27 resultados para Modern -- 20th century -- History
Hacia fines del siglo XX, en Latinoamérica se publica una gran producción de novelas calificadas como históricas, notable cuantitativa y cualitativamente. Sus novedosas propuestas y las diferencias que guarda respecto a las características tradicionales del género, provocan un cuestionamiento crítico respecto a la categoría de novela histórica. En general, las producciones recientes problematizan las posibilidades del conocimiento histórico, como también las posibilidades del lenguaje para expresar ese conocimiento. Además, contienen una fuerte crítica hacia el discurso historiográfico oficial y recurren a la historia, no como producto acabado o dato, sino como procedimiento narrativo y cognoscitivo. Esto les permite trascender la referencia histórica local –sin excluirla – para remitir de manera más amplia a la historiografía y a la historia como portadores de la verdad sobre el pasado. La investigación analiza un corpus de novelas argentinas de finales del siglo pasado indagando los conceptos de historia y ficción propuestos por los textos.
Treball de recerca realitzat per una alumna d'ensenyament secundari i guardonat amb un Premi CIRIT per fomentar l'esperit científic del Jovent l'any 2009. El treball té com a objecte de recerca un habitatge del municipi de la Selva del Camp. Aquest, es centra tant en els aspectes artístics i decoratius, com en l’anàlisi de l’evolució patrimonial i l’ús social de l’edifici entre els segles XVIII-XX. En la recerca s’ha analitzat, per una banda, el procés de transformació de l’edifici des de l’any 1749 i els elements artístics que encara s’hi conserven com pintures neoclàssiques, treballs de ferro forjat, etc., els quals fan que sigui una de les cases més emblemàtiques del Carrer Major de la Selva. D’altra banda, s’ha indagat en les diferents generacions que, des de mitjan segle XVIII, n’han tingut la propietat i el paper que aquestes famílies han jugat dins la societat selvatana. La casa, en aquests anys, ha pertanyut a dues famílies i al Sindicat Agrícola. La primera, els Fortuny, terratinents i amb càrrecs al govern municipal; l'altra, els Carnicer, comerciants d'avellanes dels quals jo en sóc descendent. De 1910 a 1920 la casa fou al seu del Sindicat Agrícola i a partir de textos de Puig i Ferreter s’ha pogut descriure l’ambient que s'hi vivia i les activitats que s’hi duien a terme. Alhora, el fet d’analitzar les diferents funcions que l’edifici ha tingut al llarg d’aquests anys (residència familiar, corredoria de comerç, premsa d’oli, seu del Centre Republicà o del Sindicat Agrícola) ha permès explicar la història de la vila de la Selva a partir de la d’aquest edifici.
Estudi de la importància que va tenir el vidre bufat a Vimbodí en la primera meitat del segle XX, tant en l'aspecte econòmic com en el social. Es fa un petit recorregut sobre la història del vidre i el Museu del Vidre de Vimbodí.
Estudi comparatiu de les dues traduccions catalanes publicades de David Copperfield de Charles Dickens. La primera de Josep Carner feta l’any 1930 però publicada el 1964 i la segona obra deJoan Sellent del 2003. L’anàlisi mostra que ambdues traduccions, excel·lents, reflecteixen una evolució singular i força accelerada del model de llengua que els traductors fan arribar al seu públic, que és reflex de la complexa història de la llengua catalana del segle xx, que encara s’had’escriure.
Throughout the 19th century and until the mid-20th century, in terms of long-terminvestment in human capital and, above all, in education, Spain lagged far behind theinternational standards and, more specifically, the levels attained by its neighbours inEurope. In 1900, only 55% of the population could read; in 1950, the figure was 93%.This no doubt contributed to a pattern of slower economic growth in which thephysical strength required for agricultural work, measured here through height, had alarger impact than education on economic growth. It was not until the 1970s, with thearrival of democracy, that the Spanish education system was modernized and theinfluence of education on economic growth increased.
This article aims to analyse the reasons for the intensive use of childlabour in the 19th century and its subsequent decline in the first thirdof the 20th century in the context of an economy with a highly flexiblelabour supply like that of Catalonia. During the second half of the 19thcentury,factors relating to family economies, such as numerous familiesand low wages for adults, along with the technologies of the time thatrequired manual labour resources, would appear to explain the intensiveuse of child labour to the detriment of schooling. The technologicalchanges that occurred during the first third of the 20th century, thedemographic transition and adult wage increase (for both men and women)explain the schooling of children up to the age of 15 and theconsequent practical abolition of child labour in that new era ofeconomic modernisation.
This brief essay reviews the macro framework of oil and economy in Mexicoin the early days of the oil industry, from 1900 to 1938. The first sectiondisplays the figures of production at the world level and shows how Mexicobecome a major oil producer in the 1920s. The second section look at theMexican economy of the first third of the century followed by a thirdsection on the importance of the oil sector in terms of trade and fiscalincome. The last section reviews the literature and the outlooks of thecontemporaries over the development of the oil industry in the early partof the 20th century. The paper will be of use for those producing in depthanalyses of the Mexican oil industry in this period.
Interdisciplinary frameworks for studying natural hazards and their temporal trends have an important potential in data generation for risk assessment, land use planning, and therefore the sustainable management of resources. This paper focuses on the adjustments required because of the wide variety of scientific fields involved in the reconstruction and characterisation of flood events for the past 1000 years. The aim of this paper is to describe various methodological aspects of the study of flood events in their historical dimension, including the critical evaluation of old documentary and instrumental sources, flood-event classification and hydraulic modelling, and homogeneity and quality control tests. Standardized criteria for flood classification have been defined and applied to the Isère and Drac floods in France, from 1600 to 1950, and to the Ter, the Llobregat and the Segre floods, in Spain, from 1300 to 1980. The analysis on the Drac and Isère data series from 1600 to the present day showed that extraordinary and catastrophic floods were not distributed uniformly in time. However, the largest floods (general catastrophic floods) were homogeneously distributed in time within the period 1600¿1900. No major flood occurred during the 20th century in these rivers. From 1300 to the present day, no homogeneous behaviour was observed for extraordinary floods in the Spanish rivers. The largest floods were uniformly distributed in time within the period 1300-1900, for the Segre and Ter rivers.
Floods are the natural hazards that produce the highest number of casualties and material damage in the Western Mediterranean. An improvement in flood risk assessment and study of a possible increase in flooding occurrence are therefore needed. To carry out these tasks it is important to have at our disposal extensive knowledge on historical floods and to find an efficient way to manage this geographical data. In this paper we present a complete flood database spanning the 20th century for the whole of Catalonia (NE Spain), which includes documentary information (affected areas and damage) and instrumental information (meteorological and hydrological records). This geodatabase, named Inungama, has been implemented on a GIS (Geographical Information System) in order to display all the information within a given geographical scenario, as well as to carry out an analysis thereof using queries, overlays and calculus. Following a description of the type and amount of information stored in the database and the structure of the information system, the first applications of Inungama are presented. The geographical distribution of floods shows the localities which are more likely to be flooded, confirming that the most affected municipalities are the most densely populated ones in coastal areas. Regarding the existence of an increase in flooding occurrence, a temporal analysis has been carried out, showing a steady increase over the last 30 years.
En aquest treball s'investiga, a través de l'obra d'Alphonse Mucha com autor paradigmàtic de l'Art Nouveau en el context geogràfic del París de finals del segle XIX i principis del XX, la possible influència de la publicitat en la difusió i consolidació de les creences i valors dels grups socials més ben posicionats, i molt especialment en el cas de la dona, ja que l'obra de Mucha està centrada bàsicament en la figura femenina. Així mateix, també es busca esbrinar la intervenció d'aquests grups en la creació d'un camp artístic que alhora faria possible la contemplació estètica de l'anunci comercial, i que esdevindria un element més d'aquesta moderna cultura, capitalista i urbana, de grans transformacions i avenços tecnològics, i que des d'una òptica crítica com la de l'Escola de Frankfurt, estaria 'cosificant' l'individu en nom de la ciència i el progrés, des del moment en què aquest quedaria condemnat al consum il·limitat per tal de satisfer un desig insaciable: l'afany d'emulació de la classe ociosa, o dit d'altra manera, d'aquella que el domina.
The aim of this study is to provide an effective and quick reference guide based on the most useful European formulae recently published for subadult age estimation. All of these formulae derive from studies on postnatal growth of the scapula, innominate, femur, and tibia, based on modern skeletal data (173 ♂, 173 ♀) from five documented collections from Spain, Portugal, and Britain. The formulae were calculated from Inverse Regression. For this reason, these formulae are especially useful for modern samples from Western Europe and in particular on 20th century human remains from the Iberian Peninsula. Eleven formulae were selected as the most useful because they can be applied to individuals from within a wide age range and in individuals of unknown sex. Due to their high reliability and because they derive from documented European skeletal samples, we recommend these formulae be used on individuals of Caucasoid ancestry from Western Europe.
A comparative study of the two published Catalan translations of Charles Dickens’ David Copperfield, the first translated by Josep Carner in 1930 but not published until 1964, and the second by Joan Sellent in 2003. The analysis shows that both translations, magnificent, reflect the unique evolution of the language model that the translators pass on to their readers, an evolution shaped by the complex history of the Catalan language in the 20th century, which is still to be written