51 resultados para State-Society Relationship


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The phenomenon of anomalous fluctuations associated with the decay of an unstable state is analyzed in the presence of multiplicative noise. A theory is presented and compared with a numerical simulation. Our results allow us to distinguish the roles of additive and multiplicative noise in the nonlinear relaxation process. We suggest the use of experiments on transient dynamics to understand the effect of these two sources of noise in problems in which parametric noise is thought to be important, such as dye lasers.


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The influence of Delta isobar components on the ground-state properties of nuclear systems is investigated for nuclear matter as well as finite nuclei. Many-body wave functions, including isobar configurations and binding energies, are evaluated employing the framework of the coupled-cluster theory. It is demonstrated that the effect of isobar configurations depends in a rather sensitive way on the model used for the baryon-baryon interaction. As examples for realistic baryon-baryon interactions with explicit inclusion of isobar channels we use the local (V28) and nonlocal meson-exchange potentials (Bonn2000) but also a model recently developed by the Salamanca group, which is based on a quark picture. The differences obtained for the nuclear observables are related to the treatment of the interaction, the pi-exchange contributions in particular, at high momentum transfers.


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Semiclassical theories such as the Thomas-Fermi and Wigner-Kirkwood methods give a good description of the smooth average part of the total energy of a Fermi gas in some external potential when the chemical potential is varied. However, in systems with a fixed number of particles N, these methods overbind the actual average of the quantum energy as N is varied. We describe a theory that accounts for this effect. Numerical illustrations are discussed for fermions trapped in a harmonic oscillator potential and in a hard-wall cavity, and for self-consistent calculations of atomic nuclei. In the latter case, the influence of deformations on the average behavior of the energy is also considered.


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A model for energy, pressure, and flow velocity distributions at the beginning of ultrarelativistic heavy ion collisions is presented, which can be used as an initial condition for hydrodynamic calculations. Our model takes into account baryon recoil for both target and projectile, arising from the acceleration of partons in an effective field F mu nu produced in the collision. The typical field strength (string tension) for RHIC energies is about 512 GeV/fm, which allows us to talk about string ropes. The results show that a quark-gluon plasma forms a tilted disk, such that the direction of the largest pressure gradient stays in the reaction plane, but deviates from both the beam and the usual transverse flow directions. Such initial conditions may lead to the creation of antiflow or third flow component [L. P. Csernai and D. Rhrich, Phys. Rev. Lett. B 458, 454 (1999)].


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The properties of hot, dense stellar matter are investigated with a finite temperature nuclear Thomas-Fermi model.


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Characteristic decay times for relaxation close to the marginal point of optical bistability are studied. A model-independent formula for the decay time is given which interpolates between Kramers time for activated decay and a deterministic relaxation time. This formula gives the decay time as a universal scaling function of the parameter which measures deviation from marginality. The standard deviation of the first-passage-time distribution is found to vary linearly with the decay time, close to marginality, with a slope independent of the noise intensity. Our results are substantiated by numerical simulations and their experimental relevance is pointed out.


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We study the decay of an unstable state in the presence of colored noise by calculating the moment generating function of the passage-time distribution. The problems of the independence of the initial condition in this non-Markovian process and that of nonlinear effects are addressed. Our results are compared with recent analog simulations.


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We present the relationship between nonlinear-relaxation-time (NLRT) and quasideterministic approaches to characterize the decay of an unstable state. The universal character of the NLRT is established. The theoretical results are applied to study the dynamical relaxation of the Landau model in one and n variables and also a laser model.


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We study the exact ground state of the two-dimensional random-field Ising model as a function of both the external applied field B and the standard deviation ¿ of the Gaussian random-field distribution. The equilibrium evolution of the magnetization consists in a sequence of discrete jumps. These are very similar to the avalanche behavior found in the out-of-equilibrium version of the same model with local relaxation dynamics. We compare the statistical distributions of magnetization jumps and find that both exhibit power-law behavior for the same value of ¿. The corresponding exponents are compared.


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The energy and structure of a dilute hard-disks Bose gas are studied in the framework of a variational many-body approach based on a Jastrow correlated ground-state wave function. The asymptotic behaviors of the radial distribution function and the one-body density matrix are analyzed after solving the Euler equation obtained by a free minimization of the hypernetted chain energy functional. Our results show important deviations from those of the available low density expansions, already at gas parameter values x~0.001 . The condensate fraction in 2D is also computed and found generally lower than the 3D one at the same x.


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The dynamical process through a marginal state (saddle point) driven by colored noise is studied. For small correlation time of the noise, the mean first-passage time and its variance are calculated using standard methods. When the correlation time of the noise is finite or large, an alternative approach, based on simple physical arguments, is proposed. It will allow us to study also the passage times of an unstable state. The theoretical predictions are tested satisfactorily by the use of computer simulations.


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We present a very simple but fairly unknown method to obtain exact lower bounds to the ground-state energy of any Hamiltonian that can be partitioned into a sum of sub-Hamiltonians. The technique is applied, in particular, to the two-dimensional spin-1/2 antiferromagnetic Heisenberg model. Reasonably good results are easily obtained and the extension of the method to other systems is straightforward.