38 resultados para Metro de Medellín (Antioquia, Colombia) - Fotografías


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Contextual effects on child health have been investigated extensively in previous research. However, few studies have considered the interplay between community characteristics and individual-level variables. This study examines the influence of community education and family socioeconomic characteristics on child health (as measured by height and weight-for-age Z-scores), as well as their interactions. We adapted the Commission on Social Determinants of Health (CSDH) framework to the context of child health. Using data from the 2010 Colombian Demographic and Health Survey (DHS), weighted multilevel models are fitted since the data are not self-weighting. The results show a positive impact of the level of education of other women in the community on child health, even after controlling for individual and family socioeconomic characteristics. Different pathways through which community education can substitute for the effect of family characteristics on child nutrition are found. The interaction terms highlight the importance of community education as a moderator of the impact of the mother’s own education and autonomy, on child health. In addition, the results reveal differences between height and weight-for-age indicators in their responsiveness to individual and contextual factors. Our findings suggest that community intervention programmes may have differential effects on child health. Therefore, their identification can contribute to a better targeting of child care policies.


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El siguiente proyecto está centrado en el desarrollo de un ambient display para noticias situado en los vagones del Metro de Barcelona y cuya finalidad es establecer una nueva manera de hacer llegar información a la gente que se encuentra en espacios públicos, sin que se requiera de su total atención para ello. El proyecto cubre la concepción de la idea, la extracción de los requerimientos, así como la implementación y evaluación de un prototipo funcional.Los principales retos de este proyecto son comprender las características del entorno de despliegue (en este caso la red de metro), identificar las necesidades e intereses de la gente, y entonces desarrollar un diseño adecuado capaz de integrarse correctamente en ese entorno.Durante este proyecto se ha llevado a cabo un análisis detallado del entorno del Metro de Barcelona y las personas presentes en él, y consecuentemente se han definido los requerimientos del ambient display. El diseño del display se ha desarrollado en base a estos requerimientos y, finalmente, se ha evaluado la integración del display en su entorno. Todo este proceso es explicado en el presente documento.


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Històricament la inserció de Colombia a les TIC i al desenvolupament que aquestes comporten va ser lenta. Tot i això, als últims anys s'han desenvolupat projectes de infraestructura i apropiació tecnològica a grans velocitats. En aquest escenari la educomunicació ha avançat de manera formidable i la web colombiana comença a nodrir-se de continguts abundants i de qualitat per a l'educació. Aquest treball examina les principals iniciatives 2.0 per a l'educomunicació i dóna un diagnòstic sobre la seva funcionalitat (progressos i carències). Finalment, dóna una serie de recomanacions per al correcte ús de les eines que ofereix la web 2.0


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In 1990 Colombia replaced its traditional system of severance paymentswith a new system of severance payments savings accounts (SPSAs). Althoughseverance payments often are justified on the grounds that they provideinsurance against earnings loss, they also increase costs for employersand distort employment decisions. The impact of severance payments dependslargely on how much of the costs to employers can be shifted to workers.The theoretical analysis in this paper shows that, in contrast to atraditional system of severance payments, the system of SPSAs facilitatesthe shifting of severance payments costs to workers in the form of lowerwages. Empirical results using the Colombian National Household Surveysindicate that the introduction of SPSAs shifted around 80% of the totalseverance payments contributions to wages and had a positive effect onweekly hours. Results using the 1997 Colombian Living Standards MeasurementSurvey suggest that, although SPSAs in part replaced employer insurancewith self-insurance, SPSAs continue to play a consumption smoothing rolefor the non-employed.


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Estimates for the U.S. suggest that at least in some sectors productivity enhancing reallocationis the dominant factor in accounting for producitivity growth. An open question, particularlyrelevant for developing countries, is whether reallocation is always productivity enhancing. Itmay be that imperfect competition or other barriers to competitive environments imply that thereallocation process is not fully e?cient in these countries. Using a unique plant-levellongitudinal dataset for Colombia for the period 1982-1998, we explore these issues byexamining the interaction between market allocation, and productivity and profitability.Moreover, given the important trade, labor and financial market reforms in Colombia during theearly 1990's, we explore whether and how the contribution of reallocation changed over theperiod of study. Our data permit measurement of plant-level quantities and prices. Takingadvantage of the rich structure of our price data, we propose a sequential mehodology to estimateproductivity and demand shocks at the plant level. First, we estimate total factor productivity(TFP) with plant-level physical output data, where we use downstream demand to instrumentinputs. We then turn to estimating demand shocks and mark-ups with plant-level price data, usingTFP to instrument for output in the inversedemand equation. We examine the evolution of thedistributions of TFP and demand shocks in response to the market reforms in the 1990's. We findthat market reforms are associated with rising overall productivity that is largely driven byreallocation away from low- and towards highproductivity businesses. In addition, we find thatthe allocation of activity across businesses is less driven by demand factors after reforms. Wefind that the increase in aggregate productivity post-reform is entirely accounted for by theimproved allocation of activity.


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We use a panel of manufacturing plants from Colombia to analyze how the risein payroll tax rates over the 1980 s and 1990 s affected the labor market.Our estimates indicate that formal wages fall by between 1.4% and 2.3% as aresult of a 10% rise in payroll taxes. This 'less-than-full-shifting' islikely to be the result of weak linkages between benefits and taxes and thepresence of downward wage rigidities induced by a binding minimum wage inColombia. Because the costs of taxation are only partly shifted fromemployers to employees, employment should also fall. Our results indicatethat a 10% increase in payroll taxes lowered formal employment by between4% and 5%. In addition, we find less shifting and larger disemploymenteffects for production than non-production workers. These results suggestthat policies aimed at boosting the relative demand of low-skill workers byreducing social security taxes on those with low earnings may be effectivein a country like Colombia, especially if tax cuts are targeted to indirectbenefits.


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El Inventario del Desarrollo Comunicativo MacArthur- Bates (CDI Fenson, Marchman, Thal, Dale & Reznick, 2007) es un instrumento que permite evaluar de forma válida y confiable el desarrollo comunicativo y lingüístico de niños pequeños. Este estudio da cuenta del proceso de adaptación del CDI a los usos lingüísticos y al contexto cultural colombiano, así como su primera fase de baremación en la ciudad de Bogotá y sus alrededores. Los padres de 825 niños y niñas entre 8 y 30 meses de edad de diferentes estratos socioeconómicos, residentes en la ciudad de Bogotá y poblaciones aledañas, diligenciaron los inventarios adaptados para la población. El análisis estadístico incluyó medidas de confiabilidad y validez, las cuales avalan la consistencia interna y el valor predictivo de las escalas. Los resultados del presente estudio permiten identificar el ritmo evolutivo del proceso de adquisición del lenguaje en los niños colombianos, observando reorganizaciones y discontinuidades tal y como se reporta en otras adaptaciones del CDI


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[spa] Tras largas y complejas negociaciones, la Unión Europea celebró un acuerdo comercial con Colombia en 2010 que ha empezado a aplicarse provisionalmente el 1 de agosto de 2013. El artículo se centra en las relaciones entre Colombia y la Unión y analiza el impacto que dicho acuerdo pueda tener en el marco de las obligaciones de las partes de respetar los derechos humanos universalmente reconocidos, incluyendo derechos sociales y los derechos de los pueblos indígenas. De dicho análisis se deriva que la presencia de cláusulas democráticas o de derechos humanos en el Acuerdo es insuficiente, habida cuenta los antecedentes del SGP+ vigente hasta la entrada en vigor del nuevo acuerdo, mientras que algunos aspectos sustantivos del Acuerdo permiten augurar consecuencias negativas respecto de los sectores sociales más desfavorecidos en la República de Colombia.


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El document aborda els temes: Aglomeracions habituals / extraordinàries, Riscs intrínsecs a les estacions metro i els recursos organitzatius (informació, coordinació icomunicació), humans i tècnics.


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[spa] Tras largas y complejas negociaciones, la Unión Europea celebró un acuerdo comercial con Colombia en 2010 que ha empezado a aplicarse provisionalmente el 1 de agosto de 2013. El artículo se centra en las relaciones entre Colombia y la Unión y analiza el impacto que dicho acuerdo pueda tener en el marco de las obligaciones de las partes de respetar los derechos humanos universalmente reconocidos, incluyendo derechos sociales y los derechos de los pueblos indígenas. De dicho análisis se deriva que la presencia de cláusulas democráticas o de derechos humanos en el Acuerdo es insuficiente, habida cuenta los antecedentes del SGP+ vigente hasta la entrada en vigor del nuevo acuerdo, mientras que algunos aspectos sustantivos del Acuerdo permiten augurar consecuencias negativas respecto de los sectores sociales más desfavorecidos en la República de Colombia.


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En aquesta investigació s’estudien els processos de producció de la informacióper part dels mitjans de comunicació i la gestió comunicativa institucional en episodis d’emergència. En concret, s’analitzen les negociacions entre els actors, les fonts informatives i el respecte deontològic en la divulgacióde les notícies. Per tal de conèixer específicament aquesta conflictivitat,s’ha escollit per a l’estudi de cas l’esfondrament d’un túnel del metro albarri del Carmel de Barcelona el gener de 2005. Per a realitzar aquesta investigació,s’ha utilitzat una perspectiva teòrica multidisciplinària. S’han pres en consideració els postulats teòrics de la sociologia, a partir del diàleg queestableixen diferents autors (Beck, Giddens, Lash i Luhmann) entre el conceptede modernitat i el nou paradigma que Beck (1998) denomina la societat del risc. També s’han tingut en compte els camps de la teoria i la sociologia de la comunicació i, més específicament, el marc teòric del periodisme i de les relacions públiques.


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En aquest projecte fem un estudi de diferents mètodes per a la segmentació i extracció de línies de mapes de metro com a suport per a daltònics. Hem aplicat dos mètodes amb intervenció de l’usuari i cinc mètodes automàtics on fem servir K-means per a la segmentació de color i Hough per a l’extracció de línies. Dels mètodes amb intervenció obtenim millors resultats amb un mètode d’assignació aproximada del color, i entre els autoàatics tenim com a millor una solució ad-hoc sense paràmetres aplicada sobre l’espai RGB. D’acord amb els resultats experimentals, aquests mètodes ens permeten fer una bona segmentació i extracció de les línies de metro.


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This paper analyzes the role of formalization of land property rights in the war against illicit crops in Colombia. We argue that as a consequence of the increase of state presence and visibility during the period of 2000 and 2009, municipalities with a higher level of formalization of their land property rights saw a greater reduction in the area allocated to illicit crops. We hypothesize that this is due to the increased cost of growing illicit crops on formal land compared to informal, and due to the possibility of obtaining more benets in the newly in- stalled institutional environment when land is formalized. We exploit the variation in the level of formalization of land property rights in a set of municipalities that had their rst cadastral census collected in the period of 1994-2000; this selection procedure guarantees reliable data and an unbiased source of variation. Using fixed effects estimators, we found a signicant negative relationship between the level of formalization of land property rights and the number of hectares allocated to coca crops per municipality. These results remain robust through a number of sensitivity analyses. Our ndings contribute to the growing body of evidence on the positive effects of formal land property rights, and e ective policies in the war on drugs in Colombia.


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GDP has usually been used as a proxy for human well-being. Nevertheless, other social aspects should also be considered, such as life expectancy, infant mortality, educational enrolment and crime issues. With this paper we investigate not only economic convergence but also social convergence between regions in a developing country, Colombia, in the period 1975-2005. We consider several techniques in our analysis: sigma convergence, stochastic kernel estimations, and also several empirical models to find out the beta convergence parameter (cross section and panel estimates, with and without spatial dependence). The main results confirm that we can talk about convergence in Colombia in key social variables, although not in the classic economic variable, GDP per capita. We have also found that spatial autocorrelation reinforces convergence processes through deepening market and social factors, while isolation condemns regions to nonconvergence.