25 resultados para Owl Monkey
El presente trabajo constituye el Proyecto Final de Máster correspondiente a los estudios del Máster Oficial en Software Libre de la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. Consiste básicamente en la elaboración y discusión de una ontología para definir puntos de interés turístico (POI). Después de una introducción y una breve exposición del alcance y metodología del trabajo, se expone la actual situación de la Web Semántica y su relación con el ámbito turístico. A continuación se describe la ontología creada, discutiendo las diferentes alternativas para cada uno de sus elementos y comparando las soluciones propuestas con otras ontologías de uso en el sector. Finalmente, se evalúan algunos ejemplos de puntos de interés turístico reales formalizados mediante esta ontología y se discuten algunas conclusiones.
Aquest fitxer conté la ontologia que descriu un metamodel de l'especificació Open Service Interface Design v.2.0 proposada per OKI. Ha estat creada en OWL i estesa amb un conjunt de regles SWRL. S'adjunta també el conjunt de regles.
La carencia de unmodelo bien definido de representaciónde la informaciónen la web ha traído consigoproblemas de cara a diversosaspectos relacionados con suprocesamiento. Para intentarsolucionarlos, el W3C, organismoencargado de guiar la evoluciónde la web, ha propuestosu transformación hacia unanueva web denominada websemántica. En este trabajo sepresentan las posibilidades queofrece este nuevo escenario, asícomo las dificultades para suconsecución, prestando especialatención a las ontologías,herramientas de representacióndel conocimiento fundamentalespara la web semántica. Porúltimo, se analiza el papel delprofesional de la biblioteconomíay documentación en estenuevo entorno.
Immunity-related GTPases (IRG) play an important role in defense against intracellular pathogens. One member of this gene family in humans, IRGM, has been recently implicated as a risk factor for Crohn's disease. We analyzed the detailed structure of this gene family among primates and showed that most of the IRG gene cluster was deleted early in primate evolution, after the divergence of the anthropoids from prosimians ( about 50 million years ago). Comparative sequence analysis of New World and Old World monkey species shows that the single-copy IRGM gene became pseudogenized as a result of an Alu retrotransposition event in the anthropoid common ancestor that disrupted the open reading frame (ORF). We find that the ORF was reestablished as a part of a polymorphic stop codon in the common ancestor of humans and great apes. Expression analysis suggests that this change occurred in conjunction with the insertion of an endogenous retrovirus, which altered the transcription initiation, splicing, and expression profile of IRGM. These data argue that the gene became pseudogenized and was then resurrected through a series of complex structural events and suggest remarkable functional plasticity where alleles experience diverse evolutionary pressures over time. Such dynamism in structure and evolution may be critical for a gene family locked in an arms race with an ever-changing repertoire of intracellular parasites.
This file contains the complete ontology (OntoProcEDUOC_OKI_Final.owl). At loading time to edit, the OKI ontology corresponding to the implementation level (OntoOKI_DEFINITIVA.owl)must be imported.
Previous work has reported that it is not difficult to give people the illusion of ownership over an artificial body, providing a powerful tool for the investigation of the neural and cognitive mechanisms underlying body perception and self consciousness. We present an experimental study that uses immersive virtual reality (IVR) focused on identifying the perceptual building blocks of this illusion. We systematically manipulated visuotactile and visual sensorimotor contingencies, visual perspective, and the appearance of the virtual body in order to assess their relative role and mutual interaction. Consistent results from subjective reports and physiological measures showed that a first person perspective over a fake humanoid body is essential for eliciting a body ownership illusion. We found that the illusion of ownership can be generated when the virtual body has a realistic skin tone and spatially substitutes the real body seen from a first person perspective. In this case there is no need for an additional contribution of congruent visuotactile or sensorimotor cues. Additionally, we found that the processing of incongruent perceptual cues can be modulated by the level of the illusion: when the illusion is strong, incongruent cues are not experienced as incorrect. Participants exposed to asynchronous visuotactile stimulation can experience the ownership illusion and perceive touch as originating from an object seen to contact the virtual body. Analogously, when the level of realism of the virtual body is not high enough and/or when there is no spatial overlap between the two bodies, then the contribution of congruent multisensory and/or sensorimotor cues is required for evoking the illusion. On the basis of these results and inspired by findings from neurophysiological recordings in the monkey, we propose a model that accounts for many of the results reported in the literature.
Existing digital rights management (DRM) systems, initiatives like Creative Commons or research works as some digital rights ontologies provide limited support for content value chains modelling and management. This is becoming a critical issue as content markets start to profit from the possibilities of digital networks and the World Wide Web. The objective is to support the whole copyrighted content value chain across enterprise or business niches boundaries. Our proposal provides a framework that accommodates copyright law and a rich creation model in order to cope with all the creation life cycle stages. The dynamic aspects of value chains are modelled using a hybrid approach that combines ontology-based and rule-based mechanisms. The ontology implementation is based on Web Ontology Language and Description Logic (OWL-DL) reasoners, are directly used for license checking. On the other hand, for more complex aspects of the dynamics of content value chains, rule languages are the choice.
En aquest treball es realitza un estudi sobre l'estat de l'art de la web semàntica i els seus estàndards actuals, més concretament sobre ontologies. Descriu també el procés pràctic emprat pel disseny i la implementació d'una ontologia en el domini concret de Twitter, en format OWL, fent servir l'aplicació Protégé per a la seva creació. Finalment explica la creació (captura de requeriments, disseny i implementació) d'una aplicació capaç d'obtenir dades reals de Twitter, processar-les per extreure'n la informació rellevant i emmagatzemar-la a la ontologia creada.
L'ontologia que s'ha dissenyat contempla els conceptes bàsics de Twitter, les relacions entre ells i les restriccions que cal respectar. L'ontologia s'ha dissenyat amb el programa Protégé i està disponible en format OWL. S'ha desenvolupat una aplicació per poblar l'ontologia amb els tweets que s'obtenen a partir d'una cerca a Twitter. L'accés a Twitter es fa via l'API que ofereix per accedir a les dades des d'aplicacions de tercers. El resultat de l'execució de l'aplicació és un fitxer RDF/XML amb les tripletes corresponents a les instàncies dels objectes en l'ontologia.
Article About the Authors Metrics Comments Related Content Abstract Introduction Functionality Implementation Discussion Acknowledgments Author Contributions References Reader Comments (0) Figures Abstract Despite of the variety of available Web services registries specially aimed at Life Sciences, their scope is usually restricted to a limited set of well-defined types of services. While dedicated registries are generally tied to a particular format, general-purpose ones are more adherent to standards and usually rely on Web Service Definition Language (WSDL). Although WSDL is quite flexible to support common Web services types, its lack of semantic expressiveness led to various initiatives to describe Web services via ontology languages. Nevertheless, WSDL 2.0 descriptions gained a standard representation based on Web Ontology Language (OWL). BioSWR is a novel Web services registry that provides standard Resource Description Framework (RDF) based Web services descriptions along with the traditional WSDL based ones. The registry provides Web-based interface for Web services registration, querying and annotation, and is also accessible programmatically via Representational State Transfer (REST) API or using a SPARQL Protocol and RDF Query Language. BioSWR server is located at http://inb.bsc.es/BioSWR/and its code is available at https://sourceforge.net/projects/bioswr/under the LGPL license.