57 resultados para Standard Emissions Factor


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This paper analyses the inequality in CO2 emissions across countries (and groups of countries) and the relationship of this inequality with income inequality across countries for the period (1971-1999). The research employs the tools that are usually applied in income distribution analysis. The methodology used here gives qualitative and quantitative information on some of the features of the inequalities across countries that are considered most relevant for the design and discussion of policies aimed at mitigating climate change. The paper studies the relationship between CO2 emissions and GDP and shows that income inequality across countries has been followed by an important inequality in the distribution of emissions. This inequality has diminished mildly, although the inequality in emissions across countries ordered in the increasing value of income (inequality between rich and poor countries) has diminished less than the “simple” inequality in emissions. Lastly, the paper shows that the inequality in CO2 emissions is mostly explained by the inequality between groups with different per capita income level. The importance of the inequality within groups of similar per capita income is much lower and has diminished during the period, especially in the low-middle income group.


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Here we present an approach that allows the identification of the "key" productive sectors responsible for CO2 emission. For this purpose, we develop an input–output methodology from a supply perspective. We focus on the impact of an increase in the value-added of the different productive sectors on total CO2 emissions and we identify the productive sectors responsible for the increase in CO2 emissions when there is an increase in the income of the economy. The approach shows the contribution of the various sectors to CO2 emission from a production perspective and allows us to identify the sectors that deserve more consideration for mitigation policies. This analysis is complementary to the input–output analysis from a demand perspective. The methodology is applied to the Spanish economy.


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The Spanish savings banks attracted quite a considerable amount of interest within the scientific arena, especially subsequent to the disappearance of the regulatory constraints during the second decade of the 1980s. Nonetheless, a lack of research identified with respect to mainstream paths given by strategic groups, and the analysis of the total factor productivity. Therefore, on the basis of the resource-based view of the firm and cluster analysis, we make use of changes in structure and performance ratios in order to identify the strategic groups extant in the sector. We attain a threeways division, which we link with different input-output specifications defining strategic paths. Consequently, on the basis of these three dissimilar approaches we compute and decompose a Hicks-Moorsteen total factor productivity index. Obtained results put forward an interesting interpretation under a multi-strategic approach, together with the setbacks of employing cluster analysis within a complex strategic environment. Moreover, we also propose an ex-post method of analysing the outcomes of the decomposed total factor productivity index that could be merged with non-traditional techniques of forming strategic groups, such as cognitive approaches.


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Emissions distribution is a focus variable for the design of future international agreements to tackle global warming. This paper specifically analyses the future path of emissions distribution and its determinants in different scenarios. Whereas our analysis is driven by tools which are typically applied in the income distribution literature and which have recently been applied to the analysis of CO2 emissions distribution, a new methodological approach is that our study is driven by simulations run with a popular regionalised optimal growth climate change model over the 1995-2105 period. We find that the architecture of environmental policies, the implementation of flexible mechanisms and income concentration are key determinants of emissions distribution over time. In particular we find a robust positive relationship between measures of inequalities.


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There is recent interest in the generalization of classical factor models in which the idiosyncratic factors are assumed to be orthogonal and there are identification restrictions on cross-sectional and time dimensions. In this study, we describe and implement a Bayesian approach to generalized factor models. A flexible framework is developed to determine the variations attributed to common and idiosyncratic factors. We also propose a unique methodology to select the (generalized) factor model that best fits a given set of data. Applying the proposed methodology to the simulated data and the foreign exchange rate data, we provide a comparative analysis between the classical and generalized factor models. We find that when there is a shift from classical to generalized, there are significant changes in the estimates of the structures of the covariance and correlation matrices while there are less dramatic changes in the estimates of the factor loadings and the variation attributed to common factors.


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The Kyoto Protocol sets national quotas on CO2 emissions and allows international trade of these quotas. We argue that this trade is characterized by asymmetric, identity-dependent externalities, and show that bilateral trade may not be sufficient for an efficient allocation of emissions. We derive conditions under which bilateral trade does improve the allocation of permits. The conditions are strong. In this sense, we argue that, for emissions permits, market design matters.


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Estudi elaborat a partir d’una estada a la School of Life Sciences de la University of Dundee, Gran Bretanya, entre gener i març del 2007.L'estrès osmòtic causa rà pidament l'activació de la quinasa WNK1, que fosforila i activa a continuació les quinases SPAK i OSR1, que alhora regulen canals i transportadors d’ions preexistents a la membrana cel•lular. El factor de transcripció NFAT5 és el principal regulador de la resposta cel•lular transcripcional secundà ria a hipertonicitat i s’ha descrit que les quinases p38, Fyn, PKA, ERK/MEK i ATM estan involucrades en la seva regulació post-traduccional. No obstant, com que la funció d’aquestes quinases no explica totalment els mecanismes d'activació de NFAT5, s’ha estudiat si l’activitat transcripcional de NFAT5 pot estar regulada per WNK1, SPAK o OSR1. Així doncs, es va observar que l’activitat d’un reporter dependent de NFAT5 no es veu afectada per la presència de cap de les quinases anteriors, en la seva forma wild-type o dominant negatiu. D’altra banda, es va estudiar quin domini de WNK1 és necessari per a que pugui respondre a hipertonicitat i quines quinases poden estar involucrades en la fosforilació de la serina 382 de WNK1. En conclusió, les dades obtingudes apunten que l’activació de WNK1 en resposta a estrès osmòtic requereix la seva fosforilació en la serina 382 per quinases upstream com PAK2 o RSK i que també és necessari un dels seus dominis coiled-coil, almenys els aminoà cids 558 i 561. Aquests processos, però, semblen ser independents de l’activació de NFAT5 en resposta a hipertonicitat.   


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This paper investigates the extent to which the gap in total factor productivity between small and large firms is due to differences in the endowment of factors determining productivity and to the returns associated with these factors. We place particular emphasis on the contribution of differences in the propensity to innovate and in the use of skilled labor across firms of different size. Empirical evidence from a representative sample of Spanish manufacturing firms corroborates that both differences in endowments and returns to innovation and skilled labor significantly contribute to the productivity gap between small and large firms. In addition, it is observed that the contribution of innovation to this gap is caused only by differences in quantity, while differences in returns have no effect; in the case of human capital, however, most of the effect can be attributed to increasing differences in returns between small and large firms.


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La recerca de nous materials pel desenvolupament de membranes per a la reducció d’emissions de SO2 ha estat en el punt de mira de nombrosos estudis recents, degut al seu gran potencial per a dur a terme aquests processos i pel gran impacte mediambiental causat pel SO2. La temàtica d’aquest projecte consisteix en la síntesi i caracterització de nous materials basats en compostos d’Oxo-Vanadi-Sulfats de metalls alcalins per tal de preparar aquestes membranes supressores de SO2.


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Estudi elaborat a partir d’una estada a la Universität Karlsruhe entre gener i maig del 2007. Les biblioteques d’estructures de dades defineixen interfícies i implementen algorismes i estructures de dades fonamentals. Un exemple n’és la Satandard Template Library (STL ), que forma part del llenguatge de programació C++. En el marc d’una tesi, s’està treballant per obtenir implementacions més eficients i/o versàtils d’alguns components de la STL. Per a fer-ho s’utilitzen tècniques de la enginyeria d’algorismes. En particular, s’integra el coneixement de la comunitat algorítmica i es té en consideració la tecnologia existent. L’acció durant l’estada s’ha emmarcat en el desenvolupament la Multi Core STL (MCSTL ). La MCSTL és una implementació paral•lela de la STL per a màquines multi-core. Les màquines multi-core són actualment l’únic tipus de màquina disponible al mercat. Per tant, tot i que el paral•lelisme obtingut no sigui òptim, és preferible a tenir els processadors esperant, ja que , la tendència és que el nombre de processadors per computador augmenti.


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La formació de trombus està mediada per dos sistemes paral•lels: el sistema de la coagulació i agregació plaquetària. El prinicipal inciador de la cascada de la coagulació in vivo és el factor tissular (FT). La hipòtesi del present treball és que el FT és capaç d’induir agregació i activació plaquetària independentment del seu paper en la coagulació. Mitjançant estudis d’agregació hem vist que el FT indueix activació i agregació plaquetària. A més també hem pogut veure que en un sistema que simula el flux sanguini, les plaquetes són capaces d’adherir-se a una superfície coberta per FT, de manera similar al que s’espera en una placa ateroscleròtica trencada. Hem trobat que el FT indueix activació plaquetària per vies de senyalització que involucren la PKC, PI3K, tirosin quinases i Ser/Tre fosfatases. Per últim hem generat una línia cel•lular que expressa FT a la membrana. Aquesta línia cel•lular permetrà futurs estudis de la funció del FT en la seva forma nativa, és a dir, com a proteïna transmembrana enlloc de proteïna soluble purificada. En resum, aquests estudis han permès veure com el FT és capaç d’activar directament les plaquetes i induir la seva agregació jugant així un doble paper en els mecanismes de trombosi i hemostàsia.


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The empirical finding of an inverse U-shaped relationship between per capita income and pollution, the so-called Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC), suggests that as countries experience economic growth, environmental deterioration decelerates and thus becomes less of an issue. Focusing on the prime example of carbon emissions, the present article provides a critical review of the new econometric techniques that have questioned the baseline polynomial specification in the EKC literature. We discuss issues related to the functional form, heterogeneity, “spurious” regressions and spatial dependence to address whether and to what extent the EKC can be observed. Despite these new approaches, there is still no clear-cut evidence supporting the existence of the EKC for carbon emissions. JEL classifications: C20; Q32; Q50; O13 Keywords: Environmental Kuznets Curve; Carbon emissions; Functional form; Heterogeneity; “Spurious” regressions; Spatial dependence.Residential satisfaction is often used as a barometer to assess the performance of public policy and programmes designed to raise individuals' well-being. However, the fact that responses elicited from residents might be biased by subjective, non-observable factors casts doubt on whether these responses can be taken as trustable indicators of the individuals' housing situation. Emotional factors such as aspirations or expectations might affect individuals' cognitions of their true residential situation. To disentangle this puzzle, we investigated whether identical residential attributes can be perceived differently depending on tenure status. Our results indicate that tenure status is crucial not only in determining the level of housing satisfaction, but also regarding how dwellers perceive their housing characteristics. Keywords: Housing satisfaction, subjective well-being, homeownership. JEL classification: D1, R2.


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En l’actualitat s’està generant una consciència col·lectiva sobre les repercussions que pot tenir l’escalfament global causat pels gasos d’efecte hivernacle (GEH). Amb l’objectiu de reduir les emissions de CO2 (segon gas responsable del canvi climàtic) cap a l’atmosfera, s’estan buscant possibles embornals de carboni. El sòl tot i ser el principal reservori de carboni del planeta, mai s’ha considerat com un factor important per la reducció de les emissions de GEH. Amb aquest projecte es pretén concretar quina és la capacitat de segrest de carboni per part dels sòls de les zones de St. Feliu de Guíxols i la Vall d’Aro, prenent en consideració les diferents variables que puguin influenciar.


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An abundant scientific literature about climate change economics points out that the future participation of developing countries in international environmental policies will depend on their amount of pay offs inside and outside specific agreements. These studies are aimed at analyzing coalitions stability typically through a game theoretical approach. Though these contributions represent a corner stone in the research field investigating future plausible international coalitions and the reasons behind the difficulties incurred over time to implement emissions stabilizing actions, they cannot disentangle satisfactorily the role that equality play in inducing poor regions to tackle global warming. If we focus on the Stern Review findings stressing that climate change will generate heavy damages and policy actions will be costly in a finite time horizon, we understand why there is a great incentive to free ride in order to exploit benefits from emissions reduction efforts of others. The reluctance of poor countries in joining international agreements is mainly supported by historical responsibility of rich regions in generating atmospheric carbon concentration, whereas rich countries claim that emissions stabilizing policies will be effective only when developing countries will join them.Scholars recently outline that a perceived fairness in the distribution of emissions would facilitate a wide spread participation in international agreements. In this paper we overview the literature about distributional aspects of emissions by focusing on those contributions investigating past trends of emissions distribution through empirical data and future trajectories through simulations obtained by integrated assessment models. We will explain methodologies used to elaborate data and the link between real data and those coming from simulations. Results from this strand of research will be interpreted in order to discuss future negotiations for post Kyoto agreements that will be the focus of the next. Conference of the Parties in Copenhagen at the end of 2009. A particular attention will be devoted to the role that technological change will play in affecting the distribution of emissions over time and to how spillovers and experience diffusion could influence equality issues and future outcomes of policy negotiations.