31 resultados para Psycho-pathologization


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Lev Vygotski es en la actualidad uno de los referentes más citados en ciencias de la educación, en general, y psicología del desarrollo humano y de la educación, en particular. Sus consideraciones alrededor de las relaciones entre aprendizaje y desarrollo, su concepto de “zona de desarrollo próximo”, su énfasis en la naturaleza social del conocimiento, su análisis del desarrollo cultural, la diferenciación entre conceptos espontáneos y conceptos científicos forman parte del argot contemporáneo en ciencias de la educación. El objetivo de este artículo es presentar algunos de los conceptos y aplicaciones educativas que se han desarrollado tomando de modelo una aproximación vygotskiana. En primer lugar, expongo una breve síntesis de sus ideas psicopedagógicas para contextualizar, posteriormente, el uso que se ha hecho de algunas de sus propuestas. Finalmente, concluyo reflexionando alrededor del sentido y naturaleza de la educación bajo una perspectiva vygotskiana


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En la actual concepción bio-psico-social, los Trastornos del Comportamiento Alimentario (TCA) y la obesidad están plurideterminados por factores biológicos, psicológicos y socioculturales que actúan como elementos perpetuantes en el tiempo. Se pueden modificar actitudes contraproducentes con un programa de prevención multidisciplinar y disminuir de modo significativo la población con riesgo de obesidad y de padecer un TCA. Para ello, es necesario desarrollar dichos programas de prevención, previos a la atención primaria, y la estrategia para lograrlo es la intervención ante factores de riesgo, integrada en un conjunto de actividades de educación para la salud más global. Esta propuesta educativa pretende brindar a los profesores de Educación Física una revisión bibliográfica sobre la dimensión que desde la cultura occidental se tiene de los Trastornos del Comportamiento Alimentario (TCA) y la obesidad, al tiempo que promueve la reflexión sobre las posibilidades de intervención que ofrece la Educación Física desde el ámbito educativo en cuanto a la prevención de la obesidad, de los TCA, y de las conductas de riesgo. La presente propuesta de proyecto de prevención quiere destacar la función que cumplen docentes, tutores y tutoras, como acompañantes de los estudiantes, su posición privilegiada para conocerlos de cerca y estar así atentos a sus vivencias y la posibilidad de identificar oportunamente conductas no saludables en estudiantes que necesiten ciertas pautas para mejorar su estilo de vida, modificar sus habitos, o ser derivados para una atención especializada. Por ese motivo, en esta propuesta educativa se invita a los docentes y tutores a revisar sus convicciones personales y cuestionar la manera de pensar sobre la belleza física y el cuidado corporal. Esta reflexión junto a las pautas metodológicas permitirá abordar el tema de los TCA y la obesidad con tacto, respeto y la atención necesaria frente a los sentimientos de los y las estudiantes que se encuentran en un periodo de cambios importantes y con interrogantes en torno a su identidad e imagen corporal


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La teràpia aquàtica o hidroteràpia és una de les tècniques de fisioteràpia poc valorades pels beneficis que aporten. En aquest estudi analitzem com aquest tractament en el medi aquàtic pot beneficiar als pacients afectats de un accident vascular cerebral (AVC). Els participants d’aquest estudi son pacients els quals han patit un AVC en els últims dos anys. Aquest estudi serà dut a terme ha l’Hospital Sant Joan de Déu de Palma de Mallorca. La investigació consisteix en una combinació entre el mètode qualitatiu i el mètode quantitatiu, cada mètode aporta diferents visions de l’estudi amb la finalitat d’obtenir resultats més complets, arribant als objectius marcats. Per una banda, l’aspecte bio-psico-social serà avaluat utilitzant el mètode qualitatiu, realitzant entrevistes semi-estructures abans i després del tractament amb la finalitat d’obtenir la sensació que percep el pacient en cada moment. Per l’altre banda, l’espasticitat la valorarem mitjançant l’escala de Ashworth amb el mètode quantitatiu abans i després del tractament. Tenint en compte que poden sorgir varis limitacions com el temps de durada de l’estudi, la planificació o limitacions entre els participants, és un estudi interessant per valorar els canvis en la qualitat de vida d’aquestes persones.


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Aquest treball té per objectiu identificar i avaluar preventivament les característiques d’un infant de sis anys que podrien desenvolupar el Trastorn per Dèficit d’Atenció amb Hiperactivitat. Per a la realització d’aquest treball es va proposar realitzar un programa psicopedagògic enfocat a millorar diferents comportaments negatius del propi infant. El programa està constituït per cinc activitats, realitzades amb tot el grup-classe, que intenten millorar diversos conceptes: la consciència emocional, el nivell d’empatia, l’autoestima i l’autocontrol emocional. El subjectes del grup d’intervenció han millorat en els diferents comportaments, i en concret, s’ ha vist un canvi important positiu en la conducta de l’infant. A més, l’observació d’actuacions no adequades en infants d’edats primerenques suposarà realitzar un bon treball psicopedagògic per poder-les prevenir o disminuir.


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Changes in the informal caregiver life styles, relations and alterations of mental health. Justification.The increase of the population aged 65 years and older in developed countries is generating a proportional increasing of the dependency caused by chronic pathologies. The care of these persons is being carried out by relatives, informal carers, leading to some alterations in diverse areas, among them mental alterations, as a consequence of taking care. Objectives. To develop a profile of the informal carers and to correlate the caregiver burden with the carers disorders. To detect risk factors to allow carrying out premature nursing interventions to diminish the disorders in the informal carers. Design. An observational and cross-sectional study is made in primary care health services area of the city of Girona. Methodology. Random sample of carer of dependent people at their home , assigned to the program of domiciliary attention (ATDOM) of the educational basic areas of health (ABS). A sample size of 269 persons, with a level of precision of 9% was needed. Questionnaire ICUB 97, the test of Barthel, the Philadelphia Geriatric Center scale, and a questionnaire are used as instruments that includes demographic and social variables, and mental and physical carers disorders.Results. A total of 80 participants were interviewed. The most common problems as consequence of taking care were the backache, to feel more tired, to feel impotent and to have less free time. Correlation between the level of dependence of the patient with the number of problems perceived by the caretaker does not exist. Since they are informal carers they eat frequently outside the habitual schedule, took place an increase or loss of weight, experienced more disorders in sexual life and an increasing lack of interest in surroundings. A 33% of the informal carers are being treated for problems related to the mental health.Conclusion. The fact of being informal carer carries important consequences in their health, the lifestyles and the social relations. These can be attenuated if the nursing interventions are able to consider to the well-taken care of subject, and its surroundings in an holistic way. The professionals of infirmary of mental health must contribute to their knowledge and abilities contributing to make an assessment, a diagnosis and an intervention paying special attention to psycho-social aspects mentioned


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Changes in the informal caregiver life styles, relations and alterations of mental health. Justification.The increase of the population aged 65 years and older in developed countries is generating a proportional increasing of the dependency caused by chronic pathologies. The care of these persons is being carried out by relatives, informal carers, leading to some alterations in diverse areas, among them mental alterations, as a consequence of taking care. Objectives. To develop a profile of the informal carers and to correlate the caregiver burden with the carers disorders. To detect risk factors to allow carrying out premature nursing interventions to diminish the disorders in the informal carers. Design. An observational and cross-sectional study is made in primary care health services area of the city of Girona. Methodology. Random sample of carer of dependent people at their home , assigned to the program of domiciliary attention (ATDOM) of the educational basic areas of health (ABS). A sample size of 269 persons, with a level of precision of 9% was needed. Questionnaire ICUB 97, the test of Barthel, the Philadelphia Geriatric Center scale, and a questionnaire are used as instruments that includes demographic and social variables, and mental and physical carers disorders.Results. A total of 80 participants were interviewed. The most common problems as consequence of taking care were the backache, to feel more tired, to feel impotent and to have less free time. Correlation between the level of dependence of the patient with the number of problems perceived by the caretaker does not exist. Since they are informal carers they eat frequently outside the habitual schedule, took place an increase or loss of weight, experienced more disorders in sexual life and an increasing lack of interest in surroundings. A 33% of the informal carers are being treated for problems related to the mental health.Conclusion. The fact of being informal carer carries important consequences in their health, the lifestyles and the social relations. These can be attenuated if the nursing interventions are able to consider to the well-taken care of subject, and its surroundings in an holistic way. The professionals of infirmary of mental health must contribute to their knowledge and abilities contributing to make an assessment, a diagnosis and an intervention paying special attention to psycho-social aspects mentioned


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The main goal of this article is to illustrate a way of detecting identity foundations in people using extended autobiographical multi-methodology as a qualitative approach that combines different techniques to study the narrative construction of identity. There are four groups of techniques: 1) in-depth interviews; 2) the revised self-portrait technique; 3) the analysis of artifacts, routines and ways of living, and 4) “psycho-geographical maps.” “Identity foundations” are understood as a set of resources (toolbox) that have been historicallyaccumulated, culturally developed and socially distributed and transmitted, which are essential for defining and presenting oneself. Two examples are provided that illustrate how to use this methodological approach to achieve the aforementioned objective. In conclusion, the study recommends taking into account the explicit and implicit, underlying cultural forces involved in constructing human identity


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This article is a reflection about the future which does not obviate all the knowledge acquired in nearly a hundred years time of research about bilingualism and bilingual education. In the first part, it considers the psycho-educational base where bilingualism lies on. In the second part, this article shows the possibilities and the limits of bilingual education in societies which are more and more diversified on linguistic terms. Finally, it reviews some of the guidelines about linguistic education both in Europe and in this country, while it points out some methods to promote the multilingual competence of students


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El objetivo del proceso de investigación de mi Trabajo de Fin de Grado recae en los beneficios que tienen la naturaleza y los animales sobre las personas con diversidad funcional y más precisamente sobre las personas con trastorno mental. Lo que me motivó en esta investigación fue en primer lugar mi pasión por estos ámbitos y en segundo lugar porque conocía la existencia de dos proyectos magníficos. Uno en el Zoo de Barcelona (Proyecto de voluntariado de personas con Trastorno Mental grave con el Zoo de Barcelona) y otro en la protectora de perros y gatos (CCAAS : Centro Comarcal de Atención a animales de compañía). Para eso me he sumergido en estos proyectos para poder comprender el impacto que tenía la naturaleza y los animales sobre los usuarios. Han participado directamente cinco usuarios. He usado varias metodologías como la observación, el diario de campo, la fotografía y la entrevista semi-estructurada. Los resultados extraídos de la investigación muestran como existen beneficios y tienen un impacto positivo hacia las dimensiones bio-psico-social de las personas con trastorno mental. Las limitaciones del proyecto dependen de la voluntad de participación de cada usuario y a la naturaleza del estudio.


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El estudio de las condiciones de trabajo de carácter psicosocial CTCPS-MAC consta de 75 ítems que agrupan cuatro dimensiones, que se pueden evaluar por separado y un total de 14 factores. Tiene como intención la evaluación de la percepción que tiene la población trabajadora de las condiciones de trabajo de carácter psicosocial en su propio entorno laboral así como de los factores individuales y los síntomas subjetivos y alteraciones de la salud.


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Se presenta la versión revisada y actualizada por los autores del protocolo de intervención psicosocial de la Asociación de Expertos en Psicosociología Aplicada - AEPA, correspondiente al trabajo efectuado entre los años 2008 y 2009.


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Presentación del Modelo de empresa saludable y sostenible y del Modelo para la intervención psicosocial laboral.


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Amb aquest projecte d'intervenció ens agradaria poder posar sobre la taula que l'art teràpia és una disciplina, una tècnica dins de la psicologia, que aporta beneficis psico-emocionals als usuaris que la reben; en el cas d'aquest projecte amb nens i adolescents amb càncer a l'Hospital Sant Joan de Déu.


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The research we present here forms part of a two-phase project - one quantitative and the other qualitative - assessing the use of primary health care services. This paper presents the qualitative phase of said research, which is aimed at ascertaining the needs, beliefs, barriers to access and health practices of the immigrant population in comparison with the native population, as well as the perceptions of healthcare professionals. Moroccan and sub-Saharan were the immigrants to who the qualitative phase was specifically addressed. The aims of this paper are as follows: to analyse any possible implications of family organisation in the health practices of the immigrant population; to ascertain social practices relating to illness; to understand the significances of sexual and reproductive health practices; and to ascertain the ideas and perceptions of immigrants, local people and professionals regarding health and the health system. Methods: qualitative research based on discursive analysis. Data gathering techniques consisted of discussion groups with health system users and semi-structured individual interviews with healthcare professionals. The sample was taken from the Basic Healthcare Areas of Salt and Banyoles (belonging to the Girona Healthcare Region), the discussion groups being comprised of (a) 6 immigrant Moroccan women, (b) 7 immigrant sub-Saharan African women and (c) 6 immigrant and native population men (2 native men, 2 Moroccan men and 2 sub-Saharan men); and the semi-structured interviews being conducted with the following healthcare professionals: (a) 3 gynaecologists, (b) 3 nurses and 1 administrative staff. Results: use of the healthcare system is linked to the perception of not being well, knowledge of the healthcare system, length of time resident in Spain and interiorization of traditional Western medicine as a cure mechanism. The divergences found among the groups of immigrants, local people and healthcare professionals with regard to healthcare education, use of the healthcare service, sexual and reproductive healthcare and reticence with regard to being attended by healthcare personnel of the opposite sex demonstrate a need to work with the immigrant population as a heterogeneous group. Conclusions: the results we have obtained support the idea that feeling unwell is a psycho-social process, as it takes place within a specific socio-cultural situation and spans a range of beliefs, perceptions and ideas regarding symptomology and how to treat it