33 resultados para Manuscripts, Arabic


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Aquesta publicació és un primer pas de cara a recuperar les memòries guardades a la Reial Acadèmia de Medicina de Catalunya i que suposen un fons molt útil per a conèixer la realitat de la pràctica mèdica durant la primera meitat del segle XIX. Aquí es proporciona un catàleg que recull les referències de les 339 memòries manuscrites que es guarden a l'acadèmia corresponents a aquest període.


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En la actualidad está de moda intentar definir al "individuo medio", al "trabajador medio", etc., mediante la prospección estadística de determinadas catas de la sociedad que deben darnos, teòricamente, una visión más o menos objetiva de la realidad que nos interesa conocer. [. . .]


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En aquest article l'autor identifica el Ms 4 de la Biblioteca Universitària de Barcelona amb el Ms 542 de la Biblioteca d'A. Agustín.


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In recent decades, technological advances have made extensive documentation available to us. But the philologist must be aware of the dangers of poor use of the documentary corpus in order to avoid creating dreaded ghost words. In this paper we recall the main sources of this type of error: folk etymology phenomena among speakers, copyists" errors, transcribers" errors in the interpretation of some abbreviations and graphic variants of the manuscripts, onomastic changes introduced by cartographers" ignorance of linguistic variants, gaps in the dating of some documents, confusion in the processes of lemmatization and the evaluation of texts... All these sources of error contribute, to a greater or lesser degree, to the distortion or to the masking of the data on which the research of philologists is based. Hence the importance of philological rigour in the transmission and study of ancient texts.


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Aquest projecte és fruit de la meva necessitat de buscar amb el meu instrument, la percussió, i més concretament amb la pandereta, recursos tècnics i interpretatius per abordar la interpretació de la música antiga. Com a punt de partida he analitzat iconografia i algunes fonts literàries per tal d’entendre i poder explicar que s’entén quan parlem de la percussió històrica. Posteriorment s’observen algunes pràctiques encara existents en les tradicions musicals italianes i àrabs i com aquestes poden ser el punt de partida per a configurar una maner pròpia i moderna d’ interpretar i anotar la música històrica.


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La mayoría de estudios consagrados a las escritoras medievales han centrado sus esfuerzos en la exhumación de fuentes y en el análisis retórico de la diferencia literaria y sexual. Sus objetivos suelen integrar el deseo de construcción de una poética específica a partir de los testimonios conservados y la definición de una genealogía femenina secular. Este enfoque tal vez no afecte sensiblemente nuestra percepción de aquellos ámbitos culturales con una mayor producción escrita, pero sí que resulta poco fructífero en los reinos hispánicos, donde apenas contamos con testimonios anteriores al s. XV, ni en latín ni en romance. Sin embargo, en la Península Ibérica disponemos de otra vigorosa tradición cultural (la arábigo-andaluza), apenas reinterpretada comparativamente, cuya magnitud resulta insoslayable no tan solo por su peso específico, sino además por su valor excepcional para la mejor comprensión de las configuraciones de las propias literaturas del Medioevo ibero-románico.


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A través de este texto, pretendemos dar a conocer los libros de horas iluminados conservados en bibliotecas públicas catalanas. Con este fin, se han analizado un total de quince manuscritos, a nuestro juicio los más interesantes desde el punto de vista artístico, localizados en la Biblioteca de Catalunya, Biblioteca de la Universidad de Barcelona, Archivo Histórico de la Ciudad de Barcelona, Museo Episcopal de Vic, Biblioteca del monasterio de Santa María de Montserrat y Biblioteca del Palacio de Perelada. Los libros de horas se han agrupado de acuerdo con su procedencia geográfica: antiguos reinos peninsulares (Corona de Aragón y de Castilla), Francia, repúblicas italianas, Inglaterra y territorios septentrionales del ducado de Borgoña. Cada uno de estos apartados se organiza en torno a una secuencia cronológica que comienza a fines del siglo XIV y concluye hacia el segundo cuarto del siglo XVI.


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El present treball pretén donar llum a una sèrie de topònims majors de la Ribagorça occidental, tot al llarg de la vall mitjana i inferior del riu Éssera. Aquests topònims es remunten a temps molt antics: preromans, romans i germànics bàsicament. Aquesta anàlisi permet apreciar l'estratigrafi a lingüística de la zona. La no-aparició de topònims d'origen àrab en el nostre treball no vol dir que no hi hagués penetració àrab a la zona, sinó que la seva arribada va ser posterior a la creació dels principals nuclis de població. Sí que hi ha topònims àrabs a la toponímia menor, que resta fora del present treball.


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El proceso de revisión y evaluación de manuscritos, conocido como arbitraje científico o peer review, supone actualmente un paso que se considera necesario para la divulgación de los avances científicos de una determinada disciplina. Cuando una revista recibe un artículo, sus editores recurren a revisores expertos que, después de la lectura detenida del manuscrito, evalúan la idoneidad de su publicación, en este trabajo se describe el proceso editorial de un artículo y se muestran los ítems por los cuales se evalúan los artículos.


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Background. Although peer review is widely considered to be the most credible way of selecting manuscripts and improving the quality of accepted papers in scientific journals, there is little evidence to support its use. Our aim was to estimate the effects on manuscript quality of either adding a statistical peer reviewer or suggesting the use of checklists such as CONSORT or STARD to clinical reviewers or both. Methodology and Principal Findings. Interventions were defined as 1) the addition of a statistical reviewer to the clinical peer review process, and 2) suggesting reporting guidelines to reviewers; with"no statistical expert" and"no checklist" as controls. The two interventions were crossed in a 262 balanced factorial design including original research articles consecutively selected, between May 2004 and March 2005, by the Medicina Clinica (Barc) editorial committee. We randomized manuscripts to minimize differences in terms of baseline quality and type of study (intervention, longitudinal, cross-sectional, others). Sample-size calculations indicated that 100 papers provide an 80% power to test a 55% standardized difference. We specified the main outcome as the increment in quality of papers as measured on the Goodman Scale. Two blinded evaluators rated the quality of manuscripts at initial submission and final post peer review version. Of the 327 manuscripts submitted to the journal, 131 were accepted for further review, and 129 were randomized. Of those, 14 that were lost to follow-up showed no differences in initial quality to the followed-up papers. Hence, 115 were included in the main analysis, with 16 rejected for publication after peer review. 21 (18.3%) of the 115 included papers were interventions, 46 (40.0%) were longitudinal designs, 28 (24.3%) cross-sectional and 20 (17.4%) others. The 16 (13.9%) rejected papers had a significantly lower initial score on the overall Goodman scale than accepted papers (difference 15.0, 95% CI: 4.6- 24.4). The effect of suggesting a guideline to the reviewers had no effect on change in overall quality as measured by the Goodman scale (0.9, 95% CI: 20.3+2.1). The estimated effect of adding a statistical reviewer was 5.5 (95% CI: 4.3-6.7), showing a significant improvement in quality. Conclusions and Significance. This prospective randomized study shows the positive effect of adding a statistical reviewer to the field-expert peers in improving manuscript quality. We did not find a statistically significant positive effect by suggesting reviewers use reporting guidelines.


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Santiago Ramón y Cajal developed a great body of scientific research during the last decade of 19th century, mainly between 1888 and 1892, when he published more than 30 manuscripts. The neuronal theory, the structure of dendrites and spines, and fine microscopic descriptions of numerous neural circuits are among these studies. In addition, numerous cell types (neuronal and glial) were described by Ramón y Cajal during this time using this 'reazione nera' or Golgi method. Among these neurons were the special cells of the molecular layer of the neocortex. These cells were also termed Cajal cells or Retzius cells by other colleagues. Today these cells are known as Cajal-Retzius cells. From the earliest description, several biological aspects of these fascinating cells have been analyzed (e.g., cell morphology, physiological properties, origin and cellular fate, putative function during cortical development, etc). In this review we will summarize in a temporal basis the emerging knowledge concerning this cell population with specific attention the pioneer studies of Santiago Ramón y Cajal.


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In Lucian Scythian (§11), all previous editors have corrected the word ¢p£xetai as it appears in the manuscripts to p£xetai. We aim to justify the restoration of the original text because, obviously, it is possible in terms of form, and, besides, it seems more appropriate to the context. The verb ¢p£gomai implies the notion of being moved from one place to another, while p£gomai expresses only the notion of simple attraction which does not involve actual movement. This notion of true surrendering through the senses seems to match the idea developed here by Lucian; loci paralleli in Lucian himself and other Attic authors help us to confirm this interpretation.


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Les relacions entre la llengua àrab i el català a la Catalunya Vella