and with real signals from satellites in space.


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El treball que es presenta vol respondre la pregunta de quina és l’experiència dels cuidadors i les cuidadores principals informals que tenen cura d’un familiar vell amb demència des de fa més de 4 anys. Després de plantejar les hipòtesis de partida, es defineixen els objectius generals i específics i s’expliquen l’interès, la justificació, la rellevància i l’aportació d’aquest estudi. En l’apartat corresponent a l’estat de la qüestió i la fonamentació conceptual, després de fer una revisió bibliogràfica, es descriuen els elements que formen part d’aquesta temàtica: perfils dels receptors de cures i de les cuidadores, significat de tenir cura, vida quotidiana i qualitat de vida i descripció del model conceptual de Virginia Henderson. En el capítol següent s’exposen la metodologia, el paradigma i el mètode d’investigació utilitzats en aquest treball, així com les matrius d’anàlisi del contingut i del discurs. A partir d’aquí s’exposen els resultats en funció dels objectius plantejats. En la discussió, s’analitzen i s’interpreten les dades obtingudes i es contraposen amb altres estudis, a més de fer-se una reflexió personal sobre els aprenentatges adquirits i una proposta de línies de treball futures. A continuació s’exposen unes conclusions per resumir la informació obtinguda. En la secció de referències bibliogràfiques es detallen les fonts consultades, i en els annexos hi consten els models d’entrevista i de matriu per a l’anàlisi de dades, el full de consentiment informat, així com el buidatge i l’anàlisi de les entrevistes.


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Revisió sobre l’eficàcia de les intervencions dirigides a cuidadorsinformals de malalts amb demència per a reduir els nivells de morbiditatpsicològicaAntecedentsL’envelliment de la població està relacionat amb l’augment de la prevalença dedemències tals com la malaltia d’Alzheimer. El caràcter progressiu, incapacitanti irreversible de la malaltia d’Alzheimer comporta dependència i demanda,obligant l’aparició d’un cuidador informal per cobrir les necessitats del malalt.Amb l’evolució de la malaltia, augmenta l’exigència de les cures i el cuidador esveu en risc de patir alteracions a qualsevol nivell, principalment a nivellpsicològic.Objectius1. Avaluar l’efectivitat de les intervencions dirigides a cuidadors informals depersones amb demència per a reduir la morbiditat psicològica, segons latipologia de les intervencions i els seus components.2. Avaluar l’efectivitat de les intervencions dirigides a cuidadors informals depersones amb demència per a reduir la morbiditat psicològica, segons lescaracterístiques sociodemogràfiques del cuidador i la persona que rep lescures, el tipus de càrrega i els instruments de mesura.Material i mètodesEs va realitzar una revisió bibliogràfica en les bases de dades: MEDLINEPubMed, CSIC-IME, CUIDEN i Biblioteca Cochrane Plus sobre lesintervencions dirigides a cuidadors informals de demència o Alzheimerd’estudis publicats entre el gener de 2002 i febrer de 2013. Els criteris d’inclusióvan ser: cuidadors informals que convisquessin amb la persona a qui donen lescures i sense remuneració econòmica, persones amb demència o Alzheimer noinstitucionalitzades, intervencions comparades entre un grup experimental i ungrup control, prioritat per revisions sistemàtiques i metanàlisis. La mostra finalla van composar 7 estudis.ResultatsLes diferents intervencions analitzades van mostrar dades estadísticamentsignificatives tot i produir efectes discrets en les diferents variables demorbiditat psicològica. Les intervencions psicoeducatives i les intervencionsdirigides als pacients van resultar efectives en la millora de la sensació debenestar i la simptomatologia del malalt. Les intervencions psicològiques vanincidir en la sobrecàrrega i la depressió. Les intervencions de suport vanproduir un augment dels coneixements, habilitats i de la xarxa social delcuidador. El dia de descans va disminuir l’estrès, l’ansietat i la càrrega objectivaperò els efectes van ser a curt termini. Les intervencions múltiplesestructurades van mostrar una disminució del risc d’institucionalització. Lesintervencions centrades en la resolució de problemes, superiors a 6 sessions oaquelles que havien realitzat seguiment, van mostrar efectes a llarg termini finsals 12 mesos. Altres intervencions pràctiques com les realitzades al domicili oamb tecnologia, no van mostrar suficient evidència científica. El sexe i l’edat delcuidador així com la relació de parentesc amb el malalt van mostrar diferènciesen els efectes de les intervencions.ConclusionsLes intervencions s’han de planificar en funció de les necessitats del cuidadorja que no hi ha cap intervenció que incideixi en totes les variables de morbiditatpsicològica. La variabilitat de tipologia i composició de les intervencions, lesdiferències sociodemogràfiques del cuidador i la persona que rep les cures i lescaracterístiques dels estudis influeixen en l’heterogeneïtat de resultats de larevisió. Aquests fets limiten la contundència de resultats pel que cal seguirinvestigant


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A l’escola bressol el vincle entre equip educatiu i família és de gran importància i, en la societat canviant en la que vivim, és important cercar noves vies de comunicació. Aquesta recerca és un estudi de casos de l’ús de les TIC com a mitjà de comunicació entre escola i família a tres escoles bressol. Amb l’objectiu de descriure i analitzar aquestes eines s’utilitzen entrevistes, qüestionaris i anàlisi de documents com a instruments de recollida de dades. Els resultats mostren que les eines més utilitzades són el blog i el correu electrònic amb la funció d’informar a les famílies. Aquestes dades permeten identificar l’ús, la funció i els destinataris com a criteris necessaris per a escollir l’eina TIC més adient per a la relació família-escola d’un centre, i per elaborar una guia per a l’elecció d’eines TIC com a mitjà de relació entre els dos agents educatius.


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Many engineering problems that can be formulatedas constrained optimization problems result in solutionsgiven by a waterfilling structure; the classical example is thecapacity-achieving solution for a frequency-selective channel.For simple waterfilling solutions with a single waterlevel and asingle constraint (typically, a power constraint), some algorithmshave been proposed in the literature to compute the solutionsnumerically. However, some other optimization problems result insignificantly more complicated waterfilling solutions that includemultiple waterlevels and multiple constraints. For such cases, itmay still be possible to obtain practical algorithms to evaluate thesolutions numerically but only after a painstaking inspection ofthe specific waterfilling structure. In addition, a unified view ofthe different types of waterfilling solutions and the correspondingpractical algorithms is missing.The purpose of this paper is twofold. On the one hand, itoverviews the waterfilling results existing in the literature from aunified viewpoint. On the other hand, it bridges the gap betweena wide family of waterfilling solutions and their efficient implementationin practice; to be more precise, it provides a practicalalgorithm to evaluate numerically a general waterfilling solution,which includes the currently existing waterfilling solutions andothers that may possibly appear in future problems.


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Broadcast transmission mode in ad hoc networks is critical to manage multihop routing or providing medium accesscontrol (MAC)-layer fairness. In this paper, it is shown that ahigher capacity to exchange information among neighbors may beobtained through a physical-MAC cross-layer design of the broadcastprotocol exploiting signal separation principles. Coherentdetection and separation of contending nodes is possible throughtraining sequences which are selected at random from a reducedset. Guidelines for the design of this set are derived for a lowimpact on the network performance and the receiver complexity.


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A particular property of the matched desiredimpulse response receiver is introduced in this paper, namely,the fact that full exploitation of the diversity is obtained withmultiple beamformers when the channel is spatially and timelydispersive. This particularity makes the receiver specially suitablefor mobile and underwater communications. The new structureprovides better performance than conventional and weightedVRAKE receivers, and a diversity gain with no needs of additionalradio frequency equipment. The baseband hardware neededfor this new receiver may be obtained through reconfigurabilityof the RAKE architectures available at the base station. Theproposed receiver is tested through simulations assuming UTRAfrequency-division-duplexing mode.