The presence of hydrogen in polysilicon films obtained at low temperatures by hot-wire CVD and the post-deposition oxidation by air-exposure of the films are studied in this paper. The experimental results from several characterization techniques (infrared spectroscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, secondary ion mass spectrometry and wavelength dispersive spectroscopy) showed that hydrogen and oxygen are homogeneously distributed at grain boundaries throughout the depth of the films. Hydrogen is introduced during the growth process and its concentration is higher in samples deposited at lower temperatures. Oxygen diffuses along the grain boundaries and binds to silicon atoms, mainly in Si 2O groups.
Near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) was used to analyse the crude protein content of dried and milled samples of wheat and to discriminate samples according to their stage of growth. A calibration set of 72 samples from three growth stages of wheat (tillering, heading and harvest) and a validation set of 28 samples was collected for this purpose. Principal components analysis (PCA) of the calibration set discriminated groups of samples according to the growth stage of the wheat. Based on these differences, a classification procedure (SIMCA) showed a very accurate classification of the validation set samples : all of them were successfully classified in each group using this procedure when both the residual and the leverage were used in the classification criteria. Looking only at the residuals all the samples were also correctly classified except one of tillering stage that was assigned to both tillering and heading stages. Finally, the determination of the crude protein content of these samples was considered in two ways: building up a global model for all the growth stages, and building up local models for each stage, separately. The best prediction results for crude protein were obtained using a global model for samples in the two first growth stages (tillering and heading), and using a local model for the harvest stage samples.
The University of Barcelona is developing a pilot-scale hot wire chemical vapor deposition (HW-CVD) set up for the deposition of nano-crystalline silicon (nc-Si:H) on 10 cm × 10 cm glass substrate at high deposition rate. The system manages 12 thin wires of 0.15-0.2 mm diameter in a very dense configuration. This permits depositing very uniform films, with inhomogeneities lower than 2.5%, at high deposition rate (1.5-3 nm/s), and maintaining the substrate temperature relatively low (250 °C). The wire configuration design, based on radicals' diffusion simulation, is exposed and the predicted homogeneity is validated with optical transmission scanning measurements of the deposited samples. Different deposition series were carried out by varying the substrate temperature, the silane to hydrogen dilution and the deposition pressure. By means of Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), the evolution in time of the nc-Si:H vibrational modes was monitored. Particular importance has been given to the study of the material stability against post-deposition oxidation.
The natural formation of the bioactive C17-polyacetylenes (−)-(R)-panaxynol and panaxydol was analyzed by 13C-labeling experiments. For this purpose, plants of Panax ginseng were supplied with 13CO2 under field conditions or, alternatively, sterile root cultures of P. ginseng were supplemented with [U-13C6]glucose. The polyynes were isolated from the labeled roots or hairy root cultures, respectively, and analyzed by quantitative NMR spectroscopy. The same mixtures of eight doubly 13C-labeled isotopologues and one single labeled isotopologue were observed in the C17-polyacetylenes obtained from the two experiments. The polyketide-type labeling pattern is in line with the biosynthetic origin of the compounds via decarboxylation of fatty acids, probably of crepenynic acid. The 13C-study now provides experimental evidence for the biosynthesis of panaxynol and related polyacetylenes in P. ginseng under in planta conditions as well as in root cultures. The data also show that 13CO2 experiments under field conditions are useful to elucidate the biosynthetic pathways of metabolites, including those from roots.
High-dose carbon-ion-implanted Si samples have been analyzed by infrared spectroscopy, Raman scattering, and x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) correlated with transmission electron microscopy. Samples were implanted at room temperature and 500°C with doses between 1017 and 1018 C+/cm2. Some of the samples were implanted at room temperature with the surface covered by a capping oxide layer. Implanting at room temperature leads to the formation of a surface carbon-rich amorphous layer, in addition to the buried implanted layer. The dependence of this layer on the capping oxide suggests this layer to be determined by carbon migration toward the surface, rather than surface contamination. Implanting at 500°C, no carbon-rich surface layer is observed and the SiC buried layer is formed by crystalline ßSiC precipitates aligned with the Si matrix. The concentration of SiC in this region as measured by XPS is higher than for the room-temperature implantation.
This article presents the results of a study of the efficiency of silanation process of calcium phosphate glasses particles and its effect on the bioactivity behavior of glasspoly( methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) composites. Two different calcium phosphate glasses: 44.5CaO-44.5P2O5-11Na2O (BV11) and 44.5CaO-44.5P2O5-6Na2O-5TiO2 (G5) were synthesized and treated with silane coupling agent. The glasses obtained were characterized by Microprobe and BET while the efficiency of silanation process was determined using Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR), X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) and Thermal Analysis (DTA and TG)techniques. The content of coupling agent chemically tightly bond to the silanated glasses ascended to 1.69 6 0.02 wt % for BV11sil glass and 0.93 6 0.01 wt % for G5sil glass. The in vitro bioactivity test carried out in Simulated Body Fluid (SBF) revealed certain bioactive performance with the use of both silanated glasses in a 30% (by weight) as filler of the PMMA composites because of a superficial deposition of an apatite-like layer with low content of CO3 22 and HPO4 22 in its structure after soaking for 30 days occurred. VC 2013 Wiley Periodicals,Inc. J Biomed Mater Res Part B: Appl Biomater 00B: 000-000, 2013.
The process of hydrogen desorption from amorphous silicon (ɑ-Si) nanoparticles grown by plasmaenhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) has been analyzed by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), mass spectrometry, and infrared spectroscopy, with the aim of quantifying the energy exchanged. Two exothermic peaks centered at 330 and 410 °C have been detected with energies per H atom of about 50 meV. This value has been compared with the results of theoretical calculations and is found to agree with the dissociation energy of Si-H groups of about 3.25 eV per H atom, provided that the formation energy per dangling bond in ɑ-Si is about 1.15 eV. It is shown that this result is valid for ɑ-Si:H films, too