18 resultados para Sindrome de Brugada
1. CONCEPTO Sindrome comicial prolongado (duración superior a los 30 minutos) o recidivante sin lograr recuperar la conciencia en los intervalos. Cualquier tipo de comicialidad tanto generalizada como focal puede cursar en forma de status, aunque lo más frecuente son las crisis tónico-clónicas generalizadas...
Early repolarization, which is characterized by an elevation of the J-point on 12-lead electrocardiography, is a common finding that has been considered as benign for decades. However, in the last years, it has been related with vulnerability to idiopathic ventricular fibrillation and with cardiac mortality in the general population. Recently, 4 potential ECG predictors that could differentiate the benign from the malignant form of early repolarization have been suggested. Any previous study about early repolarization has been done in Spain. Aim. To ascertain whether the presence of early repolarization pattern in a resting electrocardiogram is associated with a major risk of cardiac death in a Spanish general population and to determine whether the presence of potential predictors of malignancy in a resting electrocardiogram increases the risk of cardiac mortality in patients with early repolarization pattern. Methods. We will analyse the presence of early repolarization and the occurrence of cardiac mortality in a retrospective cohort study of 4,279 participants aged 25 to 74 years in the province of Girona. This cohort has been followed during a mean of 9.8 years. Early repolarization will be stratified according to the degree of J-point elevation (≥0.1 mV or ≥0.2 mV), the morphology of the J-wave (slurring, notching or any of these two), the ST-segment pattern (ascending or descending) and the localization (inferior leads, lateral leads, or both). Association of early repolarization with cardiac death will be assessed by adjusted Cox-proportional hazards models
Resting 12-lead electrocardiogram (ECG) has been employed in the evaluation of young asymptomatic subjects to detect pre-existing heart diseases. Although the incorporation of routine ECG remains controversial, there is increasing evidence that cardiomyopathies and ion channelopathies show ECG changes as the initial manifestation. The causes of sudden cardiac death in young people show a significant geographical variation. We aim to determine the prevalence and spectrum of ECG findings in a youth population. Methodology: From May 2010 to April 2013, a total of 976 young secondary school students (mean age, 14 years; range, 13-15) underwent voluntary medical screening that included a resting 12-lead ECG and structured clinical survey. Subjects with abnormal ECG findings were classified into two groups: major ECG findings group, which fulfilled a pre-specified checklist to screen for principal structural and electrical cardiopathies, and minor ECG findings group showing other ECG changes. The major ECG findings group was referred for secondary diagnostic tests at a tertiary institution. Results: Of the 976 subjects screened, 252 (25.82%; CI95%, 23.17-28.66) had ECG findings. Of note, 17 (1.74%) had major findings and 235 (24.08%) had minor findings on ECG. The prevalence of cardiovascular pathology within the major ECG findings group was 35.29%. The prevalence of ECG abnormalities was significantly higher in males than in females (29% vs 20.9%, P<0.01). Conclusions: The prevalence of ECG findings in a youth population was 25.82%. There were significant gender differences. The inclusion of universal ECG screening, in addition to medical history, may increase the sensitivity of a cardiovascular screening program. Knowledge of the spectrum and prevalence of ECG findings and disease conditions would be pivotal in designing customized screening programs