133 resultados para RELATIVITY
We discuss reality conditions and the relation between spacetime diffeomorphisms and gauge transformations in Ashtekars complex formulation of general relativity. We produce a general theoretical framework for the stabilization algorithm for the reality conditions, which is different from Diracs method of stabilization of constraints. We solve the problem of the projectability of the diffeomorphism transformations from configuration-velocity space to phase space, linking them to the reality conditions. We construct the complete set of canonical generators of the gauge group in the phase space which includes all the gauge variables. This result proves that the canonical formalism has all the gauge structure of the Lagrangian theory, including the time diffeomorphisms.
The part proportional to the Euler-Poincar characteristic of the contribution of spin-2 fields to the gravitational trace anomaly is computed. It is seen to be of the same sign as all the lower-spin contributions, making anomaly cancellation impossible. Subtleties related to Weyl invariance, gauge independence, ghosts, and counting of degrees of freedom are pointed out.
The propagator of a relativistic spinning particle is calculated using the Becchi-Rouet-Stora-Tyutin-(BRST)-invariant path-integral formalism of Fradkin and Vilkovisky. The spinless case is considered as an introduction to the formalism.
The string model with N=2 world-sheet supersymmetry is approached via ghosts, Becchi-Rouet-Stora-Tyutin cohomology, and bosonization. Some amplitudes involving massless scalars and vectors are computed at the tree level. The constraints of locality on the spectrum are analyzed. An attempt is made to "decompactify" the model into a four-dimensional theory.
The properties of a proposed model of N point particles in direct interaction are considered in the limit of small velocities. It is shown that, in this limit, time correlations cancel out and that Newtonian dynamics is recovered for the system in a natural way.
The equivalence between the covariant and the noncovariant versions of a constrained system is shown to hold after quantization in the framework of the field-antifield formalism. Our study covers the cases of electromagnetism and Yang-Mills fields and sheds light on some aspects of the Faddeev-Popov method, for both the covariant and noncovariant approaches, which have not been fully clarified in the literature.
The Newton-Hooke algebras in d dimensions are constructed as contractions of dS(AdS) algebras. Nonrelativistic brane actions are WZ terms of these Newton-Hooke algebras. The NH algebras appear also as subalgebras of multitemporal relativistic conformal algebras, SO(d+1,p+2). We construct generalizations of pp-wave metrics from these algebras.
We construct a classical nonrelativistic string model in 3+1 dimensions. The model contains a spurion tensor field that is responsible for the noncommutative structure of the model. Under double-dimensional reduction the model reduces to the exotic nonrelativistic particle in 2+1 dimensions.
We study the collision of a gravitational wave pulse and a soliton wave on a spatially homogeneous background. This collision is described by an exact solution of Einsteins equations in a vacuum which is generated from a nondiagonal seed by means of a soliton transformation. The effect produced by the soliton on the amplitude and polarization of the wave is considered.
The classical trajectory and spin precessions of Bargmann, Michel, and Telegdi are deduced from a pseudoclassical model of a relativistic spin-(1/2) particle. The corresponding deduction from a non- relativistic model is also given.
The pure classical content of a pseudoclassical nonrelativistic model of a spinning particle is studied. The only physical meaningful world line is the one without "Zitterbewegung." Interactions with external electromagnetic fields are also studied.
A pseudoclassical model for a relativistic spinning particle is studied. The only physically meaningful world line is the one without Zitterbewegung. The Poincar realization for this situation is constructed.
A geometrical treatment of the path integral for gauge theories with first-class constraints linear in the momenta is performed. The equivalence of reduced, Polyakov, Faddeev-Popov, and Faddeev path-integral quantization of gauge theories is established. In the process of carrying this out we find a modified version of the original Faddeev-Popov formula which is derived under much more general conditions than the usual one. Throughout this paper we emphasize the fact that we only make use of the information contained in the action for the system, and of the natural geometrical structures derived from it.