26 resultados para Maxwell-Chern-Simons
It has been argued that a black hole horizon can support the long-range fields of a Nielsen-Olesen string and that one can think of such a vortex as black hole "hair." In this paper, we examine the properties of an Abelian Higgs vortex in the presence of a charged black hole as we allow the hole to approach extremality. Using both analytical and numerical techniques, we show that the magnetic field lines (as well as the scalar field) of the vortex are completely expelled from the black hole in the extreme limit. This was to be expected, since extreme black holes in Einstein-Maxwell theory are known to exhibit such a "Meissner effect" in general. This would seem to imply that a vortex does not want to be attached to an extreme black hole. We calculate the total energy of the vortex fields in the presence of an extreme black hole. When the hole is small relative to the size of the vortex, it is energetically favored for the hole to remain inside the vortex region, contrary to the intuition that the hole should be expelled. However, as we allow the extreme horizon radius to become very large compared to the radius of the vortex, we do find evidence of an instability. This proves that it is energetically unfavorable for a thin vortex to interact with a large extreme black hole. This would seem to dispel the notion that a black hole can support "long" Abelian Higgs hair in the extreme limit. We show that these considerations do not go through in the near-extreme limit. Finally, we discuss the implications for strings that end at black holes, as in the processes where a string snaps by nucleating black holes.
In Einstein-Maxwell theory, magnetic flux lines are "expelled" from a black hole as extremality is approached, in the sense that the component of the field strength normal to the horizon goes to zero. Thus, extremal black holes are found to exhibit the sort of ¿Meissner effect¿ which is characteristic of superconducting media. We review some of the evidence for this effect and present new evidence for it using recently found black hole solutions in string theory and Kaluza-Klein theory. We also present some new solutions, which arise naturally in string theory, which are non-superconducting extremal black holes. We present a nice geometrical interpretation of these effects derived by looking carefully at the higher dimensional configurations from which the lower dimensional black hole solutions are obtained. We show that other extremal solitonic objects in string theory (such as p-branes) can also display superconducting properties. In particular, we argue that the relativistic London equation will hold on the world volume of ¿light¿ superconducting p-branes (which are embedded in flat space), and that minimally coupled zero modes will propagate in the adS factor of the near-horizon geometries of "heavy," or gravitating, superconducting p-branes.
We compute the properties of a class of charged black holes in antide Sitter space-time, in diverse dimensions. These black holes are solutions of consistent Einstein-Maxwell truncations of gauged supergravities, which are shown to arise from the inclusion of rotation in the transverse space. We uncover rich thermodynamic phase structures for these systems, which display classic critical phenomena, including structures isomorphic to the van der WaalsMaxwell liquid-gas system. In that case, the phases are controlled by the universal cusp and swallowtail shapes familiar from catastrophe theory. All of the thermodynamics is consistent with field theory interpretations via holography, where the dual field theories can sometimes be found on the world volumes of coincident rotating branes.
We present and analyze exact solutions of the Einstein-Maxwell and Einstein-Maxwell-dilaton equations that describe static pairs of oppositely charged extremal black holes, i.e., black diholes. The holes are suspended in equilibrium in an external magnetic field, or held apart by cosmic strings. We comment as well on the relation of these solutions to brane-antibrane configurations in string and M theory.
The Lorentz-Dirac equation is not an unavoidable consequence of solely linear and angular momenta conservation for a point charge. It also requires an additional assumption concerning the elementary character of the charge. We here use a less restrictive elementarity assumption for a spinless charge and derive a system of conservation equations that are not properly the equation of motion because, as it contains an extra scalar variable, the future evolution of the charge is not determined. We show that a supplementary constitutive relation can be added so that the motion is determined and free from the troubles that are customary in the Lorentz-Dirac equation, i.e., preacceleration and runaways.
Isothermal magnetization curves up to 23 T have been measured in Gd5Si1.8Ge2.2. We show that the values of the entropy change at the first-order magnetostructural transition, obtained from the Clausius-Clapeyron equation and the Maxwell relation, are coincident, provided the Maxwell relation is evaluated only within the transition region and the maximum applied field is high enough to complete the transition. These values are also in agreement with the entropy change obtained from differential scanning calorimetry. We also show that a simple phenomenological model based on the temperature and field dependence of the magnetization accounts for these results.
Using the blackfold approach, we study new classes of higher-dimensional rotating black holes with electric charges and string dipoles, in theories of gravity coupled to a 2-form or 3-form field strength and to a dilaton with arbitrary coupling. The method allows to describe not only black holes with large angular momenta, but also other regimes that include charged black holes near extremality with slow rotation. We construct explicit examples of electric rotating black holes of dilatonic and non-dilatonic Einstein-Maxwell theory, with horizons of spherical and non-spherical topology. We also find new families of solutions with string dipoles, including a new class of prolate black rings. Whenever there are exact solutions that we can compare to, their properties in the appropriate regime are reproduced precisely by our solutions. The analysis of blackfolds with string charges requires the formulation of the dynamics of anisotropic fluids with conserved string-number currents, which is new, and is carried out in detail for perfect fluids. Finally, our results indicate new instabilities of near-extremal, slowly rotating charged black holes, and motivate conjectures about topological constraints on dipole hair.
Los protocolos de pensamiento en voz alta son instrumentos metodológicos que implican, como su nombre indica, el uso de informantes ¿pensando en voz alta¿ mientras llevan a cabo una actividad. Los pensamientos articulados siguiendo esta técnica se graban para poder ser transcritos y son analizados con la ayuda de unas categorías preestablecidas para reflexionar sobre los objetivos del trabajo de investigación. La metodología ha sido ampliamente utilizada para analizar actividades de resolución de problemas (¿problem solving activities¿) en numerosos estudios de psicología cognitiva y su uso se ha extendido para analizar los procesos de escritura. Este análisis pretende explicar los orígenes de los protocolos de pensamiento en voz alta en el marco de la psicología cognitiva y revisar brevemente las obras más influyentes de Ericsson y Simon con el fin de presentar los puntos básicos del marco teórico que estos autores establecieron. A continuación se presentarán algunas consideraciones relacionadas con el hecho de utilizar la técnica de pensamiento en voz alta para analizar los procesos de escritura, y finalmente se proponen unas normas básicas a seguir por aquellas personas interesados en utilizar esta metodología.
The analysis of paraxial Gaussian beams features in most undergraduate courses in laser physics, advanced optics and photonics. These beams provide a simple model of the field generated in the resonant cavities of lasers, thus constituting a basic element for understanding laser theory. Usually, uniformly polarized beams are considered in the analytical calculations, with the electric field vibrating at normal planes to the propagation direction. However, such paraxial fields do not verify the Maxwell equations. In this paper we discuss how to overcome this apparent contradiction and evaluate the longitudinal component that any paraxial Gaussian beam should exhibit. Despite the fact that the assumption of a purely transverse paraxial field is useful and accurate, the inclusion of the above issue in the program helps students to clarify the importance of the electromagnetic nature of light, thus providing a more complete understanding of the paraxial approach.
A comparison is established between the contributions of transverse and longitudinal components of both the propagating and the evanescent waves associated to freely propagating radially polarized nonparaxial beams. Attention is focused on those fields that remain radially polarized upon propagation. In terms of the plane-wave angular spectrum of these fields, analytical expressions are given for determining both the spatial shape of the above components and their relative weight integrated over the whole transverse plane. The results are applied to two kinds of doughnut-like beams with radial polarization, and we compare the behavior of such fields at two transverse planes.
In terms of the Fourier spectrum, a simple but general analytical expression is given for the evanescent field associated to a certain kind of non-paraxial exact solutions of the Maxwell equations. This expression enables one to compare the relative weight of the evanescent wave with regard to the propagating field. In addition, in those cases in which the evanescent term is significant, the magnitude of the field components across the transverse profile (including the evanescent features) can be determined. These results are applied to some illustrative examples.