35 resultados para Neonatal stroke
Objective: To assess the possibility of Dentists being able to screen patients with higher risk of vascular diseases. Materials: Kodak 8000C Orthopantomographer, eco-Doppler Logiq-500 General Electric at the Lisbon Hospital Particular. Methods: Assessment of orthopantomographies made to 142 patients aged 50 or more, as well as the existing risk factors. Conduction of carotid eco-Doppler to patients who appear to have calcified plaques of the atheroma. Results: Strong dependence between dichotomised age and having the pathology (p = 0.02).Smokers are twice more likely to present plaques (OR= 2). Being hypertensive increases in about 1.4 the likelihood of having a stroke (OR= 1.4). Of the 27 individuals who presented calcifications in the Orthopantomography, they were all submitted to an eco-Doppler and 21 had the pathology confirmed. 27 individuals, who did not show any plaques in the Orthopantomography, were randomly selected to be the control group. They were submitted to an eco-Doppler. And 23 confirmed the non-existence of plaques. Conclusions: Orthopantomography used for assessing the oral cavity reveals more information which should be the object of the Dentist"s attention
Des de principi dels anys 90, els programes per a la detecció universal neonatal de la sordesa -DUNS- s'han anat implementant arreu del món. La seva aportació a la millora de la competència en llenguatge dels infants sords ha estat forca significativa. A l'Estat espanyol, la DUNS esta possibilitant una detecció molt més precç de la sordesa, cosa que accelera l'establiment del diagnostic i del tractament, i augmenta així les probabilitats que la rehabilitació auditiva dels infants sords sigui reeixida. Des de la perspectiva de l'atenció integral de la sordesa infantil, aquests programes tenen com a objectiu la detecció de la patologia dins el primer mes de vida, el diagnòstic als tres mesos i la instauració del tractament al voltant dels sis mesos. Aquests terminis suposen un autèntic repte que exigeix, d'una banda, la creació de centres qualificats i, de l'altra, la reformulació dels protocols d'actuació dels professionals de les distintes disciplines i la seva adaptació a les noves eines disponibles per al diagnòstic, l'adaptació protètica i la rehabilitació auditiva del nadó sord. Si en un article anterior abordava el futur de la intervenció amb infants sords, tot considerant els avenços tècnics ja existens (Valero, 2002); ara em proposo revisar breument l'estat de la qüestió a Catalunya, alhora que es faran una sèrie de reflexions sobre els canvis que la detecció molt primerenca d'infants sords pot reportar tant per als mateixos sords com per als professionals que els hem d'atendre.
Music is a highly complex and versatile stimulus for the brain that engages many temporal, frontal, parietal, cerebellar, and subcortical areas involved in auditory, cognitive, emotional, and motor processing. Regular musical activities have been shown to effectively enhance the structure and function of many brain areas, making music a potential tool also in neurological rehabilitation. In our previous randomized controlled study, we found that listening to music on a daily basis can improve cognitive recovery and improve mood after an acute middle cerebral artery stroke. Extending this study, a voxel-based morphometry (VBM) analysis utilizing cost function masking was performed on the acute and 6-month post-stroke stage structural magnetic resonance imaging data of the patients (n = 49) who either listened to their favorite music [music group (MG), n = 16] or verbal material [audio book group (ABG), n = 18] or did not receive any listening material [control group (CG), n = 15] during the 6-month recovery period. Although all groups showed significant gray matter volume (GMV) increases from the acute to the 6-month stage, there was a specific network of frontal areas [left and right superior frontal gyrus (SFG), right medial SFG] and limbic areas [left ventral/subgenual anterior cingulate cortex (SACC) and right ventral striatum (VS)] in patients with left hemisphere damage in which the GMV increases were larger in the MG than in the ABG and in the CG. Moreover, the GM reorganization in the frontal areas correlated with enhanced recovery of verbal memory, focused attention, and language skills, whereas the GM reorganization in the SACC correlated with reduced negative mood. This study adds on previous results, showing that music listening after stroke not only enhances behavioral recovery, but also induces fine-grained neuroanatomical changes in the recovering brain.
BACKGROUND: Several recently developed therapies targeting motor disabilities in stroke sufferers have shown to be more effective than standard neurorehabilitation approaches. In this context, several basic studies demonstrated that music training produces rapid neuroplastic changes in motor-related brain areas. Music-supported therapy has been recently developed as a new motor rehabilitation intervention. METHODS AND RESULTS: In order to explore the plasticity effects of music-supported therapy, this therapeutic intervention was applied to twenty chronic stroke patients. Before and after the music-supported therapy, transcranial magnetic stimulation was applied for the assessment of excitability changes in the motor cortex and a 3D movement analyzer was used for the assessment of motor performance parameters such as velocity, acceleration and smoothness in a set of diadochokinetic movement tasks. Our results suggest that the music-supported therapy produces changes in cortical plasticity leading the improvement of the subjects' motor performance. CONCLUSION: Our findings represent the first evidence of the neurophysiological changes induced by this therapy in chronic stroke patients, and their link with the amelioration of motor performance. Further studies are needed to confirm our observations.
The goal of the present study is to examine cross-sectional information on the growth of the humerus based on the analysis of four measurements, namely, diaphyseal length, transversal diameter of the proximal (metaphyseal) end of the shaft, epicondylar breadth and vertical diameter of the head. This analysis was performed in 181 individuals (90 ♂ and 91 ♀) ranging from birth to 25 years of age and belonging to three documented Western European skeletal collections (Coimbra, Lisbon and St. Bride). After testing the homogeneity of the sample, the existence of sexual differences (Student"s t- and Mann-Whitney U-test) and the growth of the variables (polynomial regression) were evaluated. The results showed the presence of sexual differences in epicondylar breadth above 20 years of age and vertical diameter of the head from 15 years of age, thus indicating that these two variables may be of use in determining sex from that age onward. The growth pattern of the variables showed a continuous increase and followed first- and second-degree polynomials. However, growth of the transversal diameter of the proximal end of the shaft followed a fourth-degree polynomial. Strong correlation coefficients were identified between humeral size and age for each of the four metric variables. These results indicate that any of the humeral measurements studied herein is likely to serve as a useful means of estimating sub-adult age in forensic samples.
Clopidogrel is a widely used antiplatelet drug used in preventing vascular events after suffering a first stoke. Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) has not been able to establish a clear association between polymorphisms and recurrence. Therefore in the present final master project an epigenetic approach is proposed. Using an array based technology, 450.000 CpG sites across all genome were assessed in 48 individuals (21 cases and 21 controls). Looking at differentially methylated levels between cases and controls, 58 CpG sites (DMGs) were found. Although, no clear locus was observed. Looking individually to each 49 genes, two appeared to be important to our study. TRAF3 and ADAMTS2 are gens highly related to platelet aggregation. In orther to confirm these result, a new DNA methylation study will be done in a larger cohort, using Sequenom technology.
PROTOCOLOS TERAPÉUTICOS. SINDROME HEMORRAGICO NEONATAL. La hemorragia neonatal puede aparecer ante una gran variedad de situaciones. Es importante tener en cuenta que la volemia a esta edad es de 80 ml/Kg de lo que se deduce la importancia de cualquier pÉrdida sanguÍnea por pequeÑa que sea..
PROTOCOLOS TERAPÉUTICOS. Distress respiratorio neonatal. El distress respiratorio neonatal puede ser una situación grave que llegue a poner en peligro la vida del recién nacido. 1) Diagnóstico. Es fundamentalmente clínico y se establece cuando el test de Silverman es superior a 2...
PROTOCOLOS TERAPEUTICOS. CIANOSIS NEONATAL. 1. CONCEPTO Se considera cianosis a la coloración azulada de la piel o de las mucosas secundaria a un oscurecimiento sanguíneo producido por un aumento de la hemoglobina reducida (principalmente HbFe ++) a valores superiores a los 3-5 gr/dl. Toda cianosis neonatal que persista más de 30 minutos tras el nacimiento...
PROTOCOLOS TERAPEUTICOS. INSUFICIENCIA CARDIACA NEONATAL. 1. CONCEPTO La insuficiencia cardíaca (IC) en el recién nacido suele manifestarse de forma global salvo en contadas ocasiones (ciertas cardiopatías congénitas). Las causas pueden ser múltiples, desde problemas hidroelectrolíticos hasta infecciones, pasando por la yatrogenia de la sobrecarga hídrica debida a una mala prescripción de las perfusiones. Un intento de clasificación puede ser el siguiente...
PROTOCOLOS TERAPEUTICOS. TUBERCULOSIS NEONATAL 1. CONCEPTO La tuberculosis neonatal es la infección del recién nacido producida por el bacilo de Koch. Es una situación rara pero grave que requiere un diagnóstico precoz y un tratamiento enérgico..
The complement system is a major effector of innate immunity that has been involved in stroke brain damage. Complement activation occurs through the classical, alternative and lectin pathways. The latter is initiated by mannose-binding lectin (MBL) and MBL-associated serine proteases (MASPs). Here we investigated whether the lectin pathway contributes to stroke outcome in mice and humans.
Se define el 'estado convulsivo neonatal como una convulsión (cualquiera que sea su forma) que se mantiene de forma continuada o bien que tras desaparecer se repite en un período inferior a 20 minutos a pesar de un tratamiento correcto...
Purpose: To analyze if the use of Phenobarbital compared with Levetiracetam, it’s associated with more neurodevelopmental problems in newborns treated for neonatal seizures. As a secondary objective identify which are the most affected areas of the neurodevelopment: cognition, socio-‐emotional, motor or language skills.Design: A 5 years long clinical trial administering, with double-‐blind and a randomized distribution of the sample, Phenobarbital or Levetiracetam for the management of neonatal seizures
Fibrinolytic therapy with Recombinant Tissue-Plasminogen Activator (rt-PA) is currently the only effective treatment for ischaemic stroke in its acute phase. Even though its use generally improves the prognosis of those patients likely to receive it, rt-PA administration is associated to several risks, such as haemorrhagic transformation ofthe ischaemic lesion and activation of excitotoxic mechanisms that may contribute to an increase in mortality or to a poor outcome in certain occasions, specially when arterial recanalization is not achieved or the rt-PA is lately administrated. Since in the last few years the role of glutamate in the neurotoxicity associated toischaemia has been widely studied and it is known that high plasma glutamate levels are predictors of ischaemic lesion growth and poor neurological outcome, it is necessary to find out which factors can contribute to glutamate release in the brain. The aim of this study is to determine if rt-PA administration is related to an increase in plasma glutamate levels, as well as to define if higher plasma glutamate levels at admission are related to different evolution and prognosis of our patients, both in those in which recanalisation is achieved and not. A series of cases of patients with hemispheric cerebral infarction admitted in our hospital during a year will be studied, and the data obtained from them will be compared to the data obtained from a control group, the samples of wich were takenyears ago, before rt-PA was routinely used