56 resultados para Serra Geral Formation


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This paper analyzes endogenous lobbying over a unidimensional policy issue. Individuals differ in policy preferences and decide either to join one of two opposite interest lobbies or not to take part in lobbying activities. Once formed, lobbies make contributions to the incumbent government in exchange for a policy favor as in a common-agency model. A "sincere-lobby-formation" condition for equilibrium is introduced: an individual joins a lobby if their gain from the policy change that this lobby might achieve exceeds a contribution fee. Thus, an equilibrium occurs only if no lobby member would prefer their lobby to cease to exist. I show the existence of an equilibrium with two organized lobbies. Individuals with more extreme preferences are more likely to join lobbying activities. I fi…nd that lobbying somewhat moderates the government's preferences, i.e., it shifts the …final policy in favor of individuals who are initially disadvantaged by the government's pro- or anti-policy preferred position. Under a utilitarian government, however, lobbying does not affect the fi…nal policy, and political competition results in a socially optimal outcome. JEL classi…cation: D72. Keywords: Sincere lobby formation; common agency; endogenous lobbying.


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The moulting cycles of all larval instars (zoea I, zoea II, and megalopa) of the spider crab Maja brachydactyla Balss 1922 were studied in laboratory rearing experiments. Morphological changes in the epidermis and cuticle were photographically documented in daily intervals and assigned to successive stages of the moulting cycle (based on Drach's classification system). Our moult-stage characterizations are based on microscopical examination of integumental modifications mainly in the telson, using epidermal condensation, the degree of epidermal retraction (apolysis), and morphogenesis (mainly setagenesis) as criteria. In the zoea II and megalopa, the formation of new setae was also observed in larval appendages including the antenna, maxillule, maxilla, second maxilliped, pleopods, and uropods. As principal stages within the zoea I moulting cycle, we describe postmoult (Drach's stages A–B combined), intermoult (C), and premoult (D), the latter with three substages (D0, D1, and D2). In the zoea II and megalopa, D0 and D1 had to be combined, because morphogenesis (the main characteristic of D1) was unclear in the telson and did not occur synchronically in different appendices. The knowledge of the course and time scale of successive moult-cycle events can be used as a tool for the evaluation of the developmental state within individual larval instars, providing a morphological reference system for physiological and biochemical studies related to crab aquaculture.


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My interest in higher education and citizenship in the Middle East at large and in Jordan in particular is fostered by some of the reflections Eickelman proposed (1992). Being a quite recent phenomenon, intimately linked with the more general topic of state formation it seemed to me more suitable to study it in a little country with a recent history (a field study left almost unexplored until now as far as Jordan is concerned, to the best of my knowledge, since Antoun 1994 focuses on the migration as a quest for higher education). The process of state formation in Jordan is quite studied. I thus intended to study the higher education policies as an attempt both to create a national citizenry and more recently as a way of controlling the more problematic part of the population (youth, which constitutes more than the double of the population. See UNDP and Ministry of Planning 2000). How do the young students enter the university system, and in which way does this system work? How is this system designed, in order to retain social control of the students (since they are usually perceived to be a factor of social and political instability, as in Iran or in Egypt)? Is there any significant difference between different faculties? And if so, why? My conclusions at this stage are that the university system is an integral part of the survival of the regime. The system works quite well, and Jordan has one of the best educational position in the region. Yet there are important distinctions to be made: the access to the better faculties is socially selective while the less valued faculties are left to the poorer and less wealthy youth. This results in a different treatment of the students and of the courses that I analysed. In the better faculties the teaching standards are quite high, and the relationship between professors and students is almost on a same-level base, while in the less privileged faculties the opposite is true. Thus we can observe a concrete politics of divide et impera intended to split the youth in two. For the more privileged there are some freedoms, both within and outside classes, designed I guess at forging them as autonomous individuals. On the opposite the less privileged are kept under tight control, even if also these students are a privileged category among youth at large.


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El treball mostra el procés d'implantació del projecte Xarxipèlag 2.0 a l'IES Juníper Serra de Palma de Mallorca.


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Es fa una breu aproximació als trets més representatius que caracteritzen la geografía humana de la Serra de les Salines i d'alguns dels canvis mes significatius que ha experimentat aquesta área de l' interior de l'Alt Empordá durant el darrer segle


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Aquest projecte es centra en el municipi d’ Itacaré (Bahía, Brasil), el qual actualment pateix una creixent demanda de turisme pel seu atractiu natural. Aquest municipi no disposa de cap Pla de Gestió del Turisme. Per aquest motiu i juntament amb l’ ONG del Brasil “Instituto Aliança” s’ ha treballat en un projecte de creació d’ un centre d’ atenció al visitant. Aquest “Centre de atendimento a ou visitante” està encarat bàsicament a informar i sensibilitzar als turistes i als propis natius de la zona, de les característiques ambientals i culturals de la regió, alhora que es potencia un turisme de base comunitària


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Estudi amb la informació de base, la diagnosi i les accions proposades per tal de dur a terme una gestió apropiada del LIC Serra de Montgrony. La gestió està enfocada a fer compatibles les activitats antròpiques que es duen a terme a la zona amb la conservació de la biodiversitat de l’espai


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La finalitat del projecte consisteix en establir les pautes per a la implantació d’un model d’ecobarri al Pla d’en Serra, un barri situat a l’est del municipi de Sant Gregori, el qual, com a conseqüència de la crisi, es troba urbanitzat i pendent d’edificació. Per tal d’assolir l’objectiu proposat es fa èmfasi en aspectes d’usos del sòl, mobilitat, metabolisme i governança. Inclou un estudi previ amb la diagnosi de l’estat actual de la zona i dels Plans influents, enquesta a la població, diagnosi de conflictes i potencialitats entre el model d’ecobarri i el model tradicional.El model que resulta de l’elaboració d’aquest projecte és el d’un barri més sostenible, més respectuós amb el medi ambient, proporciona una major comoditat i qualitat de vida per als futurs habitants de la comunitat en comparació a les perspectives que se li donen actualment a la zona


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The females of the bluemouth rockfish, Helicolenus dactylopterus dactylopterus (DelaRoche, 1809), store sperm within their ovaries for periods of up to 10 months. Twenty six females with standard lengths between 152 and 257 mm and six males with standard lengths between 253 and 209 mm were caught storage crypts with stored spermatozoa and to describe their evolution over the year. After internal fertilization and once sperm reaches the ovary, a crypt forms probably by an epithelial inclusion at the base of the lamellae of one or several spermatozoa groups that are floating freely in the interlamellar space of the ovarian lumen. Stored spermatozoa have a large cytoplasm bag surrounding their heads. This bag could serve as a nutritive reservoir during the long storage period. Many desmosonal and tight junctions between the crypt cells ensure tha male sex cells are protected against the female immune system


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En aquest projecte s’ha treballat amb una entitat no governamental, que es troba en la regió de Bahia (Brasil). L’associació “Mecenas da Vida” és una ONG que treballa en l’àmbit de la conservació del medi natural, fent partícips la pròpia població local. Petits agricultors dels municipis d’Itacaré i Uruçuca a l’Estat de Bahia que formen part del projecte, realitzen pràctiques conservacionistes i en compensació reben un pagament, per aquests serveis. Aquests diners provenen d’una taxa voluntària que paguen alguns empresaris turístics dels mateixos municipis. Pagant aquest import, els empresaris obtenen un segell distintiu que acredita la compensació de les seves emissions de CO2. El projecte tracta d’aportar un model de càlcul més específic al seuprograma de neutralització de carboni, amb sistemes agroforestals (SAF).No s’han trobat fonts d’informació sobre monitoratge de carboni en SAF en aquesta regió


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Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) was used to study the dehydrogenation processes that take place in three hydrogenated amorphous silicon materials: nanoparticles, polymorphous silicon, and conventional device-quality amorphous silicon. Comparison of DSC thermograms with evolved gas analysis (EGA) has led to the identification of four dehydrogenation processes arising from polymeric chains (A), SiH groups at the surfaces of internal voids (A'), SiH groups at interfaces (B), and in the bulk (C). All of them are slightly exothermic with enthalpies below 50 meV/H atoms , indicating that, after dissociation of any SiH group, most dangling bonds recombine. The kinetics of the three low-temperature processes [with DSC peak temperatures at around 320 (A),360 (A'), and 430°C (B)] exhibit a kinetic-compensation effect characterized by a linea relationship between the activation entropy and enthalpy, which constitutes their signature. Their Si-H bond-dissociation energies have been determined to be E (Si-H)0=3.14 (A), 3.19 (A'), and 3.28 eV (B). In these cases it was possible to extract the formation energy E(DB) of the dangling bonds that recombine after Si-H bond breaking [0.97 (A), 1.05 (A'), and 1.12 (B)]. It is concluded that E(DB) increases with the degree of confinement and that E(DB)>1.10 eV for the isolated dangling bond in the bulk. After Si-H dissociation and for the low-temperature processes, hydrogen is transported in molecular form and a low relaxation of the silicon network is promoted. This is in contrast to the high-temperature process for which the diffusion of H in atomic form induces a substantial lattice relaxation that, for the conventional amorphous sample, releases energy of around 600 meV per H atom. It is argued that the density of sites in the Si network for H trapping diminishes during atomic diffusion


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Proposta de millora de gestió dels camins del municipi de Prades per tal de millorar la connexió a dins del municipi. L’estudi es basa en diferents apartats: inventari dels camins existents, recuperació dels antics camins ara en desús, disseny d’itineraris de natura (per a l’observació de la vegetació i fauna autòctona) i condicionament dels camins existents per permetre el pas de vehicles especials per a l’extinció d’incendis


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Detecció dels punts forts i punts febles en l'ús social del català en els àmbits de l'educació i el lleure. Per fer l'anàlisi d'aquesta situació es tindran en compte les dades recollides a l'Institut Serra de Noet de Berga.


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Estudi realitzat a partir d’una estada a l’ Institut für Komplexe Materialien, Leibniz-Institut für Festkörper- und Werkstoffforschung Dresden, entre 2010 i 2011. S'ha explorat l'efecte de les condicions i influència dels elements d'aleació en la capacitat de formació de vidre, l'estructura i les propietats tèrmiques i magnètiques de vidres metàl•lics massissos i materials nanocristal•lins en base Fe. La producció d'aquests materials en forma de cintes de unes 20 micres de gruix ha estat àmpliament estudiada i s'ha vist que presenten unes propietats excel•lents com a materials magnètics tous. El propòsit general d'aquest projecte era l'obtenció de composicions òptimes amb alta capacitat de formar vidre i amb excel•lents propietats magnètiques com a materials magnètics tous combinat amb bones propietats mecàniques. El projecte prenia com a punt de partida l'aliatge [FeCoBSi]96Nb4 ja que és el que presenta millor capacitat de formar vidre i presenta una alta imantació de saturació i baix camp coercitiu. S'ha fet un estudi dels factors fonamentals que intervenen en la formació de l'estat vitri. La composició abans esmentada ha estat variada amb l'addició d'altres elements per estudiar com afecten aquests nous elements a les propietats, la formació de vidre i l'estructura dels aliatges resultants amb l'objectiu de millorar-ne les propietats magnètiques i la capacitat de formació de vidre. Entre altres s'ha usat el Zr, Mo, Y i el Gd per millorar la formació de vidre; i el Co i el Ni per millorar les propietats magnètiques a alta temperatura. S'han estudiat les relacions entre la capacitat de formació de vidre i la seva estabilitat tèrmica, la resistència a la cristal•lització i la estructura de l'aliatge resultant després del procés de solidificació. Per aquest estudi s'han determinat els mecanismes que controlen la transformació i la seva cinètica així com les fases que es formen durant el tractament tèrmic permetent la formulació de models predictius.


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A fundamental question in developmental biology is how tissues are patterned to give rise to differentiated body structures with distinct morphologies. The Drosophila wing disc offers an accessible model to understand epithelial spatial patterning. It has been studied extensively using genetic and molecular approaches. Bristle patterns on the thorax, which arise from the medial part of the wing disc, are a classical model of pattern formation, dependent on a pre-pattern of trans-activators and –repressors. Despite of decades of molecular studies, we still only know a subset of the factors that determine the pre-pattern. We are applying a novel and interdisciplinary approach to predict regulatory interactions in this system. It is based on the description of expression patterns by simple logical relations (addition, subtraction, intersection and union) between simple shapes (graphical primitives). Similarities and relations between primitives have been shown to be predictive of regulatory relationships between the corresponding regulatory factors in other Systems, such as the Drosophila egg. Furthermore, they provide the basis for dynamical models of the bristle-patterning network, which enable us to make even more detailed predictions on gene regulation and expression dynamics. We have obtained a data-set of wing disc expression patterns which we are now processing to obtain average expression patterns for each gene. Through triangulation of the images we can transform the expression patterns into vectors which can easily be analysed by Standard clustering methods. These analyses will allow us to identify primitives and regulatory interactions. We expect to identify new regulatory interactions and to understand the basic Dynamics of the regulatory network responsible for thorax patterning. These results will provide us with a better understanding of the rules governing gene regulatory networks in general, and provide the basis for future studies of the evolution of the thorax-patterning network in particular.