34 resultados para Migrations
We develop a simple model where two technologies are available to produce the same good, and we study under what conditions both will be used. We use the model to analyze the consequences of the simultaneous use of two different technologies for the economic variables and economic growth. Finally, we explore how migrations of factors affect the technological change and the performance of the economy.
I would like to thank Pierre Moret for his praises -which I certainly do not deserve- as well as for his valuable comments and criticisms. An intellectual discussion with such a prominent scholar is a satisfying experience, even if I do not wholly agree with his opinions. His reactions are related to three different topics: the definition of the geographical area covered in my article; the role of population increase in social evolution and the role of migrations.
L’apport de cet article réside dans le concept de «laïcité multiculturelle». Dans les sociétés du XXIe siècle, ce concept représente un progrès vers une égalité de différences où toutes les croyances et religions seraient traitées de façon égalitaire. Le principe de laïcité a constitué un pas en avant vers une plus grande égalité des droits, en Europe la démarche a été au début du XXe siècle. Un siècle plus tard, l’impact sans précédents du phénomène international des migrations a rendu les sociétés européennes multiculturelles de nouveau. Dans ce nouveau cadre, la conception traditionnelle de la laïcité, au lieu d’assurer l’égalité des droits, est devenu un principe arbitraire nuisant, plus particulièr ement à la communauté musulmane. Pour surmonter le trait discriminatoire de la conception traditionnelle de laïcité envers certaines confessions, un nouveau concept s’ avère nécessaire, celui d’une «laïcité multiculturelle» fondée sur l’égalité de différences et le dialogue égalitaire entre les différentes cultures.
We present a model in which particles (or individuals of a biological population) disperse with a rest time between consecutive motions (or migrations) which may take several possible values from a discrete set. Particles (or individuals) may also react (or reproduce). We derive a new equation for the effective rest time T˜ of the random walk. Application to the neolithic transition in Europe makes it possible to derive more realistic theoretical values for its wavefront speed than those following from the single-delayed framework presented previously [J. Fort and V. Méndez, Phys. Rev. Lett. 82, 867 (1999)]. The new results are consistent with the archaeological observations of this important historical process
L"apport de cet article réside dans le concept de « laïcité multiculturelle ». Dans les sociétés du XXIe siècle, ce concept représente un progrès vers une égalité de différences où toutes les croyances et religions seraient traitées de façon égalitaire. Le principe de laïcité a constitué un pas en avant vers une plus grande égalité des droits, en Europe la démarche a été au début du XXe siècle. Un siècle plus tard, l"impact sans précédents du phénomène international des migrations a rendu les sociétés européennes multiculturelles de nouveau. Dans ce nouveau cadre, la conception traditionnelle de la laïcité, au lieu d"assurer l"égalité des droits, est devenu un principe arbitraire nuisant, plus particulièrement à la communauté musulmane. Pour surmonter le trait discriminatoire de la conception traditionnelle de laïcité envers certaines confessions, un nouveau concept s"avère nécessaire, celui d"une « laïcité multiculturelle » fondée sur l"égalité de différences et le dialogue égalitaire entre les différentes cultures.
Spermatological characters of the liver fluke Mediogonimus jourdanei Mas-Coma et Rocamora, 1978 were studied by means of transmission and scanning electron microscopy. Spermiogenesis begins with the formation of the differentiation zone containing two centrioles associated with striated rootlets and an intercentriolar body. These two centrioles originate two free flagella that undergo a 90 degrees rotation before fusing with the median cytoplasmic process. Both nuclear and mitochondrial migrations toward the median cytoplasmic process occur before the proximodistal fusion of flagella. Finally, the constriction of the ring of arched membranes gives rise to the young spermatozoon. The mature sperm of M. jourdanei measures about 260 microm and presents two axonemes of different lengths with the typical pattern of the Trepaxonemata, two bundles of parallel cortical microtubules, one mitochondrion, a nucleus and granules of glycogen. An analysis of all the microphalloidean species studied to date emphasised some differences in certain characters found in Maritrema linguilla Jägerskiöld, 1908 and Ganeo tigrinum Mehra et Negi, 1928 in comparison to those in the remaining microphalloideans. The presence and variability of such ultrastructural characters according to family, superfamily or order have led several authors to propose their use in the analysis of trematode relationships and phylogeny. Therefore, apart from producing new data on the family Prosthogonimidae, the present study also compares the spermatological organization of M jourdanei with other available ultrastructural studies focusing on the Microphalloidea.
Des dels inicis de l'ocupació francesa d'Algèria, a les acaballes de la primera meitat del segle XIX, un gran nombre de valencians, menorquins, andalusos i murcians, fugint de la misèria i de la fam o com a conseqüència de la inestabilitat política i social d'Espanya, es dirigiren al país magrebí a la cerca d'una vida millor. Aquesta migració es perllongà al llarg de més d'un segle, i es va caracteritzar pel seu dinamisme: un flux continu d'entrades i eixides i una gran heterogeneïtat de procedències. L'amalgama creada a l'Algèria colonial amb la coexistència i interacció de diferents realitats culturals, donà lloc a un nou sentiment d'identitat dins la comunitat d'origen europeu, impulsat per una solidaritat espontània dirigida a assolir una estabilitat econòmica i de subsistència, però també per un esforç polític premeditat de l'administració colonial francesa adreçat a cohesionar, mitjançant la francització, els europeus i jueus del país nord-africà
Els països més petits d’Europa han transformat les seves bases econòmiques emparats en les possibilitats que els oferia el seu fet diferencial. La consecució d’una economia bàsicament terciària s’ha acompanyat d’un canvi en les funcions territorials i, especialment, d’un augment important de la població, de manera que han passat de ser societats emissores a ser societats receptores pel que fa als moviments migratoris. La composició de la població segons el seu origen mostra que aquestes societats tenen uns percentatges d’immigrants superiors al 60% en dos dels casos, i molt superior al 10% en la resta. Avui, els microestats europeus són l’expressió moderna de la ciutat estat d’altres èpoques, però, a més, s’han convertit en veritables societats multiculturals a les portes del segle XXI.
Spermatological characters of the liver fluke Mediogonimus jourdanei Mas-Coma et Rocamora, 1978 were studied by means of transmission and scanning electron microscopy. Spermiogenesis begins with the formation of the differentiation zone containing two centrioles associated with striated rootlets and an intercentriolar body. These two centrioles originate two free flagella that undergo a 90 degrees rotation before fusing with the median cytoplasmic process. Both nuclear and mitochondrial migrations toward the median cytoplasmic process occur before the proximodistal fusion of flagella. Finally, the constriction of the ring of arched membranes gives rise to the young spermatozoon. The mature sperm of M. jourdanei measures about 260 microm and presents two axonemes of different lengths with the typical pattern of the Trepaxonemata, two bundles of parallel cortical microtubules, one mitochondrion, a nucleus and granules of glycogen. An analysis of all the microphalloidean species studied to date emphasised some differences in certain characters found in Maritrema linguilla Jägerskiöld, 1908 and Ganeo tigrinum Mehra et Negi, 1928 in comparison to those in the remaining microphalloideans. The presence and variability of such ultrastructural characters according to family, superfamily or order have led several authors to propose their use in the analysis of trematode relationships and phylogeny. Therefore, apart from producing new data on the family Prosthogonimidae, the present study also compares the spermatological organization of M jourdanei with other available ultrastructural studies focusing on the Microphalloidea.
Spermiogenesis in Robphildollfusium fractum begins with the formation of a differentiation zone containing: two centrioles, each bearing striated rootlets, nucleus, several mitochondria and an intercentriolar body constituted by seven electron-dense layers. The two centrioles originate two free flagella growing orthogonally to the median cytoplasmic process. Later, the free flagella rotate and undergo proximodistal fusion with the median cytoplasmic process. Nuclear and mitochondrial migrations occur before this proximodistal fusion. Finally, the young spermatozoon detaches from the residual cytoplasm after the constriction of the ring of arched membranes. The spermatozoon of R. fractum exhibits two axonemes of different length of the 9 +"1" trepaxonematan pattern, nucleus, two mitochondria, two bundles of parallel cortical microtubules, external ornamentation of the plasma membrane, spine-like bodies and granules of glycogen. Additionally, a shorter axoneme, which does not reach the nuclear region, the presence of an electron-dense material in the anterior spermatozoon extremity and the morphologies of both spermatozoon extremities characterize the mature sperm of R. fractum.
Spermiogenesis in Robphildollfusium fractum begins with the formation of a differentiation zone containing: two centrioles, each bearing striated rootlets, nucleus, several mitochondria and an intercentriolar body constituted by seven electron-dense layers. The two centrioles originate two free flagella growing orthogonally to the median cytoplasmic process. Later, the free flagella rotate and undergo proximodistal fusion with the median cytoplasmic process. Nuclear and mitochondrial migrations occur before this proximodistal fusion. Finally, the young spermatozoon detaches from the residual cytoplasm after the constriction of the ring of arched membranes. The spermatozoon of R. fractum exhibits two axonemes of different length of the 9 +"1" trepaxonematan pattern, nucleus, two mitochondria, two bundles of parallel cortical microtubules, external ornamentation of the plasma membrane, spine-like bodies and granules of glycogen. Additionally, a shorter axoneme, which does not reach the nuclear region, the presence of an electron-dense material in the anterior spermatozoon extremity and the morphologies of both spermatozoon extremities characterize the mature sperm of R. fractum.
Twenty Audouin´s gulls, Larus audouinii, breeding in the Ebro Delta (NW Mediterranean) were radio-tracked in 1998 to study their foraging behaviour and activity patterns. Some detrimental effects of tagging on the breeding success of the birds were detected, especially when both members of the pair were tagged. The results were actually constrained by the low number of locations due to natural breeding failure and failure in tag emission, as well as the adverse effect of tagging. However, through a combination of aircraft surveys at sea and a fixed station for automatic tracking of the presence of the birds at the colony, novel individual-based information of home ranges and activity patterns was obtained. Trawler fishing activity seemed to influence both the foraging range and habitat use: while trawlers operated, gulls overlapped their fishing grounds with vessels, probably to scavenge on discards. Very few locations were obtained during a trawling moratorium period, although they were all recorded in coastal bays and terrestrial habitats. During the trawling activity period, gulls ranged over a minimum convex polygon area of 2900 km2. Gulls were tracked up to 40 km from the colony, but some individuals were observed beyond 150 km while still breeding. Arrivals and departures from the colony were in accordance with the trawling timetable. However, most birds also showed some nocturnal foraging activity, probably linked to active fishing of clupeoids (following diel migrations) or to the exploitation of purse-seine fishing activity. Foraging trips lasted on average 15 hours: males performed significantly shorter trips than females, which spent more time outside the colony. The proportion of nocturnal time involved in the foraging trips was the same for males and females, but whilst all males initiated their trips both during the day and at night, some females only initiated their trips during the day. Hatching success was found to be related to foraging effort by males. Gulls spent on average ca. 38% of their time budget outside the nesting territory, representing the time devoted mainly to flying, foraging and other activities.
Global wind patterns influence dispersal and migration processes of aerial organisms, propagules and particles, which ultimately could determine the dynamics of colonizations, invasions or spread of pathogens. However, studying how wind-mediated movements actually happen has been hampered so far by the lack of high resolution global wind data as well as the impossibility to track aerial movements. Using concurrent data on winds and actual pathways of a tracked seabird, here we show that oceanic winds define spatiotemporal pathways and barriers for large-scale aerial movements. We obtained wind data from NASA SeaWinds scatterometer to calculate wind cost (impedance) models reflecting the resistance to the aerial movement near the ocean surface. We also tracked the movements of a model organism, the Cory's shearwater (Calonectris diomedea), a pelagic bird known to perform long distance migrations. Cost models revealed that distant areas can be connected through"wind highways" that do not match the shortest great circle routes. Bird routes closely followed the low-cost"wind-highways" linking breeding and wintering areas. In addition, we found that a potential barrier, the near surface westerlies in the Atlantic sector of the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ), temporally hindered meridional trans-equatorial movements. Once the westerlies vanished, birds crossed the ITCZ to their winter quarters. This study provides a novel approach to investigate wind-mediated movements in oceanic environments and shows that large-scale migration and dispersal processes over the oceans can be largely driven by spatiotemporal wind patterns.
One of the main findings derived from the analysis of the Neandertal genome was the evidence for admixture between Neandertals and non-African modern humans. An alternative scenario is that the ancestral population of non-Africans was closer to Neandertals than to Africans because of ancient population substructure. Thus, the study of North African populations is crucial for testing both hypotheses. We analyzed a total of 780,000 SNPs in 125 individuals representing seven different North African locations and searched for their ancestral/derived state in comparison to different human populations and Neandertals. We found that North African populations have a significant excess of derived alleles shared with Neandertals, when compared to sub-Saharan Africans. This excess is similar to that found in non-African humans, a fact that can be interpreted as a sign of Neandertal admixture. Furthermore, the Neandertal's genetic signal is higher in populations with a local, pre-Neolithic North African ancestry. Therefore, the detected ancient admixture is not due to recent Near Eastern or European migrations. Sub-Saharan populations are the only ones not affected by the admixture event with Neandertals.