41 resultados para Municipalidad de Flores


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Multiplier analysis based upon the information contained in Leontief's inverse is undoubtedly part of the core of the input-output methodology and numerous applications an extensions have been developed that exploit its informational content. Nonetheless there are some implicit theoretical assumptions whose implications have perhaps not been fully assessed. This is the case of the 'excess capacity' assumption. Because of this assumption resources are available as needed to adjust production to new equilibrium states. In real world applications, however, new resources are scarce and costly. Supply constraints kick in and hence resource allocation needs to take them into account to really assess the effect of government policies. Using a closed general equilibrium model that incorporates supply constraints, we perform some simple numerical exercises and proceed to derive a 'constrained' multiplier matrix that can be compared with the standard 'unrestricted' multiplier matrix. Results show that the effectiveness of expenditure policies hinges critically on whether or not supply constraints are considered.


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Nowadays, many of the health care systems are large and complex environments and quite dynamic, specifically Emergency Departments, EDs. It is opened and working 24 hours per day throughout the year with limited resources, whereas it is overcrowded. Thus, is mandatory to simulate EDs to improve qualitatively and quantitatively their performance. This improvement can be achieved modelling and simulating EDs using Agent-Based Model, ABM and optimising many different staff scenarios. This work optimises the staff configuration of an ED. In order to do optimisation, objective functions to minimise or maximise have to be set. One of those objective functions is to find the best or optimum staff configuration that minimise patient waiting time. The staff configuration comprises: doctors, triage nurses, and admissions, the amount and sort of them. Staff configuration is a combinatorial problem, that can take a lot of time to be solved. HPC is used to run the experiments, and encouraging results were obtained. However, even with the basic ED used in this work the search space is very large, thus, when the problem size increases, it is going to need more resources of processing in order to obtain results in an acceptable time.


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Network airlines have been increasingly focusing their operations on hub airports through the exploitation of connecting traffic, allowing them to take advantage of economies of traffic density, which are unequivocal in the airline industry. Less attention has been devoted to airlines? decisions on point-to-point thin routes, which could be served using different aircraft technologies and different business models. This paper examines, both theoretically and empirically, the impact on airlines ?networks of the two major innovations in the airline industry in the last two decades: the regional jet technology and the low-cost business model. We show that, under certain circumstances, direct services on point-to-point thin routes can be viable and thus airlines may be interested in deviating passengers out of the hub.


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En este proyecto se realiza el estudio de la organización de una empresa con el fin de encontrar los requerimientos de esta, posteriormente se realiza un estudio de tres sistemas ERP para acabar encontrando la solución que mejor se adapta a las necesidades de la empresa.


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Aquest projecte es centra en l’àmbit de l’automoció, i la seva finalitat es ampliar la informació que proporciona el fabricant d’un vehicle als usuaris. Un dels punts claus del sistema es que aquest quedi completament integrat, per tant, utilitza dispositius externs inclosos al vehicle com ara el display que anteriorment s’utilitzava per a mostrar informació del radiocasset, i una maneta amb dos botons utilitzada per al control del sistema. El sistema mostra diferents tipus d’informació com ara la velocitat instantània del vehicle, revolucions del motor, velocitat màxima, distància parcial recorreguda, hora i data. A més de mostrar informació, aquest es capaç d’emmagatzemar-la en un suport extraïble per a una posterior explotació a un ordinador convencional. El sistema no està pensat per a ser un projecte tancat, sinó que esta dissenyat per a ser ampliat en quant a funcionalitats, i per tant aquest projecte es considera una primera versió.


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This paper studies endogenous mergers of complements with mixed bundling, by allowing both for joint and separate consumption. After merger, partner fi…rms decrease the price of the bundled system. Besides, when markets for individual components are suffi…ciently important, partner …firms raise prices of stand-alone products, exploiting their monopoly power in local markets and making substitute 'mix-and-match' composite products less attractive to consumers. Even though these effects favor the pro…fitability of mergers, merging is not always an equilibrium outcome. The reason is that outsiders respond by cutting their prices to retain their market share, and mergers can be unprofitable when competition is intense. From a welfare analysis, we observe that the number of mergers observed in equilibrium may be either excessive (when markets for individual components are important) or suboptimal (when markets for individual components are less important). Keywords: complements; merger; mixed bundling; separate consumption JEL classi…fication: L13; L41; D43


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Network airlines have been increasingly focusing their operations on hub airports through the exploitation of connecting traffic, allowing them to take advantage of economies of traffic density, which are unequivocal in the airline industry. Less attention has been devoted to airlines' decisions on point-to-point thin routes, which could be served using different aircraft technologies and different business models. This paper examines, both theoretically and empirically, the impact on airlines' networks of the two major innovations in the airline industry in the last two decades: the regional jet technology and the low-cost business model. We show that, under certain circumstances, direct services on point-to-point thin routes can be viable and thus airlines may be interested in deviating passengers out of the hub. Keywords: regional jet technology; low-cost business model; point-to-point network; hub-and-spoke network JEL Classi…fication Numbers: L13; L2; L93


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We investigate the determinants of teamwork and workers cooperation within the firm. Up to now the literature has almost exclusively focused on workers incentives as the main determinants for workers cooperation. We take a broader look at the firm's organizational design and analyze the impact that different aspects of it might have on cooperation. In particular, we consider the way in which the degree of decentralization of decisions and the use of complementary HRM practices (what we call the .rm.s vertical organizational design) can affect workers'collaboration with each other. We test the model's predictions on a unique dataset on Spanish small and medium size firms containing a rich set of variables that allows us to use sensible proxies for workers cooperation. We find that the decentralization of labor decisions (and to a less extent that of task planning) has a positive impact on workers cooperation. Likewise, cooperation is positively correlated to many of the HRM practices that seem to favor workers'interaction the most. We also confirm the previous finding that collaborative efforts respond positively to pay incentives, and particularly, to group or company incentives.


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An examination of the impact in the US and EU markets of two major innovations in the provision of air services on thin routes - regional jet technology and the low-cost business model - reveals significant differences. In the US, regional airlines monopolize a high proportion of thin routes, whereas low-cost carriers are dominant on these routes in Europe. Our results have different implications for business and leisure travelers, given that regional services provide a higher frequency of flights (at the expense of higher fares), while low-cost services offer lower fares (at the expense of lower flight frequencies). Keywords: air transportation; regional jet technology; low-cost business model; thin markets. JEL Classification Numbers: L13; L2; L93.


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This paper examines the conditions allowing the formation of aeropolitan areas as large industrial areas with a high concentration of commercial activities in the proximity of selected airports. We assume that firms deliver their production by plane and land competition takes place among service operators, firms and farmers. Service operators supply facilities that firms can absorb. Our framework identifies a unique land equilibrium characterized by the spatial sequence Airport - Industrial park - Rural area (A-I-R). Aerotropolis-type configurations are associated with the level of transport costs and the degree of intensity of facilities. Keywords: aerotropolis; facilities; bid-rent function. JEL Classification Numbers: L29; L90; R14.


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: La elección del tratamiento adecuado para la estenosis aterosclerótica de arterias renales es controvertida. Los ensayos clínicos recientes demuestran que los resultados de la revascularización y el tratamiento farmacológico no son superiores a los del tratamiento con fármacos únicamente por lo que al final de un seguimiento promedio de 4 años, en 49 pacientes en el Servicio de Nefrología del Hospital Valle de Hebrón se consigue una estabilización de la función renal. A pesar de esta buena evolución la mortalidad global y las complicaciones CV siguen siendo muy elevadas.


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Estudi detallat del framework JavaServer Faces (d'ara endavant, JSF's) per al desenvolupament de aplicacions web, i mostra com integrar amb altres marcs de treball, específicament, Spring i JPA. Per a això, crearem l'aplicació Web onLineStore, un sistema de catàleg de productes en línia.


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La bomba atòmica "representa la perfección del hombre por su parte 'malvada'. Ya no podemos ser más malvados, inteligentes y defensivos" (Sloterdijk, P.; 2003. p. 218 ). Aquesta és la reflexió de Peter Sloterdijk sobre la humanitat que ha provocat aquesta barbàrie, sent conscient que aquesta no pot ser més maligna ni provocar més dolor, després de destruir conscientment una ciutat sencera junt amb els seus habitants innocents. Però com es van sentir els hibakusha, supervivents de l'atac nuclear, i a què van quedar reduïts els ciutadans d'Hiroshima i de Nagasaki, havent patit aquesta maldat en la pròpia pell? Després d'aquesta tragèdia, molts d'aquells que van sobreviure van decidir explicar la seva experiència, donant lloc al conegut com genbaku bungaku o literatura de les bombes atòmiques. En aquest estudi hem escollit dues de les obres més importants del gènere per tal d'analitzar com aquesta vivència va afectar a les seves víctimes. En primer lloc, hem analitzat Flors d'Estiu, de Tamiki Hara, primer relat en ser publicat que, en poc més de vint pàgines, descriu l'infern viscut pel propi autor i com aquesta visió de l'apocalipsi i el sofriment absolut el va marca per sempre més. En segon lloc, hem analitzat Pluja Negra, escrita per Mabusi Ibuse, autor que, tot i no haver sigut testimoni directe de la tragèdia, va aconseguir copsar el sentiment dels hibakusha, escribint una de les millors novel·les del gènere. Per tal d'estudiar les obres hem seguit un camí del general al particular. Analitzant el context històric, ens hem pogut fer una idea de què va significar la postguerra, des de la política sota la guia nord-americana a la reconstrucció econòmica i també una societat que, perdent-ho gairebé tot, va haver de tornar a començar. Després, hem volgut endinsar-nos en la literatura del període, analitzant, junt amb el propi genbaku bungaku, dos dels gèneres més importants, el burai ha o escola decadent, i el nikutai bunaku o literatura de la carn. Finalment, hem analitzat les pròpies obres, veient com els textos es veuen impregnats de tristesa i confusió. Després de veure com tota la seva vida s'esmicolava en qüestió de segons, els protagonistes d'aquests dos textos queden totalment desolats, veient com ho han perdut tot, des de la seva identitat fins la seva esperança en la pròpia humanitat.


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Descripció de les pràctiques de pedagogia i entrevistes realitzades a l’IES Montilivi. L’objectiu és donar eines als professors per poder atendre als alumnes nouvinguts a l’aula ordinària. S’ha detectat que els professors necessiten l’aula d’acollida per a poder derivar alumnes nouvinguts perquè no tenen recursos per ajudar-los dins l’aula. En conseqüència, l’autora ha planificat una acció formativa dirigida als professors del centre, per a conscienciar-los sobre la necessitat d’impulsar nous corrents adaptats a la societat actual, com ara l’educació intercultural i inclusiva


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Estudi dels paràmetres més rellevants en la creació d'una empresa agropecuària (identificació del projecte, equip fundador, anàlisi del mercat, pla de marqueting, pla d'organització, pla jurídic - fiscal i pla econòmic- financer per tal de valorar la viabilitat de l'empresa "Xai pigallat" de Ridaura (La Garrotxa)