27 resultados para Sartorius, Luis José, Conde de San Luis.
El objetivo de este artículo es mostrar cómo, pese a declararse materialista o presocrático-aristotélico, la emotividad poética de Luis Cernuda es claramente platónica o idealista, de tal suerte que la tensión entre realidad y deseo que siempre ha definido su poesía se reafirma también gracias al análisis de su obra desde una óptica más filosófica que literaria.
Purpose: To describe (1) the clinical profiles and the patterns of use of long-acting injectable (LAI) antipsychotics in patients with schizophrenia at risk of nonadherence with oral antipsychotics, and in those who started treatment with LAI antipsychotics, (2) health care resource utilization and associated costs. Patients and methods: A total of 597 outpatients with schizophrenia at risk of nonadherence, according to the psychiatrist's clinical judgment, were recruited at 59 centers in a noninterventional prospective observational study of 1-year follow-up when their treatment was modified. In a post hoc analysis, the profiles of patients starting LAI or continuing with oral antipsychotics were described, and descriptive analyses of treatments, health resource utilization, and direct costs were performed in those who started an LAI antipsychotic. Results: Therapy modifications involved the antipsychotic medications in 84.8% of patients, mostly because of insufficient efficacy of prior regimen. Ninety-two (15.4%) patients started an LAI antipsychotic at recruitment. Of these, only 13 (14.1%) were prescribed with first-generation antipsychotics. During 1 year, 16.3% of patients who started and 14.9% of patients who did not start an LAI antipsychotic at recruitment relapsed, contrasting with the 20.9% who had been hospitalized only within the prior 6 months. After 1 year, 74.3% of patients who started an LAI antipsychotic continued concomitant treatment with oral antipsychotics. The mean (median) total direct health care cost per patient per month during the study year among the patients starting any LAI antipsychotic at baseline was 1,407 ( 897.7). Medication costs (including oral and LAI antipsychotics and concomitant medication) represented almost 44%, whereas nonmedication costs accounted for more than 55% of the mean total direct health care costs. Conclusion: LAI antipsychotics were infrequently prescribed in spite of a psychiatrist-perceived risk of nonadherence to oral antipsychotics. Mean medication costs were lower than nonmedication costs.
Cerca de Jaca, en las paredes del monasterio de San Juan de la Peña vive un endemismo,Petrocoptis hispanica, que se vio amenazado con motivo de unas obras de restauración que sehicieron hace bastantes años. Entonces, la intervención del instituto Pirenaico de Ecología con el Dr.Montserrat a la cabeza permitieron conservar buena parte de la población, aunque si visitas elmonasterio todavía puede verse la parte de la fachada que fue limpiada.
The isotopic concentrations of carapace scutes, skin, muscle and blood of loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta) from the Balearic Archipelago were analysed to investigate the pattern of variation between tissues and to assess the position of this species in the trophic webs of the Algerian Basin. Skin showed higher δ13C values than muscle or carapace scutes and these showed higher values than blood. Conversely, muscle showed higher δ15N values than skin, skin showed higher values than blood and blood showed higher values than carapace scutes. Dead and live sea turtles from the same habitat did not differ in the concentration of stable isotopes. However, some of the tissues of the turtles caught in drifting longlines in the oceanic realm showed higher δ13C values than those from the turtles caught by hand or in trammel nets over the continental shelf, although they did not differ in the δ15N. Comparison of the concentration of stable isotopes in the turtles with that of other species from several areas of the Algerian Basin revealed that they consumed planktonic prey and that the trophic level of the sea turtles was higher than that of carnivorous cnidarians but lower than that of zooplanktophagous fish and crustaceans.
Cernuda tradujo a Hölderlin sin saber alemán, sin ser traductor. La obra de Hölderlin apenas era conocida y casi no había sido editada en lengua española. ¿Cómo lo hizo? ¿Realmente influyó la obra del poeta alemán en su poesía, como él lo afirmaba? He aquí una aproximación a estas cuestiones
Purpose: To describe (1) the clinical profiles and the patterns of use of long-acting injectable (LAI) antipsychotics in patients with schizophrenia at risk of nonadherence with oral antipsychotics, and in those who started treatment with LAI antipsychotics, (2) health care resource utilization and associated costs. Patients and methods: A total of 597 outpatients with schizophrenia at risk of nonadherence, according to the psychiatrist's clinical judgment, were recruited at 59 centers in a noninterventional prospective observational study of 1-year follow-up when their treatment was modified. In a post hoc analysis, the profiles of patients starting LAI or continuing with oral antipsychotics were described, and descriptive analyses of treatments, health resource utilization, and direct costs were performed in those who started an LAI antipsychotic. Results: Therapy modifications involved the antipsychotic medications in 84.8% of patients, mostly because of insufficient efficacy of prior regimen. Ninety-two (15.4%) patients started an LAI antipsychotic at recruitment. Of these, only 13 (14.1%) were prescribed with first-generation antipsychotics. During 1 year, 16.3% of patients who started and 14.9% of patients who did not start an LAI antipsychotic at recruitment relapsed, contrasting with the 20.9% who had been hospitalized only within the prior 6 months. After 1 year, 74.3% of patients who started an LAI antipsychotic continued concomitant treatment with oral antipsychotics. The mean (median) total direct health care cost per patient per month during the study year among the patients starting any LAI antipsychotic at baseline was 1,407 ( 897.7). Medication costs (including oral and LAI antipsychotics and concomitant medication) represented almost 44%, whereas nonmedication costs accounted for more than 55% of the mean total direct health care costs. Conclusion: LAI antipsychotics were infrequently prescribed in spite of a psychiatrist-perceived risk of nonadherence to oral antipsychotics. Mean medication costs were lower than nonmedication costs.
Humanist writers were multifaceted and thcir writings eclectic, delving into a wide range of fields of enquiry Many issues wcre raised and addressed, pursued ur abandoned, uftcn unsystematically. ‘[his hetcrogeneity has frequently lcd tu the neglect of specific facets of authurs who have gained renuwn in uthcr fzelds. ‘[his 1 believe tu be the case fur Richard Mulcaster and Juan Luis Vives, whuse contribution tu language Éhcory has been eclipsed by their rclatively mudem views un educatiun. ‘[heir views un language merit mure attention, if not fur their originality as such, at least fur te testimony they pruvide uf a periud in transition. ‘[he work uf these authors show 1mw views un language evolved thruughout te periud mié convey a sense uf its dynamic character. Profoundly cunservative attitudes coexist with progressive unes and, tliough ruoted in the past, thcy strain tuwards a new vision uf the nature and functioning uf language in human sucicty.
En este artículo analizo las afinidades existentes entre la"tradición inglesa", en sus expresiones filosóficas y literarias, y la obra de Borges, quien llegó a considerarse"escritor inglés en lengua española". En la primera parte estudio la enorme simpatía filosófica y estética que Borges sentía por el pragmatismo de William James. En la segunda parte trato de mostrar que dicha simpatía no se detenía en el autor de Pragmatism sino que se extendía a toda la"tradición inglesa". Ciertamente, lo que podemos considerar las características generales de la tradición inglesa-escepticismo, nominalismo, antisistematismo, librepensamiento y un determinado sentido del humor-, forman un temperamento filosófico-literario enormemente afín al que constatamos en la obra de Jorge Luis Borges. En la tercera y última parte analizo cómo dicho"espíritu" filosófico no forma parte de una supuesta idiosincrasia nacional, concebida en términos esencialistas, sino de un determinado proceso histórico que hizo que permitió que en Inglaterra perdurasen ciertos valores del humanismo mientras que en el resto de Europa el racionalismo arramblaba con ellos. De este modo, tanto el temperamento filosófico de Borges como el de la tradición inglesa se remiten a una tradición humanística que supuso, a su vez, en el siglo XVI, el renacimiento de una milenaria tradición escéptica que había sido arrinconada por el dogmatismo de la era medieval.
En septiembre de 1547 asesinaron a Pedro Luis Farnesio, duque de Parma y de Piacenza, hijo del papa Paulo III...
Este trabajo estudia la actitud de Borges respecto de la identidad, en general, y la identidad nacional, en particular. En la primera parte realizo una breve exposición de la tradición escéptica, de la que Borges es deudor, centrándome especialmente en el tratamiento que ésta le da al tema de la identidad. En la segunda parte, estudio de qué modo el escepticismo identitario se concreta en la obra de Jorge Luis Borges ; ABSTRACT: This paper explores the attitude of Borges with regard to identity, specifically the national identity. In the first part I study the skeptic tradition, that is predominant in Borges works, specially in connexion with the subject of identity. In the second part, I study how identitary skepticism appears in borgean litterature. KEYWORDS: Jorge Luis Borges. Skepticism. Identity. Nationalism. Latin american literature. Michel de Montaigne.
Los cuentos de Jorge Luis Borges pertenecen, de algún modo, al género de la literatura de terror. No en un sentido estricto, claro está, pero tampoco en un sentido meramente metafórico. Ciertamente, los cuentos que integran Ficciones o El Aleph aterrorizan a todo el mundo, pues muchos no los leen por miedo de no entenderlos y el resto, al leerlos, se ven embargados por ese terror metafísico que provoca la violentación de nuestros modos de entender la realidad. Borges es, pues, un terrorista, pero un terrorista apaciguador, puesto que busca aterrorizarnos con el objetivo de liberarnos del miedo. Se trata, por así decirlo, de un miedo homeopático, de un purgante que ha de ser expulsado junto con todo aquello que buscaba eliminar. Mi intención es estudiar de qué modo podemos sostenerle la mirada a los cuentos de Borges, con el doble objetivo de posibilitar su lectura a aquellos que los evitan por miedo a no entenderlos y de ayudar a aquellos que osan leerlos a superar el miedo mediante el cual Borges pretende serenarnos.
A lo largo de más de dos milenios los pensadores escépticos han compartido concepciones políticas semejantes. El hecho de que muchos de estos rasgos sean reconocibles en Borges refuerza la interpretación escéptica de su obra que he defendido en mi tesis doctoral y en diversos artículos. Analizaré, en primer lugar, la actitud política, conservadora, tradicionalmente asociada al escepticismo; en segundo lugar, el modo en que Borges participa de dicho conservadurismo progresista; y, en tercer lugar, aquellas características del pensamiento borgeano que pueden llevarnos a considerarlo como un intelectual según la definición que propone del mismo Edward W. Said en Representations of the intellectual.