20 resultados para National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers.
Després de 30 anys de la restauració de la Generalitat es desconeix gairebé tot del perfil social de l¿elit política Governamental catalana, aquest Treball fa una aproximació inicial al tema a partir dels últims quatre Governs de la Generalitat de Catalunya. Els seus membres presenten biaix social respecte la població d¿acord amb el model d¿aglutinació de les elits polítiques, tot i això el model de Desproporció Social Creixent només es valida respecte el gènere. El seu perfil és el d¿un home, de més edat que la mitjana, nascut a Catalunya, amb la carrera prèvia desenvolupada a Barcelona ciutat, amb una formació molt per sobre de la mitjana i de professió economista. Aquest perfil no és exactament el mateix que el dels Parlamentaris regionals espanyols, les diferències es centren l¿edat i la professió mentre que el gènere, l¿origen i el nivell de formació coincideixen. S¿observa també que els Governs d¿esquerra-centre esquerra presenten un percentatge lleugerament superior de dones que la resta, els membres vinculats amb PANE són més joves, incorporen menys dones, menys immigrants interiors, menys educadors i no presenten credencials educatives sensiblement diferents del membres vinculats a partits d¿àmbit estatal.
One of the major problems when using non-dedicated volunteer resources in adistributed network is the high volatility of these hosts since they can go offlineor become unavailable at any time without control. Furthermore, the use ofvolunteer resources implies some security issues due to the fact that they aregenerally anonymous entities which we know nothing about. So, how to trustin someone we do not know?.Over the last years an important number of reputation-based trust solutionshave been designed to evaluate the participants' behavior in a system.However, most of these solutions are addressed to P2P and ad-hoc mobilenetworks that may not fit well with other kinds of distributed systems thatcould take advantage of volunteer resources as recent cloud computinginfrastructures.In this paper we propose a first approach to design an anonymous reputationmechanism for CoDeS [1], a middleware for building fogs where deployingservices using volunteer resources. The participants are reputation clients(RC), a reputation authority (RA) and a certification authority (CA). Users needa valid public key certificate from the CA to register to the RA and obtain thedata needed to participate into the system, as now an opaque identifier thatwe call here pseudonym and an initial reputation value that users provide toother users when interacting together. The mechanism prevents not only themanipulation of the provided reputation values but also any disclosure of theusers' identities to any other users or authorities so the anonymity isguaranteed.
This working – paper will be focused on three key issues: • How will affect the enlargement to the Justice and Home Affairs Cooperation. Especially, the absortion of Schenguen Agreements and the overall JHA by the candidate countries. • The enlargement impact over the European Immigraton Policy and the specific policies carried out by the EU Member States. The main question is the free movement of persons safeguard, in order to protect external borders of European Union. • An analysis of September, 11 attacks against U.S.A might be necessary to understand the future changes on JHA policy.
The important inflow of foreign population to western countries has boosted the study of acculturation processes among scholars in the last decades. By using the case of Catalonia, a receiver region of international and national migration since the fifties, this paper seeks to intersect a classic acculturation model and a newly reemerging literature in political science on contextual determinants on individual behavior. Does the context matters for understanding individual’s subjective national identity and, therefore, its voting behavior? Multilevel models show that environment matters. Percentage of Spain-born population in the town is statistically significant to account for variance in the subjective national identity and nationalist vote, even after controlling for age, sex, origin, language and left – right orientation and other contextual factors. This conclusion invites researchers not to underestimate the direct effect of the environment on individual outcomes such as feelings of belonging and vote orientation in contexts of rival identities.
Implementación y evaluación de un algoritmo híbrido que selecciona el conjunto de nodos de menor coste que permite desplegar un servicio, con una disponibilidad determinada, en un entorno de computación voluntaria.