37 resultados para Musculoskeletal manipulations


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El artículo describe los efectos de las aceleraciones positivas (+Gz) sobre el organismohumano. Se consideran los factores determinantes de las aceleraciones: intensidad, velocidad de comienzo, dirección y duración. La fisiopatología describe los factores hidrostáticos,hemodinámicos y de regulación refleja del aparato cardiocirculatorio. La exposición a +Gz produce reacciones adaptativas fisiológicas. Cuando éstas se superan, aparecen patologías de tipocardiocirculatorio, respiratorio, músculoesquelético, nervioso, sensorial,... Se describen los diferentes procedimientos y equipos específicos que protegen al piloto de los efectos de +Gz. Éstos incluyen las maniobras de contracción muscular, los trajes anti-G, los equipos de respiración a presión positiva, así como el entrenamiento en centrífuga.


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El tratamiento de las enfermedades reumáticas está condicionado por el hecho que, en su mayoría, son procesos de carácter crónico, y que salvo en contadas excepciones, como por ejemplo las artritis infecciosas, no existen tratamientos curativos. Por ello, el objetivo lógico de curar se debe de sustituir por aliviar y conservar.


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Objetivo: Describir la incidencia de la incapacidad temporal por contingencia común (ITcc) y profesional (ITcp) iniciada en 2009 en afiliados a la Seguridad Social (SS) que forman parte de la Muestra Continua de Vida Laboral.Métodos: Cohorte formada por 873.008 afiliados a la SS en España que registraron 163.008 episodios de IT con un tiempo acumulado total en riesgo de 675.923,6 trabajadores-año. Se estimó la tasa de incidencia de todos los primeros episodios de IT y por trastornos musculo-esqueléticos (TME) según variables demográficas y laborales. Posteriormente se calcularon las razones de tasas crudas (RTc) y ajustadas (RTa) mediante un modelo de regresión Poisson.Resultados: La incidencia de la ITcc e ITcp fue de 23,1 y 1,0 casos por 100 trabajadores-año, respectivamente. La incidencia por ITcc fue superior en mujeres, en menores de 26 años y en Navarra (32,8 casos por 100 trabajadores-año), y por ITcp las mayores incidencias se observaron en hombres y en Galicia. Por diagnóstico, los TME presentaron 424,7 casos y 3,6 casos por 10.000 trabajadores-año según contingencia común y profesional respectivamente. Por otra parte, los trabajadores temporales tuvieron más riesgo de desarrollar ITcp (RTa=1,09;IC95%=1,04-1,15) e ITcc (RTa=1,02;IC95%=1,01-1,03) respecto a los permanentes.Conclusiones: La incidencia de la IT sigue un mismo patrón según edad, régimen de afiliación y relación laboral. Por tipo de contingencia se observaron diferencias en la ocupación, sexo, tamaño de empresa, comunidad autónoma y actividad económica. Es necesario estudiar con más detenimiento las diferencias observadas por actividad económica y tipo de relación contractual.


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La simetria entre espatlles i l’alçada de les dues crestes ilíaques es perd quan es pateix escoliosi. Aquest empitjorament de la bona postura té conseqüències negatives per a la salut, especialment en el sistema musculoesquelètic. L’objecte principal d’aquest treball és avaluar l’impacte d’un programa d’activitat física basat en la combinació dels mètodes “Klapp” i l’“Stretching Global Actiu” sobre la postura en bipedestació de persones adultes que pateixen escoliosi idiopàtica. L’aplicació d’ambdós mètodes de forma individual no obtenen millores en aquests paràmetres en persones adultes, però en canvi en nens i nenes sí. El treball és un estudi experimental en el qual es va assignar un subjecte al grup intervenció i un subjecte al grup control. El subjecte del grup intervenció va realitzar un programa de 20 sessions de 45 – 60 minuts de treball amb aquests dos mètodes de treball físic. El subjecte del grup control va seguir la seva activitat habitual. Abans i després de la intervenció, es varen mesurar les variables dependents principals i secundaries respectivament. Els resultats obtinguts han revelat una petita millora en la simetria de les espatlles (+0,2 cms.) en el grup intervenció però no en la simetria de l’altura de les crestes ilíaques. El grup control no ha presentat canvis. Per tant, podem dir que és útil utilitzar la combinació dels dos mètodes físics per a millorar la postura en persones adultes que pateixen escoliosi idiopàtica.


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Background PPP1R6 is a protein phosphatase 1 glycogen-targeting subunit (PP1-GTS) abundant in skeletal muscle with an undefined metabolic control role. Here PPP1R6 effects on myotube glycogen metabolism, particle size and subcellular distribution are examined and compared with PPP1R3C/PTG and PPP1R3A/GM. Results PPP1R6 overexpression activates glycogen synthase (GS), reduces its phosphorylation at Ser-641/0 and increases the extracted and cytochemically-stained glycogen content, less than PTG but more than GM. PPP1R6 does not change glycogen phosphorylase activity. All tested PP1-GTS-cells have more glycogen particles than controls as found by electron microscopy of myotube sections. Glycogen particle size is distributed for all cell-types in a continuous range, but PPP1R6 forms smaller particles (mean diameter 14.4 nm) than PTG (36.9 nm) and GM (28.3 nm) or those in control cells (29.2 nm). Both PPP1R6- and GM-derived glycogen particles are in cytosol associated with cellular structures; PTG-derived glycogen is found in membrane- and organelle-devoid cytosolic glycogen-rich areas; and glycogen particles are dispersed in the cytosol in control cells. A tagged PPP1R6 protein at the C-terminus with EGFP shows a diffuse cytosol pattern in glucose-replete and -depleted cells and a punctuate pattern surrounding the nucleus in glucose-depleted cells, which colocates with RFP tagged with the Golgi targeting domain of β-1,4-galactosyltransferase, according to a computational prediction for PPP1R6 Golgi location. Conclusions PPP1R6 exerts a powerful glycogenic effect in cultured muscle cells, more than GM and less than PTG. PPP1R6 protein translocates from a Golgi to cytosolic location in response to glucose. The molecular size and subcellular location of myotube glycogen particles is determined by the PPP1R6, PTG and GM scaffolding.


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What does it feel like to own, to control, and to be inside a body? The multidimensional nature of this experience together with the continuous presence of one's biological body, render both theoretical and experimental approaches problematic. Nevertheless, exploitation of immersive virtual reality has allowed a reframing of this question to whether it is possible to experience the same sensations towards a virtual body inside an immersive virtual environment as toward the biological body, and if so, to what extent. The current paper addresses these issues by referring to the Sense of Embodiment (SoE). Due to the conceptual confusion around this sense, we provide a working definition which states that SoE consists of three subcomponents: the sense of self-location, the sense of agency, and the sense of body ownership. Under this proposed structure, measures and experimental manipulations reported in the literature are reviewed and related challenges are outlined. Finally, future experimental studies are proposed to overcome those challenges, toward deepening the concept of SoE and enhancing it in virtual applications.


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The most common types of orofacial pain originate at the dental or periodontal level or in the musculoskeletal structures. However, the patient may present pain in this region even though the source is located elsewhere in the body. One possible source of heterotopic pain is of cardiac origin. Objectives: Report two cases of orofacial pain of cardiac origin and review the clinical cases described in the literature. Study Design: Description of clinical cases and review of clinical cases. Results and conclusions: Nine cases of atypical pain of cardiac origin are recorded, which include 5 females and 4 males. In craniofacial structures, pain of cardiac origin is usually bilateral. At the craniofacial level, the most frequent location described is in the throat and jaw. Pain of cardiac origin is considered atypical due to its location, although roughly 10% of the cases of cardiac ischemia manifest primarily in craniofacial structures. Finally, the differential diagnosis of pain of odontogenic origin must be taken into account with pain of non-odontogenic origin (muscle, psychogenic, neuronal, cardiac, sinus and neurovascular pain) in order to avoid diagnostic errors in the dental practice as well as unnecessary treatments.


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Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is an inflammatory process of the lung inducing persistent airflow limitation. Extensive systemic effects, such as skeletal muscle dysfunction, often characterize these patients and severely limit life expectancy. Despite considerable research efforts, the molecular basis of muscle degeneration in COPD is still a matter of intense debate. In this study, we have applied a network biology approach to model the relationship between muscle molecular and physiological response to training and systemic inflammatory mediators. Our model shows that failure to co- ordinately activate expression of several tissue remodelling and bioenergetics pathways is a specific landmark of COPD diseased muscles. Our findings also suggest that this phenomenon may be linked to an abnormal expression of a number of histone modifiers, which we discovered correlate with oxygen utilization. These observations raised the interesting possibility that cell hypoxia may be a key factor driving skeletal muscle degeneration in COPD patients.


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Hemoglobin (Hb) has been proposed to be a major pro-oxidant in raw and cooked meats. To understand the mechanisms and differentiate between the pro-oxidant and antioxidant potential of oxyhemoglobin (OxyHb) and methemoglobin (MetHb), their pro-oxidant activity, protein solubility, radical scavenging capacity, iron content and contribution of non-chelatable iron on lipid oxidation were determined as a function of thermal treatments. The ability of native OxyHb and MetHb to promote lipid oxidation was similar and higher than their corresponding OxyHb or MetHb heated at 68 and 90 degrees C but not different from those at 45 degrees C. The pro-oxidant activity of MetHb heated at 68 and 90 degrees C were similar whereas the pro-oxidant activity of OxyHb heated at 68 degrees C was higher than that heated at 90 degrees C. The decreased pro-oxidant activity of heat-denatured Hb was associated with a decrease in the solubility of heme iron while free iron showed little impact on the lipid oxidation.


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This study analyzes the capillarity and fibre-type distribution of six locomotory muscles of gulls. The morphological basis and the oxygen supply characteristics of the skeletal muscle of a species with a marked pattern of gliding flight are established, thus contributing to a better understanding of the physiology of a kind of flight with low energetic requirements. The four wing muscles studied (scapulotriceps, pectoralis, scapulohumeralis, and extensor metacarpi) exhibited higher percentages of fast oxidative glycolytic fibres (>70%) and lower percentages of slow oxidative fibres (<16%) than the muscles involved in nonflight locomotion (gastrocnemius and iliotibialis). Capillary densities ranged from 816 to 1,233 capillaries mm(-2), having the highest value in the pectoralis. In this muscle, the fast oxidative glycolytic fibres had moderate staining for succinate dehydrogenase and relatively large fibre sizes, as deduced from the low fibre densities (589-665 fibres mm(-2)). All these findings are seen as an adaptive response for gliding, when the wing is held outstretched by isometric contractions. The leg muscles studied included a considerable population of slow oxidative fibres (>14% in many regions), which suggests that they are adapted to postural activities. Regional variations in the relative distributions of fibre types in muscle gastrocnemius may reflect different functional demands placed on this muscle during terrestrial and aquatic locomotion. The predominance of oxidative fibres and capillary densities under 1,000 capillaries mm(-2) in leg muscles is probably a consequence of an adaptation for slow swimming and maintenance of the posture on land rather than for other locomotory capabilities, such as endurance or sprint activities.