35 resultados para Males herbes -- Control


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En este trabajo se estudia el sistema reproductivo de Diplotaxis erucoides (L.) DC. (Brassicaceae), una especie arvense ampliamente distribuida en los cultivos y los márgenes de caminos de la región mediterránea. Mediante polinizaciones manuales con polen procedente de la propia flor (autogamia), de flores del mismo individuo (geitonogamia) y de flores de individuos de otras poblaciones (alogamia) se analiza el efecto de los diferentes tratamientos de polinización sobre la producción de frutos y semillas. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que Diplotaxis erucoides es una especie con capacidad para autopolinizarse. Hay diferencias significativas en la fertilidad y en el número de semillas por fruto entre los tratamientos que generan alogamia y los que originan autogamia. Dentro de los tratamientos con autogamia, la fertilidad disminuye progresivamente en el paso de geitonogamia a autogamia por autopolinización inducida y a autogamia por autopolinización espontánea.


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Report for the scientific sojourn at the Instituto de Biociências, of the Universidade de Sao Paulo, Brazil, from 2007 to 2009. African exotic grasses, used as forage crops for cattle, found optimal conditions in Brazilian savannas for their spread. They established as invasive grasses in almost all conservation units, becoming a serius threat to native biote and to most ecological processes. Fire is a cyclical event in Brazilian savannas and can be used as a management tool for enhancing competitivity of native grasses and controlling exotic grasses. Seeking for alternatives for the management of these grasses, this study investigates the effect of recurrent burnings in different periods of the year (fire regimes) on: distribution patterns of exotic grasses and their associations wotih native grasses, the local edaphic characteristics, the nutrient pool of the aerial biomass of both native and exotic grasses, and soil seed banks. This project is held on the IBGE Ecological Reserve, in Brasília (Brazil), in an area destined specifically for research of fire effects on brazilian savannas. The project quantifies: aerial biomass of native and exotic grasses, soil seed bank of exotic grasses, nutrient pool in soil and also in grasses tissues. Spatial relationships for any association between species, as well as for nutrient pools in soil and in plant tissues will be established. A better understanding of these processes will provide useful tools for adopting specific policies on the management of exotic grasses in Brazilian savanna.


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Background: Several studies have reported alterations in finger and a-b ridge counts, and theirderived measures of asymmetry, in schizophrenia compared to controls. Because ridges are fully formed by the end of the second trimester, they may provide clues to disturbed early development. The aim of this study was to assess these measures in a sample of patients with psychosis and normal controls.Methods: Individuals with psychosis (n = 240), and normal controls (n = 228) were drawn from a catchment-area case-control study. Differences in finger and a-b ridge count and Fluctuating Asymmetry were assessed in three group comparisons (non-affective psychosis versus controls; affective psychosis versus controls; non-affective psychosis versus affective psychosis). The analyses were performed separately for males and females. Results: There were no significant group differences for finger nor a-b ridge counts. While there were no group difference for Directional Asymmetry, for Fluctuating Asymmetry measures men with non-affective psychosis had significantly higher fluctuating asymmetry of the index finger ridge count (a) when compared to controls (FA-correlation score, p = 0.02), and (b) when compared to affective psychosis (adjusted FA-difference score, p = 0.04). Conclusion: Overall, measures of finger and a-b ridge counts, and their derived measures of directional and fluctuating asymmetry were not prominent features of psychosis in this sample. While directional asymmetry in cerebral morphology is reduced in schizophrenia, this is not reflected in dermatoglyphic variables.


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This paper develops a theory of the joint allocation of formal control and cash-flow rights in venture capital deals. We argue that when the need for investor support calls for very high-powered outside claims, entrepreneurs should optimally retain formal control in order to avoid excessive interference. Hence, we predict that risky claims should be be negatively correlated to control rights, both along the life of a start-up and across deals. This challenges the idea that risky claims should a ways be associated to more formal control, and is in line with contractual terms increasingly used in venture capital, in corporate venturing and in partnership deals between biotech start-ups and large drug companies. The paper provides a theoretical explanation to some puzzling evidence documented in Gompers (1997) and Kaplan and Stromberg (2000), namely the inclusion in venture capital contracts of contingencies that trigger both a reduction in VC control and the conversion! of her preferred stocks into common stocks.


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In this paper we use micro data from the Spanish Family Expenditure Survey for 1990 to estimate, for the first time, the private and social rates of return of different university degrees in Spain. We compute internal rates of return and include investment on higher education financed by the public purse to estimate social rates of return. Our main finding is that, as presumed, there is large heterogeneity in rates of return amongst different university


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Report for the scientific sojourn carried out at the Music Technology Area (Sound Processing and Control Lab), Faculty of Music, McGill University, Montreal, Canada, from October to December 2005.The aim of this research is to study the singing voice for controlling virtual musical instrument synthesis. It includes analysis and synthesis algorithms based on spectral audio processing. After digitalising the acoustic voice signal in the computer, a number of expressive descriptors of the singer are extracted. This process is achieved synchronously, thus all the nuance of the singer performance have been tracked. In a second stage, the extracted parameters are mapped to a sound synthesizer, the so-called digital musical instruments. In order achieve it, several tests with music students of the Faculty of Music, McGill University have been developed. These experiments have contributed to evaluate the system and to derive new control strategies to integrate: clarinet synthesis, bass guitar, visual representation of voice signals.


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As interactions between individuals are introduced into the freedom of choice literature by the mean of game forms, new issues appear. In particular, in this paper it is argued that individuals face uncertainty with respect to outcomes as they lose the control they implicitely exert over options in the opportunity set framework. A criterion is proposed as to compare alternative game forms in terms of the control they offer to individuals. The CardMin criterion suggests that any game form should be judged on the basis of the strategy offering the lowest number of pairwise different outcomes. An axiomatic characterization is provided in the case of two individuals.


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En les condicions climàtiques del Sud d’Europa, el cop de sol és un dels factors que més incideixen en la reducció del percentatge de fruits de primera categoria, especialment en certes varietats com ‘Granny Smith’, ‘Fuji’ o ‘Gala’. Existeixen encara certs dubtes respecte les causes del desenvolupament del cop de sol, tot i que està àmpliament acceptat que les altes temperatures del fruit hi juguen un paper important. En canvi, existeix més debat pel que fa al paper de la radiació. Els mecanismes fisiològics causants dels símptomes del cop de sol no són del tot clars. Existeixen diferents hipòtesis, des de la necrosis dels teixits fins a la degradació de pigments en funció del grau de cop de sol. El mètode més efectiu pel seu control és la selecció minuciosa de varietats ben adaptades a les condicions climàtiques locals, ja que mostren diferències en quant a la sensibilitat al cop de sol. Altres experiències de control avaluades en diferents zones del món inclouen la protecció amb xarxes antipedra, refrescament evaporatiu mitjançant reg per aspersió i aplicació d’un film de partícules de caolí amb diferents graus d’èxit i implementació.


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Una de les estratègies de control de les plagues d’insectes que s’estan imposant actualment és l’aplicació de programes de control integrat. Es basa a aprofitar totes les eines de control de plagues disponibles per aconseguir mantenir les poblacions d’insectes per davall d’un llindar determinat de danys. Entre les tècniques que s’utilitzen hi ha les mesures culturals, el control biològic i el control químic mitjançant insecticides específics. El control biològic es fonamenta en la utilització d’enemics naturals dels insectes plaga per controlar- ne les poblacions. Els enemics naturals poden ser parasitoides, depredadors i patògens. El control biològic pot basar-se tant en la inoculació d’enemics naturals exòtics o autòctons com en la conservació i/o augment d’enemics naturals presents en el medi. Per al control biològic de plagues en cultius hortícoles a l’àrea mediterrània s’està utilitzant majoritàriament la conservació i l’augment d’enemics naturals.


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Los agroecosistemas suelen tener un número reducido de especies. Sin embargo, el de los cítricos es muy rico tanto en organismos perjudiciales como beneficiosos. En él existen tres plagas (Icerya purchasi, Aleurothrixus floccosus y Panonychus citri) que pueden considerarse muy bien controladas por sus enemigos naturales y que por tanto habrá que tener siempre en cuenta a la hora de realizar cualquier intervención química. Por ello, la introducción accidental de una nueva plaga, como es Phyllocnistis citrella, puede alterar los programas de Control Integrado existentes. Los ataques más importantes de P.citrella en plantaciones adultas de cítricos se producen en la brotación de finales del verano. En este momento las poblaciones de los principales entomófagos del cultivo -Rodolia cardinalis, Cales noacki y Euseius stipulatus- son bajas, por lo que es fundamental elegir productos selectivos que los afecten lo menos posible y respeten el equilibrio plaga-entomófago. Así mismo, la proximidad de la cosecha obliga elegir materias activas que no originen problemas de residuos en la comercialización de los frutos. El empleo de aceites minerales insecticidas data de finales del siglo pasado. Desde entonces han desaparecido varias generaciones de insecticidas por problemas de resistencias, toxicidad, persistencia en el ambiente, etc. Sin embargo, los aceites minerales se han venido utilizando continuada y eficazmente en la protección de los cultivos, siguiendo el perfil de un desarrollo sostenido, y son considerados como una herramienta eficaz en la protección integrada de cultivos.