32 resultados para Silage grains
An example of the relationship that exist between the preferred crystaliografic orientation of quartz grains and the attitude of the mylonite foliation of quartz-feldspar mylonites is described. These rocks are the result of the inhomogeneous deformation under low-grade metamorphic conditions of a late Hercynian granodiorite, intruded into the gneisses of the slopes of the Canig massif (Eastern Pyrenees). The Costabona mylonites have a quartz c-axis fabric in pseudo-twogirdles symmetrical with respect to the mylonite foliation and perpendicular to the shearband systems which produce an extensional crenulation of the mylonite foliation.
In this study we analyze and explain the formation of the constructive micrite envelope in the vadose continental environment. This constructive micrite envelope shows a wide variety of textural components. The principal textural components are: microorganisms, micritic and microspar LMC cement, whisker crystals, microfibres and aggregates of LMC acicular crystals. The main microorganisms are hyphae fungi, although actynomicetes and bacteries also occur. The constructive micrite envelope is due to the action of calcified filaments (hyphae fungi) which collapse and coalesce forming an intertwined mesh as well as due to the precipitation of micritic and microspar cement. The whisker crystals, microfibres and aggregates of LMC acicular crystals are secondary microtextures. Constructive micrite envelopes does not indicate a specific diagenetic environment. The constructive micrite envelopes present irregularities or bumps at the outer surface of the grains, and the destructive micrite envelopes present irregularities towards the grain interior. This morphologic criterion is useful to differenciate the micrite envelope origin, constructive or destructive, in the fossil record.
Heusler alloy Mn50Ni40In10 was produced as preferentially textured ribbon flakes by melt spinning, finding the existence of martensitic-austenic transformation with both phases exhibiting ferromagnetic ordering. A microcrystalline three-layered microstructure of ordered columnar grains grown perpendicularly to ribbon plane was formed between two thin layers of smaller grains. The characteristic temperatures of the martensitic transformation were MS=213 K, Mf=173 K, AS=222 K, and Af=243 K. Austenite phase shows a cubic L21 structure (a=0.6013(3) nm at 298 K and a Curie point of 311 K), transforming into a modulated fourteen-layer modulation monoclinic martensite
A model has been developed for evaluating grain size distributions in primary crystallizations where the grain growth is diffusion controlled. The body of the model is grounded in a recently presented mean-field integration of the nucleation and growth kinetic equations, modified conveniently in order to take into account a radius-dependent growth rate, as occurs in diffusion-controlled growth. The classical diffusion theory is considered, and a modification of this is proposed to take into account interference of the diffusion profiles between neighbor grains. The potentiality of the mean-field model to give detailed information on the grain size distribution and transformed volume fraction for transformations driven by nucleation and either interface- or diffusion-controlled growth processes is demonstrated. The model is evaluated for the primary crystallization of an amorphous alloy, giving an excellent agreement with experimental data. Grain size distributions are computed, and their properties are discussed.
Structural and optical characterization of copper phthalocyanine thin film thermally deposited at different substrate temperatures was the aim of this work. The morphology of the films shows strong dependence on temperature, as can be observed by atomic force microscopy and x-ray diffraction spectroscopy, specifically in the grain size and features of the grains. The increase in the crystal phase with substrate temperature is shown by x-ray diffractometry. Optical absorption coefficient measured by photothermal deflection spectroscopy and optical transmittance reveal a weak dependence on the substrate temperature. Besides, the electro-optical response measured by the external quantum efficiency of Schottky ITO/CuPc/Al diodes shows an optimized response for samples deposited at a substrate temperature of 60 °C, in correspondence to the I-V diode characteristics.
The Cerro Quema district, located on the Azuero Peninsula, Panama, is part of a large regional hydrothermal system controlled by regional faults striking broadly E-W, developed within the Río Quema Formation. This formation is composed of volcanic, sedimentary and volcano-sedimentary rocks indicating a submarine depositional environment, corresponding to the fore-arc basin of a CretaceousPaleogene volcanic arc. The structures observed in the area and their tectono-stratigraphic relationship with the surrounding formations suggest a compressive and/or transpressive tectonic regime, at least during Late CretaceousOligocene times. The igneous rocks of the Río Quema Formation plot within the calc-alkaline field with trace and rare earth element (REE) patterns of volcanic arc affinity. This volcanic arc developed on the Caribbean large igneous province during subduction of the Farallon Plate. Mineralization consists of disseminations of pyrite and enargite as well as a stockwork of pyrite and barite with minor sphalerite, galena and chalcopyrite, hosted by a subaqueous dacitic lava dome of the Río Quema Formation. Gold is present as submicroscopic grains and associated with pyrite as invisible gold. A hydrothermal alteration pattern with a core of advanced argillic alteration (vuggy silica with alunite, dickite, pyrite and enargite) and an outer zone of argillic alteration (kaolinite, smectite and illite) has been observed. Supergene oxidation overprinted the hydrothermal alteration resulting in a thick cap of residual silica and iron oxides. The ore minerals, the alteration pattern and the tectono-volcanic environment of Cerro Quema are consistent with a high sulfidation epithermal system developed in the Azuero peninsula during pre-Oligocene times.
Field experiments were conducted at two locations during two growing seasons in the Ebro Valley (Spain), to evaluate the effects of N fertilization on yield and quality of Mediterranean-type wheat in irrigated conditions. Seven N treatments and a control were investigated. The average grain yields ranged from 2117 to 5551 kg ha-1 depending on the year and location. Grain protein ranged from 14.25 to 16.9%, and other quality parameters such as the dough strength (W) also varied with year and location, confirming the suitability of Mediterranean-type wheat and the climate for the production of good bread-making quality wheat. However, grain yields are normally low and both yields and quality can be greatly affected by the variability of this type of climate, even under irrigation. Under these conditions, grain yield increases were mainly due to an increase in the number of grains per m2 without a reduction in the N content per spike, suggesting that N in the grain was not source-limited, possibly due to the lower grain yields and relatively high soil nitrate concentrations. In soils with lower initial soil NO-3N contents, better grain yields could be achieved by applying a N fertilizer rate of about 100 kg N ha-1, whereas in soils with high initial NO-3N contents, no N or a maximum rate of 50 kg N ha-1 is needed to obtain a good grain quality, showing the possibility of producing high-quality wheat with a low amount of N fertilizer and thus increasing the sustainability of the cropping system.
Es descriu una metodologia recent per a inferir la precipitació en el passat basada en l’anàlisi de la composició isotòpica del carboni (δ13C) en restes arqueobotàniques. Un cop descrita la base fisiològica de la tècnica, s’il·lustra l’aplicabilitat de δ13C mitjançant un exemple referent al NE peninsular. Hom pretén proporcionar una estimació quantitativa de l’evolució de la precipitació estacional (primavera) i anual al llarg dels darrers quatre mil anys basada en δ13C. Les mostres analitzades comprenen carbons (pi blanc) i llavors carbonitzades (blat i ordi), i s’obtenen estimes pluviomètriques superiors en el passat que actualment, amb una tendència gradual cap a condicions progressivament més àrides. No obstant això, aquesta tendència no esdevé uniforme, i es detecten dues fases de major precipitació (1800-900 aC; 300 aC - 300 dC) alternadament amb períodes relativament secs (900-300 aC; 900 dC - present). Dels resultats presentats també es desprèn que la importància relativa de la pluja primaveral en el passat fou variable. Des d’aproximadament el 300 aC en endavant, el període primaveral subministrà una major proporció de pluja anual que actualment. Contràriament, durant el període 1800-800 dC la seva contribució va esdevenir inferior, i va aparèixer una fase transitòria (800-300 aC) que mostra una recuperació sobtada en aportació primaveral. Posteriorment a aquesta fase la sincronia de canvis en δ13C en granes i carbons suggereix l’arribada del clima mediterrani a la regió.
Shading treatments of 50% of the incident radiation were applied to the semidwarf wheat cultivar Leones INTA before and after anthesis in two field experiments in Argentina in 1987 and 1988. The treatments reduced biological (above-ground dry matter) yield, grain yield and number of grains/m2. Number of grains/m2 was closely and linearly correlated with ear dry weight at anthesis and with the photothermal quotient, calculated from 20 days before to 10 days after anthesis. Grain yield was sink limited, and the shading treatments reduced sink strength. The contribution of preanthesis assimilates to grain yield was smaller in the shaded crops than in the unshaded controls; in unshaded crops, almost 40% of grain yield was contributed by preanthesis assimilates whilst in preanthesis shaded crops this contribution was negligible. The proportion of preanthesis assimilates contributed to the grain was closely related to the decrease in stem dry weight during grain filling. The effects of shading on main stems and tillers were the same.
Further genetic gains in wheat yield are required to match expected increases in demand. This may require the identification of physiological attributes able to produce such improvement, as well as the genetic bases controlling those traits in order to facilitate their manipulation. In the present paper, a theoretical framework of source and sink limitation to wheat yield is presented and the fine-tuning of crop development as an alternative for increasing yield potential is discussed. Following a top-down approach, most crop physiologists have agreed that the main attribute explaining past genetic gains in yield was harvest index (HI). By virtue of previous success, no further gains may be expected in HI and an alternative must be found. Using a bottom-up approach, the present paper firstly provides evidence on the generalized sink-limited condition of grain growth, determining that for further increases in yield potential, sink strength during grain filling has to be increased. The focus should be on further increasing grain number per m2, through fine-tuning pre-anthesis developmental patterns. The phase of rapid spike growth period (RSGP) is critical for grain number determination and increasing spike growth during pre-anthesis would result in an increased number of grains. This might be achieved by lengthening the duration of the phase (though without altering flowering time), as there is genotypic variation in the proportion of pre-anthesis time elapsed either before or after the onset of the stem elongation phase. Photoperiod sensitivity during RSGP could be then used as a genetic tool to further increase grain number, since slower development results in smoother floret development and more floret primordia achieve the fertile floret stage, able to produce a grain. Far less progress has been achieved on the genetic control of this attribute. None of the well-known major Ppd alleles seems to be consistently responsible for RSGP sensitivity. Alternatives for identifying the genetic factors responsible for this sensitivity (e.g. quantitative trait locus (QTL) identification in mapping populations) are being considered.
Wheat yield and grain nitrogen concentration (GNC; mg N/g grain) are frequently negatively correlated. In most growing conditions, this is mainly due to a feedback process between GNC and the number of grains/m2. In Mediterranean conditions, breeders may have produced cultivars with conservative grain set. The present study aimed at clarifying the main physiological determinants of grain nitrogen accumulation (GNA) in Mediterranean wheat and to analyse how breeding has affected them. Five field experiments were carried out in north-eastern Spain in the 2005/06 and 2006/ 07 growing seasons with three cultivars released at different times and an advanced line. Depending on the experiment, source-sink ratios during grain filling were altered by reducing grain number/m2 either through pre-anthesis shading (unshaded control or 0.75 shading only between jointing and anthesis) or by directly trimming the spikes after anthesis and before the onset of the effective grain filling period (un-trimmed control or spikes halved 7–10 days after anthesis). Grain nitrogen content (GN content ; mg N/grain) decreased with the year of release of the genotypes. As the number of grains/m2 was also increased by breeding there was a clear dilution effect on the amount of nitrogen allocated to each grain. However, the increase in GN content in old genotypes did not compensate for the loss in grain nitrogen yield (GNY) due to the lower number of grains/m2. GN content of all genotypes increased (increases ranged from 0.13 to 0.40 mg N/grain, depending on experiment and genotype) in response to the post-anthesis spike trimming or pre-anthesis shading. The degree of source-limitation for GNA increased with the year of release of the genotypes (and thus with increases in grain number/m2) from 0.22 (mean of the four manipulative experiments) in the oldest cultivar to 0.51 (mean of the four manipulative experiments) in the most modern line. It was found that final GN content depended strongly on the source-sink ratio established at anthesis between the number of grains set and the amount of nitrogen absorbed at this stage. Thus, Mediterranean wheat breeding that improved yield through increases in grain number/m2 reduced the GN content by diluting a rather limited source of nitrogen into more grains. This dilution effect produced by breeding was further confirmed by the reversal effect produced by grain number/m2 reductions due to either pre-anthesis shading or post-anthesis spike trimming.
The relationship between yield, carbon isotope discrimination and ash content in mature kernels was examined for a set of 13 barley (Hordeum vulgare) cultivars. Plants were grown under rainfed and well-irrigated conditions in a Mediterranean area. Water deficit caused a decrease in both grain yield and carbon isotope discrimination (Δ). The yield was positively related to Δ and negatively related to ash content, across genotypes within each treatment. However, whereas the correlation between yield and Δ was higher for the set of genotypes under well-irrigated (r=0.70, P<0.01) than under rainfed (r=0.42) conditions, the opposite occurred when yield and ash content were related, ie r=-0.38 under well-irrigated and r=-0.73, (P<0.01) under rainfed conditions. Carbon isotope discrimination and ash content together account for almost 60% of the variation in yield, in both conditions. There was no significant relationship (r=-0.15) between carbon isotope discrimination and ash content in well-irrigated plants, whereas in rainfed plants, this relationship, although significant (r=-0.54, P< 0.05), was weakly negative. The concentration of several mineral elements was measured in the same kernels. The mineral that correlated best with ash content, yield and A, was K. For yield and Δ, although the relationship with K followed the same pattern as the relationhip with ash content, the correlation coefficients were lower. Thus, mineral accumulation in mature kernels seems to be independent of transpiration efficiency. In fact, filling of grains takes place through the phloem pathway. The ash content in kernels is proposed as a complementary criterion, in addition to kernel Δ, to assess genotype differences in barley grain yield under rainfed conditions.
The structural organization of microbial mats from the Ebro Delta (Spain) and their accretion and partial lithification processes were explored using scanning electron microscopy in back-scattered electron mode and low-temperature scanning electron microscopy. Two differentiated zones were distinguished in a transverse section of a fragment taken from the mat at a depth of 2.5 mm. The first consisted of an upper layer in which the dominant microorganisms, Microcoleus spp., actively grew in an embedded slack matrix of exopolysaccharides. Microcoleus filaments were oriented parallel to the surface and to each other, with filaments below arranged perpendicularly to one another but without crossing. Most of the minerals present were allochthonous grains of calcium phosphate biocorroded by cyanobacteria. The second zone was below a depth of 1 mm and made up of accretion layers with large deposits of calcium carbonate and smaller amounts of calcium phosphate of biological origin. The predominance of a particular type of mineral precipitation with a characteristic external shape and/or texture within a zone, e.g., sponge-like deposits of calcium phosphate, appears to depend on the taxa of the prevailing microorganisms
Pygmy hunter-gatherers from Central Africa have shared a network of socioeconomic interactions with non-Pygmy Bantu speakers since agropastoral lifestyle spread across sub-Saharan Africa. Ethnographic studies have reported that their diets differ in consumption of both animal proteins and starch grains. Hunted meat and gathered plant foods, especially underground storage organs (USOs), are dietary staples for pygmies. However, scarce information exists about forager-farmer interaction and the agricultural products used by pygmies. Since the effects of dietary preferences on teeth in modern and past pygmies remain unknown, we explored dietary history through quantitative analysis of buccal microwear on cheek teeth in well-documented Baka pygmies. We then determined if microwear patterns differ among other Pygmy groups (Aka, Mbuti, and Babongo) and between Bantu-speaking farmer and pastoralist populations from past centuries. The buccal dental microwear patterns of Pygmy hunter-gatherers and non-Pygmy Bantu pastoralists show lower scratch densities, indicative of diets more intensively based on nonabrasive foodstuffs, compared with Bantu farmers, who consume larger amounts of grit from stoneground foods. The Baka pygmies showed microwear patterns similar to those of ancient Aka and Mbuti, suggesting that the mechanical properties of their preferred diets have not significantly changed through time. In contrast, Babongo pygmies showed scratch densities and lengths similar to those of the farmers, consistent with sociocultural contacts and genetic factors. Our findings support that buccal microwear patterns predict dietary habits independent of ecological conditions and reflect the abrasive properties of preferred or fallback foods such as USOs, which may have contributed to the dietary specializations of ancient human populations.
The Cerro Quema district, located on the Azuero Peninsula, Panama, is part of a large regional hydrothermal system controlled by regional faults striking broadly E-W, developed within the Río Quema Formation. This formation is composed of volcanic, sedimentary and volcano-sedimentary rocks indicating a submarine depositional environment, corresponding to the fore-arc basin of a Cretaceous-Paleogene volcanic arc. The structures observed in the area and their tectono-stratigraphic relationship with the surrounding formations suggest a compressive and/or transpressive tectonic regime, at least during Late Cretaceous-Oligocene times. The igneous rocks of the Río Quema Formation plot within the calc-alkaline field with trace and rare earth element (REE) patterns of volcanic arc affinity. This volcanic arc developed on the Caribbean large igneous province during subduction of the Farallon Plate. Mineralization consists of disseminations of pyrite and enargite as well as a stockwork of pyrite and barite with minor sphalerite, galena and chalcopyrite, hosted by a subaqueous dacitic lava dome of the Río Quema Formation. Gold is present as submicroscopic grains and associated with pyrite as invisible gold. A hydrothermal alteration pattern with a core of advanced argillic alteration (vuggy silica with alunite, dickite, pyrite and enargite) and an outer zone of argillic alteration (kaolinite, smectite and illite) has been observed. Supergene oxidation overprinted the hydrothermal alteration resulting in a thick cap of residual silica and iron oxides. The ore minerals, the alteration pattern and the tectono-volcanic environment of Cerro Quema are consistent with a high sulfidation epithermal system developed in the Azuero peninsula during pre-Oligocene times.