92 resultados para New Keynesian models
Recent evidence suggests that consumption rises in response to an increase in government spending. That finding cannot be easily reconciled with existing optimizing business cycle models. We extend the standard new Keynesian model to allow for the presence of rule-of-thumb consumers. We show how the interaction of the latter with sticky prices and deficit financing can account for the existing evidence on the effects of government spending.
Much recent research has focused on the development and analysisof extensions of the New Keynesian framework that model labor marketfrictions and unemployment explicitly. The present paper describessome of the essential ingredients and properties of those models, andtheir implications for monetary policy.
The present paper is aimed at providing a general strategic overview of the existing theoretical models that have applications in the field of financial innovation. Whereas most financialdevelopments have relied upon traditional economic tools, a new stream of research is defining a novel paradigm in which mathematical models from diverse scientific disciplines are being applied to conceptualize and explain economic and financial behavior. Indeed, terms such as ‘econophysics’ or ‘quantum finance’ have recently appeared to embrace efforts in this direction. As a first contact with such research, the project will present a brief description of some of the main theoretical models that have applications in finance and economics, and will try to present, if possible, potential new applications to particular areas in financial analysis, or new applicable models. As a result, emphasiswill be put on the implications of this research for the financial sector and its future dynamics.
How do monopolistically competitive industries react to shocks in the context of a New Keynesian macro model? I bridge macroeconomics and trade theory by considering market dynamics. I use an analytically tractable closed-economy model with endogenous entry of firms and show the implications of markets structure for the transmission of real shocks on aggregate variables and welfare. Shock sources become crucial for the results: traditional productivity shocks cause an extensive effect on production; shocks on innovation cause an intensive impact. More patient populations bring the economy to a richer market, although it cushions the extensive effect after an innovation shock.
El propósito de este documento es adentrarnos en los nuevos modelos de negocio basados en las tecnologías Cloud Computing con el objetivo de consolidar nuevos conocimientos complementarios a los estudios de ingeniería informática. Se quiere realizar un estudio de productos open-source basados en un modelo de servicio como infraestructura (IaaS), y, implementarlos desde la vertiente más práctica.
El objetivo del presente Trabajo Final de Carrera ha consistido en realizar un estudio de investigación sobre estrategias comerciales aplicables en la gestión de proyectos, con el fin de identificar y proponer estrategias de gestión para el desarrollo e implementación de estrategias comerciales que posibiliten la reducción de costes y creación de nuevos modelos comerciales que permitan maximizar el retorno de inversión en proyectos de índole tecnológica. El estudio ha tratado las diversas áreas funcionales y de conocimiento que convergen en la gestión económica y financiera de un proyecto: (1) El área de Marketing y la concepción del plan estratégico. (2) La gestión y control de costes. (3) La gestión del suministro y compras. (4) El plan comercial de ventas. (5) La estrategia y gestión de un proyecto. En definitiva el presente proyecto representa un estudio de rigor de las áreas funcionales y del conocimiento que aquí se citan, así como sus implicaciones a lo largo del ciclo de vida de un proyecto.
La llegada de las tecnologías de la información, y su uso cada vez mayor y generalizado que se está haciendo de ellas, ha permitido para que una nueva situación aparezca que, a su vez, ha originado - de hecho, que ha precipitado - una serie de cambios de gran importancia en todos los niveles, pero especialmente en los niveles sociales, económicos y culturales. Este nueva escena ha tenido una gran influencia en el entorno pedagógico. De hecho, la aparición de nuevos modelos educativos como resultado de este cambio ha estado sucediendo de una manera continuada e ininterrumpida durante la década pasada. Estos cambios recientes en los sistemas actuales de enseñanza y de aprendizaje han significado un aumento y un cambio en el tipo de demandas hechas desde las bibliotecas y los centros de documentación.
L'aparició i l'ús creixent i cada vegada més generalitzat de les tecnologies de la informació ha fet possible l'aparició d'un nou escenari que ha originat i fins i tot precipitat, una sèrie de canvis de gran abast en tots els nivells, especialment a nivell social, econòmic i cultural. Aquest nou escenari ha influït en gran manera en l'entorn pedagògic; l'aparició de nous models educatius, propiciats per aquest important canvi, s'ha anat succeint de forma continuada i ininterrompuda des de fa amb prou feines una dècada. Aquests nous models educatius han fet possible que sectors de la població que no podien accedir a cert tipus d'estudis, per circumstàncies d'índole diversa, es veiessin afavorits per un nou entorn, que no solament els facilitava l'accés a tot tipus d'ensenyaments, sinó que creava espais i eines cada vegada més fàcils d'usar perquè aquesta nova possibilitat no aparegués com una barrera tecnològica que els tanqués de nou l'accés.
La sociedad cada vez separa más a los padres de los hijos; más allá de los problemas de estructuración familiar y los nuevos modelos de familias, la realidad de trabajo del día a día, las jornadas largas de trabajo, el hecho de tener que hacer dos trabajos al mismo tiempo, pero también el concepto que tenemos de los valores y la ética que somos capaces de adquirir y creer, imposibilitan a menudo la convivencia entre padres e hijos. La Fundación Pere Tarrés hace unos años que desarrolla acciones y propuestas en este sentido, que se adapten a las nuevas realidades, y ofrece sus recursos y capital humano, para hacer posible unas vacaciones familiares en estos tiempos tan complejos que nos toca vivir
This paper investigates the relationship between monetary policy and the changes experienced by the US economy using a small scale New-Keynesian model. The model is estimated with Bayesian techniques and the stability of policy parameter estimates and of the transmission of policy shocks examined. The model fits well the data and produces forecasts comparable or superior to those of alternative specifications. The parameters of the policy rule, the variance and the transmission of policy shocks have been remarkably stable. The parameters of the Phillips curve and of the Euler equations are varying.
We investigate the relationship between monetary policy and inflation dynamics in theUS using a medium scale structural model. The specification is estimated with Bayesiantechniques and fits the data reasonably well. Policy shocks account for a part of the declinein inflation volatility; they have been less effective in triggering inflation responses overtime and qualitatively account for the rise and fall in the level of inflation. A number ofstructural parameter variations contribute to these patterns.
The standard New Keynesian model with staggered wage settingis shown to imply a simple dynamic relation between wage inflationand unemployment. Under some assumptions, that relation takes aform similar to that found in empirical wage equations-starting fromPhillips' (1958) original work-and may thus be viewed as providingsome theoretical foundations to the latter. The structural wage equation derived here is shown to account reasonably well for the comovement of wage inflation and the unemployment rate in the U.S. economy, even under the strong assumption of a constant natural rate ofunemployment.
The Drivers Scheduling Problem (DSP) consists of selecting a set of duties for vehicle drivers, for example buses, trains, plane or boat drivers or pilots, for the transportation of passengers or goods. This is a complex problem because it involves several constraints related to labour and company rules and can also present different evaluation criteria and objectives. Being able to develop an adequate model for this problem that can represent the real problem as close as possible is an important research area.The main objective of this research work is to present new mathematical models to the DSP problem that represent all the complexity of the drivers scheduling problem, and also demonstrate that the solutions of these models can be easily implemented in real situations. This issue has been recognized by several authors and as important problem in Public Transportation. The most well-known and general formulation for the DSP is a Set Partition/Set Covering Model (SPP/SCP). However, to a large extend these models simplify some of the specific business aspects and issues of real problems. This makes it difficult to use these models as automatic planning systems because the schedules obtained must be modified manually to be implemented in real situations. Based on extensive passenger transportation experience in bus companies in Portugal, we propose new alternative models to formulate the DSP problem. These models are also based on Set Partitioning/Covering Models; however, they take into account the bus operator issues and the perspective opinions and environment of the user.We follow the steps of the Operations Research Methodology which consist of: Identify the Problem; Understand the System; Formulate a Mathematical Model; Verify the Model; Select the Best Alternative; Present the Results of theAnalysis and Implement and Evaluate. All the processes are done with close participation and involvement of the final users from different transportation companies. The planner s opinion and main criticisms are used to improve the proposed model in a continuous enrichment process. The final objective is to have a model that can be incorporated into an information system to be used as an automatic tool to produce driver schedules. Therefore, the criteria for evaluating the models is the capacity to generate real and useful schedules that can be implemented without many manual adjustments or modifications. We have considered the following as measures of the quality of the model: simplicity, solution quality and applicability. We tested the alternative models with a set of real data obtained from several different transportation companies and analyzed the optimal schedules obtained with respect to the applicability of the solution to the real situation. To do this, the schedules were analyzed by the planners to determine their quality and applicability. The main result of this work is the proposition of new mathematical models for the DSP that better represent the realities of the passenger transportation operators and lead to better schedules that can be implemented directly in real situations.
This paper investigates what has caused output and inflation volatility to fall in the USusing a small scale structural model using Bayesian techniques and rolling samples. Thereare instabilities in the posterior of the parameters describing the private sector, the policyrule and the standard deviation of the shocks. Results are robust to the specification ofthe policy rule. Changes in the parameters describing the private sector are the largest,but those of the policy rule and the covariance matrix of the shocks explain the changes most.
We estimate an open economy dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE)model of Australia with a number of shocks, frictions and rigidities, matching alarge number of observable time series. We find that both foreign and domesticshocks are important drivers of the Australian business cycle.We also find that theinitial impact on inflation of an increase in demand for Australian commoditiesis negative, due to an improvement in the real exchange rate, though there is apersistent positive effect on inflation that dominates at longer horizons.