33 resultados para Resident
The repair process of damaged tissue involves the coordinated activities of several cell types in response to local and systemic signals. Following acute tissue injury, infiltrating inflammatory cells and resident stem cells orchestrate their activities to restore tissue homeostasis. However, during chronic tissue damage, such as in muscular dystrophies, the inflammatory-cell infiltration and fibroblast activation persists, while the reparative capacity of stem cells (satellite cells) is attenuated. Abnormal dystrophic muscle repair and its end stage, fibrosis, represent the final common pathway of virtually all chronic neurodegenerative muscular diseases. As our understanding of the pathogenesis of muscle fibrosis has progressed, it has become evident that the muscle provides a useful model for the regulation of tissue repair by the local microenvironment, showing interplay among muscle-specific stem cells, inflammatory cells, fibroblasts and extracellular matrix components of the mammalian wound-healing response. This article reviews the emerging findings of the mechanisms that underlie normal versus aberrant muscle-tissue repair.
Introduction: The composition of the Spanish population has recently changed due to immigration. The present study aimed to estimate the magnitude of change in the calculation of healthy life expectancy and life expectancy in disability, taking the population of foreign residents into account. For this population, there is no information on mortality or the prevalence of disability. Material and methods: Data were extracted from the 1999 Survey on Disabilities, Handicaps and Health Status to estimate healthy life expectancy and life expectancy in disability using the Sullivan method. Data were taken from the Spanish Statistical Institute and the World Health Organization, Sullivan's method was adapted to the case of two different populations, and possible scenarios were established. Results: The differences between the mortality table estimated for the foreign resident population and that estimated for the Spanish population were considerable and were more evident in women. At 65 years of age and in the worst scenario, which occurs when all the members of the foreign resident population are disabled, life expectancy in disability would be 2 more years for men and 3 more years for women than when the foreign population was not considered. Conclusions: Our scenarios reveal that the impact of immigration on the calculation of healthy life expectancy and life expectancy in disability is moderate.
Introduction: The composition of the Spanish population has recently changed due to immigration. The present study aimed to estimate the magnitude of change in the calculation of healthy life expectancy and life expectancy in disability, taking the population of foreign residents into account. For this population, there is no information on mortality or the prevalence of disability. Material and methods: Data were extracted from the 1999 Survey on Disabilities, Handicaps and Health Status to estimate healthy life expectancy and life expectancy in disability using the Sullivan method. Data were taken from the Spanish Statistical Institute and the World Health Organization, Sullivan's method was adapted to the case of two different populations, and possible scenarios were established. Results: The differences between the mortality table estimated for the foreign resident population and that estimated for the Spanish population were considerable and were more evident in women. At 65 years of age and in the worst scenario, which occurs when all the members of the foreign resident population are disabled, life expectancy in disability would be 2 more years for men and 3 more years for women than when the foreign population was not considered. Conclusions: Our scenarios reveal that the impact of immigration on the calculation of healthy life expectancy and life expectancy in disability is moderate.
El rol de la mujer ha evolucionado a ser el de una madre y trabajadora a la vez, originandocambios en las expectativas a la hora de tener descendencia, retrasando la edad de tener hijosy decidiendo crear núcleos pequeños 1, 2. Uno de los paradigmas enfermeros que se tiene encuenta en estas situaciones es el del autocuidado, por lo que como profesional en el campo dela planificación familiar, una de las labores es ofrecer información sobre los métodosanticonceptivos, adaptándolos a cada persona y en cada momento, según la situacióneconómica, social, física o emocional. De esta forma se podrían evitar los embarazos nodeseados y los maltratos infantiles. Uno de los métodos anticonceptivos naturales, que estáintegrado en la planificación familiar, es el método anticonceptivo lactancia-amenorrea. Éstees un método está basado en la fertilidad de la mujer cuando está realizando lactanciamaterna exclusiva.En este trabajo se propone investigar cuál es el grado de conocimiento que tienen las futurasmadres en la actualidad sobre este método anticonceptivo, ya que esto nos servirá de guíapara ofrecer la información necesaria, pudiendo reforzar los puntos débiles que se puedandetectar con éste estudio. Se propone un estudio multicéntrico, cuantitativo, observacional,descriptivo de corte transversal. Se administrará un cuestionario autoadministrado diseñado ad hoc, en una muestra de 148 gestantes durante el tercer trimestre (semana 32-38 de gestación), residentes en Logroño.
Les anomenades malalties neurodegeneratives tenen una simptomatologia i unes manifestacions clíniques molt diferents entre elles. No obstant, totes elles convergeixen en el mateix procés final, la neurodegeneració, que es manifestarà en diferents localitzacions o tipus cel·lulars del sistema nerviós. Nosaltres, plantegem la hipòtesi de que els processos moleculars i cel·lulars subjacents a la neurodegeneració són comuns per totes elles. Després de dur a terme un procés de selecció, es decideix treballar amb la malaltia de Parkinson, la d’Alzheimer, l’Esclerosi lateral amiotròfica i l’esclerosi múltiple. Hem pogut determinar que hi ha set processos moleculars o cel·lulars que estan associats al procés de neurodegeneració i que són comuns a totes elles. Havent-les estudiat per separat s’observa que el procés de neurodegeneració consisteix en una fallada en cadena de diferents sistemes moleculars i cel·lulars que tenen com a punt d’origen l’estrès oxidatiu. A aquest estrès s’hi pot arribar de diferents maneres. Una d’elles és l’exposició excessiva a certs metalls, que provoca la pèrdua dels sistemes antioxidants cel·lulars. Degut a això, els mitocondris reben un impacte oxidatiu massa gran i comencen a fallar. El fet que aquest orgànul actuï com a tampó del calci intracel·lular en provoca la seva desregulació, alterant d’aquesta manera el senyal nerviós. En resposta a l’estrès oxidatiu i tèrmic que genera la disfunció mitocondrial, s’activen les Proteïnes de Xoc Tèrmic (HSP) que actuant de citocines i presentadores d’antígens, inicien la resposta immunològica contra les cèl·lules danyades. Paral·lelament, s’observa un increment de la permeabilitat de la barrera hematoencefàlica degut a la pèrdua de les adhesions cel·lulars estretes per l’alta presència d’espècies reactives. Com a conseqüència de l’afebliment o el trencament de la barrera hematoencefàlica, es pot produir una entrada al SNC de diferents substàncies neurotòxiques i de cèl·lules del sistema immunitàri que, en condicions normals tenen l’accés restringit. Juntament amb aquestes cèl·lules immunològiques, també s’activen les cèl·lules del sistema immunitari innat residents al cervell, la micròglia, i totes elles secreten citocines proinflamatòries que contribueixen al procés de neurodegeneració. Nosaltres presentem els mecanismes pels quals aquesta inflamació, lluny d’atenuar-se, es cronifica per l’acció de certs bucles de retroalimentació positiva. Les diferents peculiaritats de cada malaltia contribueixen en aquest procés de diferents maneres, com és el cas dels pèptids β-amilides en la malaltia d’Alzheimer, l’α-sinucleina en el Parkinson, la superòxid dismutasa (SOD) en l’esclerosi lateral amiotròfica, o l’infiltració de leucòcits al cervell degut a la resposta autoimmune de l’esclerosi múltiple.Deixant de banda aquestes diferències, si el procés és comú entre totes elles, l’estudi a fons d’aquest procés hauria de poder permetre identificar dianes tarapèutiques que siguin comunes per les quatre malalties.
Neurodegeneration is a complex process involving different cell types andneurotransmitters. A common characteristic of neurodegenerative disorders such asAlzheimer’s disease (AD), Parkinson’s disease (PD), multiple sclerosis, Huntington’s disease (HD) and Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) is the occurrence of a neuroinflammatoryreaction in which cellular processes involving glial cells (mainly microglia and astrocytes) and T cells are activated in response to neuronal death. This inflammatory reaction has recently received attention as an unexpected potential target for the treatment of these diseases.Microglial cells have a mesenchymal origin, invade the central nervous system (CNS)prenatally (Chan et al., 2007b) and are the resident macrophages in the CNS (Ransohoff &Perry, 2009). They comprise approximately 10-20% of adult glia and serve as the CNS innateimmune system. In neurodegenerative diseases, microglia is activated by misfoldedproteins. In the case of AD, amyloid- (A ) peptides accumulate extracellularly and activate the microglia locally. In the case of PD, ALS and HD, the misfolded proteins accumulate intracellularly but are still associated with activation of the microglia (Perry et al., 2010). Reactive microglia in the substantia nigra and striatum of PD brains have been described, and increased levels of proinflammatory cytokines and inducible nitric oxide synthase havebeen detected in these brain regions, providing evidence of a local inflammatory reaction (Hirsch & Hunot, 2009). The injection of lipopolysaccharide (a potent microglia activator) into the substantia nigra produces microglial activation and the death of dopaminergic cells. These findings support the hypothesis that microglial activation and neuroinflammationcontribute to PD pathogenesis (Herrera et al., 2000)...
Background: Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is characterized by an enhanced inflammatory response to smoking that persists despite quitting. The resolution of inflammation (catabasis) is a complex and highly regulated process where tissue resident macrophages play a key role since they phagocytose apoptotic cells (efferocytosis), preventing their secondary necrosis and the spill-over of their pro-inflammatory cytoplasmic content, and release pro-resolution and tissue repair molecules, such as TGFβ, VEGF and HGF. Because inflammation does not resolve in COPD, we hypothesized that catabasis may be abnormal in these patients. Methods: To explore this hypothesis, we studied lung tissue samples obtained at surgery from 21 COPD patients,22 smokers with normal spirometry and 13 non-smokers controls. In these samples we used: (1)immunohistochemistry to assess the expression of CD44, CD36, VEGF and TGFβ in lung macrophages; (2) real time PCR to determine HGF, PPARγ, TGFβ, VEGF and MMP-9 gene expression; and, (3) ELISA to quantify lipoxin A4, a lipid mediator of catabasis. Results: We found that current and former smokers with COPD showed: (1) more inflammation (higher MMP-9 expression); (2) reduced macrophage surface expression of CD44, a key efferocytosis receptor; and, (3) similar levels of TGFβ, VEGF, HGF, PPARγ, and lipoxin A4 than smokers with normal spirometry, despite the presence of inflammation and disease. Conclusions: These results identify several potential abnormalities of catabasis in patients with COPD.
Ca(2+) import into the lumen of the trans-Golgi network (TGN) by the secretory pathway calcium ATPase1 (SPCA1) is required for the sorting of secretory cargo. How is Ca(2+) retained in the lumen of the Golgi, and what is its role in cargo sorting? We show here that a soluble, lumenal Golgi resident protein, Cab45, is required for SPCA1-dependent Ca(2+) import into the TGN; it binds secretory cargo in a Ca(2+)-dependent reaction and is required for its sorting at the TGN.
Analizada la importancia de las actitudes de los padres -expectativas, niveles de aspiración,etc. - en el rendimiento escolar de los hijos, se presenta un estudio realizado entre familias procedentes de Africa residentes en Lérida. En éste se pondrán de manifiesto diferentes actitudes en función del proyecto familiar -producto de la trayectoria inmigrante- destacándose las observadas en el nivel de estudios deseado para los hijos, el nivel que realmente creen podrán alcanzar, la utilidad otorgada al sistema educativo y la movilización en la carrera discente.
Dado el importante crecimiento de la población inmigrante en España, es interesante estudiar su distribución sobre el territorio urbano. Desde la estadística se dispone de diferentes indicadores con una larga tradición, que permiten cuantificar la segregación de grupos de población minoritarios. Mediante la aplicación de estas herramientas a la realidad de los municipios catalanes, se muestra su utilidad a la hora de analizar la segregación residencial dentro de una ciudad, y detectar las pautas que rigen este fenómeno. Los resultados muestran que no hay relación clara entre el porcentaje de población extranjera y el nivel de segregación, y que la segregación difiere según el grupo observado. Una nueva perspectiva de la segregación se obtiene con la utilización de indicadores diseñados mediante elementos de estadística espacial. La combinación de todas estas medidas representa un procedimiento útil para el análisis de la distribución de la población inmigrante en las zonas urbanas, su utilidad se extiende a diferentes áreas como la sociología, la economía, el urbanismo o las políticas de vivienda.
Objectives: Identify the frequency and intensity of the perception of adverse professional consequences and their association with burnout syndrome and occupational variables. Methods: Cross-sectional sample of 11,530 healthcare professionals resident in Spain and Latin America. The association of negative work-related consequences on burnout, as measured by the MBI and work-related variables was analysed by multiple logistic regression. Results: The emotional exhaustion was the first variable associated with absenteeism, with intention of giving up profession, personal deterioration, and family deterioration. Depersonalization was most associated with the perception of having made mistakes. Conclusions: The findings indicate a considerable prevalence of adverse work-related consequences
Every adherent eukaryotic cell exerts appreciable traction forces upon its substrate. Moreover, every resident cell within the heart, great vessels, bladder, gut or lung routinely experiences large periodic stretches. As an acute response to such stretches the cytoskeleton can stiffen, increase traction forces and reinforce, as reported by some, or can soften and fluidize, as reported more recently by our laboratory, but in any given circumstance it remains unknown which response might prevail or why. Using a novel nanotechnology, we show here that in loading conditions expected in most physiological circumstances the localized reinforcement response fails to scale up to the level of homogeneous cell stretch; fluidization trumps reinforcement. Whereas the reinforcement response is known to be mediated by upstream mechanosensing and downstream signaling, results presented here show the fluidization response to be altogether novel: it is a direct physical effect of mechanical force acting upon a structural lattice that is soft and fragile. Cytoskeletal softness and fragility, we argue, is consistent with early evolutionary adaptations of the eukaryotic cell to material properties of a soft inert microenvironment.
Horizontal acquisition of DNA by bacteria dramatically increases genetic diversity and hence successful bacterial colonization of several niches, including the human host. A relevant issue is how this newly acquired DNA interacts and integrates in the regulatory networks of the bacterial cell. The global modulator H-NS targets both core genome and HGT genes and silences gene expression in response to external stimuli such as osmolarity and temperature. Here we provide evidence that H-NS discriminates and differentially modulates core and HGT DNA. As an example of this, plasmid R27-encoded H-NS protein has evolved to selectively silence HGT genes and does not interfere with core genome regulation. In turn, differential regulation of both gene lineages by resident chromosomal H-NS requires a helper protein: the Hha protein. Tight silencing of HGT DNA is accomplished by H-NS-Hha complexes. In contrast, core genes are modulated by H-NS homoligomers. Remarkably, the presence of Hha-like proteins is restricted to the Enterobacteriaceae. In addition, conjugative plasmids encoding H-NS variants have hitherto been isolated only from members of the family. Thus, the H-NS system in enteric bacteria presents unique evolutionary features. The capacity to selectively discriminate between core and HGT DNA may help to maintain horizontally transmitted DNA in silent form and may give these bacteria a competitive advantage in adapting to new environments, including host colonization.
Horizontal acquisition of DNA by bacteria dramatically increases genetic diversity and hence successful bacterial colonization of several niches, including the human host. A relevant issue is how this newly acquired DNA interacts and integrates in the regulatory networks of the bacterial cell. The global modulator H-NS targets both core genome and HGT genes and silences gene expression in response to external stimuli such as osmolarity and temperature. Here we provide evidence that H-NS discriminates and differentially modulates core and HGT DNA. As an example of this, plasmid R27-encoded H-NS protein has evolved to selectively silence HGT genes and does not interfere with core genome regulation. In turn, differential regulation of both gene lineages by resident chromosomal H-NS requires a helper protein: the Hha protein. Tight silencing of HGT DNA is accomplished by H-NS-Hha complexes. In contrast, core genes are modulated by H-NS homoligomers. Remarkably, the presence of Hha-like proteins is restricted to the Enterobacteriaceae. In addition, conjugative plasmids encoding H-NS variants have hitherto been isolated only from members of the family. Thus, the H-NS system in enteric bacteria presents unique evolutionary features. The capacity to selectively discriminate between core and HGT DNA may help to maintain horizontally transmitted DNA in silent form and may give these bacteria a competitive advantage in adapting to new environments, including host colonization.
Under pathological conditions, microglia, the resident CNS immune cells, become reactive and release pro-inflammatory cytokines and neurotoxic factors. We investigated whether this phenotypic switch includes changes in the expression of the L-type voltage-gated calcium channel (VGCC) in a rat model of N-methyl-d-aspartate-induced hippocampal neurodegeneration. Double immunohistochemistry and confocal microscopy evidenced that activated microglia express the L-type VGCC. We then analyzed whether BV2 microglia express functional L-type VGCC, and investigated the latter's role in microglial cytokine release and phagocytic capacity. Activated BV2 microglia express the CaV1.2 and CaV1.3 subunits of the L-type VGCC determined by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction, Western blot and immunocytochemistry. Depolarization with KCl induced a Ca2+ entry facilitated by Bay k8644 and partially blocked with nifedipine, which also reduced TNF-α and NO release by 40%. However, no nifedipine effect on BV2 microglia viability or phagocytic capacity was observed. Our results suggest that in CNS inflammatory processes, the L-type VGCC plays a specific role in the control of microglial secretory activity.