68 resultados para Musical form.
Aquest treball fa un estudi dels baixonets a Catalunya des de les perspectives organològica, funcional i del repertori. A partir de les informacions aportades pels instruments originals, pels tractats i per estudis especialitats, es defineixen una tipologia instrumental pròpiament hispànica, i unes funcions principalment relacionades amb la música vocal religiosa de mitjans del segle XVI a mitjans del segle XVIII. Posteriorment, es realitza un estudi de la música amb baixonet a la localitat de Canet de Mar. A partir del treball de camp al seu arxiu parroquial, es compilen vuit obres específiques per a baixonet, se'n transcriuen alguns manuscrits, i se'n defineixen els principals aspectes formals i funcionals. El cas de Canet de Mar es pot considerar com un exemple més o menys representatiu de la pràctica instrumental i del repertori específic del baixonet a Catalunya a finals del segle XVII i començaments del segle XVIII.
In this paper we view bargaining and cooperation as an interaction superimposed on a strategic form game. A multistage bargaining procedure for N players, the proposer commitment procedure, is presented. It is inspired by Nash s two-player variable-threat model; a key feature is the commitment to threats. We establish links to classical cooperative game theory solutions, such as the Shapley value in the transferable utility case. However, we show that even in standard pure exchange economies the traditional coalitional function may not be adequate when utilities are not transferable.
In this paper we propose a general technique to develop first and second order closed-form approximation formulas for short-time options withrandom strikes. Our method is based on Malliavin calculus techniques andallows us to obtain simple closed-form approximation formulas dependingon the derivative operator. The numerical analysis shows that these formulas are extremely accurate and improve some previous approaches ontwo-assets and three-assets spread options as Kirk's formula or the decomposition mehod presented in Alòs, Eydeland and Laurence (2011).
We explain why European trucking carriers are much smaller and rely more heavily on owner-operators(as opposed to employee drivers) than their US counterparts. Our analysis begins by ruling outdifferences in technology as the source of those disparities and confirms that standard hypothesesin organizational economics, which have been shown to explain the choice of organizational form inUS industry, also apply in Europe. We then argue that the preference for subcontracting oververtical integration in Europe is the result of European institutions particularly, labor regulationand tax laws that increase the costs of vertical integration.
Equivalence classes of normal form games are defined using the geometryof correspondences of standard equilibiurm concepts like correlated, Nash,and robust equilibrium or risk dominance and rationalizability. Resultingequivalence classes are fully characterized and compared across differentequilibrium concepts for 2 x 2 games. It is argued that the procedure canlead to broad and game-theoretically meaningful distinctions of games aswell as to alternative ways of viewing and testing equilibrium concepts.Larger games are also briefly considered.
Although we found a general trend favouring the omnivorousness thesis, as soon as we adjusted it to a set of structural factors and consumers tastes it was clear that this was caused by elitist inclusive omnivores who had increased the scope of their tastes. In general, younger cohorts were becoming less omnivorous, nevertheless, they were also becoming more educated and had greater to higher levels of inc ome, making the youth moreomnivorous. As expected, upscale consumers set limits on their popular taste: musicalgenres, whose audiences had educational levels below the mean profile were less preferredby upscale respondents. In spite of this, as time passed, some popular brows gained socialstatus.
We study relative performance evaluation in executive compensation whenexecutives have private information about their ability. We assume that thejoint distribution of an individual firm s profit and market movements dependson the ability of the executive that runs the firm. In the equilibrium of theexecutive labor market, compensation schemes exploit this fact to sortexecutives of di ?erent abilities. This implies that executive compensation isincreasing in own performance, but may also be increasing in industryperformance-a sharp departure from standard relative performance evaluation.This result provides an explanation for the scarcity of relative performanceconsiderations in executive compensation documented by the empirical literature.
This paper investigates foreign direct investment in the bankingsector. The attention has been addressed to test the importanceof OLI advantages as the determinants of the bank's decisionto invest in foreign locations. Nevertheless, since banks canexpand their activities abroad through different organizationalforms that imply different levels of foreign involvement, theissue of the form of representation has been tackled. Theresults show the importance of OLI advantages in the form ofrepresentation in multinational banking.
Two finite extensive-form games are empirically equivalent when theempirical distribution on action profiles generated by every behaviorstrategy in one can also be generated by an appropriately chosen behaviorstrategy in the other. This paper provides a characterization ofempirical equivalence. The central idea is to relate a game's informationstructure to the conditional independencies in the empirical distributionsit generates. We present a new analytical device, the influence opportunitydiagram of a game, describe how such a diagram is constructed for a givenextensive-form game, and demonstrate that it provides a complete summaryof the information needed to test empirical equivalence between two games.
The evolution of boundedly rational rules for playing normal form games is studied within stationary environments ofstochastically changing games. Rules are viewed as algorithms prescribing strategies for the different normal formgames that arise. It is shown that many of the folk results of evolutionary game theory typically obtained witha fixed game and fixed strategies carry over to the present case. The results are also related to recent experimentson rules and games.
El projecte és una proposta d’exploració i reflexió personal sobre la respiració en la interpretació musical amb el clarinet i els aspectes corporals i pedagògics relacionats que fan possible l’estat psicofísic necessari per a una interpretació fluïda, creativa i amb veu pròpia. Per al seu desenvolupament, s’ha aprofundit en el coneixement de l’anatomia i fisiologia de la respiració, així com en la consciència corporal per aplicar-ho a la interpretació amb el clarinet i desenvolupar unes eines per a la seva didàctica. El mètode de treball consta de tres fases: la documentació, les entrevistes i les sessions didàctiques. Tot plegat ha significat un profund aprenentatge a nivell personal.
La música es una asignatura obligatoria dentro de la etapa educativa de primaria. Hemos detectado varios profesores de distintas áreas educativas, entre ellas el área de música, que utilizan plataformas de e-learning y herramientas web como apoyo para enseñar el currículum que marca el “Departament d‟Educació de la Generalitat de Catalunya”. A partir del cuerpo de análisis se ha dibujado el panorama en plataformas de e-learning, analizando las tipologías y usos. A través de la muestra de plataformas de e-learning en educación musical se han detectado cuatro escuelas con plataformas de e-learning en fase avanzada. Se realiza un estudio de caso sobre una de estas plataformas para hacer el análisis de contenidos y validar el formato de entrevista utilizado, esto nos ha servido para crear un modelo que pueda ser utilizado en otros centros con plataforma de e-learning para la asignatura específica de música.
This file contains the transformtion rules in SWRL to translate formal specifications of two lower ontology levels (patterns and organization) to the upper level (implementation according to the OKI specification).
Document en què es proposen una sèrie d'activitats pràctiques ordenades i agrupades en sessions, per tal de treballar la creativitat i la improvisació musical amb els alumnes de secundària.