42 resultados para Rejection
It has long been standard in agency theory to search for incentive-compatible mechanisms on the assumption that people care only about their own material wealth. However, this assumption is clearly refuted by numerous experiments, and we feel that it may be useful to consider nonpecuniary utility in mechanism design and contract theory. Accordingly, we devise an experiment to explore optimal contracts in an adverse-selection context. A principal proposes one of three contract menus, each of which offers a choice of two incentive-compatible contracts, to two agents whose types are unknown to the principal. The agents know the set of possible menus, and choose to either accept one of the two contracts offered in the proposed menu or to reject the menu altogether; a rejection by either agent leads to lower (and equal) reservation payoffs for all parties. While all three possible menus favor the principal, they do so to varying degrees. We observe numerous rejections of the more lopsided menus, and approach an equilibrium where one of the more equitable contract menus (which one depends on the reservation payoffs) is proposed and agents accept a contract, selecting actions according to their types. Behavior is largely consistent with all recent models of social preferences, strongly suggesting there is value in considering nonpecuniary utility in agency theory.
The well-known lack of power of unit root tests has often been attributed to the shortlength of macroeconomic variables and also to DGP s that depart from the I(1)-I(0)alternatives. This paper shows that by using long spans of annual real GNP and GNPper capita (133 years) high power can be achieved, leading to the rejection of both theunit root and the trend-stationary hypothesis. This suggests that possibly neither modelprovides a good characterization of these data. Next, more flexible representations areconsidered, namely, processes containing structural breaks (SB) and fractional ordersof integration (FI). Economic justification for the presence of these features in GNP isprovided. It is shown that the latter models (FI and SB) are in general preferred to theARIMA (I(1) or I(0)) ones. As a novelty in this literature, new techniques are appliedto discriminate between FI and SB models. It turns out that the FI specification ispreferred, implying that GNP and GNP per capita are non-stationary, highly persistentbut mean-reverting series. Finally, it is shown that the results are robust when breaksin the deterministic component are allowed for in the FI model. Some macroeconomicimplications of these findings are also discussed.
The aim of this paper is to test formally the classical business cyclehypothesis, using data from industrialized countries for the timeperiod since 1960. The hypothesis is characterized by the view that the cyclical structure in GDP is concentrated in the investment series: fixed investment has typically a long cycle, while the cycle in inventory investment is shorter. To check the robustness of our results, we subject the data for 15 OECD countries to a variety of detrending techniques. While the hypothesis is not confirmed uniformly for all countries, there is a considerably high number for which the data display the predicted pattern. None of the countries shows a pattern which can be interpreted as a clear rejection of the classical hypothesis.
It has long been standard in agency theory to search for incentive-compatible mechanisms on the assumption that people care only about their own material wealth. However, this assumption is clearly refuted by numerous experiments, and we feel that it may be useful to consider nonpecuniary utility in mechanism design and contract theory. Accordingly, we devise an experiment to explore optimal contracts in an adverse-selection context. A principal proposes one of three contract menus, each of which offers a choice of two incentive-compatible contracts, to two agents whose types are unknown to the principal. The agents know the set of possible menus, and choose to either accept one of the two contracts offered in the proposed menu or to reject the menu altogether; a rejection by either agent leads to lower (and equal) reservation payoffs for all parties. While all three possible menus favor the principal, they do so to varying degrees. We observe numerous rejections of the more lopsided menus, and approach an equilibrium where one of the more equitable contract menus (which one depends on the reservation payoffs) is proposed and agents accept a contract, selecting actions according to their types. Behavior is largely consistent with all recent models of social preferences, strongly suggesting there is value in considering nonpecuniary utility in agency theory.
This article tries to reconcile economic-industrial policy with health policy when dealing with biomedical innovation and welfare state sustainability. Better health accounts for an increasingly large proportion of welfare improvements. Explanation is given to the welfare losses coming from the fact than industrial and health policy tend to ignore each other. Drug s prices reflecting their relative relative effectiveness send the right signal to the industry rewarding innovation with impact on quantity and quality of life- and to the buyers of health care services.The level of drug s public reimbursement indicates the social willingness to pay of the different national health systems, not only by means of inclusion, or rejection, in the basket of services covered, but especially establishing the proportion of the price that is going to be financed publicly.Reference pricing for therapeutic equivalents as the upper limit of the social willingness to pay- and two-tiered co-payments for users (avoidable and inversely related with the incremental effectiveness of de drug) are deemed appropriate for those countries concerned at the same time with increasing their productivity and maintaining its welfare state. Profits drive R&D but not its location. There is no intrinsic contradiction between high productivity and a consolidated National Health Service (welfare state) as the European Nordic Countries are telling us every day.
Mycophenolate mofetil (MMF), an ester prodrug of the immunosuppressant mycophenolic acid (MPA), is widely used for maintenance immunosuppressive therapy and prevention of renal allograft rejection in renal transplant recipients.MPA inhibits inosine monophosphate dehydrogenase (IMPDH), an enzyme involved in the “de novo” synthesis of purine nucleotides, thus suppressing both T-cell and B-cell proliferation. MPA shows a complex pharmacokinetics with considerable interand intra- patient by between- and within patient variabilities associated to MPA exposure. Several factors may contribute to it. The pharmacokinetic modeling according to the population pharmacokinetic approach with the non-linear mixed effects models has shown to be a powerful tool to describe the relationships between MMF doses and the MPA exposures and also to identify potential predictive patients’ demographic and clinical characteristics for dose tailoring during the post-transplant immunosuppresive treatment.
Mycophenolate mofetil (MMF), an ester prodrug of the immunosuppressant mycophenolic acid (MPA), is widely used for maintenance immunosuppressive therapy and prevention of renal allograft rejection in renal transplant recipients.MPA inhibits inosine monophosphate dehydrogenase (IMPDH), an enzyme involved in the “de novo” synthesis of purine nucleotides, thus suppressing both T-cell and B-cell proliferation. MPA shows a complex pharmacokinetics with considerable interand intra- patient by between- and within patient variabilities associated to MPA exposure. Several factors may contribute to it. The pharmacokinetic modeling according to the population pharmacokinetic approach with the non-linear mixed effects models has shown to be a powerful tool to describe the relationships between MMF doses and the MPA exposures and also to identify potential predictive patients’ demographic and clinical characteristics for dose tailoring during the post-transplant immunosuppresive treatment.
Mycophenolate mofetil (MMF), an ester prodrug of the immunosuppressant mycophenolic acid (MPA), is widely used for maintenance immunosuppressive therapy and prevention of renal allograft rejection in renal transplant recipients.MPA inhibits inosine monophosphate dehydrogenase (IMPDH), an enzyme involved in the “de novo” synthesis of purine nucleotides, thus suppressing both T-cell and B-cell proliferation. MPA shows a complex pharmacokinetics with considerable interand intra- patient by between- and within patient variabilities associated to MPA exposure. Several factors may contribute to it. The pharmacokinetic modeling according to the population pharmacokinetic approach with the non-linear mixed effects models has shown to be a powerful tool to describe the relationships between MMF doses and the MPA exposures and also to identify potential predictive patients’ demographic and clinical characteristics for dose tailoring during the post-transplant immunosuppresive treatment.
Mycophenolate mofetil (MMF), an ester prodrug of the immunosuppressant mycophenolic acid (MPA), is widely used for maintenance immunosuppressive therapy and prevention of renal allograft rejection in renal transplant recipients.MPA inhibits inosine monophosphate dehydrogenase (IMPDH), an enzyme involved in the “de novo” synthesis of purine nucleotides, thus suppressing both T-cell and B-cell proliferation. MPA shows a complex pharmacokinetics with considerable interand intra- patient by between- and within patient variabilities associated to MPA exposure. Several factors may contribute to it. The pharmacokinetic modeling according to the population pharmacokinetic approach with the non-linear mixed effects models has shown to be a powerful tool to describe the relationships between MMF doses and the MPA exposures and also to identify potential predictive patients’ demographic and clinical characteristics for dose tailoring during the post-transplant immunosuppresive treatment.
Mycophenolate mofetil (MMF), an ester prodrug of the immunosuppressant mycophenolic acid (MPA), is widely used for maintenance immunosuppressive therapy and prevention of renal allograft rejection in renal transplant recipients.MPA inhibits inosine monophosphate dehydrogenase (IMPDH), an enzyme involved in the “de novo” synthesis of purine nucleotides, thus suppressing both T-cell and B-cell proliferation. MPA shows a complex pharmacokinetics with considerable interand intra- patient by between- and within patient variabilities associated to MPA exposure. Several factors may contribute to it. The pharmacokinetic modeling according to the population pharmacokinetic approach with the non-linear mixed effects models has shown to be a powerful tool to describe the relationships between MMF doses and the MPA exposures and also to identify potential predictive patients’ demographic and clinical characteristics for dose tailoring during the post-transplant immunosuppresive treatment.
Type 1 diabetic patients depend on external insulin delivery to keep their blood glucose within near-normal ranges. In this work, two robust closed-loop controllers for blood glucose regulation are developed to prevent the life-threatening hypoglycemia, as well as to avoid extended hyperglycemia. The proposed controllers are designed by using the sliding mode control technique in a Smith predictor structure. To improve meal disturbance rejection, a simple feedforward controller is added to inject meal-time insulin bolus. Simulations scenarios were used to test the controllers, and showed the controllers ability to maintain the glucose levels within the safe limits in the presence of errors in measurements, modeling and meal estimation
This paper presents a control strategy for blood glucose(BG) level regulation in type 1 diabetic patients. To design the controller, model-based predictive control scheme has been applied to a newly developed diabetic patient model. The controller is provided with a feedforward loop to improve meal compensation, a gain-scheduling scheme to account for different BG levels, and an asymmetric cost function to reduce hypoglycemic risk. A simulation environment that has been approved for testing of artificial pancreas control algorithms has been used to test thecontroller. The simulation results show a good controller performance in fasting conditions and meal disturbance rejection, and robustness against model–patient mismatch and errors in mealestimation
In this paper, we present a comprehensive study of different Independent Component Analysis (ICA) algorithms for the calculation of coherency and sharpness of electroencephalogram (EEG) signals, in order to investigate the possibility of early detection of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). We found that ICA algorithms can help in the artifact rejection and noise reduction, improving the discriminative property of features in high frequency bands (specially in high alpha and beta ranges). In addition to different ICA algorithms, the optimum number of selected components is investigated, in order to help decision processes for future works.
La recerca que es presenta en aquest article analitza la percepció del projecte de nou Estatut de Catalunya a la premsa espanyola. L’estudi s’ha fet a partir dels editorials i de les portades publicades en dotze diaris de tot l’Estat entre els dies 1 d’octubre i 15 de desembre de2005. El projecte de nou Estatut de Catalunya va provocar un debat sobredimensionat que va convertir els mitjans en una autèntica «arena política», un locus públic on mitjans i polítics van desplegar múltiples estratègies ideològiques cooperatives o competitives. L’article conclou que el nou Estatut va patir un rebuig sever en la majoria de diaris, especialment en alguns d’àmbit estatal, i tracta d’identificar les diferències de matís entre els dotze rotatius.El treball també dissecciona els punts forts i febles del projecte estatutari segons els rotatiusanalitzats.
L’objectiu d’aquest projecte és estudiar la recepció de l’obra de Bach des de la seva vida fins l’actualitat. Es pretén, d’una banda, esbrinar quins són els motius que van produir que cada època històrica jutjés l’obra de Bach de diferent manera, quins van ser els mitjans de conservació de la seva obra així com quins canvis va patir la seva obra per tal d’encaixar amb cada època. D’altra banda pretén exemplificar aquesta diferència en la posició que cada època va atorgar a l’obra de Bach mitjançant obres de compositors posteriors (Mozart, Schumann, Brahms, Britten i Villa-Lobos) que, cadascuna de manera diferent, contenen alguna reminiscència de Bach. La metodologia utilitzada ha consistit en la seva major part en la recerca bibliogràfica però també en la comparació de versions d’obres musicals en partitures i gravacions. La conclusió principal que es pot extreure d’aquest treball és que cadascú és producte de la seva època amb el seu context particular i per tant, qualsevol interpretació que pugui fer d’una obra musical amb el seu estil compositiu ve fortament determinat per la ideologia del context que l’envolta. És normal, doncs, que el segle XVIII la decadència del pensament religiós comportés un rebuig per l’obra de Bach la qual és majoritàriament de caràcter religiós, mentre que el segle XIX amb l’emergència de la burgesia i els seus valors romàntics s’elevés la figura de Bach com l’heroi del poble alemany.