A Carnatic music concert is made up of a sequence of pieces, where each piece corresponds to a particular genre and ra¯aga (melody). Unlike a western music concert, the artist may be applauded intra-performance inter-performance. Most Carnatic music that is archived today correspond to a single audio recordings of entire concerts.The purpose of this paper is to segment single audio recordings into a sequence of pieces using thecharacteristic features of applause and music. Spectral flux, spectral entropy change quite significantly from music to applause and vice-versa. The characteristics of these features for a subset of concerts was studied. A threshold based approach was used to segment the pieces into music fragments and applauses. Preliminary resultson recordings 19 concerts from matched microphones show that the EER is about 17% for a resolution of 0.25 seconds. Further, a parameter called CUSUM is estimatedfor the applause regions. The CUSUM values determine the strength of the applause. The CUSUM is used to characterise the highlights of a concert.
With each passing election, U.S. political campaigns have renewed their efforts in courting the “Latino vote,” yet the Latino population is not a culturally homogenous voting bloc. This study examined how cultural identifications and acculturation attitudes in U.S. born Mexican Americans interacted with socioeconomic status (SES) to predict political orientation. Individuals who held stronger Mexican identity and supported biculturalism as an acculturation strategy had a more liberal orientation, while belonging to a higher SES group and holding stronger assimilation attitudes predicted a less liberal orientation. Mexican cultural identification interacted with SES such that those who held a weaker Mexican identity, but came from a higher social class were less liberal and more moderate in their political orientation. Weak Mexican identification and higher SES also predicted weaker endorsement of bicultural acculturation attitudes, which in turn, mediated the differences in political orientation. The acceptance of one’s ethnic identity and endorsement of bicultural attitudes predicted a more liberal political orientation. In light of these findings, political candidates should be cautious in how they pander to Latino constituents—referencing the groups’ ethnic culture or customs may distance constituents who are not strongly identified with their ethnic culture.
We investigate identifiability issues in DSGE models and their consequences for parameter estimation and model evaluation when the objective function measures the distance between estimated and model impulse responses. We show that observational equivalence, partial and weak identification problems are widespread, that they lead to biased estimates, unreliable t-statistics and may induce investigators to select false models. We examine whether different objective functions affect identification and study how small samples interact with parameters and shock identification. We provide diagnostics and tests to detect identification failures and apply them to a state-of-the-art model.
Samples were collected from hake species Merluccius australis and M. hubbsi in the south west Atlantic Ocean. Enzyme electrophoretic analysis of the eye, liver and muscle revealed 5 out of 33 genetic loci with species-specific allelic frequencies. These five loci provide a set of genetic markers for individual classification
Background: Kabuki syndrome (KS) is a multiple congenital anomaly syndrome characterized by specific facial features, mild to moderate mental retardation, postnatal growth delay, skeletal abnormalities, and unusual dermatoglyphic patterns with prominent fingertip pads. A 3.5 Mb duplication at 8p23.1-p22 was once reported as a specific alteration in KS but has not been confirmed in other patients. The molecular basis of KS remains unknown. Methods: We have studied 16 Spanish patients with a clinical diagnosis of KS or KS-like to search for genomic imbalances using genome-wide array technologies. All putative rearrangements were confirmed by FISH, microsatellite markers and/or MLPA assays, which also determined whether the imbalance was de novo or inherited. Results: No duplication at 8p23.1-p22 was observed in our patients. We detected complex rearrangements involving 2q in two patients with Kabuki-like features: 1) a de novo inverted duplication of 11 Mb with a 4.5 Mb terminal deletion, and 2) a de novo 7.2 Mb-terminal deletion in a patient with an additional de novo 0.5 Mb interstitial deletion in 16p. Additional copy number variations (CNV), either inherited or reported in normal controls, were identified and interpreted as polymorphic variants. No specific CNV was significantly increased in the KS group. Conclusion: Our results further confirmed that genomic duplications of 8p23 region are not a common cause of KS and failed to detect other recurrent rearrangement causing this disorder. The detection of two patients with 2q37 deletions suggests that there is a phenotypic overlap between the two conditions, and screening this region in the Kabuki-like patients should be considered.
We propose an algorithm that extracts image features that are consistent with the 3D structure of the scene. The features can be robustly tracked over multiple views and serve as vertices of planar patches that suitably represent scene surfaces, while reducing the redundancy in the description of 3D shapes. In other words, the extracted features will off er good tracking properties while providing the basis for 3D reconstruction with minimum model complexity
Low-cost tin oxide gas sensors are inherently nonspecific. In addition, they have several undesirable characteristics such as slow response, nonlinearities, and long-term drifts. This paper shows that the combination of a gas-sensor array together with self-organizing maps (SOM's) permit success in gas classification problems. The system is able to determine the gas present in an atmosphere with error rates lower than 3%. Correction of the sensor's drift with an adaptive SOM has also been investigated
Adenoviruses of primates include human (HAdV) and simian (SAdV) isolates classified into 8 species (Human Adenovirus A to G, and Simian Adenovirus A). In this study, a novel adenovirus was isolated from a colony of cynomolgus macaques (Macaca fascicularis) and subcultured in VERO cells. Its complete genome was purified and a region encompassing the hexon gene, the protease gene, the DNA binding protein (DBP) and the 100 kDa protein was amplified by PCR and sequenced by primer walking. Sequence analysis of these four genes showed that the new isolate had 80% identity to other primate adenoviruses and lacked recombination events. The study of the evolutionary relationships of this new monkey AdV based on the combined sequences of the four genes supported a close relationship to SAdV-3 and SAdV-6, lineages isolated from Rhesus monkeys. The clade formed by these three types is separated from the remaining clades and establishes a novel branch that is related to species HAdV-A, F and G. However, the genetic distance corresponding to the newly isolated monkey AdV considerably differs from these as to belong to a new, not yet established species. Results presented here widen our knowledge on SAdV and represents an important contribution to the understanding of the evolutionary history of primate adenoviruses.
Background: Chemoreception is a widespread mechanism that is involved in critical biologic processes, including individual and social behavior. The insect peripheral olfactory system comprises three major multigene families: the olfactory receptor (Or), the gustatory receptor (Gr), and the odorant-binding protein (OBP) families. Members of the latter family establish the first contact with the odorants, and thus constitute the first step in the chemosensory transduction pathway.Results: Comparative analysis of the OBP family in 12 Drosophila genomes allowed the identification of 595 genes that encode putative functional and nonfunctional members in extant species, with 43 gene gains and 28 gene losses (15 deletions and 13 pseudogenization events). The evolution of this family shows tandem gene duplication events, progressive divergence in DNA and amino acid sequence, and prevalence of pseudogenization events in external branches of the phylogenetic tree. We observed that the OBP arrangement in clusters is maintained across the Drosophila species and that purifying selection governs the evolution of the family; nevertheless, OBP genes differ in their functional constraints levels. Finally, we detect that the OBP repertoire evolves more rapidly in the specialist lineages of the Drosophila melanogaster group (D. sechellia and D. erecta) than in their closest generalists.Conclusion: Overall, the evolution of the OBP multigene family is consistent with the birth-and-death model. We also found that members of this family exhibit different functional constraints, which is indicative of some functional divergence, and that they might be involved in some of the specialization processes that occurred through the diversification of the Drosophila genus.
Adenoviruses of primates include human (HAdV) and simian (SAdV) isolates classified into 8 species (Human Adenovirus A to G, and Simian Adenovirus A). In this study, a novel adenovirus was isolated from a colony of cynomolgus macaques (Macaca fascicularis) and subcultured in VERO cells. Its complete genome was purified and a region encompassing the hexon gene, the protease gene, the DNA binding protein (DBP) and the 100 kDa protein was amplified by PCR and sequenced by primer walking. Sequence analysis of these four genes showed that the new isolate had 80% identity to other primate adenoviruses and lacked recombination events. The study of the evolutionary relationships of this new monkey AdV based on the combined sequences of the four genes supported a close relationship to SAdV-3 and SAdV-6, lineages isolated from Rhesus monkeys. The clade formed by these three types is separated from the remaining clades and establishes a novel branch that is related to species HAdV-A, F and G. However, the genetic distance corresponding to the newly isolated monkey AdV considerably differs from these as to belong to a new, not yet established species. Results presented here widen our knowledge on SAdV and represents an important contribution to the understanding of the evolutionary history of primate adenoviruses.
MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are short non-coding RNA molecules playing regulatory roles by repressing translation or cleaving RNA transcripts. Although the number of verified human miRNA is still expanding, only few have been functionally described. However, emerging evidences suggest the potential involvement of altered regulation of miRNA in pathogenesis of cancers and these genes are thought to function as both tumours suppressor and oncogenes. In our study, we examined by Real-Time PCR the expression of 156 mature miRNA in colorectal cancer. The analysis by several bioinformatics algorithms of colorectal tumours and adjacent non-neoplastic tissues from patients and colorectal cancer cell lines allowed identifying a group of 13 miRNA whose expression is significantly altered in this tumor. The most significantly deregulated miRNA being miR-31, miR-96, miR-133b, miR-135b, miR-145, and miR-183. In addition, the expression level of miR-31 was correlated with the stage of CRC tumor. Our results suggest that miRNA expression profile could have relevance to the biological and clinical behavior of colorectal neoplasia.
We describe the use of dynamic combinatorial chemistry (DCC) to identify ligands for the stem-loop structure located at the exon 10-5'-intron junction of Tau pre-mRNA, which is involved in the onset of several tauopathies including frontotemporal dementia with Parkinsonism linked to chromosome 17 (FTDP-17). A series of ligands that combine the small aminoglycoside neamine and heteroaromatic moieties (azaquinolone and two acridines) have been identified by using DCC. These compounds effectively bind the stem-loop RNA target (the concentration required for 50% RNA response (EC(50)): 2-58 μM), as determined by fluorescence titration experiments. Importantly, most of them are able to stabilize both the wild-type and the +3 and +14 mutated sequences associated with the development of FTDP-17 without producing a significant change in the overall structure of the RNA (as analyzed by circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy), which is a key factor for recognition by the splicing regulatory machinery. A good correlation has been found between the affinity of the ligands for the target and their ability to stabilize the RNA secondary structure.
The precise generic delimitation of Aliella andPhagnalon, and their closest relatives within the Gnaphalieae are discussed in this review. Among the main results obtained, wehave found that the genera Aliella and Phagnalon are nested withinthe “Relhania clade” and Anisothrix, Athrixia and Pentatrichia aretheir closest relatives. Macowania is also part of the “Relhaniaclade”, whereas the subtribal affinities of Philyrophyllum liewithin the “crown radiation clade”. The monophyly of Aliellaand Phagnalon is not supported statistically. In addition,Aliella appears to be paraphylethic in most of the analysesperformed. The resulting phylogeny suggests an African origin forthe ancestor of Aliella and Phagnalon and identifies three mainclades within Phagnalon that constitute the following naturalgroups on a geographic basis: (1) the Irano-Turanian clade; (2) the Mediterranean-Macaronesian clade; and (3) the Yemen-Ethiopian clade. Some endemics to Yemen and Ethiopia appeared merged in the Mediterranean-Macaronesian clade, providing new evidence of the phytogeographical links betweenMacaronesia, Eastern Africa and Southern Arabia. Incongruities between thechloroplast and nuclear molecular data and the lack of resolution in some clades mayindicate that hybridization could have played an important role in the evolution anddiversification of both Phagnalon and Aliella.
Lipoxygenases are non-heme iron enzymes essential in eukaryotes, where they catalyze the formation of the fatty acid hydroperoxides that are required by a large diversity of biological and pathological processes. In prokaryotes, most of them totally lacking in polyunsaturated fatty acids, the possible biological roles oflipoxygenases have remained obscure. In this study, it is reported the crystallization of a lipoxygenase of Pseudomonas aeruginosa (Pa_LOX), the first from a prokaryote. High resolution data has been acquired which is expected to yield structural clues to the questions adressed. Besides, a preliminar phylogenetic analysis using 14 sequences has confirmed the existence of this subfamily of bacterial lipoxygenases, on one side, and a greater diversity than in the corresponding eukaryotic ones, on the other. Finally, an evolutionary study of bacteriallipoxygenases on the same set of lipoxygenases, show a selection pressure of a basically purifying or neutral character except for a single aminoacid, which would have been selected after a positive selection event.
Lipoxygenases are non-heme iron enzymes essential in eukaryotes, where they catalyze the formation of the fatty acid hydroperoxides that are required by a large diversity of biological and pathological processes. In prokaryotes, most of them totally lacking in polyunsaturated fatty acids, the possible biological roles oflipoxygenases have remained obscure. In this study, it is reported the crystallization of a lipoxygenase of Pseudomonas aeruginosa (Pa_LOX), the first from a prokaryote. High resolution data has been acquired which is expected to yield structural clues to the questions adressed. Besides, a preliminar phylogenetic analysis using 14 sequences has confirmed the existence of this subfamily of bacterial lipoxygenases, on one side, and a greater diversity than in the corresponding eukaryotic ones, on the other. Finally, an evolutionary study of bacteriallipoxygenases on the same set of lipoxygenases, show a selection pressure of a basically purifying or neutral character except for a single aminoacid, which would have been selected after a positive selection event.