25 resultados para Photographic collage


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This research report concerns about the post-doctoral activities, conducted betweenSeptember 2010 and March 2011 at the University Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona. It comes to identify the consequences of the convergence phenomenon on photojournalism.Thus, in a more general approach, the effort is to to recovery the structural elements of the convergence concept in journalism. It aims to map, as well, the current debates about the repositioning of photographic practices linked to the news produced in a widespread adoption of digital devices in contemporary workflow. It is also specified,the analysis of photographic collectives as a result of the convergence frameworkapplied to photojournalism; the debate on ways of funding; alternatives facing thealleged crisis of press photography and, finally, proposes to create qualifying stages ofdevelopment of photojournalism in the digital age as well as the proposition of hypotheses concerning the structure of the productive routines. In addition, we present three cases to be analyzed in order to explore and verify the occurrence ofcharacteristics that may identify the object of research in the state of practice. Finally,we work in a series of conclusions, revisiting the main hypotheses. With this strategy, ispossible to define an sequence of analysis capable of addressing the characteristics present in the studied cases and other ones in future, thus, be able to affirm this stage as a step, in the continuous historical course of photojournalism.


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Increasing anthropogenic pressures urge enhanced knowledge and understanding of the current state of marine biodiversity. This baseline information is pivotal to explore present trends, detect future modifications and propose adequate management actions for marine ecosystems. Coralligenous outcrops are a highly diverse and structurally complex deep-water habitat faced with major threats in the Mediterranean Sea. Despite its ecological, aesthetic and economic value, coralligenous biodiversity patterns are still poorly understood. There is currently no single sampling method that has been demonstrated to be sufficiently representative to ensure adequate community assessment and monitoring in this habitat. Therefore, we propose a rapid non-destructive protocol for biodiversity assessment and monitoring of coralligenous outcrops providing good estimates of its structure and species composition, based on photographic sampling and the determination of presence/absence of macrobenthic species. We used an extensive photographic survey, covering several spatial scales (100s of m to 100s of km) within the NW Mediterranean and including 2 different coralligenous assemblages: Paramuricea clavata (PCA) and Corallium rubrum assemblage (CRA). This approach allowed us to determine the minimal sampling area for each assemblage (5000 cm² for PCA and 2500 cm²for CRA). In addition, we conclude that 3 replicates provide an optimal sampling effort in order to maximize the species number and to assess the main biodiversity patterns of studied assemblages in variability studies requiring replicates. We contend that the proposed sampling approach provides a valuable tool for management and conservation planning, monitoring and research programs focused on coralligenous outcrops, potentially also applicable in other benthic ecosystems


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Durante los últimos años el Institut Català d’Arquelogia Clàssica, el Museu d’Història de Tarragona, contando con la colaboración de la Generalitat de Catalunya, han desarrallado el proyecto Planimetría Arqueológica de Tárraco, destinado a la elaboración de una planta arqueológica global en la cual se recogieran intervenciones y noticias referentes a los hallazgos arqueológicos existentes. Este trabajo fue publicado utilizando como plataforma de trabajo un SIG construido para tal fin (Macias et al. 2007). Sin embargo, un problema de difícil solución arqueológica venía dado por las transformaciones urbanísticas de la ciudad, sufridas en su mayor parte a lo largo de los siglos XIX y XX. Éstas habían provocado la pérdida irremediable de gran parte de la elevación que acogiera la ciudad romana, cambiando substancialmente su aspecto original. Ante esta situación y como proyecto paralelo a la realización de la Planimetría Arqueológica de Tarragona se plantearon formas de cubrir este vacío. Se presenta en esta comunicación una propuesta metodológica para la reconstrucción de los grandes «vacíos topográficos » originados por la evolución urbanística de Tarragona mediante la obtención e integración en un SIG de diversos tipos de información documental. En estas zonas rebajadas no resulta posible la obtención de información estratigráfica y arqueológica, por lo que es imprescindible la definición de vías metodológicas alternativas basadas en la extrapolación de datos extraídos de la cartografía histórica, panorámicas del XVI o fotografías tomadas en los siglos XIX y XX. Esta técnica permite aplicar los resultados obtenidos en los nuevos análisis interpretativos, complementando así la interpretación arqueológica de la topografía urbana de la ciudad romana. A partir de esta información, y aplicando funciones y técnicas de interpolación propias de un GIS, se propone aquí un modelo de relieve de la ciudad de Tarraco.


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The widespread implementation of GIS-based 3D topographical models has been a great aid in the development and testing of archaeological hypotheses. In this paper, a topographical reconstruction of the ancient city of Tarraco, the Roman capital of the Tarraconensis province, is presented. This model is based on topographical data obtained through archaeological excavations, old photographic documentation, georeferenced archive maps depicting the pre-modern city topography, modern detailed topographical maps and differential GPS measurements. The addition of the Roman urban architectural features to the model offers the possibility to test hypotheses concerning the ideological background manifested in the city shape. This is accomplished mainly through the use of 3D views from the main city accesses. These techniques ultimately demonstrate the ‘theatre-shaped’ layout of the city (to quote Vitrubius) as well as its southwest oriented architecture, whose monumental character was conceived to present a striking aspect to visitors, particularly those arriving from the sea.


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El artículo se propone mostrar cómo el estudio de los poemas y canciones de Boris Vian sólo cobra sentido mediante un análisis de conjunto. Tras la aparente dispersión de temas y estilos, bajo la apariencia superficial, cómica y en ocasiones incluso grotesca y banal de sus poemas y canciones, se oculta una unidad y una coherencia profundas y minuciosamente calculadas. Para expresarla Vian huye de las limitaciones de la lógica heredada de Aristóteles y opta por utilizar la técnica del collage, yuxtaponiendo una pluralidad de situaciones y acciones en las que lo real se entremezcla con lo imaginario, cuyo resultado final es la representación de una realidad única, indivisible y a la vez relativa y singular en función de cada individuo, en la que los aparentes antagonismos se revelan como elementos complementarios en el proceso de individualización y conocimiento del «yo» interior.


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El patrimonio fotográfico sobre soportes plásticos, tanto si se trata de acetatos como de nitratos está expuesto a un proceso de degradación por hidrólisis ácida que es autocatalítico. Aunque existe bibliografía extensa sobre los procedimientos de conservación y preservación de este tipo de material, no abunda aquella que analice la situación real y actual de las colecciones custodiadas por los centros documentales. El presente trabajo tiene por objetivo dar a conocer el estado de conservación de este tipo de patrimonio en Cataluña, así como las condiciones en las que se produce dicha conservación. De los resultados de infiere que los procedimientos adecuados de conservación solamente se han aplicado recientemente y que las instalaciones con control medioambiental están infrautilizadas. Aunque cerca de un 85 % del material todavía no ha alcanzado un estado de catálisis autoinducida deben tomarse medidas rápidas de preservación puesto que una tercera parte del material estudiado se encuntra cerca de ello.


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There is still limited understanding of the processes underlying benthic species dynamics in marine coastal habitats, which are of disproportionate importance in terms of productivity and biodiversity. The life-history traits of long-lived benthic species in these habitats are particularly poorly documented. In this study, we assessed decadal patterns of population dynamics for ten sponge and anthozoan species that play key structural roles in coralligenous outcrops (~25 m depth) in two areas of the NW Mediterranean Sea. This study was based on examination of a unique long-term photographic series, which allowed analysis of population dynamics over extensive spatial and time spans for the very first time. Specifically, 671 individuals were censused annually over periods of 25-, 15-, and 5-years. This long-term study quantitatively revealed a common life-history pattern among the ten studied species, despite the fact they present different growth forms. Low mortality rates (3.4% yr−1 for all species combined) and infrequent recruitment events (mean value of 3.1±0.5 SE recruits yr−1) provided only a very small fraction of the new colonies required to maintain population sizes. Overall, annual mortality and recruitment rates did not differ significantly among years; however, some species displayed important mortality events and recruitment pulses, indicating variability among species. Based on the growth rates of these 10 species, we projected their longevity and, obtained a mean estimated age of 25-200 years. Finally, the low to moderate turnover rates (mean value 0.80% yr−1) observed among the coralligenous species were in agreement with their low dynamics and persistence. These results offer solid baseline data and reveal that these habitats are among the most vulnerable to the current increases of anthropogenic disturbances.


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The possibilities and expansion of the use of Web 2.0 has opened up a world of possibilities in online learning. In spite of the integration of these tools in education major changes are required in the educational design of instructional processes.This paper presents an educational experience conducted by the Open University of Catalonia using the social network Facebook for the purpose of testing a learning model that uses a participation and collaboration methodology among users based on the use of open educational resources.- The aim of the experience is to test an Open Social Learning (OSL) model, understood to be a virtual learning environment open to the Internet community, based on the use of open resources and on a methodology focused on the participation and collaboration of users in the construction of knowledge.- The topic chosen for this experience in Facebook was 2.0 Journeys: online tools and resources. The objective of this 5 weeks course was to provide students with resources for managing the various textual, photographic, audiovisual and multimedia materials resulting from a journey.- The most important changes in the design and development of a course based on OSL are the role of the teacher, the role of the student, the type of content and the methodology:- The teacher mixes with the participants, guiding them and offering the benefit of his/her experience and knowledge.- Students learn through their participation and collaboration with a mixed group of users.- The content is open and editable under different types of license that specify the level of accessibility.- The methodology of the course was based on the creation of a learning community able to self-manage its learning process. For this a facilitator was needed and also a central activity was established for people to participate and contribute in the community.- We used an ethnographic methodology and also questionnaires to students in order to acquire results regarding the quality of this type of learning experience.- Some of the data obtained raised questions to consider for future designs of educational situations based on OSL:- Difficulties in breaking the facilitator-centred structure- Change in the time required to adapt to the system and to achieve the objectives- Lack of commitment with free courses- The trend to return to traditional ways of learning- Accreditation- This experience has taught all of us that education can happen any time and in any place but not in any way.


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[cat]L'estudi vol aprofundir en les conseqüències del conflicte bèlic que enfrontà a Bolivia i Paragüai a la guerra del Chaco (1923-1935), de manera especial per a les poblacions indígenas, les quals, en els darrers anys, han començat a dur a terme una clara reivindicació per al reconeixement oficial dels seus drets territorials a partir de la revaloració de la participació dels indígenes del Chaco en aquesta guerra com també de la utilització dels recursos naturals i de les comunitats autòctones pels exèrcits enfrontats, tot tenint com a eina d'estudi el registre fotogràfic del conflicte.


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Aquest estudi fa un balanç sobre la gestió actual del patrimoni fotogràfic a Catalunya, en concret de la seva difusió. Es pren com a punt de partida el recent episodi de l'Arxiu Centelles, que ha fet plantejar quin és l'estat actual dels arxius i entitats fotogràfiques de Catalunya, i quina gestió es fa dels seus fons, no només per a preservar el patrimoni fotogràfic català, sinó també per a difondre'l i fer-lo accessible als usuaris.