21 resultados para Ort
En el sector valenciano de la Cordillera Iberica se desarrolla durante el Jurásico un volcanismo fundamentalmente piroclastico, con emisiones basalticas y traquibasalticas en el Pliensbachiense, Toarciense y Bajociense. La cartografia de los afloramientos permite definir dos alineaciones NW-SE (franja de Caudiel, alineación piroclástica de Alcublas), asi como un rea ms amplia de traza general NE-SW en las sierras de Javalambre y Camarena. Tal disposicion regional sugiere que las manifesiaciones volcaiiicas ocurren segun dosdirecciones principales de fracturacion tardihercinica~(NW-SEy NK-SW) y an posiblemente a favor de los puntos de interseccin de ambos sistemas estructurales. La direccin NW-SE ejerce el maximo control de la actividad volcnica jursica, al igual que previamente durante el Triasico superior (linea ofitica de Altura).
A summary of the results from the study of benthos of lakes and reservoirs in Spain is provided, with a list of the species found to date. Spanish natural lakes are smaller than European lakes; the largest is Lake Sanabria, of glacial origin, which is 3 Km long and half a kilorneter wide. Many are very small and situated in the mountains; more than 200 hundred have been recorded in Spain, but only in Lake Sanabria and Lake Banyoles have the benthos been studied. Lake Sanabria is a cold oligotrophic, monomictic lake with oxygen always present in the deepest zones. Its fauna is similar to that of other central European lakes, with Mici.opsectra c.orztractu (a chironomid) as the dominan1 species. Lake Banyoles is a karstic, monomictic and multibasin lake; despite the low primary productivity, due to the abundante of sulphate in the water, the allochthonous inflow of organic matter and the inflow of water from bottom springs, the profunda1 environinent is very stressing for benthic fauna. Very low oxygen concentrations and high sulphide content in the water and sediments dueto meromixis mean that only the larva of the dipteran Chaohoi.lcs flai7icans was present in one of the 5 basins of the lake. In other basins, when oxygen is available (no meromixis), the fauna is similar to that of tlie inineralized lakes of the Aegean region and some lakes in central Italia. On the other hand, preliminary data from the Pyrenean lakes and from Sierra Nevada ponds reveal no differences with northern cold lakes. Tlie largest lakes in Spain are the reservoirs. There are nearly 1000 and data are available on 100 of them, including the kargest. In addition to oxygen and sulphide content in the bottom waters, water level fluctuation and high sedimentation rates are disturbance factors that prevented the organization of the community. Allochthonous inputs of organic matter are also an important factor both in the reservoirs and also in the small, oligotrophic lakes like Banyoles and Sanabria. As a result the meiofaunal loop is very important in many of the Spanish water bodies . For this reason the natural lakes and reservoirs of Spain are dominated by Oligochaeta, small crustaceans and the microcarnivore chironomids (such as Procladi~ls, Cladopelma and Mi(,rnc.hil-onnmus) that feed on these meoifaunal elements. The phytophagous chironomids, like Chironomus, are only abundan1 in the shallow areas of mesotrophic and eutrophic reservoirs. This situation makes it difficult to apply the typological system of SAETHER which predicts with some confidence only the benthic communities of Spanish natural lakes above 1500 m in the Pyrenees or the ponds above 2000 m in Sierra Nevada mountains. Higher temperatures (which originate a longer stratification period), the presence of sulphate in the waters of the eastern part of Spain and high inputs of sediments and allochthonous organic matter seem to be the factors that originated the differences between the benthic profunda1 faunas of Spanish lakes and reservoirs and those of the temperate lakes of north and central Europe.
Del estudio de un numero significativo de preparaciones microscópicas de rocas de anhidrita pertenecientes a formaciones de litofacies. edades y ambientes sedimentarios diferentes (quedan excluidas del presente estudio las anhidritas de reemplazamiento diagenetico de formaciones carbonatadas) se destaca la existencia de dos hábitos cristalinos principales que definen las fabricas de este mineral: a) equidimensional (granular). y b) prismático-elongado (prismatico). Ambos corresponden respectivamente, en primera aproximacien, a los terminos anglosajones depile ofbricks y lar11 testure. El predominio en las fabricas de un solo habito cristalino de tamaño de grano relativamente uniforme permite calificarlas de homogeneas
El Triásico Superior del sector central valenciano de la Cordillera Ibérica presenta una facies germánica (Keuper) integrada por dos secuencias evaporíticas separadas por un episodio detrítico principal. Los datos preliminares obtenidos de una investigación palinológica en curso revelan una edad Karniense para todos estos materiales.
Los contenidos en bromo, entre 70 y 150 ppm, de la sal triásita (probablemente del Triásico superior, en facies Keuper) de los sondeos del domo de Pinoso, Alicante. indican claramente el origen marino de la misma y con'ello la alihentación oceánica de lascubetasevaporíticas instaladas sobre la amplia plataforma triásica circum-Tethys.
El Triásico Superior del sector central valenciano de la Cordillera Ibérica presenta una facies germánica (Keuper) integrada por dos secuencias evaporíticas separadas por un episodio detrítico principal. Los datos preliminares obtenidos de una investigación palinológica en curso revelan una edad Karniense para todos estos materiales.