29 resultados para Mockingbird Valley
BACKGROUND: CODIS-STRs in Native Mexican groups have rarely been analysed for human identification and anthropological purposes. AIM:To analyse the genetic relationships and population structure among three Native Mexican groups from Mesoamerica.SUBJECTS AND METHODS: 531 unrelated Native individuals from Mexico were PCR-typed for 15 and 9 autosomal STRs (Identifiler™ and Profiler™ kits, respectively), including five population samples: Purépechas (Mountain, Valley and Lake), Triquis and Yucatec Mayas. Previously published STR data were included in the analyses. RESULTS:Allele frequencies and statistical parameters of forensic importance were estimated by population. The majority of Native groups were not differentiated pairwise, excepting Triquis and Purépechas, which was attributable to their relative geographic and cultural isolation. Although Mayas, Triquis and Purépechas-Mountain presented the highest number of private alleles, suggesting recurrent gene flow, the elevated differentiation of Triquis indicates a different origin of this gene flow. Interestingly, Huastecos and Mayas were not differentiated, which is in agreement with the archaeological hypothesis that Huastecos represent an ancestral Maya group. Interpopulation variability was greater in Natives than in Mestizos, both significant.CONCLUSION: Although results suggest that European admixture has increased the similarity between Native Mexican groups, the differentiation and inconsistent clustering by language or geography stresses the importance of serial founder effect and/or genetic drift in showing their present genetic relationships.
Many authors have discussed a decline in internal labor markets and an apparent shift to a new employment contract, characterized by less commitment between employer and employee and more portable skills. These discussions occur without much evidence on what employment contract employees currently feel is fair. We perfomed quasi-experimental surveys to study when employees in the U.S. andCanada feel that layoffs are fair.Layoffs were perceived as more fair if they were due to lower product demand than if the result of employee suggestions. This result appears to be solely due to norms of reciprocity (companiesshould not punish employees for their efforts), rather than norms of sharing rents, as new technology was also considered a justification for layoffs.Consistent with theories of distributive and procedural equity, layoffs were perceived as more fair if the CEO voluntarily shared the pain. CEO bonuses due to layoffs lowered their reported fairness only slightly.Respondents in Silicon Valley were not more accepting of layoffsthan were those in Canada on average, although the justificationsconsidered valid differed slightly.
Descripció del volcà anomenat 'Palou' a 1Km. al Sud d' Amer
A series of circumstances which converge in a little valley in the province of Girona, result in a peculiar type of morphogenetic evolution and a quite singular mechanical instability of its buttons. Very recent tectonic movements as well as dissolution phenomena of its subsoil due to pressurized underground water have played an important role in the morphogenesis. Such conditions have resulted in a fast morphological evolution which a progressive lowering of the valley floor as well as peculiar morphological features which favour the existence of numerous pits caused by sudden collapses distributed in altitude and time
The influence of geomorphological and hydrologic conditions on travertine deposit formation has been studied in Cogolls Valley (Girona, Spain). Results indicate an evolutive sequence of the Quaternary materials, that is related to instabilities created by progresive changes into the valley system
Weather radar observations are currently the most reliable method for remote sensing of precipitation. However, a number of factors affect the quality of radar observations and may limit seriously automated quantitative applications of radar precipitation estimates such as those required in Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) data assimilation or in hydrological models. In this paper, a technique to correct two different problems typically present in radar data is presented and evaluated. The aspects dealt with are non-precipitating echoes - caused either by permanent ground clutter or by anomalous propagation of the radar beam (anaprop echoes) - and also topographical beam blockage. The correction technique is based in the computation of realistic beam propagation trajectories based upon recent radiosonde observations instead of assuming standard radio propagation conditions. The correction consists of three different steps: 1) calculation of a Dynamic Elevation Map which provides the minimum clutter-free antenna elevation for each pixel within the radar coverage; 2) correction for residual anaprop, checking the vertical reflectivity gradients within the radar volume; and 3) topographical beam blockage estimation and correction using a geometric optics approach. The technique is evaluated with four case studies in the region of the Po Valley (N Italy) using a C-band Doppler radar and a network of raingauges providing hourly precipitation measurements. The case studies cover different seasons, different radio propagation conditions and also stratiform and convective precipitation type events. After applying the proposed correction, a comparison of the radar precipitation estimates with raingauges indicates a general reduction in both the root mean squared error and the fractional error variance indicating the efficiency and robustness of the procedure. Moreover, the technique presented is not computationally expensive so it seems well suited to be implemented in an operational environment.
La Vallferrera es una cuenca que se encuentra en el Pirineo Occidental Catalán, limitando al E con Andorra. En ella se ha realizado un estudio de las características de las zonas de aludes, desde dos perspectivas (MASES, 1991): En primer lugar se efectúa una descripción y una clasificación de las diferentes morfologías de las zonas de aludes comparando su distribución con algunos parámetros intrínsecos de la cuenca (litología, relieve preexistente, etc.). Se ha observado que las diferentes morfologías de las zonas de aludes son producto de la adaptación de éstas al relieve glacial preexistente. En segundo lugar se entra en el análisis del riesgo geomorfológico que los aludes comportan en esta zona del Pirineo, identificando cuatro sectores donde el riesgo es alto debido a la interferencia de éstos con la estructura social.
sum tini Molero, Sáez and Villar-, altered by the presence of certain thermophilous coastal species, and finicolous and residual in character, are found in a few exceptional enclaves. Finally, stress is laid on the need to introduce suitable measures for the protection of certain places in the Range, particularly the residual woods of the northern slopes, in view of the exceptional interest of the flora and landscape. Key words: Flora, Vegetation, Chorology, Cormophytes, Sierra de Alcubierre, Monegros, Ebro valley, Spain.
Los montes de la Retuerta de Pina, situados en el corazón de los Monegros, entre Pina y Bujaraloz, constituyen una suave elevación que se alza ligeramente (417 m s.m. en Purburell) sobre la plataforma de Bujaraloz (300 m de altitud media). Información sobre los suelos, clima general y vegetación de este enclave puede encontrarse en los trabajos especializados de BRAUN BLANQUET & O. BOLOS (Anales Est. Exp. Aula Dei 5. 1957) y TERRADAS (Orsis 2: 71-95.1986). En las estribaciones septentrionales más abruptas de estos montes, se abren una serie de valles de dirección SE-NW, algunos con desniveles relativamente pronunciados (30-50 m) entre las crestas y los fondos. La maquia arbolada del Rhamno-Quercetum cocciferae subas, thuriferetosum está, en las vertientes de umbría, magníficamente representada. Su relativa frondosidad, así como el tamaño y buena conservación de los árboles /. thuriferay P. halepensis, atestiguan la escasa manipulación humana.
Artemisio annuae-Conietum maculati ass. nova is described from the lower valley of Llobregat and Besòs rivers. Communities of this association, which is included into the Silybo-Urticion Sissingh 1950 alliance, are hygronitrophilous meadows up to 3 m high and more than 80% of vegetation cover. They are commonly restricted to the river bed and are made up almost exclussively by therophytes and hemicryptophytes. However, the mostcharacteristic trend of these herbaceous communities is the abundance of neophytes, which stand for 20% of the species but close to 50% of vegetation cover. Several widespread neophytes such as Aster squamatus, Conyza spp., Xanthium spp. are commonly found in these communities, and other rare aliens such as Artemisia annua, Rumex cristatus and R. palustris have recently been recorded. Ecological implications of the neophyte abundance in these communities are discussed in relation to the role of human disturbance and population biology of alien species in general.
Brèves observations sur les diverses communautés herbacées calcicoles de l'étage montagnard et de la zone de transition au subalpin dans la Vall de Ribes et les contrées prochaines (Pyrénées orientales). Ces notes représentent le complément de celles publiées précédemment sur les pelouses subalpines calcicoles de Prépyrénées orientales (Pirineos 105, 1972).