40 resultados para Saravia de Grossi, María Inés
Background: Non-compliance with antidepressant treatment continues to be a complex problem in mental health care. In immigrant populations non-compliance is one of several barriers to adequate management of mental illness; some data suggest greater difficulties in adhering to pharmacological treatment in these groups and an increased risk of therapeutic failure. The aim of this study is to assess differences in the duration and compliance with antidepressant treatment among immigrants and natives in a Spanish health region. Methods: Population-based (n = 206,603), retrospective cohort study including all subjects prescribed ADT between 2007 and 2009 and recorded in the national pharmacy claims database. Compliance was considered adequate when the duration was longer than 4 months and when patients withdrew more than 80% of the packs required. Results: 5334 subjects (8.5% of them being immigrants) initiated ADT. Half of the immigrants abandoned treatment during the second month (median for natives = 3 months). Of the immigrants who continued, only 29.5% presented good compliance (compared with 38.8% in natives). The estimated risk of abandoning/ending treatment in the immigrant group compared with the native group, adjusted for age and sex, was 1.28 (95%CI 1.16-1.42). Conclusions: In the region under study, immigrants of all origins present higher percentages of early discontinuation of ADT and lower median treatment durations than the native population. Although this is a complex, multifactor situation, the finding of differences between natives and immigrants in the same region suggests the need to investigate the causes in greater depth and to introduce new strategies and interventions in this population group.
: José María Arguedas y Mario Vargas Llosa, dos de los escritores más importantes del Perú del siglo XX, representan, a su vez, dos modos divergentes y contrapuestos de entender la realidad del país andino. Este estudio abordará las antagónicas propuestas estéticas y culturales de ambos autores a través del análisis de los principales ejes de la narrativa arguediana y del ensayo La utopía arcaica de Vargas Llosa y las planteará como una proyección de la conflictividad socio-cultural que inauguró la conquista y como un reflejo de las distintas respuestas que originó el movimiento indigenista en el Perú.
Aquest és un projecte web encarat a proporcionar un espai web per l'Associació de pares i mares d'un institut de secundària. Aquest espai web ha de facilitar la comunicació entre l'associació i les famílies dels alumnes, així com intentar anar integrant les gestions amb l'associació per tal de facilitar la participació i accés a tota la informació relacionada amb l'institut.
Aquest projecte es centra en el municipi d’ Itacaré (Bahía, Brasil), el qual actualment pateix una creixent demanda de turisme pel seu atractiu natural. Aquest municipi no disposa de cap Pla de Gestió del Turisme. Per aquest motiu i juntament amb l’ ONG del Brasil “Instituto Aliança” s’ ha treballat en un projecte de creació d’ un centre d’ atenció al visitant. Aquest “Centre de atendimento a ou visitante” està encarat bàsicament a informar i sensibilitzar als turistes i als propis natius de la zona, de les característiques ambientals i culturals de la regió, alhora que es potencia un turisme de base comunitària
We analyze how unemployment, job finding and job separation rates react to neutral and investment-specific technology shocks. Neutral shocks increase unemployment and explain a substantial portion of unemployment volatility; investment-specific shocks expand employment and hours worked and mostly contribute to hours worked volatility. Movements in the job separation rates are responsible for the impact response of unemployment while job finding rates for movements along its adjustment path. Our evidence qualifies the conclusions by Hall (2005) and Shimer (2007) and warns against using search models with exogenous separation rates to analyze the effects of technology shocks.
We analyze how unemployment, job finding and job separation rates reactto neutral and investment-specific technology shocks. Neutral shocks increaseunemployment and explain a substantial portion of it volatility; investment-specificshocks expand employment and hours worked and contribute to hoursworked volatility. Movements in the job separation rates are responsible for theimpact response of unemployment while job finding rates for movements alongits adjustment path. The evidence warns against using models with exogenousseparation rates and challenges the conventional way of modelling technologyshocks in search and sticky price models.
DURANTE LA CELEBRACIÓN EN LA UNIVERSITAT DE BARCELONA (marzo de 2008) de la Conferencia de primavera de la EUA (European University Association), se ha definido la estrategia a seguir para consolidar los retos del EEES (Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior) y del EEI (Espacio Europeo de Investigación).
In this paper, Rosa Rius thinks about feminine identity and its history, based on the expressions of freedom of two authors living four centuries apart: the Venetian humanist Moderata Fonte (1555-1592) and the Malagan philosopher María Zambrano (1904-1991). The fact that these women¿s freedom is taken as one of their main identifying elements, and straining the historical action of this freedom, unforeseen by the establishment, does not at all imply that the undeniable discrimination inflicted upon women throughout centuries is forgotten or goes on without protest.
This article aims to show the resemblances that we can find between Admiraçión operum Dey written by Teresa de Cartagena in the mid-XVth century and Respuesta de sor Filotea de la Cruz written by Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz two hundred years later. Both works are two epistles where the female's intellectual capacity to know and to write is defended by a nun who was received critized for a former work. The religious Teresa de Cartagena ¿converse bishop Pablo Cartagena's granddaughter¿ wrote a moral essay that surprised male readers who considered that the text was a plagiarism. On the other hand, the hieronymite sister sor Juana Inés was reproached by a clergyman for having written the polemic treatise on theology Carta Atenagórica.
'Problemas fundamentales de la gramática del español como 2/L' es un volumen que apreciarán y agradecerán todos aquellos profesores o futuros profesores y aprendices de nivel superior que cuenten con un bagaje formativo filológico-lingüístico, ya que el metalenguaje que se emplea en las explicaciones y en los epígrafes hará sentir cómodo y seguro a este tipo de lector, hispanista, ya acostumbrado a reflexionar sobre la lengua española pero que necesita aprender a analizarla desde la perspectiva de quien no la tiene como lengua materna.
This article aims to show the resemblances that we can find between Admiraçión operum Dey written by Teresa de Cartagena in the mid-XVth century and Respuesta de sor Filotea de la Cruz written by Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz two hundred years later. Both works are two epistles where the female's intellectual capacity to know and to write is defended by a nun who was received critized for a former work. The religious Teresa de Cartagena ¿converse bishop Pablo Cartagena's granddaughter¿ wrote a moral essay that surprised male readers who considered that the text was a plagiarism. On the other hand, the hieronymite sister sor Juana Inés was reproached by a clergyman for having written the polemic treatise on theology Carta Atenagórica.
In this paper, Rosa Rius thinks about feminine identity and its history, based on the expressions of freedom of two authors living four centuries apart: the Venetian humanist Moderata Fonte (1555-1592) and the Malagan philosopher María Zambrano (1904-1991). The fact that these women¿s freedom is taken as one of their main identifying elements, and straining the historical action of this freedom, unforeseen by the establishment, does not at all imply that the undeniable discrimination inflicted upon women throughout centuries is forgotten or goes on without protest.