51 resultados para Oscillatory Marangoni-Convection


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El desequilibri 238U/234Th s’utilitza per traçar el cicle de les partícules a la part més superficial dels oceans. Això és possible degut a les diferències entre els seus períodes de semidesintegració (T1/2 (234Th)=24,1 d; T1/2 (238U)=4,5 10 9 anys) i a les seves característiques biogeoquímiques: el Th presenta una gran afinitat per les partícules mentre que l’U és conservatiu en aigua de mar. En absència de partícules s’esperaria tenir equilibri secular entre ambdós radionúclids, però com que l’oceà no està lliure de partícules, el 234Th és exportat des de les capes més superficials produint-se un dèficit respecte el seu pare, l’238U. El període de semidesintegració del 234Th és molt adequat per traçar processos d’escales temporals de dies a setmanes, del mateix ordre que el desenvolupament de la floració del fitoplàncton i a la posterior exportació de partícules. En aquest treball es presenten dades obtingudes durant dues campanyes oceanogràfiques realitzades en el marc del Projecte FAMOSO (2009) en el Mediterrani nordoccidental, abans i després de la floració de fitoplàncton de primavera a la zona. Una de les peculiaritats d’aquesta regió és el procés de convecció profunda d’hivern, el qual suposa un important mecanisme de fertilització. A partir dels fluxos de 234Th obtinguts a la columna d’aigua es poden establir les pautes temporals que ha seguit el fitoplàncton en les setmanes prèvies al mostreig. Aquesta informació es compara amb els fluxos obtinguts utilitzant trampes de sediment a la deriva instal·lades durant ambdues campanyes.


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We derive analytical expressions for the propagation speed of downward combustion fronts of thin solid fuels with a background flow initially at rest. The classical combustion model for thin solid fuels that consists of five coupled reaction-convection-diffusion equations is here reduced into a single equation with the gas temperature as the single variable. For doing so we apply a two-zone combustion model that divides the system into a preheating region and a pyrolyzing region. The speed of the combustion front is obtained after matching the temperature and its derivative at the location that separates both regions.We also derive a simplified version of this analytical expression expected to be valid for a wide range of cases. Flame front velocities predicted by our analyticalexpressions agree well with experimental data found in the literature for a large variety of cases and substantially improve the results obtained from a previous well-known analytical expression


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We report experimental and numerical results showing how certain N-dimensional dynamical systems are able to exhibit complex time evolutions based on the nonlinear combination of N-1 oscillation modes. The experiments have been done with a family of thermo-optical systems of effective dynamical dimension varying from 1 to 6. The corresponding mathematical model is an N-dimensional vector field based on a scalar-valued nonlinear function of a single variable that is a linear combination of all the dynamic variables. We show how the complex evolutions appear associated with the occurrence of successive Hopf bifurcations in a saddle-node pair of fixed points up to exhaust their instability capabilities in N dimensions. For this reason the observed phenomenon is denoted as the full instability behavior of the dynamical system. The process through which the attractor responsible for the observed time evolution is formed may be rather complex and difficult to characterize. Nevertheless, the well-organized structure of the time signals suggests some generic mechanism of nonlinear mode mixing that we associate with the cluster of invariant sets emerging from the pair of fixed points and with the influence of the neighboring saddle sets on the flow nearby the attractor. The generation of invariant tori is likely during the full instability development and the global process may be considered as a generalized Landau scenario for the emergence of irregular and complex behavior through the nonlinear superposition of oscillatory motions


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Background: The ultimate goal of synthetic biology is the conception and construction of genetic circuits that are reliable with respect to their designed function (e.g. oscillators, switches). This task remains still to be attained due to the inherent synergy of the biological building blocks and to an insufficient feedback between experiments and mathematical models. Nevertheless, the progress in these directions has been substantial. Results: It has been emphasized in the literature that the architecture of a genetic oscillator must include positive (activating) and negative (inhibiting) genetic interactions in order to yield robust oscillations. Our results point out that the oscillatory capacity is not only affected by the interaction polarity but by how it is implemented at promoter level. For a chosen oscillator architecture, we show by means of numerical simulations that the existence or lack of competition between activator and inhibitor at promoter level affects the probability of producing oscillations and also leaves characteristic fingerprints on the associated period/amplitude features. Conclusions: In comparison with non-competitive binding at promoters, competition drastically reduces the region of the parameters space characterized by oscillatory solutions. Moreover, while competition leads to pulse-like oscillations with long-tail distribution in period and amplitude for various parameters or noisy conditions, the non-competitive scenario shows a characteristic frequency and confined amplitude values. Our study also situates the competition mechanism in the context of existing genetic oscillators, with emphasis on the Atkinson oscillator.


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Recently, there has been an increased interest on the neural mechanisms underlying perceptual decision making. However, the effect of neuronal adaptation in this context has not yet been studied. We begin our study by investigating how adaptation can bias perceptual decisions. We considered behavioral data from an experiment on high-level adaptation-related aftereffects in a perceptual decision task with ambiguous stimuli on humans. To understand the driving force behind the perceptual decision process, a biologically inspired cortical network model was used. Two theoretical scenarios arose for explaining the perceptual switch from the category of the adaptor stimulus to the opposite, nonadapted one. One is noise-driven transition due to the probabilistic spike times of neurons and the other is adaptation-driven transition due to afterhyperpolarization currents. With increasing levels of neural adaptation, the system shifts from a noise-driven to an adaptation-driven modus. The behavioral results show that the underlying model is not just a bistable model, as usual in the decision-making modeling literature, but that neuronal adaptation is high and therefore the working point of the model is in the oscillatory regime. Using the same model parameters, we studied the effect of neural adaptation in a perceptual decision-making task where the same ambiguous stimulus was presented with and without a preceding adaptor stimulus. We find that for different levels of sensory evidence favoring one of the two interpretations of the ambiguous stimulus, higher levels of neural adaptation lead to quicker decisions contributing to a speed–accuracy trade off.


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The long-term mean properties of the global climate system and those of turbulent fluid systems are reviewed from a thermodynamic viewpoint. Two general expressions are derived for a rate of entropy production due to thermal and viscous dissipation (turbulent dissipation) in a fluid system. It is shown with these expressions that maximum entropy production in the Earth s climate system suggested by Paltridge, as well as maximum transport properties of heat or momentum in a turbulent system suggested by Malkus and Busse, correspond to a state in which the rate of entropy production due to the turbulent dissipation is at a maximum. Entropy production due to absorption of solar radiation in the climate system is found to be irrelevant to the maximized properties associated with turbulence. The hypothesis of maximum entropy production also seems to be applicable to the planetary atmospheres of Mars and Titan and perhaps to mantle convection. Lorenz s conjecture on maximum generation of available potential energy is shown to be akin to this hypothesis with a few minor approximations. A possible mechanism by which turbulent fluid systems adjust themselves to the states of maximum entropy production is presented as a selffeedback mechanism for the generation of available potential energy. These results tend to support the hypothesis of maximum entropy production that underlies a wide variety of nonlinear fluid systems, including our planet as well as other planets and stars


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We investigate the hypothesis that the atmosphere is constrained to maximize its entropy production by using a one-dimensional (1-D) vertical model. We prescribe the lapse rate in the convective layer as that of the standard troposphere. The assumption that convection sustains a critical lapse rate was absent in previous studies, which focused on the vertical distribution of climatic variables, since such a convective adjustment reduces the degrees of freedom of the system and may prevent the application of the maximum entropy production (MEP) principle. This is not the case in the radiative–convective model (RCM) developed here, since we accept a discontinuity of temperatures at the surface similar to that adopted in many RCMs. For current conditions, the MEP state gives a difference between the ground temperature and the air temperature at the surface ≈10 K. In comparison, conventional RCMs obtain a discontinuity ≈2 K only. However, the surface boundary layer velocity in the MEP state appears reasonable (≈3 m s-¹). Moreover, although the convective flux at the surface in MEP states is almost uniform in optically thick atmospheres, it reaches a maximum value for an optical thickness similar to current conditions. This additional result may support the maximum convection hypothesis suggested by Paltridge (1978)


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Different climatic simulations have been obtained by using a 2-Dim horizontal energy balancemodel (EBM), which has been constrained to satisfy several extremal principles on dissipationand convection. Moreover, 2 different versions of the model with fixed and variable cloud-coverhave been used. The assumption of an extremal type of behaviour for the climatic system canacquire additional support depending on the similarities found with measured data for pastconditions as well as with usual projections for possible future scenarios


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We study the interfacial modes of a driven diffusive model under suitable nonequilibrium conditions leading to possible instability. The external field parallel to the interface, which sets up a steady-state parallel flux, enhances the growth or decay rates of the interfacial modes. More dramatically, asymmetry in the model can introduce an oscillatory component into the interfacial dispersion relation. In certain circumstances, the applied field behaves as a singular perturbation.


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We have performed a detailed study of the zenith angle dependence of the regeneration factor and distributions of events at SNO and SK for different solutions of the solar neutrino problem. In particular, we discuss the oscillatory behavior and the synchronization effect in the distribution for the LMA solution, the parametric peak for the LOW solution, etc. A physical interpretation of the effects is given. We suggest a new binning of events which emphasizes the distinctive features of the zenith angle distributions for the different solutions. We also find the correlations between the integrated day-night asymmetry and the rates of events in different zenith angle bins. The study of these correlations strengthens the identification power of the analysis.


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We propose a novel mechanism leading to spatiotemporal oscillations in extended systems that does not rely on local bulk instabilities. Instead, oscillations arise from the interaction of two subsystems of different spatial dimensionality. Specifically, we show that coupling a passive diffusive bulk of dimension d with an excitable membrane of dimension d-1 produces a self-sustained oscillatory behavior. An analytical explanation of the phenomenon is provided for d=1. Moreover, in-phase and antiphase synchronization of oscillations are found numerically in one and two dimensions. This novel dynamic instability could be used by biological systems such as cells, where the dynamics on the cellular membrane is necessarily different from that of the cytoplasmic bulk.


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We study a low-amplitude, long-wavelength lateral instability of the Saffman-Taylor finger by means of a phase-field model. We observe such an instability in two situations in which small dynamic perturbations are overimposed to a constant pressure drop. We first study the case in which the perturbation consists of a single oscillatory mode and then a case in which the perturbation consists of temporal noise. In both cases the instability undergoes a process of selection.


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We present numerical evidence and a theoretical analysis of the appearance of anticoherence resonance induced by noise, not predicted in former analysis of coherence resonance. We have found that this phenomenon occurs for very small values of the intensity of the noise acting on an excitable system, and we claim that this is a universal signature of a nonmonotonous relaxational behavior near its oscillatory regime. Moreover, we demonstrate that this new phenomenon is totally compatible with the standard situation of coherence resonance appearing at intermediate values of noise intensity.


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We show that external fluctuations induce excitable behavior in a bistable spatially extended system with activator-inhibitor dynamics of the FitzHugh-Nagumo type. This can be understood as a mechanism for sustained signal propagation in bistable media. The phase diagram of the stochastic system is analytically obtained and numerically verified. For small-noise intensities, front propagation becomes unstable, and excitable pulses arise as the only possible spatiotemporal behavior of the system. For large-noise intensities, on the other hand, the system enters an effective regime of oscillatory behavior, where it exhibits spontaneous nucleation of pulses and synchronized firing.


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Temperature and velocity correlation functions in a fluid subjected to conditions creating both a temperature and a velocity gradient are computed up to second order in the gradients. Temperature and velocity fluctuations are coupled due to convection and viscous heating. When the viscosity goes to infinity one gets the temperature correlation function for a solid under a temperature gradient, which contains a long-ranged contribution, quadratic in the temperature gradient. The velocity correlation function also exhibits long-range behavior. In a particular case its equilibrium term is diagonal whereas the nonequilibrium correction contains nondiagonal terms.